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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. I think it was two pieces, but it seemed like a leotard cut in half. Very odd to me. It's not the first time Treeza has dressed way too young for her age. Last week when they aired a scene in their bedroom, (I think it was the 'we all have gas' bit) she was standing there in very short white shorts and a skin tight beige tank top making it clear she had implants. Maybe I'm just jealous. but no matter how slim your legs are, it looked wrong somehow. Maybe when the other women were talking about how tiny her clothes were it wasn't just the size but the style that bother them.
  2. No I don't think anyone has, but I sure wish someone would. So happy for your family and your nephew!
  3. I'm a little worried for them. I hope Gerry is gentle with Teresa, and Leslie is gentle with Gerry.
  4. Adoptions seem to be changing the rules all the time, but I have a friend who gave her baby up for adoption long ago, and after that all the files were sealed until the baby was grown and wanted to find her bio-mom. In other words, the child has to initiate the action and all the bio-parents can do is put their names and addresses on a list saying that they would welcome contact. Many years have passed and not a word from the daughter to all our grief. (I have reason to think my brother was the father and if so, that young lady is the last of our line from my childless family.) Heck yeah! If I've learned anything from Survivor it's that fit (low body fat) young men experience the hunger much more intensely than those fluffy young women. A few young guys have had to quit for just that reason.
  5. Yes! I was surprised and impressed, she's always seemed like a middle-aged Marcia Brady to me, there's just a prissiness to her looks, but there's some true grit under all that. There's a warm fuzzy little scene in my mind of Kendra and her bio-dad meeting for the first time. Both of them making huge exaggerated body movements and extreme facial expressions, belching over their beers, eating with their mouths open, and that instant recognition of familiarity and love. I wanted a big deli-sub for Austin so much. I kept telling him to hold out for the cheeseburger they usually have, but I'm glad he didn't listen to me. Great blindside of Kellie. I don't expect we'll ever get another one as satisfying as Eduardo because his began with that big self-satisfied grin on his face. Plus he had been smug throughout the season. It takes a long game to build a blindside that good.
  6. I didn't mind Barbara dying as much as I minded little Cynthia Miller being attacked and then sent off to oblivion because she was no longer as tough and hardy as they like their midwives to be.
  7. I agree that free occupational training won't solve the problem for everyone, just, as I said, reduce the need a little. There were two in this episode who said their dream was to get enough together to become a hairdresser or med tech. I'll never vote for it to be legal.
  8. Whoa, that was more horrible than I've bargained for with this show. Bring back the escalating feuds. Enough with the mentally ill people. Do you think maybe Angela's men keep leaving her because she spends every night drinking on the sofa with other men? James's family annoyed me even more. "Oh dad was so wonderful! He had such a charming personality. He just lived to take care of his family." "James took good care of us. He just needed rides to work so I could use the truck. How could Angela let her household go like that?" Well she let everything go like that, because your wonderful husband was using her money to spoil your kids. Dead beats one and all, but Angela had serious mental problems. James should have been more careful about who he chose to rip off and take advantage of.
  9. It often is patronizing. In saying how special this group of women is, the show and the women themselves are implying that the rest of us are a bunch of duds. Leslie offended me when she got out of the limo with a walker then threw it aside and took off her nightgown to show her little short dress underneath. Then she said something braggy about not being your typical old person. I walk with a cane and from time to time have to use a walker, I have throw pillows all over the sofa, and I even belong to a book club. So sue me. I have a good time doing what I enjoy and I'm not about to force myself to play pickle ball (not that there's anything wrong with that) just so I can tell everyone I'm not one of those typical (gag) old people. Re:Joan Here I was thinking the good thing about this Bachelor was we didn't have a bunch of young people hoping to become influencers. Almost every season of The Bachelor has some sort of talent show and one person who is so so scared... who then breaks through and nails it! It's one of the most obvious examples of producer manipulation. I remember in James's season the young girl he chose (can't remember her name) was so frightened when they all had to do some modelling, then she came strutting out and won. She was already a professional model! I'm starting to wonder if Joan's whole presentation was planned from start to finish including the sick daughter business.
  10. 😅. Thank you! Way back in my dating days I learned to say a flat, "No," to the "Can we still be friends?" question. It's insulting that after months of I love yous and intimate relations they think you're going to want to go to the mall with them and girl-watch while eating pizza.
  11. Everything about the Gilgo Beach murders was so sad and horrific I couldn't sleep last night. Those poor desperate girls and Andrea sitting there nodding as the friend said they were simply providing a service, as if the beautiful, successful journalist thought it was a perfectly fine career choice. I hate that our society has decided to reduce the stigma of sex work when what we should do is reduce the need for such demeaning, dangerous work in order for young women to pay the rent and support their children! We should have free tech schools in every town so girls can stay home until they have their hairdresser or med tech degree and can properly support themselves. I also hate that the police don't treat their murders with the same concern as any woman's. Still it was to their credit that they could sort out all the men in Manhattan and find the killer. His wife gave me the creeps.
  12. So absolutely true. I know women who have made keeping their high school weight their life's work and it always ends badly, if not in poor health then in the ultimate realization that thin doesn't equal young and no amount of exercise, diet or cosmetic surgery is going to make a 70 year-old look 40. After a while we have to choose between looking old and looking weird and I picked old, because it's cheaper, less bother and not painful.
  13. I agree. I think that "laying on of hands," weighs heavily in her favor. Gerry's mentioned it a few times. To me that's a sad thing about this quick courtship. The other women may be just as comforting and affectionate, but they weren't there the one time he was truly frightened. For what it's worth, I would never touch someone's arm while they were in a difficult driving situation. I've had someone grab the steering while while I was at high speed and I would flinch if anyone's hand came near me at a time like that. I also agree that her size is a big positive with him. My husband is tall and he and I both thought it was odd that Gerry said when he hugged Theresa it felt like "the perfect fit." What looked like a good fit to us was Gerry and tall Faith because he didn't have to collapse his chest and bend down to hug her. But he may want a woman he can pick-up and carry.
  14. I agree. Joan is 12 years younger and several points better looking than Gerry and last night she was very clearly advertising with her remark than she was not only ready for a love interest she was actively hunting. She'll get the calls she's hoping for, as will most of the others. I think they all were sending that message, to some extent. Nobody said they had learned to be happy single or anything close to that. I'm still worrying about the grandchildren. How do you explain that the man they met decided he didn't like grandma? Their grandma! The greatest woman on earth next to Mommy! I think they should be told that Grandma turned him down because she didn't want to move far away from them. That, they would understand.
  15. Oh dear Faith. The sobbing and keening. The only time I did that over a guy was my first break up at age 15. Then the door shut behind him and I felt such a surge of relief I can still remember it. I knew then that I had enjoyed the drama more than the actual boy. Yes, April, even 15 year-olds can have a little common sense. Every time he chooses "Treeza" I'm gobsmacked, from the first one-on-one date to now, so I'm guessing she's going to win. There truly is no accounting for taste. They really, really should have left the grandchildren out of this mess. They're too young to think about things like this. They could also leave out the fantasy suites because I'm too young to think about that meeting of crepe skin and knee replacements.
  16. Well I'm not as sad as most of you over Kaleb's ouster. He was my favorite for quite a while, but like with most salesmen, I began to realize that his big bright glow was not just for me, but for everybody all the time and he wasn't really falling in love with me after all. Dee and Julie are so self-satisfied they're beginning to remind me of Heiddi and Jenna Morasca. Maybe they'll find an excuse to take their clothes off at some point to audition for Playboy. I hope Jake isn't a trial lawyer. If he misread a jury as bad as he did Katurah his client would be in big trouble. Who thinks you can tell someone, "A group of us put on an act and lied to you and then laughed behind your back," and expects them to forgive all that? I like Kellie and Katurah. I'd like to see them sitting with Bruce at the end so he can get zero votes.
  17. That would have prompted me to get those cameras installed much sooner than they did.
  18. Yes, at least she wouldn't have had the "She kicked me out without a moments notice," excuse. I think it probably all went back to the divorce. She may have been inwardly raging over it and almost anything would have acted as a focus for all her anger at her husband. And yet... some things ... like her strange hatred of children and basic lack of good manners, probably go back forever. I want to hear from her ex. I'll bet he has stories.
  19. I couldn't find anything either until I searched on Mount Sterling murder. This has to be it but the names are different -- and still no further details: https://www.wtvq.com/mt-sterling-woman-shoots-neighbors-1-dead-1-hurt/
  20. Ann entered the picture because she was going though "an ugly divorce" and I'll just bet it was ugly with Ann involved. I'd like to hear her husbands side of it. This was another case of no good deed goes unpunished. Donna just wanted to give Ann a place to live while she got her life in order and right from the start Ann was doing and saying things no houseguest should ever do. I think I would have told her that maybe we weren't going to be able to live together after all the minute Ann mocked the way the little boy ran. I wonder how those neighbors who sided with Ann feel now? How could they have ever thought Ann was right when Donna had done nothing to her, but tell her it was time to leave. Which every host has the right to do.
  21. Yep to both of you. I've always been very active and actually liked exercise, I was running and taking adult ballet lessons into my sixties. Then one day I tripped over my cat going down the steps into the garage, broke my leg in several places and have walked with a cane ever since. I told everyone I went from 63 to 80 in one day and they didn't argue with me. Now just making it through the supermarket is a challenge, something like Pickle ball looks like incredible forbidden fun to me and travel is out of the question. I think Faith loves her horses, but might be ready to give them up as the work of it all gets to be too much. My SIL had to give up her horse for that reason. Sad-eyed Faith may appreciate sitting fireside with a nice man and not having to prove how motorcycling cool she is anymore. As for the money thing. That's what pre-nups are for. All smart older couples get them before marriage.
  22. I know. The bullets in his house matched the 14 in her body but his attorney tells us, oh but we don't have the gun. As if that matters at all. The guy was a jerk and an idiot. All those searches on his computer. He might as well have written a confession. Those poor little boys, I hope they aren't with the creepy paternal grandfather.
  23. I'm surpised Gerry managed to stay upright. My husband is just his age and bigger than Gerry, but his balance has been bad for years, it's very common in older men, particularly ones with hearing loss. The lucky women are all the ones he didn't pick who have now been advertised as hot catches on the TV, so that all the local older men will be calling them for dates. Then they can marry someone from their home town and both families can come for Sunday dinner.
  24. You called it to a T! I must admit those kids were all great little actors though. Leslie's blonde granddaughter has her performance gene. Theresa (or as Gerry calls her Treeza) is going to be sad, but she has a fabulous family and a daughter who doesn't mind mom being over every single day. Faith was awesome on her horse and I think she's far and away the most attractive of the three, but I hope he doesn't pick her. She, and her sisters, seemed so sad when they talked about her bad luck with men and "Gerry is completely different." Well I think she's rebounding to him now, but if she has always preferred horse riding macho men with swagger, won't she miss that in time? I think she should wait for someone who is her type but also nice. Leslie is wearing lipstick, that very pale greasy kind that was considered sexy in the seventies. Gerry still thinks it's sexy too, and is totally turned on by her look and leg hugging manner. It all makes me queasy, but I think they're made for each other.
  25. I don't want Emily voted out either, she's very interesting to watch and her behavior has certainly improved since Kaleb told her how important it was to act nicer. But I don't forget the "act" part and that underneath it is still the woman who said very critical things followed by a proud, "that's just me being honest."
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