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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. I've always wondered why any homeless person would head north. If you must live outdoors with no roof over your head, surely you would choose to be warm.
  2. Yes. It always irritates me how quick the young ones are to look at any woman over 30 as the "mama." They don't often call the older men Daddy but it wouldn't matter if the woman was a green beret or a senator, she's seen as their mommy. So I thought they were dismissing her as any sort of threat, but now they've decided she's a shoe in to win if she makes the finals, -- not because she's been strategic and done well in the challenges, but because "everyone loves her." SMH.
  3. LOL I was so embarrassed for her I had to look away. The Last Weekend: I'm going to have to add "waitress" to all the things I wouldn't let my daughter do if I had a daughter. Creepy old dude, ugly as sin, twenty years older than she is, thinks she belongs to him because she smiles at him and brings him food. Poor innocent trumpet player gets caught up in the middle of it all. I didn't blame the detectives for going home to sleep, but why did they all have to do it at the same time?
  4. Is there now? So that's how it happens. My grey hair is truly "grey" not the beautiful soft white of some of my friends, so I put Nice&Easy blonde #9 on it every couple of months for a color my husband likes. I was a dark brown brunette back in the day, but with my blues eyes and pale skin I find I look better blonde. But I love that shiny platinum you're talking about. I see it on the philanthropist, Darlene Shiley on PBS.
  5. Right. That's why I went on to say: " Lipstick smeared on your face does not a real lip make."
  6. You're right. I remind myself of that when the tears start to flow. Look at Leslie, she clearly thought she was all that in the beginning, making her entrance in the old nightgown and then whipping it off to pose in her tiny, low-cut, mini-dress. Interviewing that she knew she was going to win the talent contest with her great sexy dancing. So if she found out along the way that maybe she wasn't the single most desirable 60-ish woman on the planet -- that might not be such a bad thing. I think they're probably all vain and go into this fantasizing about the calls they'll get from Hollywood planning to build a sit-com around them.
  7. Great find, Starlight! I've been wondering how she looked young. I actually kind of like red lipstick on dark haired women ( certainly better than Leslie's sad and gloomy whitish gloss) but the difference between then and now for Theresa is back then she had lips to put it on. Lipstick smeared on your face does not a real lip make. I find Carolyn's story very believable, if she was going to make things up, she would have found something that made Gerry sound worse and something more flattering to herself than, "I'm not going to take you to the reunion looking like that." Isn't that the Gerry we know that would be foremost aware that he was taking her, probably on his dime. He also gave credence to his fat shaming by eliminating women almost according to size, starting with the heaviest and working down to the thinnest. His daughters and wife being overweight has nothing to do with it. My father first mentioned that he was ashamed of me because I was so fat when I was in high school and had grown to 125lbs at 5'6". Gerry's wife was thin when they got married, who knows how he felt about her later weight gain or what comments he made.
  8. Me too, I couldn't stand either one by the time it ended, much less be happy for them as they gloated. "Sure it's a bunch of lies, but it would have been better for me if it hadn't surfaced so soon. " Great post. It takes me back to when Kathy said something to the effect that Theresa was either really stupid or very cruel. Theresa's a very smart woman who uses her brain to say exactly the right things to manipulate people. Yeah, Gerry, she knows how to "nurture a relationship" alright. I'll bet she spent that whole fantasy suite night telling Gerry flattering things, watching carefully to see when his eyes lit up most, giving more of that, quickly backing off anything that didn't click, making constant eye contact and casually touching him at every opportunity, dropping lots of humble brags. No wonder she got that finance job over more qualified people. Too bad they didn't keep the cameras rolling so we could watch the master at work. Also too bad that all she got for all that work was Gerry.
  9. I can't read "Maricopa county" without thinking of "Raising Arizona," one of my all time favorite movies. I found Alessa's story sad and unsatisfying. Poor young thing had lost her mother, her step-father was a nasty man who called her awful names (at the very least) her teachers let her down and her nice aunt in California and kind older brother, who would have loved to help her, just weren't close at hand when she needed them. I agree with everything @Peanut6711 said. There just isn't enough proof. Garden party dress is what I always think, too. I wonder if she has someone make her clothes or she finds them in some sort of store that caters to pre-teen girls. I never see anything like them when I'm shopping.
  10. That was exactly how Dee had her legs and she was doing fine, until the part when they all were ordered to straighten out their legs, at which point Dee's long strong legs became a liability pulling against her arms and she immediately dropped.
  11. Yeah, I've taken her career with a grain of salt. My parents lost a bundle when their smart, young stock broker failed to tell them something important, someone I know who is reputed to be the best in that area lost over a million of his own money in the recent slump and we lost a lot recently and we have our savings in one of the big mutual funds where supposedly many great financial minds work together. Treesa did great teaching herself the business and getting hired over lots of other applicants, but that doesn't make her rich or mean she can't make some bad calls. It's a risky business.
  12. Well I woke up this morning thinking...$60,000 for a dress! I just saw a long red velvet one from temu for 29.99. I agree, I think I saw Treesa's permanently stiff upper lip quiver. I hated that. What a jerk move. He expected her to go from a crushed heart to rapturous joy in seconds. I wish she'd said, "I just realized I can live without someone who thinks it's funny to make a fool of me in a vulnerable moment. Take your adolescent humor back to Leslie." I don't think I'm going to make it to the wedding. Two hours of Treesa repeating ohmygod in that monotone drone would just be too much.
  13. He was kind. Everyone else was caught up in their own little world and he seems to be the only one who noticed Katurah wasn't just shaking from muscle strain, but was going through something serious. Even after it was clear she needed help he had to tell Emily to give her a hand. We complain about Jeff a lot but he really does love the game and invests himself in all the players in a way you seldom see in other hosts.
  14. Did I say it was wrong and nefarious? All I said was my husband doesn't cry, (neither did my father or either of my brothers. )I don't think there's anything wrong or nefarious about them either, neither do I think they're cold and unfeeling. For that matter I rarely cry. I'm just saying many people in our generation were told not to cry when we were children and we got used to stifling it. So guys like Gerry who sob when they have to say goodbye to someone they've known a few days, are maybe not quite as common in our age group.
  15. I agree. He's exactly my husband's age and I've only seen my husband cry (that is tear up for a second) over a death in the family. There are many small things that only someone of his generation would see. The pictures of young Gerry show a slightly nerdy looking guy who is very out of style for the times. His romantic story in People, when the show first began, says he was interested in Toni's friend, but when he realized he didn't have a chance with the friend he turned to Toni who was "a nice little gal." Somewhere over the years Gerry got a little more confidence and a little better looking compared to his peers, and I think he started believing he was all that and could now get the beautiful ones. All this makes me wonder just how hard a time the show might have had with casting this age group. They had to throw out all the fat bald guys, ones with bad knees who couldn't do the 'dates.' They may have had very few applicants because the attractive men I know in this age group would think doing this show would be beneath them. It's just not that manly to stand around in a suit holding roses, what would their buddies say?
  16. I don't think less of Katurah for her moment of water panic, in fact it reminded me of when Cirie had one and worked through it. Katurah has said she took lessons and learned to swim expressly for Survivor, but that sort of swimming experience will never compete with the experience of people who grew up around the ocean and are used to vey deep water. I liked that she refused Jeff's offer of being boated back to shore and jumped in with the gang to swim back. But then I love Katurah and want to be her best friend and go to lunch. She makes me laugh. I'm going to miss the weekly Wylie Coyote vs Bruce minute.
  17. Wow that article is really kind of sickening. Reading the beginning, I just laughed. When the show started my husband asked what Gerry did for a living and I said, "Owns a restaurant, probably a Dairy Queen," Well that would have been better than a Mr. Quick burger joint in 1985. But the job stuff is just funny, the treatment of that poor Carolyn who gave up a good career for him is seriously awful. The worst part is the fat shaming over ten pounds: I have noticed his fat phobia throughout, cutting all the slightly overweight women on the first night and then gradually narrowing it down to the very skinniest. His wife looked like she was maybe 30 pounds over ideal and now I'm thinking her life might have been hell.
  18. At any age, people know they're going to spend more time running errands, going to appointments or jobs, eating dinner, watching TV or reading, and going to bed, than they're going to spend traveling, riding jet skies, and having wild sex. They're smart to pick the person they enjoy the homey things with over the vacation spouse. Not saying which woman is which, we might be surprised.
  19. I've heard that all my life and while I'm sure it might be true in certain fields, I don't think it's ever been true in Survivor. Erika won her season without doing much of anything except be lucky, with an hour glass to smash making her the challenge winner after others had worked hard to actually win. Meanwhile Xander carried his tribe on his back to the merge, collected an idol and an advantage, was never voted against, and won two immunity challenges, including the very last one. He didn't get a single vote and Erika won. If Erika worked twice as hard as he did I missed it. I also don't think being conventionally attractive hurt, Natalie, Amber, Jenna, Parvati, Dani, etc.
  20. First episode, when Drew and Austin aligned, Drew said something that meant "I have the brains and you have the brawn." It was very insulting, but Austin's big smile didn't waver. So last night when he solved that puzzle I was so happy for him and later he said to someone, "I'm a little bit smart." Hah! Loved it.
  21. Darn show, making me like Bruce for a while. I thought I was fresh out of villains, but then Dee stepped up as the queen of shadenfreude, now I would love to see that giant smile fade during a blindside. I'm happy Katurah and Jake made it through another vote and Kellie is boiling mad.
  22. I have to ask, what does that little white square mean?
  23. Thanks for the reminders, I do get caught up and start worrying about broken hearts when they not only signed up for it they must have watched past seasons and know how the final two always think they're the ones. By this point in the show they've also seen a dozen other women get rejected and the finalists don't seem to have lost any sleep over them. For all we know the real psychological damage might be in the earliest rejects who now think they're so invisible they weren't even worth a conversation. As for Treeza's job. I think he did know she worked in stocks, he didn't ask her what she did, he just said tell me about your job and she went right into how she got started in the field and how great she was at it. I think it's those details he wanted. I think he probably talked to Treeza all night, but I don't think Leslie would have let him go without pushing hard for a chance to show her sexy skills. After all, that seems to be how she sees herself, as the sexy dancer. She wasn't already talking like Beevis and Butthead for nothing.
  24. I think it was two pieces, but it seemed like a leotard cut in half. Very odd to me. It's not the first time Treeza has dressed way too young for her age. Last week when they aired a scene in their bedroom, (I think it was the 'we all have gas' bit) she was standing there in very short white shorts and a skin tight beige tank top making it clear she had implants. Maybe I'm just jealous. but no matter how slim your legs are, it looked wrong somehow. Maybe when the other women were talking about how tiny her clothes were it wasn't just the size but the style that bother them.
  25. No I don't think anyone has, but I sure wish someone would. So happy for your family and your nephew!
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