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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. Bill Maher to interview Bernie Sanders on Real Time July 29th http://lastnighton.com/2016/07/27/bill-maher-to-interview-bernie-sanders-on-real-time-july-29th/
  2. Netflix comments on why they didn't pick up Agent Carter. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/07/27/netflix-agent-carter
  3. Aaron Sorkin did an "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit a few days back. This article has the highlights. http://www.indiewire.com/2016/07/aaron-sorkins-ama-10-highlights-ask-me-anything-session-1201710639/
  4. But is the lapel pin approved by Josh Lyman? #couldn'tresist
  5. The beginning of the video is a recap of S1. From 1:28 on is preview footage from S2.
  6. This is on Saturday's schedule from San Diego ComicCon, so we should be getting some more info on S2. http://www.outerplaces.com/science-fiction/item/12787-the-ultimate-guide-to-san-diego-comic-con-2016
  7. I found this week's podcast covering "Take This Sabbath Day" particularly good. I love that Hrishi and Josh attempted to discuss the episode chronologically and ended up all over the place. I had truly forgotten just HOW good this episode was. (I re-watched prior to the podcast.) It had the perfect balance of gravitas and humor. I thoroughly enjoyed their conversation with Rabbi Spira-Savett. I like when H&J do sidebar discussions on the important topics raised by the various episodes. (BTW, the Rabbi seems to be an interesting guy and has a website/blog with some thought-provoking topics. http://rabbijon.net/ ) Their discussion of Brad Whitford's cold coffee spit-take almost caused one of my own while I was driving! Funny stuff. No podcast next week. Fourteen days is too long to wait!!! #TWWWwithdrawal . Edited to add: I just realized that the next episode is "Celestial Navigation." It's time for a "secwet pwan to fight infwation" which makes it even harder to wait!
  8. This article has been up on Bravo's Daily Dish for over a week already but I just saw it today and I don't think anyone's linked it here yet. Thomas evidently had custody of the children during the reunion taping and took them with him (and the nanny) on the flight to NY. Bill Murray was on the same flight and was playing with Kensie. The pics are really cute. She is such a beautiful child. http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/kathryn-dennis-thomas-ravenel-daughter-met-bill-murray-pic
  9. NYT article about The West Wing Weekly: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/26/arts/television/west-wing-weekly-podcast-joshua-malina.html?partner=IFTTT&_r=1
  10. Azalea, which is a quarterly magazine that publishes out of Summerville, SC slightly northwest of Charleston, has a fairly in-depth article about Gentry Bourbon in its Summer, 2016 edition. Online website navigation is a bit of a nuisance but the article begins on page 85. https://issuu.com/azaleamagazine/docs/azaleamagazinesummer2016?e=1593809/36539282
  11. And now, we have a date for the Season 2 premiere!
  12. I'm putting this article here instead of in the media thread as it relates directly to this episode exclusively. Why Southern Charm's Shep Rose Fled Thomas Ravenel's Disastrous Dinner Party: 'Things Got Sideways Real Quick' http://www.people.com/article/southern-charm-shep-rose-talks-thomas-ravenel-dinner-party-blowup-exclusive
  13. Yup. In response to a tweet asking "Who ate all the yummy food left from the dinner party??" Cooper responded:
  14. I know that the reunion was filming today because Jennifer Snowden tweeted it last night. I was surprised that she was part of the reunion but she was definitely part of the Season 3 Thomas/Kathryn drama.
  15. Full episodes are available here. Tonight's episode should be up tomorrow.. http://www.bravotv.com/watch-what-happens-live
  16. Heading into my 14th season of watching Top Chef, I go back and forth as to how I feel about Tom Colicchio but boy did he put some brownie points in the "Pro" column for me with his tweet early this morning! :)
  17. I was just coming here to post about this. Here is a link: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/adam-levine-offers-pay-voice-902267?facebook_20160613 Additionally, Christina's brother Marcus posted a link on his FB page to a change.org petition "to help Christina possible be remembered in the next legend of Zelda game, her favorite game of all time." Here is the link to the petition: https://www.change.org/p/nintendo-name-a-npc-in-a-legend-of-zelda-game-after-christina-grimmie?recruiter=555978182&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-reason_msg
  18. Here's a scheduling heads up for tonight's episode. It's airing an hour earlier than normal, from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. EDT. The re-broadcast which normally airs at 11:30 p.m. EDT immediately following Watch What Happens Live (tonight featuring Cameran, Whitney and Landon in the clubhouse) will air an hour later running from 12:31 a.m. to 1:32 p.m. Adjust your DVRs!
  19. I only started listening to TWWW earlier this week and I am LOVING it! So, I was excited to find this tidbit while reading articles on the TWW reunion at the ATX TV Fest. http://tvradio.blog.austin360.com/2016/06/11/bartlet-for-president-west-wing-reunion-delights-fans-and-cast-at-atx-tv-fest/ Two hours' worth of Aaron Sorkin discussing The West Wing? Sign me up right now!
  20. Lots of info online regarding TWW cast reunion at ATX TV fest! This site seems to have the most info, but there are many photos at other sites if you google it. http://tvradio.blog.austin360.com/2016/06/11/bartlet-for-president-west-wing-reunion-delights-fans-and-cast-at-atx-tv-fest/ I'm going to post this in the WWW podcast thread also as this was the best thing I've read all day! A photo from the TV Insider article. http://www.tvinsider.com/article/90757/the-west-wing-reunion-aaron-sorkin-on-nbcs-initial-hesitation-about-the-hit-series/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=TVGM Also, this tweet from Janel Moloney:
  21. Over the past few days, I have seen a television commercial for Colgate White featuring Cassadee Pope, which has me wondering which other past winners or contestants had received any endorsement deals. I have a vague recollection of seeing Danielle Bradbury advertising for something, but I may very well be wrong. Anyone know?
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