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Everything posted by JudyObscure

  1. Oh yes, my street mainly consists of older retired couples. Yet all our houses have, three car garages. So we should all have plenty of garage space for mowers and rakes. Nope. We're the only house that doesn't have a shed in the back and our yards would look so much prettier with out them. At least they make a nice home for possums and ground hogs.
  2. They would have been very foolish to try and stop someone with a gun who wasn't hesitating to use it. In fact I was surprised at all the good witnesses who weren't afraid to watch carefully from inside their cars. I would have been under my dashboard.
  3. I can't figure out how Bhanu the super-fan has managed to watch every single episode of Survivor when he was "born into poverty" and has only been in America for ten years. Did his hut get international cable?
  4. Interesting AZ! As a person who is divorced and remarried I often wondered if there were still churches in which I wouldn't be welcomed. My present husband and I were married in a Methodist church by a minister who was divorced and remarried. That was forty years ago. These days the UMC is all shook up over the gay issue. Cyril's church seems fundamentalist to me, plus it's the 1960's. London might be swinging but their churches weren't.
  5. Bhanu will go through life telling people he was just too honest for Survivor, but a million brains saw that his whole game was a lie. So meek and subservient while Q was patiently coaching him, then complaining about people telling him what to do, begging Kenzie for favors then viciously talking about her behind her back, loudly praying to God all day long, then ranting at him for not getting to win Survivor. True believers don't do that, they're afraid to. So glad he's gone. Will Venus starve to death? Usually it's the skinny young men I worry about, but this time it's her. And what's with the fish rewards? My fitness pal just told me my big 6oz filet of salmon is 140 calories. It's like they're being put on Atkins. Their metabolisms have now gone from idling on rice to fourth gear and they will be twice as hungry. Then there's poor Moriah whose short Achilles tendons were never meant to jump. I found out in ballet class that your jump comes from being able to make a spring out of bending your knees with your heels on the ground,(demi plie'.) She can't do that. Maria had the same problem trying to get the ring over the pole. She was starting too high. She needed to bend her knees and start lower to get that spring behind it. Q should have been there for both of them. I love Hunter, he's great at everything, but so was Xander a few seasons back and we know how that went.
  6. I saw that, too! If he falls for her and gets a divorce, his little church would be very upset with him and may even "fire" him as pastor. Yet, they've all seen that he has essentially been deserted. It would all be interesting to me.
  7. Death and re-sale I'm guessing. Long before this show, we would regularly pass a cute little house in WV, perched on top of a hill and completely surrounded by ten foot high piles of colorful clothes. I miss it now that normal people seem to live there. Of all the irritating things about hoarders, that's the one that aggravates me the most. A few seasons back a woman looked into the camera and lectured us all about WASTE while standing in the middle of her sky scarpers of QVC boxes. I really, really want someone to tell them that nothing is more wasteful than buying thousands of dollars worth of stuff they don't need and that there is absolutely no difference between a landfill and their living room. I wanted some one to ask Coral how many illnesses she has cured with her mouse chewed dead herbs and why she has her stuff in her daughters' rooms and ask to see some of the "fabric art," she created.
  8. I just realized that for the first time, when the baby was born, I didn't even tear up. Asking myself what would interest me at this point? I would like to see Cyril and one of the young nurses fall in love. Then we would get some conflict with the racism of the 60's and of course his marriage would have to sink or swim.
  9. I feel like they've been struggling for episode ideas these last few years. For me, nothing is ever going to compare to those first few years, set in the fifties, in the midst of Poplar's extreme poverty.
  10. And this week I was hoping to see some rats. Did they get the rats all out before the stuff went back in? I also wanted to see the cat who produced all the hair. We used to always get some cat footage and a good shot of pickles. They sure did go from piles of filthy junk to a clean house in a short jump. I think the reason we see so many totally whipped husbands on this show is that the stronger ones would never allow their wives to wreck their homes the way the level five hoarders have done. They would have put a stop to it at about level three for their children's sake. Many of the women are stay at home moms like Coral and the husband not only has to let her get away with failing to do her part in the division of labor (housework) he's giving her enough money to create the hoard. I think Jade had a crush on Julio. I noticed the way she looked at him. Well a few weeks ago I mentioned all the ill fitting bras we see on the Hoarders, Coral and her daughters seemed to have solved that problem.
  11. My dumb TV puts the close caption inside a tall black box and runs it right across the middle of the screen covering the actors' faces.
  12. I didn't understand anything Doreen said and missed some of the other's lines. I don't have very good sound on my TV and it's really hard when the background music over plays the dialogue, so I'm best off watching it on my computer the next day. Good story with the young woman having cerebral palsy and her nice boyfriend alongside the abusive husband.
  13. Sounds fun, but when did a new story, written by a screen writer, become a masterpiece?
  14. I wish I could find Bhanu funny, but he's got that hateful side that's a little bit scary. He's like a mean, selfish child in a man's body. Screaming in Jess's face one minute, sobbing over his poor little self the next, telling us about Kenzie's dragon tail like he really thought it was true and we just needed convincing? Now he thinks God gave someone a pinched nerve just to save Bhanu. No thanks on the heart winning from me, even Princess Diana turned me off when she said she wanted to be the Queen of hearts, I think Bhanu's crying, lying and eagerness to throw others under the bus is disgusting. I love Hunter's story! The guy gave up being a doctor to teach kids and has a house full of Survivor stuff to use for games. He's a dream teacher. I've seen Hoarder episodes featuring teachers. They not only have a compulsion to save everything for school projects, they need to save 30 of everything.
  15. She even admitted that getting a good job and knowing she could support herself entered into her decision to finally tell the truth. She wasn't at all squeaky clean. Dating a married man with children, trying to get him to leave his family, staying in touch with him, getting Hickey involved without telling him the whole serious situation. Both women were pretty bad. Now for my pet peeve! Quit acting like being called a victim is worse than being called a drug dealing truck stop whore! Nobody needs to feel ashamed of being a victim whether they ultimately survived, died from the attack, or are a family member, You are a victim of crime and it is the perpetrator who should be ashamed.
  16. David and Odette sure did live in a beautiful place. Blue Mountain Ontario helps to make up for the cold misery of last week's Artic Ocean coastal village. Odette may or may not be a hoarder but I heartily disliked her. Anyone who can sit and pout for four hours while 20 people wait outside for her is a spoiled brat in my eyes. When David was crying over his dead wife and she walked up and said, "But now you have me!" I wanted him to say it was a real down grade. I thought they should have let David keep his software. It wouldn't take up a lot of space and it was what he was used to working on, so who cares if it's outdated? Trying to tell him that his old self (well respected designer) was dead now and all he was, was a grandfather, seemed cruel and untrue to me. Our talents don't quit existing when we retire. David's self esteem was taking hit after hit, his wife telling him she was leaving him, and Goodwill telling him all his valued things were too trashy and useless for them, all had to hurt. I think the kindest thing for the team to do would have been to go straight from the donation center to the landfill and not mention it to David. That final reveal was so disappointing. This is what happens when men design houses. Furniture placement never enters their heads and you end up with no wall space and all the furniture floating around in the middle in each other's way.
  17. LOL😃 I sure hope he reads this. We know he watches TV all day because he didn't always have TV growing up 😕 but I'll bet he surfs the net a little while he's "'doing financial business."
  18. Mine too! I can still see her holding that bucket while all the big muscular people dropped.
  19. Thank you @Fishcakes. Your clip matches my memory but I thought I had to go back and check to make sure. I've been rooting for the Asian women since Survivor began. I just like their manner so much better than the Liz and Kenzie types who are just too brash and over confident for my taste. It's sad that the group as a whole seems to require that others brag about themselves before they grant their respect.
  20. Agree with the rest of you that my list of people I no longer like got really long this episode Venus was being shunned and it was hard to watch. I've seen the beautiful girl shut out of the group on jobs and the only thing she can do about it is work really hard on her personality and use self-deprecating humor to work her way in. Otherwise the regular girls will swear she's stuck up and conceited, with no evidence. Venus hasn't learned any of that yet and is making matters worse by being a little bit high maintenance and pouting about it. I feel really sad for her and at the same time this is the sort of dynamic I like to watch on Survivor's "social experiment," and why I'm glad we have the two hour episodes. Liz's tribe should have thrown the challenge so they could vote her out. Even the show's horrific sound track couldn't drown her out. Soda was my favorite last week, now she's gone down a little, but still a favorite. Bhanu is really smart and clearly a quick learner, going from one culture to another as quickly as he has, so maybe he knows now that his "passion" comes across as terrifying and will learn how to suppress it. I hope. Jess was refreshing and restful in the midst of all the extroverts. Sorry to see her go. Kenzie's tattoos bother me only because I hate to see young, beautiful skin covered up with comic book art. I like her, but I think her strong personality will either get her voted out soon -- or she'll make it to the end. I wanted Jess to cast one vote for her to warn her. Tiffany. She's very smart and strong but I can't really like her because I can't look at her. I automatically turn my head away from the TV or even in real life when confronted with someone who has things hanging out of their nose. I'm sorry, but I'm instinctively repulsed. I would never be that way about an unattractive feature that someone was born with, but when they've gone out of their way to purchase and insert the nose hanger, I find it downright rude and antisocial.
  21. I thought this was a great episode. One of the main reasons I watch this show is for the look inside other lives and Kugluktuk, Nunavut was about as "other" as it can get. Such a cold, miserable looking place and yet it contained the nicest people ever. I would never have believed a huge hoarder house could be cleared, cleaned and repaired by a group of friends and neighbors only. When I compared this little group with the big muscular, professional groups with Matt or Corey leading, I just didn't think it would get done. The mother/son dynamic always gets me tearful because I'm divorced with one son and we are very close. What a fine boy Tajko is! Lastly, I just have to say, in the all important November election, I'm going to vote for anyone who promises to appoint a cabinet of engineers who will design a really good, supportive bra for all us overweight American women.
  22. Cary certainly was a sad man and the friends who thought they were doing "tough love" weren't helping. I think they meant well, and I understand their frustration, having helped him clean out before. I think if I had cleaned out a hoarder mess for someone who just turned around and trashed it again, I would have to just stay far away after that.
  23. I noticed that, too. I wish the therapists and organizers would quit pushing the "so your family can visit," motivator on people who clearly don't care about that. The only words that got through to David was the threat of losing his house and all his precious stuff. I'll bet he was scared to death that one of those cute grandchildren was going to break something. They were both so nasty to that nice therapist I don't understand how she managed to maintain a professional demeanor. Wouldn't it have been nice to see the bank take possession of the house and contents, sell it "as is," and let David and Elisabeth watch the new owners throw all those lamps and purses in a dumpster?
  24. I do understand that and I hate it when the man thinks all the money is his when a proper division of labor says she deserves half the income if she is raising the children, cooking and cleaning. But I'll never believe Elisabeth did any actual work as homemaker. She says she sewed with the children but their little sewing machine was still brand new and she seemed to have bought hundreds of pieces of clothing for herself and matching outfits for the girls. David and Elisabeth both admitted that they didn't do housework or cooking and one of the girls said it was always a mess. David said she had always spent as much as she wanted to and never even saw the bills.
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