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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. I'm always so impressed with the midwives when one of their patients turn on them in a hateful manner, like the breast cancer woman did with Sister Julienne, and their only concern is that the patient is upset. I particularly hate the, "What would you know about it, you've never had children," routine. Thank God no one ever said that to Lucille -- although she did have a racist patient one time. I'll miss Lucille and her little church group. There's been no one else like her. The actress played depression so well I felt like I was catching it.
  2. Yes, and I'll add Jaimie to the too cute list. Her smile may be some sort of physical trait she can't help, but it always looks forced to me, like the smile of the psycho killer just before she plunges the knife. I called Carolyn as my favorite to win on the first episode thread so I get to be train conductor.
  3. Sadly, I don't see anything unbelievable about it. People who have a tendency to be overweight, also tend to get bigger over time. Ninety percent of people who diet regain the weight plus some more pounds. The actress probably went on a diet between seasons and we see the quite normal result.
  4. Yes, and when Shelagh looked at her husband and he was beaming, too, it took me back to the beginning of their love story when they worked so well together (and afterward shared a cigarette!) She's always been my favorite part of the show and anytime PBS cuts anything regarding the Turners I get extra upset. That poor lesbian couple. Way back when gay couples were first talking about wanting to marry, the hospital situation was always mentioned as a main reason. Why, why why do hospitals have such a stupid rule as 'family only" in the first place? What happens to single people with no close family? No visitors? It should always be up to the patient who comes in, they could make a short guest list when the patient is admitted. In recent years I've found I can no longer call and check on a patients condition, that's all private, too. My friend's daughter died of Covid and I couldn't find out for sure until the obituary was online.
  5. For me, the Penelope/Marina/Colin story is by far the best part of this series. All the rest seems like Regency Romance Basic in comparison. Now that the Gretna Green plan is busted, I can't wait to see what happens next. At least now that poor Fake-French dressmaker won't have to go out of business making clothes for Marina for free.
  6. Am I the only person bothered by the sound track? Is no one else irritated when the show has to write captions because their own cacophony makes it impossible to hear the cast? It sounds like a group of wild hogs turning over trash bins, spiked with occasional blood curdling screams. WTH?
  7. One of my favorite Survivor moments, Stephanie was truly awesome.
  8. Too much grinning. Nerd couple, worm eating woman and firefighter all seemed to have had some sort of drug that made them show their teeth till their dimples were hurting me. Oh please, yes.
  9. Please don't feel you need to put anything under spoiler tags. No one suggested that. I was the only person to complain at all and the only thing I ever asked for was some sort of demarcation between seasons. Like the words, "Season --" at the beginning of a new one.
  10. Well said! I loved it for the same reasons. I hope the writer gives us something similar someday.
  11. Yes, that's the one I was talking about. I didn't realize it was about season five (?). Now I don't know what season any of these posts are about. Very confused. Sorry.
  12. Well I sure do see the post about someone dying. Yes, indeed, anyone can talk about anything once it starts airing, although some shows have markers saying "unaired in the US," and some don't. The premiere date might have been big news on your news sites, but I didn't see any mention of it at all. I didn't ask for spoiler tags, I'm not suggesting anyone broke any rules, and I'm not asking for separate threads. I certainly am not asking for anyone to not post their thoughts. I just thought it would be nice, if, when the conversation suddenly switched from the last season to a new one the first person talking about it might say something like "Season 9," in bold, at the start of the new season. That's what we usually do on the Dateline thread when we start to talk about a new week's show. I wouldn't think that would be too awfully much trouble or spoil your fun, too much. Just a tiny warning that the talk has changed from one season to the next so the rest of us know not to read on.
  13. I was happy to see so many of them confirm that they used their advantages last week to keep possible targets off their backs. somethings got to change there. Last week Carolyn was saying how unpopular she was and this week they proved her right by all instantly agreeing that she was the one to vote out, no discussion needed. I'm not sure how it all changed and why she felt safe enough to keep her idol, but I'm glad she's still there. She just makes me laugh, it's like someone dropped Lucy into the jungle.
  14. Wow, I wish we had some sort of warning when people start watching it in the UK and it hasn't aired here. One minute, here in the US, we're talking about what we hope happens when the new season gets here, and the next post tells us who died. I know no harm is meant, but it's a shocker for those of us who hate to be spoiled.
  15. I like what she said about Maryanne proving you can just be yourself and win this game, you don't have to be a Kelly Wentworth. It also sounds like she got sober for the sake of her son and I really admire that. I can't say how much I hate those shorts.
  16. I don't know who Natasha is, but I like Carolyn, too. After listening to a series of over-confident, bragging comfessionals, Carolyn's general, "I'm a mess," attitude endeared me to her. I hope she flails her way to the end.
  17. I think one reason so many of them used their advantages and whatnots is that they didn't want to start the game with targets on their backs. It's become a huge disadvantage to be taken away to do the risk-your-vote choice and Brandon, rightly knew everyone was after him because he had an idol. Maddie, ultimately, was distrusted and went home because she was present when an idol was found. I laugh in the shows general direction! All those fancy advantages have come full cirle and now people are brushing them off like poison spiders.
  18. Well, I just watched it online and got my degree as a pharmaceutical diagnostician at the same time. ;) So, I say, no, it wasn't worth it because even without all the drug ads it was a bit tedious and as the above comments show the ending wasn't very satisfactory. Craig was a jerk, but there was enough contrary evidence from the defense to have left me with a reasonable doubt.
  19. Catherine Cookson, born 1906 and raised in Yorkshire, set almost all her books there and if "bloody" was ever said by any of her characters you can be sure it was considered swearing and shocking. I once said it, while quoting an old man, in front of an Australian friend and you would have thought I had said the "f" word. Or offend them. I'm sure the Virgin Mary bled during the birth of Jesus, just like all births, even the ones in nice clean hospitals, but the birth announcements we send out don't picture that and I don't think Christmas cards need to either. Men have messy bodily functions, too, but pastors don't seem to feel the need to point that out. I'm sorry, but this latest fad by pastors, to refer to Mary as an unwed mother like she and Joseph had been getting it on in the back seat of a charriot offends me. A miracle pregnancy from God is just not the same. Mary was betrothed at the time of conception which meant something between engaged and married so I don't think the neighbors were all that scandalized, they probably all assumed it was Joseph's at that time and then they were married as Doublemint said. The bible says Joseph and Mary were married right after Joseph was told the baby was from the Holy Spirit. So Mary was married by the time Jesus was born. They were not homeless refugees, either, but people traveling for a purpose, intending to return to their home after they reported for the census. Why do we want to bring these Holy people down to where we can "relate" to them as just like us? If they were just like us we would have no reason to worship them.
  20. I just saw an ad for Mr. Lucky, starring Bob Odenkirk, starting on AMC PLUS soon. That means I wont be able to see it. I paid for my TV and I pay through the nose for cable but, I guess these days, when a channel gets a rare, good show I have to pay extra. Where's a grumpy mad face when you need one?
  21. Yes, I don't mind Hanky Panky being locked up, he's definitely a danger to society, but if I had to choose between him and Norris I would pick Norris. A couple of things struck me about this crime. One, is how very many sex crazed weirdos are out there. Two, is just how lazy a police force can be. People were dropping clues in their lap and they just brushed them off like so many donut crumbs. Person after person said Pankey had been talking about the crime too much and they didn't even talk to him for ages. Norris's mother said, on the very first morning, "My son sat in the driveway and stared across at Jonelle's house for some time last night, right about the time of the murder." No follow-up there. There were letters painstakingly written and then ignored. Instead they go after the mild-mannered, shell-shocked father. Blaming him for not acting like the jerks we've all seen on crime shows, both fiction and non-fiction, who rail at the police for not doing their jobs fast enough. I thought it was sadly ironic that the cute story about Jonelle taking an out of context line from the Bible to try and get her way with her mom, was mirrored by Pankey when he would twist and misunderstand lines from the Bible to suit himself. Which creep was it who told his wife that having sex with her would be an act of mercy not of love? That's good for ten years behind bars in my book.
  22. I had mixed feelings about the episode, too. I loved all the Siegfried parts. I know it would be against everything he believes in to let River race while unfit, but I also know I would probably do any number of shady things I normally wouldn't do to keep my son out of war. It's not helicopter parenting to want to keep your kids from a very real chance of death. His look at Mrs. Hall while she was kissing someone else was almost as sad as the Tristan farewell at the station. I'm pretty much in love with the character as Sam West plays him. The writing I didn't like this episode was all for the little girl. I know it's fairly common today for children to have their self-esteem stoked to the point of thinking they're smarter than anyone else in the entire world, but in 1939 little girls were told not to be "forward'," and taught respect for adults, particularly male ones. That Scrabble scene never would have happened.
  23. We lived in England for the USAF for three years. When we returned we were given the usual re-entry tests and one of them was the TB test. That little prick on my arm shot up like I had a walnut under the skin and also turned red. I thought I was done for and started to make romantic Camille style speeches, but then a nice Filipino man at the base lab told me almost everyone in his home country tested positive. I have to get a chest x-ray every few years, but It can and has been dormant for twenty years now. Glad I wasn't hauled off to the knacker's.
  24. I just watched the Mrs. Hall and Dash story over again and, once again, cried with relief when she got to keep him -- just like I didn't know that already. Springer Spaniels are one of my favorite breeds -- they have the softest noggins...
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