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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. http://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/Eat/archives/2017/01/16/sermets-to-be-replaced-with-the-gentry-house Here's the link to the Sermet's tweet. (I think we're still not supposed to embed tweets any more?) https://twitter.com/sermets_/status/821089805522075652
  2. Not specifically about Grace and Frankie, so I thought I'd just put this in Small Talk. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/jane-fonda-dolly-parton-present-lily-tomlin-life-achievement-award-at-sag-awards-2017-965140?facebook_20170117
  3. PYKAG has been used as a verb for years now, going back to the old TWOP forums. I like that usage myself and have used it here many times. Big kudos to whomever came up with the idea originally!
  4. In the promo we were originally shown for "Stewardess Interruptus" we saw Chloe experiencing unstoppable bleeding but that wasn't part of tonight's episode. It's not much of a stretch to assume that her bleeding is somehow related to whatever is in those vials that were in the package. Was anyone able to read what was on the vials?
  5. "Am I boyfriend material?" Never thought I'd hear THAT come out of the mouth of the Prince of Darkness! Maze is so awesome. Lesley Ann Brandt just kills it each and every week. And, we got to see the Devil for a change. It's been too long!
  6. It was a gyn exam specifically to determine if her hymen was intact, i.e. a virginity test. When Victoria was told that Lady Flora had not been "deflowered" she still asked whether or not she was with child and Lord M told her that was not possible, that one precludes the other. It made me wonder if Lady Flora was similarly ignorant of how pregnancy occurs and might have thought she was pregnant even though she had never been with a man. It really makes you feel for these poor women of the 19th century.
  7. Why doesn't some other cable network pull together a show focusing on red carpet fashion during awards season that actually focuses on, you know, the fashion? Fashion Police has long gone past its expiration date. It made perfect sense when it began: Joan Rivers was an iconic comedienne who had spent years covering the red carpet for awards shows and had great fashion sense. This show's premise flowed organically from that. The mistake that was made following Joan's untimely death was continuing on--or attempting to continue on--with the comedic side of the show. I can't imagine that the ratings for this show as currently structured are any good but if they are going to survive they should ditch Margaret and don't replace her. They don't need a comedian with no fashion knowledge. Ditch Nene and don't replace her; she serves no purpose whatsoever. They could walk outside on the street and pick anyone out of the crowd and that person could do the job as well or better than she. Keep Brad, Melissa and Giuliana and rotate a fourth guest in and out as the season progresses, preferably people of color who actually have some understanding of fashion. There is really no reason for me to watch this show any longer, especially as I usually watch the E! red carpet coverage. I see and learn more about the fashion on the carpet itself than I ever do anymore on Fashion Police. They used to show us hair, jewelry, accessories. They used to show us how specific gowns were presented on the runway. Where is all of that??? It's just sad now. :(
  8. Wasn't it last season that they did both lunch and dinner service for RW and each cheftestant had to take a turn at either FOH or Executive Chef? I hope they hold to that for this season too. No hiding then.
  9. I think Lisa's attitude was far worse. Also, Emily has been among the top three in at least two Quickfire Challenges, which indicates to me that she can cook well.
  10. ProudMary

    Lion (2016)

    I saw Lion today. Amazing film that touched me beyond words. I cannot recall ever before having seen a film that had me actually weeping. What got me was Remarkable performances by both Dev Patel and Sunny Pawar. Go see this one!
  11. I hate that it had to be a team loss and that the PYKAGd chef had to be from the losing team because I think Casey should have gotten the boot for serving uncooked scallops that had been laying in a box for a couple of hours. She can argue all she wants that they smelled them 10 times and they were fine. Not just the judges but the guests said the scallops were fishy. My favorite moment of the night was right at the beginning as the chefs walked into the Top Chef kitchen for the Quickfire Challenge and saw the Air, Water, Fire and Earth pantries and Sheldon says, "Who's going to walk in? Captain Planet?" :-D Love Sheldon!
  12. I loved the scene with Randall and Beth in the bathroom. Those two have such amazing chemistry together! On the other hand, the Randall/Jesse scene was delightfully awkward! I liked that when Jack came back up to the apartment because he forgot his wallet and heard Rebecca crying that he gave her the space to cry. She needed that so badly. And of course, that was the impetus for Jack to do what he very much hoped he wouldn't have to by going to his father for the money. It was a very good scene. Even before J&R knew they were having triplets, they did know Rebecca was pregnant. Why the heck would you put down a security deposit on a 6th floor walk-up, even with just one baby on the way??? I had this awful vision of poor Rebecca at 8 months pregnant having to drag herself up 6 flights of stairs. Keep looking Jack!!! Well, at least the housing situation all worked out in the end.
  13. The "mouth off" skit with the mouth guards was a new low for a show that has been dropping for a long time. I actually felt embarrassed for them.
  14. Less than three months ago, just outside Charleston. I did not feel the need to sample this! Coastal Carolina Fair unleashes scorpion pizza
  15. I agree with you, which is why I listed Ray separately from the other three classic, traditional musicals and phrased it as a question leaving the decision up to the person who had posed the question.
  16. Rex Harrison winning for My Fair Lady, Yul Brynner for The King and I and Jimmy Cagney for Yankee Doodle Dandy come to mind. More recently, what about Jamie Foxx for Ray?
  17. Joel Edgerton was also nominated. Sadly, neither of them have been nominated for SAG awards which doesn't bode well for the Oscar nominations yet to come.
  18. I kind of figured the HFPA would give the award to Huppert. The Academy Awards will be different. I think Natalie Portman has Oscar #2 in the bag. It's the type of performance the Academy loves and Portman did an excellent job. I would love to see Ruth Negga's performance in Loving net her a win but I don't think that will happen.
  19. Casey Affleck was brilliant in that role. HFPA got that one right. And Brie Larson's dress was stunningly beautiful. I didn't see her on the red carpet before.
  20. I LOVED "Sing Street." It's on Netflix if people haven't seen it. Well worth the watch.
  21. Can we give Meryl an award for that speech please? I'm in tears here.
  22. I'm so pleased that Claire Foy and "The Crown" both won! I'm looking forward to future seasons.
  23. Wow, Chris Hemsworth and Gal Gadot. I don't think they could have found two more gorgeous humans to present together!
  24. I enjoyed La La Land but thought that Manchester By the Sea should have won the screenplay award. Haven't seen Moonlight yet.
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