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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. Well I'm not as sad as most of you over Kaleb's ouster. He was my favorite for quite a while, but like with most salesmen, I began to realize that his big bright glow was not just for me, but for everybody all the time and he wasn't really falling in love with me after all. Dee and Julie are so self-satisfied they're beginning to remind me of Heiddi and Jenna Morasca. Maybe they'll find an excuse to take their clothes off at some point to audition for Playboy. I hope Jake isn't a trial lawyer. If he misread a jury as bad as he did Katurah his client would be in big trouble. Who thinks you can tell someone, "A group of us put on an act and lied to you and then laughed behind your back," and expects them to forgive all that? I like Kellie and Katurah. I'd like to see them sitting with Bruce at the end so he can get zero votes.
  2. That would have prompted me to get those cameras installed much sooner than they did.
  3. Yes, at least she wouldn't have had the "She kicked me out without a moments notice," excuse. I think it probably all went back to the divorce. She may have been inwardly raging over it and almost anything would have acted as a focus for all her anger at her husband. And yet... some things ... like her strange hatred of children and basic lack of good manners, probably go back forever. I want to hear from her ex. I'll bet he has stories.
  4. I couldn't find anything either until I searched on Mount Sterling murder. This has to be it but the names are different -- and still no further details: https://www.wtvq.com/mt-sterling-woman-shoots-neighbors-1-dead-1-hurt/
  5. Ann entered the picture because she was going though "an ugly divorce" and I'll just bet it was ugly with Ann involved. I'd like to hear her husbands side of it. This was another case of no good deed goes unpunished. Donna just wanted to give Ann a place to live while she got her life in order and right from the start Ann was doing and saying things no houseguest should ever do. I think I would have told her that maybe we weren't going to be able to live together after all the minute Ann mocked the way the little boy ran. I wonder how those neighbors who sided with Ann feel now? How could they have ever thought Ann was right when Donna had done nothing to her, but tell her it was time to leave. Which every host has the right to do.
  6. Yep to both of you. I've always been very active and actually liked exercise, I was running and taking adult ballet lessons into my sixties. Then one day I tripped over my cat going down the steps into the garage, broke my leg in several places and have walked with a cane ever since. I told everyone I went from 63 to 80 in one day and they didn't argue with me. Now just making it through the supermarket is a challenge, something like Pickle ball looks like incredible forbidden fun to me and travel is out of the question. I think Faith loves her horses, but might be ready to give them up as the work of it all gets to be too much. My SIL had to give up her horse for that reason. Sad-eyed Faith may appreciate sitting fireside with a nice man and not having to prove how motorcycling cool she is anymore. As for the money thing. That's what pre-nups are for. All smart older couples get them before marriage.
  7. I know. The bullets in his house matched the 14 in her body but his attorney tells us, oh but we don't have the gun. As if that matters at all. The guy was a jerk and an idiot. All those searches on his computer. He might as well have written a confession. Those poor little boys, I hope they aren't with the creepy paternal grandfather.
  8. I'm surpised Gerry managed to stay upright. My husband is just his age and bigger than Gerry, but his balance has been bad for years, it's very common in older men, particularly ones with hearing loss. The lucky women are all the ones he didn't pick who have now been advertised as hot catches on the TV, so that all the local older men will be calling them for dates. Then they can marry someone from their home town and both families can come for Sunday dinner.
  9. You called it to a T! I must admit those kids were all great little actors though. Leslie's blonde granddaughter has her performance gene. Theresa (or as Gerry calls her Treeza) is going to be sad, but she has a fabulous family and a daughter who doesn't mind mom being over every single day. Faith was awesome on her horse and I think she's far and away the most attractive of the three, but I hope he doesn't pick her. She, and her sisters, seemed so sad when they talked about her bad luck with men and "Gerry is completely different." Well I think she's rebounding to him now, but if she has always preferred horse riding macho men with swagger, won't she miss that in time? I think she should wait for someone who is her type but also nice. Leslie is wearing lipstick, that very pale greasy kind that was considered sexy in the seventies. Gerry still thinks it's sexy too, and is totally turned on by her look and leg hugging manner. It all makes me queasy, but I think they're made for each other.
  10. I don't want Emily voted out either, she's very interesting to watch and her behavior has certainly improved since Kaleb told her how important it was to act nicer. But I don't forget the "act" part and that underneath it is still the woman who said very critical things followed by a proud, "that's just me being honest."
  11. It was so bad last night, I was struggling to hear through the entire show. It would be bad enough if it was natural noises from the surf, but it's the show's own sound track made up of ridiculous "jungle" noises, men shouting, and garbage cans banging together. It's stupid, just stop it! I'm also ready to tell Kendra that it's stupid, just stop it. Did she say she was "living in Karma." What now? I'm enjoying Kaleb and Emily, but my favorite is Katurah. Why does everyone shun her? Is it just because they, inexplicably, love Bruce? I find her so lovely, both in looks and personality.
  12. Really. what a sad episode. I know you can't force people to see a doctor but they knew he was ill and didn't keep a close eye on him. signing those forms? What in the world did she think that was about? The NRA keeps trying to sell the idea that we can keep guns out of the hands of the "wrong" people, but it will always be impossible to predict just who those people will be. Schizophrenia usually strikes young men in their early twenties and they can amass a huge gun collection before they are ever diagnosed Plus the mentally ill only account for about 8% of gun deaths and most are actually less likely than well people to be violent. I felt sorry for everyone in this episode. Let's get back to the escalation of petty complaints, show!
  13. I did wonder how in the world he got custody. He had a level 5 hoarder house, a hobby that would have upset a child, and a police record. Even his own mother thought he was dangerous enough to report him to the police, she should have been trying to get custody of her granddaughter if the girls mother wasn't. I imagine he told his wife that if he didn't get custody he would kill her.
  14. And Faith is much taller than Leslie. I think Faith looks like Olympia Dukakis.
  15. Same. I'm worried. The jerky movements are so quick, it's possible that they've passed before nurse Kellie looks over and all she sees is the falling part, so she's missing the seizure symptoms. However, production must see it so why hasn't medical been called? On the positive side, if it was going to turn out to be something serious we wouldn't be seeing the spells because it would make the show look bad for not doing something sooner.
  16. I find this pretty easy to believe. Every complimentary thing Gerry says about the women relates back to him. "She looks at me like I'm the greatest guy on earth." keeps coming up, plus how she "connects," with him. Spot on. My husband was on the other side of the supermarket yesterday and before he joined me I had three separate old guys chatting me up. It happens every time I'm shopping by myself, one time my son was with me and he got sick of it and said, "They just want you to cook for them, Mom." So true. Because of this show, I took a long look at the fifteen women in my book club last week. We range from 60 to 80. None of us has had a face lift (we've been together 20 years, I would know.) Most of them have short hair and while the amount of wrinkles varies, all of us have saggy necks except for those in their early 60's. About half are either widowed or never married, I don't think a single one is looking for love. We don't even read romance books.
  17. Ellen is 71, Sandra 75, Susan 66 Faith is 60 Leslie 64 Theresa 69 It's my guess he's going to pick Faith. Although his thing for Theresa continues to amaze me and may keep on amazing me to the very end.
  18. Only on Survivor could I see a woman pick her nose in public. Where do they find someone like Kendra? Bruce is pretty original, too. So he believes once you become an adult you never have to debate issues or compromise with people ever again. You just do everything your own way. His wife deserves a medal, I'm glad she's getting this break. I'm already making a wish list for the end of the season where Kaleb takes out Bruce (with Katurah's gleeful assistance) and Austin outsmarts Drew. Austin has proven himself to be more than a stack of muscles and a beautiful smile and I haven't forgotten Drew telling him, to his face, that Austin would be the brawn and Drew would be the brains.
  19. That bothers me, too. I'm cowering in my recliner with my pillow over my face when they get those talons next to their eyes. One of the worst for doing that was Victoria Fuller who seemed to spend her entire season crying and sticking her long white fingernails in her eyes.
  20. Right, that's how I understood it throughout. What I didn't understand was this bright wonderful girl Grandma described, not calling to ask about her own baby at least once a day and when her grandmother and mother were texting a dozen times a day saying, "Please answer, we're worried about you," all they got back was a "I don't feel like talking." That seemed plausible to them? Either she was the most self-centered young woman on earth or the family was being very obtuse.
  21. Don't forget Season 8 Episode 5, Clendenin WV. Where the nice old couple lived out on the mountain in peace, until they saw some young guy stealing tools from their garage. Old man follows him to the neighbors down the road. The neighbors all come out and stand in a row like an old west gang and swear the thief never left the house. Yet the hood of his car was hot. The old guy called the police and it. was. on. Because evidently stealing is no big deal but calling "the law" is. I loved that one because I grew up a few miles from Clendenin. I know. Why did Mildred have to call Bob. The poor man got killed and it wasn't even his issue. She just brought him right into the middle of her fight. All Mildred needed to do was stay inside. We're always hearing these people say they were so afraid. But then they leave the safety of their home to go outside and confront the threat. Why? I really have to wonder why that little girl went back outside just to stand and stare at Bob while he was telling her to go inside. A chip off the old block I'm thinking. I'm also thinking she, her brother, and her mother are all safer with good ol' Dad in prison. Now the little dog can return from wherever he's been hiding.
  22. I have no trouble believing Leslie dated Prince, or that she's a professional dancer. It's just all in how you define dated and dancer.
  23. I think they said right off the bat that he didn't want the family to know because he was embarrassed about his financial mess. Foreclosure was scheduled for the day after the murder (which says a lot right there.) I imagine his father was paying him more than enough to comfortably pay his mortgage and had possibly made the down payment for the young couple and maybe bailed him out before. We know that even after killing someone over it he still couldn't keep his money straight, so he had probably over spent all his life and knew his father would be furious to find out he was doing it again. I can't blame his family for not getting him out of the mess if they didn't know about it and I really don't think there's any excuse for a married man with a steady job not paying his mortgage payment before anything else.
  24. Yes, I think TV and movies in general just love to point out what they see as the hypocrisy of religious people. Non-religious people seem to be looking for that hypocrisy all the time, but it's starting with a false premise to say that people who go to church are saying to the world that they never do anything wrong. Maybe the main reason they're seeking religious guidance is that they know themselves to be weak in the face of temptation. It's why so many alcoholics look to help from a "higher power." For this guy though, I think it was a way to meet chicks. What on earth did those two nice, pretty women see in him? The second one may not have known he murdered his wife, but she probably had heard his lying story of events and even in that he looked like an idiot. She should have known he was someone who spent his income on everything but the mortgage payments and someone who thought it would be a good idea to carry his gun into the path of a burglar and then lose control of it. Why did Mr. "I'd rather kill than be embarrassed' not feel embarrassed about those things?
  25. I kind of think he might be and it's why I'm picking Ellen to win. ( I haven't read any spoilers and just seeing Reality Steve's name makes me skip over posts.) When Ellen told him she was falling in love with him, I thought she sounded sincere and Gerry seemed deeply moved by it.
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