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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Bye Naysha! Again. We all know you had no chance of winning a LSFYL against Chi Chi. Girl. She painted the runway with Naysha's blood! Honestly, Derrick is beginning to bother me a bit. It seems like he really doesn't understand that he can't rest on Britney. Thorgy's runway hurt my eyes. Betty's runway was amazing. I still love Bob. Snatch Game next week! Is it Monday yet?
  2. Forget those other Queens. #TeamBob over here. I flove her!
  3. What I found so galling is that even when the other actors are playing polar opposites of their regular characters they were still miles better than KM as Clary.
  4. At least Laila got put out of her misery. Those Cha-Chas ... Lawd hammercy. Poor rhythmless queens! Acid Betty is the bitch of the season already. I wonder who's coming back?
  5. Team Bob and Kim Chi! They are everything. Naysha was gorgeous, no doubt. But that lackluster LSFYL and no sewing ability? One way ticket back home. This season is going to be awesome.
  6. In most werewolf folklore, once the challenger becomes Alpha, the increased power should help the new Alpha heal quickly from the wounds of the fight. Or the poison was just an excuse to shoehorn Magnus into the scene.
  7. I'm not going to trip so much about Lydia and Alec, because I can see his motivation for proposing. He is being forced to marry, so why not turn the outcome to his benefit? He has no great love for Lydia, but an allegiance with her will get his parents off his back and retain control of their Institute. He'll have to keep his affinity for Magnus from her, though.
  8. That was a call back to the remark Alec made about Izzy's cooking when Simon was in the Institute. I found it cute. I missed the original bet made, because I was confused about why Simon put the money on the chair.
  9. I saw that Harry Shum Jr. was on this show and decided to binge watch the episodes I missed. I really can't take Clary. Her character and her actress is really the worst part of this show because I want to smack her every time she opens her mouth. I haven't read the books, so I was able to come into this world unbiased. All the characters were awful in the beginning. 8 episodes later, mostly everyone has settled into their roles. Except for Clary. It's sad because she is the center of the story.
  10. It's sad that we could sit down and put more thought into this show than the creator/team of writers did.
  11. That was a hot steaming mess! Even after all the shenanigans, we are still left with a mystery. Ugh. So Nathan was the true master of time and space, huh? Angela was double talking to the very end. Can't say that I was surprised. So this is the way that the great Noah HRG Bennett goes out? At least they remembered that he left his glasses behind when Nathan snatched him from the freeway. So who is the twins' father? AAARGGGH!
  12. But, I thought that Erica told Miko's father that she had powers of persuasion. That would be the only thing that renders everyone's stupidity almost understandable! Erica, the EVO killer being an EVO herself. *going back to rewatch the episode*
  13. I saw one darker hued Elf. There's that. Exactly. Hopefully Surfer Elf will smarten up and at least keep his mouth closed when not speaking.
  14. Harris dying would have been the highlight of the show if he didn't die in the most ridiculous way possible. Katana Girl wasn't a real person! Did he really think he would have been able to beat someone who was created to fight? Sigh.
  15. All I want to know is why Will's lip gloss is popping. Otherwise I am all in. I will do as I do for Game of Thrones; read the books after the season is over.
  16. I'll have to rewatch the finale. I feel that Ryder poisoned Jade to get his mother out of the Fort. He's crafty, but he's not that smart. If Tilda doesn't kill the Widow and Zephyr survives her run in with MK, I will enjoy watching them pull Ryder's strings.
  17. Quinn better be dead, at least for Veil's sake. There has to be a Season 2! We need to see Sunny trying to get back to Veil, Ryder finding out that he's not about the Baron life, Lydia coming back to smack her son down for getting her put out, Jade running her long con at the Fort, etc... Oh yeah! And MK going back to the factory to get refurbished. Heh.
  18. http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-35077124 Yu Tsai did Serena's photo shoot for SI. I guess he can take great pictures! So what was he going for Tyra? Heh.
  19. That theory I can get behind. Consider the implications; from Sunny finding out his true origins to the baby Veil is now carrying. Then there is MK himself. He is trying his best to get back home to what? Perhaps to the very ones who created him. That would be an awesome story if the writers could pull it off.
  20. Or it was Ryder who offed stepmommy #2. I can't see Lydia working the poppy fields to the point of getting blisters then poisoning Jade. I can see Ryder beginning to execute his plan to take his father down. Don't think it would work in his favor, but yeah. Like I said before, any Clipper who isn't Sunny or Waldo ain't shit. I liked M.K. for about 2 minutes in this ep. Then he fainted again after going Super Saiyan on that colt. Back to severe dislike! So Quinn is going to try to get Veil on his side. Snake. Is it Sunday yet?
  21. I think there is general disdain towards the Widow because she is a woman. The Badlands are incredibly patriarchal in how they run things. The other Barons are probably on this "How dare she take power from her husband" tip but hate Quinn for taking the advantage in going after her. I dig M.K. being a killing machine when he is cut, but he can stop fainting afterwards. Gah, boy. At least come to on your feet!
  22. Not really, because Jacobee could have killed his pappy for the spot. It would make sense to kill the Colts as well, since she only has women as her Clipper force. If the Widow has Ryder, she should have Lydia and Jade unles she left them in the Fort by themselves. I guess it was smart of M.K. to go where Sunny was because he might have been killed or captured again. It was a great plan to lure the majority of the cogs away so that Quinn's productivity grinds to a halt. One thing I hope they expand on is the supposed code of ethics between Barons. Jacobee and the other presumably male Barons don't like the Widow, but are equally displeased about Quinn snatching her property. I'm guessing that Jacobee thinks Quinn is talking out of his ass about avenging his son when he refused to pay the Nomads who captured Ryder as a child.
  23. Heh. Clearly Clippers who aren't Sunny and Waldo ain't shit. Quinn picked the right color for his Clippers, because they've been dying at an alarming rate. Jacoby (or is it Jacobee?): "My daddy didn't like you, Quinn. I really can't stand you. And I ain't going to help you with the Widow." So the Widow and Zephyr are in cahoots? Girl Power to the max! But putting Ryder in the mix? I don't know how that will work out to their benefit. Sunny is in a tight spot. Everybody wants the boy he swore to protect. What's the plan going to be?
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