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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. The agreement doesn't specify the type of therapy for which Kensie has a standard appointment. I recall reading somewhere that she may have a hearing issue. If that is the case, developmental speech can often be affected. It's possible that the "therapy" mentioned in the agreement is speech therapy. This is pure speculation on my part; I have no inside info.
  2. Hopefully, we will hear additional Season 3 information from the Lucifer Comic-Con panel later this month. http://tvline.com/2017/06/27/comic-con-2017-schedule-tv-show-panels-dates/
  3. Three recaps of the season finale. The recap from Charleston City Paper is by far, the funniest. https://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/HolyCinema/archives/2017/06/27/confessions-of-a-southern-charm-newbie-the-end-again http://www.islandpacket.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/liz-farrell/article158382759.html http://www.vulture.com/2017/06/southern-charm-season-4-finale-recap.html
  4. Joba Chamberlain was the first thing I thought of with that clue. I honestly don't think I'd ever heard of biting midges before that playoff game.
  5. After watching Shep's continual drunken stupor on the Southern Charm finale last night, it seems as if these two should get together.
  6. While she may look 37, Marisa Tomei is actually 52 and would have been 8 at the time The Godfather was released. It sounded to me as if Brandon said "White Men Can Jump" not the correct Can't.
  7. For FJ, 1962 was the telling part of the clue for me as I immediately thought of the U2 pilot. Then my brain went numb and all I could think was "Gary...Gary...Gary." Never could remember Powers. /SmacksHead We seem to have a very good champ on our hands. Two BIG payoffs so far. She annoyed me a bit on day one but now I'm definitely pulling for her!
  8. Just popped up in my FB feed: Season 3 premiere, Monday October 2nd!
  9. Wish I lived closer to Portland, OR! One Night Only! Sunday Supper with Mei Lin + Doug Adams
  10. I'm wondering if Craig perhaps played organized baseball at a level higher than Little League, as the use of chewing tobacco is quite prevalent starting at the high school level. It has actually been banned in baseball's minor leagues since 1993 but a ban has been fought at the major league level and is still permitted under the MLBPA's current collective bargaining agreement. Famously, Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn died of salivary gland cancer, directly related to his long term use of chewing tobacco. Aside from being disgusting, it's a dangerous habit and one I hope Craig is trying to rid himself of.
  11. Those are Savannah to go cups. You can walk the streets of the historic district, drink in hand as long as it's in a plastic cup. Take your drink with you as you make your way to the next bar. I believe New Orleans is ths only other US city where this is permitted.
  12. Louis should have talked to Hannah about her father's revelation. He has to know that production is everywhere and would greedily pick up on that. So when is Hannah going to find out that her father was never in love with her mother? Last night when the show aired? I certainly hope that Louis talked to her when the cameras weren't rolling. It would be far better to receive that news from someone you love.
  13. You take that back! I won't stand for you insulting Fran Drescher that way! :D
  14. Oh my goodness, Thomas's face! Can't wait to see the build-up to this!
  15. Brad Whitford will be one of the guests on Real Time with Bill Maher this coming Friday, June 23rd.
  16. I thought it was mentioned in Ep. 1 that everyone in this group is 32-33?
  17. Small point: When Shep was waking up, the camera lingered on his feet in a nice pair of socks. For those also watching Southern Charm Savannah, are we to assume those were the socks that Shep got from Louis at the promo gathering for his sock company in Charlotte during the hurricane evacuation? From the timeline here, it doesn't seem that we're going to see anything about Hurricane Matthew's effects on Charleston as Saint's birthday party was in November. (The hurricane was in October.)
  18. I completely agree with you here. If I'm at a gathering where someone I dislike who's treated me nastily in the past is also in attendance, I'm hoping they don't come near me! Of course, a Kathryn/Jennifer interaction would mean more air time for Jennifer. Hampton Park is a fairly large park right in peninsular Charleston. There are areas with trees as well as "the green." I thought it was a nice location for a child's birthday party. I was trying to put my finger on their location while driving also. It seemed to me that at least parts of it were driving along Savannah Highway (West Ashley.) Then it got to a point where it was less commercial, so further west (Carolina Bay?) or maybe one of the newer Bees Ferry Rd. developments? Those are right near the landfill so I'd assume they're going for less than other developments. Just a guess. Apropos of nothing, I saw this Southern Charm tweet earlier from a random tweeter and it cracked me up.
  19. Sermet's closed in January. Gentry Bar opened in March. https://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/Eat/archives/2017/01/16/sermets-to-be-replaced-with-the-gentry-house https://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/Eat/archives/2017/03/27/gentry-bar-and-room-opens-this-fri-march-31
  20. I'll just leave this here. T-Rav sat down for an interview with Charleston local, Quinton Washington. Full disclosure: I gave up 11 minutes into the interview. Couldn't take much more of Thomas's disjointed ravings. If anyone makes it through and he says anything interesting, please let the rest of us know! http://www.holycitysinner.com/2017/05/30/quintins-close-ups-thomas-ravenel-2/
  21. Well, a marsh. Slightly better. Still not something I'd want to do though! I just realized that about 70% of what you've said here could also apply to Landon from the original Southern Charm!
  22. Excellent analysis of the Lucifer finale from the A.V. Club: http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/lucifer-finally-moves-forward-just-things-come-end-256017
  23. https://moviepilot.com/p/hayley-atwell-cancelled-agent-carter-season-3-plot-cliffhanger/4281342
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