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Everything posted by spaulding

  1. I wish that the writers explained more about Grimms and wesen. Esp. the wesen that are regularly used on the show, e.g., hexenbiests, blutbad. If Grimms and wesen were given a detailed background, the writers wouldn't be scrambling every week to decide what to do. Fans of any show care about the details. Hank is my favorite character, and I like that he has a calm effect on Nick. He's the one who says to step back and to think about a plan, about the consequences, etc. I wish that the show had some Hank- or Wu-centric episodes. I wouldn't mind an episode from the viewpoint of wesen. Why are they scared of Grimms? Maybe Grimms really are the bad guys. (They aren't the good guys, really.) Who's in charge of this show? I feel like it's a runaway car, and somebody's asleep at the wheel. At some point, the writers and showrunners had to have a big meeting to discuss what to do. This season is a rehash of stuff they already tried, e.g., Adalind gets her powers back, her second pregnancy. The writers don't know what to do now. I don't mind if they dropped storylines like the Keys and babies if they focused on what worked. Right now, they care about the Keys because it was a big deal for Grimm 100. And about Nick's angsty love life, which is driving this show. Maybe that's the problem. This show is, really, about wesen, which is why it works as a procedural. Nick is used to highlight the various good/bad wesen. Now, this show focuses on Nick and is reduced to his angsty life--Mama Grimm, girlfriends, the consequences of being a Grimm, etc.
  2. Even as a badass, she's still incredibly wooden. The black wig was terrible. Juliette is no Aeon Flux. She was hilarious as the covert super spy. She's covered from head to feet in dark clothing against the sunny Portland background and among people who were wearing casual clothes. I'm pretty sure that people can spot her in a crowd. Mama Grimm already did it the covert super spy/Woman in Black, and she was believable. Even when she stole a car to get out of town. He's always hot when he brings out the biest. Then, he got to play alpha male when he was fighting that other wesen. He's more fun as a gray character. Help Nick & Co. but slice the ear off a Repear and sanction a wesen fight club. It was very Raiders. I was disappointed that their faces didn't melt. Heh. I thought it would Gweneth Paltrow's head. I liked that the stick was such a let down for everybody. Get some jokes in before the Scooby gang figures out how important it is. But I am disappointed that the stick did have some magical heading powers. I would have been more impressed if it did nothing, and the Grimm Crusaders were just trolling. The writers still don't know what to do with Adalind. Now, let her get her powers back, but so what? How will becoming a hexenbiest develop her character? She was used by Renard and the Royals. She's still the interchangeable girlfriend to Nick. And she's still used to prop Juliette the heroic badass (the Adalind loses fight to Juliette/Round 2 is coming). Pair her with Meisner and develop a storyline for them. Meisner working in the background is boring. He needs to take off his shirt and fight the bad wesen. I hope that this show starts focusing on closure. I would hate for this show to end with so many loose ties.
  3. In the Pilot, Rip goes to the Council to persuade it to stop Savage. However, the Council said no and said that in a few centuries, maybe the timeline will self-correct, i.e., the consequences of Savage’s rampage will be corrected. If Rip’s timeline is the de facto timeline, he should have accepted the decision of the Council. Because Savage’s rampage occurs in the de facto timeline, maybe it should have happened. I'm going to assume that preserving time includes preserving the horrible aspects of history, e.g., the Plague, Stalin's purge. I haven't heard Rip complain about stopping Stalin. (Was it Stalin who gave the torture weapon to Savage?) In fact, Rip wasn't going to stop Stalin. He was going to stop Savage, who learned how to torture people from Stalin. Assumingly, the Council and Rip knew about Savage’s immortality and slow rise to power. At the very least, they had to know weeks before Rip's family died. Taking over the world doesn't happen overnight. If he had an interest in stopping Savage, he could have done it before his family died. He didn’t. He finally felt motivated when it was personal. Now, he wants to manipulate the de facto timeline only after his family dies. At this point, preserving the timeline is no longer the noblest endeavor. Love is. Love—his personal love for his family—is suddenly more worthy than preserving the timeline. I don’t think that stopping Savage is wrong. I’m glad that the team is trying to stop him. I don’t care what Rip’s motivation is, but what’s offensive is his disingenuous reason for stopping Savage. He may want to save the world, but his family comes first. Sara was right.
  4. Finally, Community S6 is on DVD. I love Community, but I gave up too.
  5. Wow. I'll give props to RR for having to deal with WS. On a happier note, Happy Women's Day, Wade!
  6. I agree. Mick doesn't need to be redeemed; he needs to be a team player. He can still steal while he helps the team. I don't want that happen either. I like their relationship, and I want to see more of it on Flash and LOT S2. Maybe they'll be gray character after this season, but I'll be disappointed if they stop stealing and stop causing trouble. Mick just needs to cool down, and then, they'll hug it out.
  7. I'm not a hardcore Mulder/Scully shipper anymore, but if I knew that a few years ago, it would totally be proof that they were doing it. And my shipper self would be dying. I re-watched this episode. I love that no matter how much Scully was egged on, she didn't shoot Mulder. She really does have that much faith in him. In the end, they spend Christmas together and get the appropriate gift. And Scully accepts Mulder as he is--porn and all.
  8. Before Marooned, I tolerated Rip because he's an idiot. After watching this episode, I realize that he's an asshole. From this moment forward, I will absolutely hate him when he talks about the mission. The mission is to save his boring family. If the team saves the world, that's a bonus. I will absolutely hate him when he barks orders. His end game is purely selfish. He doesn't care about Star City 2046, even it's the only reality that those people know. Even when the pain and terror those people feel are real to them. Mick wasn't harmless in Star City 2046, but he was perfectly happy with his fur coat. He wasn't the one who was burning the city. That was Deathstroke Jr. I thought that he and Cold were reluctant of Wilson's order to kill GA2.0. I don't remember him being a part of the masses at the beheading. (I'll have to re-watch.) He certainly didn't have an active role in the scene, and I don't remember him being amused by it. He saved Rip's ass in White Knights and still doesn't get any respect for trying to help. Mick's in a bad place in Marooned, and Rip still crapped on him. I couldn't believe that Needy Boy Scout piled on too. I did laugh when Head Time Pirate said that Rip Hunter is infamous. Time Pirates across space and time fear him. Really? I bet it was Rip who created his own legend.
  9. **dies** That would mean that everything from S2E01 onward was a dream. That would have solved most of Grimm's problems.
  10. Yeah, the Nick/Adalind pairing is wrong. But I'm guessing that Nick will again fall in love with Juliette, his tru luv. That pairing is equally as heinous. And Nick has turned a blind eye to wesen who commit murder too. Overall, he's an idiot. I don't get it. A Grimm is supposed to be a Big Bad in the wesen world. I don't see it in Nick. Maybe Mama Grimm. It's just hard to see Nick as intimidating when there are many intimidating wesen. Those wesen fairy tales to keep the wesen children in check seem to make legends out of Grimms. Yup, it's coming. I wouldn't be surprised if Adalind doesn't get her powers back, but Juliette will exercise her alpha female status on her. And she's coming back stronger than ever. Same here. They had chemistry in S1. They could have made the relationship into a Batman/Catwoman scenario, but Juliette was already established as the girlfriend. At this late stage, the Nick/Adalind pairing seems like a Hail Mary to shake up the show. I thought I read DNR and laughed. Do Not Resuscitate this show. I was surprised to see an online ad about the 100th episode of Grimm. Maybe the network is finally rallying around show instead of letting it crawl away to die somewhere. At least stick around for the 100th episode. Even I'll watch it.
  11. Yup. He still owes an apology to Sara. Rip may want to save the world, but it's a distant second to saving his family. And he lied to the team to get his way. His wife was meh. The actress playing Rip's wife was trying too hard. I agree. Plus, it would be boring if she always won. She's part of a team, and she does well with a team too. I did like the back and forth between her fight scene and Rip's fight scene. She really is second-in-command. She should be the captain, and Rip should be demoted to navigator. Maybe something could get accomplished if Rip is sidelined. I agree. Mick was mad that he's seen as Cold's lackey. I don't think that he wants the same position on Savage's team. I feel bad for him. Cold talked him into this adventure to steal priceless artifacts, and so far, they haven't done much stealing. Mick gets the raw end of the deal; he's providing the muscle to help Rip save his family, but he really doesn't get anything out of it. I don't blame him for getting antsy on a spaceship. Mick is very intuitive. He knew that the Time Master was going to kill Rip and the team in White Knights. He helped save Sara and Rip in Blood Ties. He's more than a package deal with Cold. Rip does need him as muscle, but he doesn't want to admit it because Mick is a loose cannon. Besides, if Mick is basically worthless, he should be dropped off in Star City 2046 because that timeline doesn't matter. According to Rip, who can fuck off. I don't want any dissension between Mick and Cold. I like their relationship, and hopefully, it'll be solid again if they appear on Flash or LOT's S2.
  12. Love it. I can't believe how much meta goodness is in this movie. I do wonder why the Blade 2 reference is used. I'm guessing that Blade: Trinity is really that bad.
  13. I felt bad for Mick. Cold basically crapped on him. Then, cold-cocked him. I hope that he develops a friendship with Ray.
  14. I don't want any romantic relationship on this show. They ruin everything. But I'm on board with this.
  15. I am loving Sara on LOT. She is the MVP of the team. I dread the end of S1. I have no idea if she'll be back for S2 or if a new team will be created. I don't watch Arrow, so I don't want her back there. I watched one episode of Arrow, Haunted, for John Constantine. One episode was all that was needed for me to realize that I can't stand the Laurel character. It really is all about her, isn't it? I don't want to watch any Sara/Laurel scenes. Being on LOT, Sara doesn't need any interaction with Laurel even if they are sisters. Sara stands on her own and has chemistry with everybody. Let her build new relationships with others.
  16. I thought that too. But I can't imagine Vandal Savage is the Big Bad of everything. At least not this version of Savage. He comes off as any other crime lord. I think Rip is a moron. The team wins despite him. Sara has a lot to do with the success of the team.
  17. spaulding

    Spectre (2015)

    Finally got around to seeing this movie. It was OK but underwhelming. The helicopter intro was boring compared to the epic train scene in SkyFall. I miss Judi Dench. Blofeld was underwhelming. He was supposed to be the Big Bad. I did like the call backs to Goldfinger. The blond doctor was the worst part. She didn't do anything. Her father had more charisma, and he was dying. I can't believe that Bond "changed" for her. Or wanted to end up with her. I wasn't a fan of Vesper Lynd, but Vesper was a far better character. Bond has a license to kill; Blofeld needed to die in the end. If Blofeld escapes--and he will, I want him to eliminate the annoying blond doctor.
  18. Love it. I can imagine Neeson as Cable. I am surprised that Cable will be in the next movie. I had assumed that an X-Force movie would have been first.
  19. That's what I suspect too. Grimm is sinking, and there's no reason for her to wait until it's canceled. She and her husband are young and have a new baby, so she might choose to move to MN. She might also take a break from acting to be a SAHM and to concentrate on her blog. Tullooch is active on Twitter. I remember an interview where she said that her fans kept asking her why her character was passive or something like that. She said that her fans wanted her to have a more active role. She can respond to anybody she wants and ignore everybody else, but I thought that it was funny. My gut reaction was that she doesn't listen to her critics. Instead, she only listens to her fans/yes people. I'm guessing that the writers listen only to their fans/yes people as well. Nobody is wrangling them and telling them what is/isn't a good idea. I can't believe that these writers are so clueless. They didn't have any idea that the Grimmabago was an important part of the show. After S1, the Grimmabago and its contents were displayed for the San Diego Comic Con. Now, they want to self-correct and they'll grasp at anything to do it. Thanks for the correction. I thought that she went to a mini Con in Canada. She wasn't at the huge Con--ComicCon in San Diego.
  20. Wow. Tulloch can't do drama or comedy. I would love a Grimm/Portlandia cross-over. I'll have to check his turn on Portlandia. I can't imagine him in any role other than Monroe. I never watched Prison Break and I don't know what happened to his character, but I might watch if SWM is a part of the new reboot.
  21. That's true. I'm not crazy about this version of Savage. He's the Big Bad for S1, so it's inevitable that he's going to be a major player. I was surprised that he wasn't the reason that Star City was burning. BTW, why is Rip Hunter's future the de facto timeline? Repeatedly, he said that Star City 2046 was a potential timeline, which is why he didn't feel that saving Connor was necessary. The future is fluid, which is why Hunter is traveling in time to stop Savage's rise to power. From Hunter's perspective, his future is all he knows. (Do the Time Masters know everything about time and the future?) From Connor Hawke's perspective, Star City 2046 is all he knows.
  22. I love Sara, and she's great in every episode. She was right about the moral equivalence between saving Star City 2046 and Rip Hunter's future. He should have apologized to her. The death of his wife and child were a huge motivation for assembling the team. He wanted to save the world, but so did Sara. If Star City 2046 was burning, the rest of the world would follow. I don't like the conflict between Heatwave and Cold. Seems like it's setting Heatwave to betray the team. I like that Cold is begrudgingly becoming an anti-hero. I'm hoping that he never stops lifting wallets. I don't watch Arrow, so I wish this show would focus on its mission and this team.
  23. I know! There was no excuse why Scully wasn't there. She's friends with Skinner and the Lone Gunmen too. And I bet that she can throw back a few. I would have been more forgiving if the Lone Gunmen got more than a cameo. I can't believe that the money went to all those people instead of speaking roles for Byers, Langly, and Frohike. Heck, throw in Frank Black. I liked how creepy Millennium was. Maybe because it wasn't an XFile. It wasn't a zebra. There was no twist or creepy factor. No monster or alien abduction.
  24. Maybe Coffee is ready to jump this sinking ship. I feel second-hand embarrassment for her at this point. If Tulloch has all these fans, maybe they should be watching. I have no idea where her silent fans are. When Juliette died, there was no big uproar on Twitter. Not like Constantine, which had horrible ratings. Not like Community, which had horrible ratings. When John Constantine made a guest appearance on Arrow, it trended worldwide. There was no big welcome back Juliette on Twitter. There was no big outrage of #SaveJuliette. But it didn't help that Tulloch went to a ComicCon after her character was supposed to have died. There are a lot of factors for the declining ratings. I'm guessing that the biggest one is the shitty scripts. Not even Renard's abs have gotten me to watch again. One season of Community had its ratings improve toward the end of the season. Maybe S2. NBC still decided to reduce the number of episodes to 13. I still can't believe that these writers thought that burning the Grimmabago was a good idea. Or setting up Nick's mom to die. It might have been good for ratings--no clue--or for shock value, but Grimm isn't The Walking Dead. Honestly, I don't think that Grimm can self-correct at this point. Not without better writing.
  25. I think that's the order. I had a hard time with the dance scene too. I re-watched it to see who was at the table. I felt that I had to push people out of the way to get a glimpse of the table. The lights and the crowd were distracting. And I saw more ass than Lone Gunmen.
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