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Everything posted by spaulding

  1. My biggest complaint about the movie is the not-happily-ever-after with Leia and Han. C'mon, their relationship was magnetic in ESB. Han could still be the bad boy scoundrel who is happily married to Leia. Leia needed a better wardrobe. She looked like any other mom who's shopping the clearance racks at Kohl's. Kylo Ren is going through his teenage angst years. When he found out that Rey escaped his futuristic inversion table, he threw a tantrum and destroyed it. You know, Darth Vader would never had done that. Kylo Ren is no Darth Vader. No redemption for Kylo Ren. I want to see how dark the Dark Side is. Best character of the movie: The Millennium Falcon. Death Star 3.0 destroys a planet, and there's no reference to Alderaan. I was disappointed. I was surprised that Han Solo had a big role in this movie. At least Harrison Ford got his wish and got Han killed. Lately, Ford has been saying that he wanted Han to die a hero's death. But I always thought that Ford didn't like the character, that it was a flimsy character. Seems like revisionist history. Ford hasn't had a hit or has been in a good movie in years, and he would if he sucked it up to reprise the beloved Han Solo character. Rey and Finn should stay friends. They have a fun buddy relationship. Besides, romance always dies in the SW galaxy.
  2. Thanks for the reminder. It does seem easy to forget a lot of what has happened on Grimm because the storylines keep getting dropped.
  3. Yeah, what Tulloch said is kinda insulting. Juliette goes from loving animals and cooking to being some badass. A woman is strong when she can go a couple of rounds kicking butt. I assume that she means to be being able to fight a man.
  4. I miss the Reapers. Where is the key? I thought it was in Nick's desk at work. He's so lousy about everything.
  5. Thanks for the link. The show's way of excusing Juliette from the shit she pulled last season. Tulloch is still obsessed with being some badass.
  6. I'll probably sit out the triumphant return of Juliette. But the Kristallnacht relation is cringeworthy. In Organ Grinder, there was some controversy over the Geier wesen, which had antisemitic overtones.
  7. Babies ruin everything! Relationships too! Nick was supposed to be a different kind of Grimm. He really wasn't an antihero. But the show seemed to go down the path of tropes. If the hero wasn't a loner or antihero, he has to have a girlfriend. But a girlfriend isn't keep Nick calm and centered.
  8. That's kinda interesting. Maybe deep down, there is a divide between humans and wesen. Maybe there is an inherent mistrust between them. When push comes to shove, maybe wesen will stand by wesen and humans will stand by humans. Maybe there is a feral separation between humans and wesen. Humans can control themselves better than wesen. Maybe that's why the show focuses on wesen criminals. To paraphase what you said: Does Juliette truly trust Monroe and Rosalee from the deepest part of her soul? We can't tell. We can't tell because Tulloch is a terrible actress. But I do like the idea of what separates humans and wesen on a primal level. I wouldn't mind if this show explored the issue. I agree. I couldn't get past their real life relationship. It pulled me out of the show.
  9. Very easy choices for the writers: Juliette is a badass supervillian, or she's a badass superhero. Either way, this show revolves around a supporting character. Everybody will have to react to her and her actions. From a quick look at the threads, sounds like Juliette's going down the path of being the Savior of Portland. I guess it washes away all the badass shit she's pulled from last season. (It also puts Adalind in the beta female position, because Juliette has to be the alpha female on this show. And that baby will be Juliette's.) Nothing she does gets a pass--ever. No apology is adequate because what she did was indefensible. Tulloch admitted that Juliette liked her new powers and liked being badass. So there's no excuse for Juliette's actions; she was fully aware and fully in control with burning the Grimmabago and doing the slow walk in the porno lighting while Mama Grimm was fighting for her life. (Ugh, even Kelly's death was centered around Juliette's face, which had absolutely no reaction.) I don't know why the writers or showrunners believed that this show needed a reboot. Was it to expand Juliette's role? They were aware that there was a problem with the show? And the answer was more Juliette? I just watched the Arrow episode with John Constantine, so the comparisons are current in my mind. There was a huge welcome back for John. It trended worldwide on Twitter. (And the gorgeous Matt Ryan is on Broadway in Therese Raquin. I'll follow him anywhere.) I can't see how Juliette's return was really anticipated. It wasn't a big shock that the Bland One returned. Was there a huge demand for her return? After Mama Grimm's murder? After the burning of the Grimmabago? What does the character add to the show now? Besides drama and the blank look on her face. I have no idea why the writers don't have the guts to kill of the character. She's past her expiration date.
  10. Why do the writers feel that Nick has to be in a relationship? His choices are terrible. The writers wanted Grimm to be dark, but it's not working. Even his relationships are dark. Anything that has to do with Nick's love life becomes centered in the show. Everything is a reaction to his current relationship. E.g., the tone of the show is awkward because of the Nick/Adalind relationship. I wish that show would emphasize his non-gf relationships. He's calm when he's having dinner with his friends. His relationship with Monroe has been the highlight of the show. Or his relationship with Bud and the Eisbiber community.
  11. I haven't seen the episode yet, but I'm glad that I had a heads up on the return of the Bland One. No offense to Ottermommy, but I agree. I don't like Nadalind, but I will tolerate it and hope it goes away. The writers and showrunners have to know that it's not working. Plus, the big ole elephant in the room. I will tolerate Nadalind over Juliette, who I can't stand with the fury of 1000 suns. I would accept any pretzel logic to get Mama Grimm back. And I would use the same pretzel logic to see the permanent demise of Juliette. I haven't watched the show Arrow, but I did finally watch the episode with John Constantine. I've seen one episode, but that Laurel character makes my eye itch. When I watched Constantine, I couldn't believe how much I missed him. I was so happy for his return. My feeling for Juliette's return is 180 degrees of how I feel about John. He'll always be welcome.
  12. I finally watched this episode. I really miss Constantine. The ending seemed anti-climatic, but I'm not going to complain if the focus was on John. Unexpected surprise: Parker Young and Echo Kellum. I might start to watch this show, except that Laurel character makes my eye itch.
  13. What? You don't believe that Rats of Unusual Size exist? I watched the promo and it was so cheesy. I thought that I was re-watching Zoo. The ROUS is either a reference to The Prince Bride or to the Nutcracker. Either way, these writers don't even care what they write. This episode won't be anything good like Danse Macabre. I'll watch because I'm hoping that it's as cheesy as the Zoo summer series.
  14. Ack! I forgot about that. And the Scooby Doo gang didn't look good while they were intimidating a woman who was tied to a chair. Even with villains, I hope that this show doesn't go there. Maybe because I like Meisner. He can be a villain you love to hate. But if he's beating on a female for whatever reason, it doesn't sit well. (And this show knows nothing about nuance.) I don't know. Grimm isn't Game of Thrones.
  15. I hope that neither scenario is happening. It's assumed that men don't beat on women. I can't image that the writers are that oblivious. I don't want a female beating on a male either. Locking somebody in a cell and beating/breaking him/her/it into submission isn't OK. Or keeping him/her/it in a cell to control him/her/it. The writers better tread carefully about what's happening inside that cell. Especially with the Meisner character. Like Roiz, he's likable. He shouldn't be labeled as a female beater, and he shouldn't lose his alpha male status by letting a female beat on him. Whatever is happening in the cell, I don't want the Meisner character to be damaged beyond repair. Once upon a time, this show was about creature folk who lived among normal people. It was green and lush and light. Now, we're wondering if the Meisner character is beating on a female or letting a female beat on him. Four seasons of wondering what the Royals really want--apart from magical keys and magical coins. I wouldn't mind if the show was rebooted. It needs something because it's such a mess of a show. Aunt Marie was a likable character, so I wouldn't mind a scenario where she and Kelly are still alive.
  16. I had hope that Constantine and Grimm would help boost the other's ratings. Especially since Constantine was excellent. I was actually surprised that Grimm was renewed for a full season. However, if it continues to fall, I'll guess that it finishes the full season, gets another season for 13 episodes, and then, ends. With many unfinished storylines, I wonder how many will be resolved by the show's end.
  17. Adalind is responsible for her behavior, and she doesn't get a pass for her bad stuff. I agree that Nick seems to get a pass for forcing Adalind on the ground. He doesn't get to play hero for doing that. If people want to criticize Adalind for her behavior, OK. But she has also been manipulated by men. Renard and the male Royals. They don't get a pass for how they treated Adalind. Locking her in dungeon until she becomes submissive isn't OK. [i'll admit that Renard mindfucking Adalind was kinda hot. <I'll take the criticism.> But it was still bad behavior on Renard's part.]
  18. Dan Harmon, the creator of Community, cares about the audience, but the audience's opinions aren't going to distract from his vision of the show. Some people may hate the way the show continued, and others liked it. However, the writer was amazing for the most part, and the excellent writing was something with which an overwhelming majority of Community fans agree. Plus, the Community writers work very hard. After S1, the majority of the writers left to find a less demanding writing job. I'm still amazed that the writing continued to be excellent and cohesive after S1. The writers are thirsty for approval and care too much about getting adulation from the fans. They need to write good stories instead of hoping to get re-tweeted. If they write good stories, not everybody will be happy, but at least the show will be good. Response in Adalind's thread.
  19. Which is why Tulloch the actress comes off as insufferable. I agree. This show is twisting itself to rehab Adalind, to resurrect Juliette, and whatever else. Kelly needs to be alive too. This show is a mess, so it might as well bring back a favorite character. Whatever is in the cell is very wild and untamed. I'm not sure if Meisner is human or a wesen, but he could barely handle what's in the cell. Sounds like somebody is going to become a more powerful hexenbiest. If she's evil, she'll have the ability to destroy all the Royal households. If she's good, she'll have the savior of Portland and will destroy the Mauvais Dentes 2.0.
  20. I'm so jealous. CCH Pounder voiced Amanda Waller on the cartoon Justice League. I call BS on the showrunners. There are people who wanted some stupid Adalind/Juliette showdown, but it was an afterthought to the transformation of Juliette into some kind of badass. Yeah, the Adalind/Juliette fight was some kind of love letter to Tulloch. It was also tangent to the main goal of making Juliette into some kind of badass and giving her more screen time. The writers and Tulloch wanted to showcase Juliette at the expense of the direction of the show. Ugh, they're all insufferable. Dropped storylines is a legitimate criticism. Making this show about a minor character at the expense of everything else is crazy. The show needs to refocus on the WOTW. The writers aren't good with world-building arcs; they create a new shadowy group when they can't figure out what to do with the Royals. Now, it's nothing but drama. This show is good when it focuses as a police procedural and when it shows how wesen try to live among humans. It doesn't need to be more than a show about a Grimm navigating his way through the world of wesen folk.
  21. I'm sorry for the confusion. I agree with what you're saying about Adalind. ShadowFacts explained it better than I did. Despite the possibilities with Adalind, the writers screwed the character. Personally, I don't know what else to do with her. I wish Coffee has something better to do on this show.
  22. I can't imagine this show would go down the path of Adalind losing two children. That's the mess that the writers have created for the audience, and they have no idea how to correct it. Somehow, the writers will be retconning Adalind. Retconning a character is a lazy way out, and it diminishes the character. XMan Jean Grey was retconned a bunch of times, and the Jean Grey/Phoenix storyline became such a mess. Even when Adalind was a villain, she was inept. It would be difficult to see her as a daunting villain from Nick's rogue gallery when she was a bumbling villain in the past. As a hexenbiest, she couldn't even figure out how to open a book. When Juliette became the most powerful hexenbiest of all time, i was rolling my eyes. For one reason, it seemed to happen in a very short period of time. If Adalind became a better villain, it should be a longer process than becoming the Joker overnight. At this point, I don't know if I have the tolerance to wait for her transformation from bumbling villain to the Joker--or at least Harley Quinn--in a reasonable fashion. I do wish that she stayed a villain. If the writers made her a great villain, there would be a reason for her on Grimm. At this point, the writers should have Adalind cut her ties with Nick and focus on her relationship with Meisner. They had great chemistry and developed a relationship as they were running around Europe. I really like Coffee, who's a good actress. However, it's harder and harder to justify her being on Grimm because of how the writers screwed her character.
  23. I feel the same about Coffee. She can act, so I want to root for her character and would want Adalind to continue to be a part of Grimm. She was great in S1. However, the writers have screwed her. She has done unforgivable things, so there's no way that she can be transformed into a good guy who'll play house with her rape victim. However, she was also portrayed as a bumbling bad guy. I just don't think there's anything left for the character. What is left for the writers to try? Where is her place on Grimm if she's not an adversary or an ally? If she was a minor character who works for the Resistance with Meisner, maybe she has a tangential place on Grimm. At this point, her role is to play Odd Couple with Nick and to bring relationship angst and drama to the hero. I never liked Juliette, so I'm not inclined to tolerate any version of her. She has done unforgivable things, so she can't be redeemed to be a good guy again. Her actions were inexcusable. She was also terrible and bland as a bad guy. She crossed the line by setting up Kelly to be murdered, so I don't know where the character can go after an inexcusable act. Where does she go after she crosses the Rubicon, so to speak? Setting up the hero's mother to be murdered is akin to a mortal sin <place dramatic effect here>. There's no way that she can be redeemed to be a good guy again. If Adalind shouldn't play house with her rape victim, then Juliette shouldn't play house with the murder victim's son. As the most powerful hexenbiest to have walked the planet, what is her role? Superman had the same problem: How does the most powerful being on the planet exist and live day to day? Everything else after setting up to murder the hero's mom is anticlimactic. If she stays the villain, what else does she do? Like Adalind, Juliette is to bring the relationship drama and angst to the hero. Of course, she was not responsible for her actions even if she really, really liked her newfound powers. She'll be redeemed because of tru luv, and the showrunners will expect everybody in the Grimm fandom to root for tru luv. When she's redeemed to be the good guy again, she'll fight--and win--against Adalind. Again. Because she's awesome. Because she's badass. Because she's Juliette. She'll be brought back to make some angst-y romantic triangle with Adalind and Nick. Since she has to be the alpha female on the show she'll win and will actually be revealed to be the mother of the NIck's rape baby. I can't believe that this show would allow a rape baby to exist. No, the baby has to be Juliette's. I thought that Tulloch wanted a bigger role on the show and that she had input on Juliette's transformation to badassery. She and the writers are to blame for The Juliette Show. I wouldn't be surprised if Giuntoli supported the decision. I still have no idea why the writers are enamored with a bland piece of wood. She's a special snowflake as a good guy and as a villain.
  24. The writers already tried with the Mauvais Dentes, which is scarier than the Verrat and can wipe out entire villages. Nick and Kelly managed to kill it. Seems anticlimatic to bring Mauvais Dentes 2.0 to Portland. It's assumed that Juliette's coming back. Sebastian's body wasn't found, and discussion on this board says that he's coming back. If I have to tolerate Juliette coming back to save Portland, than I want Kelly to return too. Have you followed Sasha Roiz on Instagram? Wow, he's all torso. In the first year of Grimm, he and Giuntoli did the Portland Naked Bike Ride. But they wore pants. Boo! I hate Nick's angst, which is due to his messy love life and involvement with Adalind. He should focus on being a Grimm and hanging out with his friends. He does seem relaxed when he's having dinner with Hank, Rosalee, and Monroe. If Juliette comes back, she's irredeemable. She could be a villain or a good guy, but she's irredeemable. At this point, there's really nowhere left to develop the character. If Juliette's irredeemable, so is Adalind. What she has done to Nick, Hank, and the hexencrone who she killed was indefensible too. Same with Diana because Adalind has forgotten that she had another child. She's been a bumbling villain, and now, the show wants to change her into a good guy (or a neutered character). Nothing is really working for her. There's really nowhere left to develop this character as well. Juliette and Adalind are albatrosses for Grimm. I loathe Juliette, who is a bland piece of wood. At this point, there's nothing else for the Juliette and Adalind characters except to bring drama into Nick's life. No love triangles. No returning Juliette to a good character because of tru luv. No redeeming Adalind for a Nick-Adalind relationship. Add Meisner and Renard, and it's a messy five lane intersection. I hate when a show deteriorates into a show about angst-y relationships. The Big Bang Theory is unwatchable because it's all about relationships. Now, Grimm is going in that direction. I wouldn't be surprised if this show doesn't develop the Meisner character. Does he have Diana at this point? At the very least, there should be a pose off between him and Renard. Renard got his fan club when he was a BAMF and did his shirtless rage. Now, he's a neutered character who sits in his office. He's very interesting as a bad guy. He made Adalind more interesting when he was mindfucking her.
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