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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Hmm, interesting. Thanks for the info. I searched youtube but only found video from the start of the dance. Which speaking of video, I re-watched Amy and Derek's AT and figured out what the stumble was. I think near the end, Derek was supposed to tip the stool over with his foot and she would catch it with hers but they were slightly off in their timing so when Derek tapped it, she wasn't quick enough to catch it and so it just wobbled awkwardly instead. The stool falling over completely though only happened after the dance was well over. After Amy gets up from her ending pose, it falls over so I really don't think that counts in the dance or can be compared to Charlie dropping his cane right smack in the middle of his dance.
  2. I swear I always feel like I miss stuff even while I'm watching the show. What is everyone talking about with the Maks/Meryl/Danica/Val rehearsal? All I remember is their cute grandmother showing up but I'm seeing all these comments about Maks being a douche to Danica. Did I miss something?
  3. It was definitely better than all the other opening numbers that have basically been a repeat of the same thing every week. I missed it but was that also choreographed by Mandy Moore because if so, it's nice to see that she can give the Pros something else to do for the opening number.
  4. lol... I feel like because of some of the feelings and opinions about Derek, his celebrities sometimes don't get their due because they are paired with him. It happened with Amber and it's happening with Amy. I have a feeling no matter how much Amy truly dances and works her butt off, her efforts will be dismissed as "they're treating her with kid gloves and she's paired with the golden boy so they won't critique her." I don't think Amy's scores are unfair. In my opinion, the only ones who are truly better dancers than Amy is Meryl and Charlie and for Meryl tonight, one can blame Maks and his "not a rumba" for her score.
  5. I loved that Candace and Charlie were cheating on Mark and Sharna. That was a really nice dance though and I totally did not see whatever slip happened with Sharna so I think they deserved their 10's. It's odd about Candace, for all her mental issues, she just seems to bring it for contemporary dances. It's like that dance is the only one she truly draws from her acting experience and really performs the dance. Loved Amy and James' jive. Totally called that (I am good...) I just never thought Danica was drawing in votes. Man poor Val, two seasons in a row he's had celebrities who could dance but just didn't have the fanbase. Oh well. Also, Peta looked like she was about to break into tears and pass out. That was actually kind of funny.
  6. I thought the stool got knocked down towards the end of the dance. They did their last move/pose and knocked it over then. There have been incidents at the end of the dance that the judges have acknowledged that since it happened at the end, when they'd done all their steps, it's fine. I will say, there was a part near the end where it looked like they were trying for a trick and it didn't come together as it should have. Without seeing their dress rehearsal, I can't pinpoint exactly what it was but it was obvious something was off. I don't think the judges saw it though because of the direction they were facing when it happened. All that said, I really don't have an issue with Amy's scores or think she's being so unfairly judged. I always compare the celebrities to others they are up against and I truly believe that Meryl and Charlie are the only ones who are truly better than Amy. I think she and Danica are about the same level technically and performance wise, I think Amy has out-performed Danica. And I do think she's a better dancer than James and definitely more so than Candace. I feel like backlash is starting against Amy because some are getting nervous that Derek might actually pull this off and she will win.
  7. Meryl is the highest scoring contestant period. She got 9's and 10's for a rumba that was imo, not a rumba (not counting Abby's 8 because that was just like some weird drama between her and Maks), she's getting perfect scores like it ain't no thing, almost every rehearsal package is about her and Maks' amazing bond, connection, etc. I don't see how Amy getting props when she came out and danced her heart out means the show is pushing a win for her. What else is there really that they aren't doing for Meryl, that they can do? Tonight was another example imo in what some have said in the past about Maks and his choreography - Meryl is an amazing dancer but that was not a rumba and Maks knows better. And still, were it not for Abby on the panel, she'd have gotten only 10's and 9's. This after Carrie Ann gave poor Charlie a 7 because she decided his rumba was not a rumba. This is awkward. I feel like maybe Abby is trying very hard to pretend she knows more about dance than she does and the Pros are calling it out. Val looked like he had no clue what the hell she was talking about there. I liked Meryl and Danica's costumes but I hate Danica's hair. Also I thought they were competing against each other but they basically just get one score? So how is that a duel?
  8. That was damn incredible. However, something went wonky towards the end. I think there was a trick that didn't quite go off as it should have but damn I'm saying, the girl can dance. And not "a good dancer for a double amputee" but a just a damn good dancer period. And smart choreography Derek - that stool move was totally a clever way to get Amy to rest her back in the middle of the dance. Also, Abby's ass kissing to Derek was hilarious because I swear his look said, "yeah I still don't like you..." Got it, thanks. He looked pretty pissed off right after she spoke and like he wanted to say something but Tom pulled the mike away because I think he got distracted by Bruno.
  9. What was his comment? I stepped out of the room for a second when they went up to the skybox and came back to the crowd all oohing and aahing and Maks looking irritated and Abby shrugging her shoulders. By the way, I noticed Derek clapping hard in the back to whatever Maks said. Guess he's still not a fan since their war on twitter. Should be interesting when Amy dances. Btw, speaking of Maks and Meryl, I was getting ready to rage at Carrie Ann about her bias if she didn't call out that that dance was not a rumba. Poor Peta worked her ass off and she gave Charlie a 7, claiming the dance was not a rumba. As far as I'm concerned, she was wrong, Charlie's rumba had more rumba steps than Maks and Meryl's dance. I missed the beginning and for a moment was sure the spoilers had been wrong and Maks and Meryl had contemporary instead of rumba. Liked Candace's dance and I get the look and feel Mark was going for but those ugly shoes were really driving me crazy. Missed Danica and Val which is not a good sign of how not interested in her I am. I totally called the B3. I can see James going home because of Peta's strip tease performance last week. Seems ludicrous but shows like this, where people have to be determined to vote for hours for you, the slightest thing that turns them off can hurt you. I continue to adore Charlie and I liked his QS but anyone else think that 40 was almost a pity 40...just me?
  10. Because this show is on the CW and is still mostly targeted at teens, so there is no way in hell they're going to show an open, three-way relationship. This isn't HBO or Showtime. Personally I think the better question is why must she be with any Salvatore brother period. She has acknowledged she and Damon are toxic, she speaks like she and Stefan are past their romantic history, well shit spread your wings and step outside that little incestuous world. But I'm not delusional enough to think that will happen. I mean the writers can't even make Stefan move on and have a life because they're that obsessed with servicing that lame ass triangle everyone is tired off. And that I think is the biggest thing hurting the show. Plec and company are so determined to keep this triangle going, no matter how much the ratings dip, that they're twisting their characters in all crappy inconsistent ways and creating the most contrived situations/storylines to do so.
  11. I'm not saying one can't with Spencer. My opinion of Jefra was not based on just that one episode. I've been saying Jefra was a sheep since maybe episode 3 of the season and my opinion of her was always that she got as far as she did based on luck. Now sure, there's nothing wrong with that but it just does not make me consider her a very good player and yeah she would have been a great person to sit next to in the end because all the other person had to say was, "um, she didn't do anything." As I said once before, Jefra is that player in a long line of Survivor players who luck out with a dominant alliance and basically remain comfortable with them until they're voted out. And just to be clear, it's not like I dislike the girl or anything - I don't know her and the little that was shown of her she does seem like a sweet enough person. I just didn't think she was a particularly impressive Survivor player, that's all.
  12. THIS!!! All of this. I seriously think I got a headache watching the show last night because it's all just so stupid. I sat there thinking that either the writers think all their viewers are brainless morons or they're fooled by those public panel things that get populated by a bunch of teenie fans who just want to scream about how hot Damon/Ian is and figure they don't care about things like sense. I mean nothing about this made ANY sense. As noted, let's ignore the glaring fact that Damon killed Lexie (and unlike Stefan with Enzo, he was not defending himself - he just did it out of spite) and as is often the case with everything with Damon, barely apologized for it but suddenly Damon can't know that Stefan while defending himself, killed Enzo because Damon might hate him for it. Okay then. Then let's ignore that this Damon and Enzo best friendship shit came out of nowhere and that Damon himself left Enzo to burn in a fire to save himself. Then let's also ignore that Stefan actually didn't kill Enzo and the tool killed himself. Then let's ignore that Enzo was torturing Stefan before he turned his humanity off and after finding out Damon is the one that killed his so called great love, instead of torturing him and killing him, he's still trying to attack Stefan and everyone else but somehow again, they can't tell the truth about his death to spare Damon's delicate feelings. Then out of nowhere the writers turn Caroline into a crazy harpy over Stefan and Elena - again it's like they have zero subtlety anymore with this show. Caroline has always been a busy-body who likes a good gossip so I wasn't surprised to see her knowing something was up and wanting to know what it was. But this whole Stefan and Elena must be getting it on and that's what they're lying about and anger at not being told what happened was just ridiculously over the top, all to make it glaringly obvious that Caroline is going to realize she has feelings for Stefan. And if we didn't already know the writers would never actually make them a legitimate, viable pairing in service of their crappy ass triangle no one gives a shit about, this solidified it. First of all is the fact that they're going to make Caroline fall for Stefan, not the other way around. Two, they're not even a thing and already the insecurities are raging its head. Oh what fun... Because we all know the rule right, Elena is free to bang Damon at all turns because she's just so in love but Stefan can never actually move on and have a legitimate relationship since he has to hang around everytime the writers need to throw a bone to service the triangle that will not end. I say again, I hate this show and I hate these writers. I will say, as shrieky as they made Caroline, I was amused at Elena's great offense at Caroline daring to suggest anything could happen or be happening with her and Stefan. Because suddenly Elena has such high moral standards and she would never sleep with two brothers...oh wait
  13. I don't think he didn't tell her because he's an idiot. I think he didn't tell her because he didn't fully trust her and with good reason. Right now we have Jefra's side of what happened, and if as assumed she's telling the truth, that's just proof right there of how much editing does not show. In other words, we don't know how exactly that whole thing went down, what Spencer's reasoning was for not telling her and what his thinking was in regards to the entire situation. Either way it was a risk. Yes, he could have told her he had it to further gain her trust but then there's the risk she tells Kass and/or Trish or the whole other side and he's screwed either way. Jefra may be talking a good game for herself in her exit interviews, as many of the contestants tend to do after being eliminated, but many of the previously eliminated people this season have confirmed her being more or less a sheep and rarely taking much initiative during the game. My guess, again with editing I may be wrong, but I think Spencer probably just didn't trust that Jefra really had the guts and gameplay to make any significant move and telling her that he had the idol would have likely given more ammunition if she went right back to her group and blabbed to them. Yes but being shallow does not mean being stupid or an inability to play the game. Parvati may well have been shallow but she just also happened to be smart and damn good Survivor player. In Jefra's case not only was she bland as all hell, she also was a mediocre player, imo.
  14. I hate this show... I just, I have nothing. I honestly could not find one interesting thing to talk about with this episode. I spent the whole hour irritated by this whole Enzo crap and just wanting a massive building to knock him over and make him truly and sincerely dead. If the Other Side is being wiped away and people vanishing as Grams said, why the hell couldn't Enzo go vanish away like Katherine did. I don't care about Enzo, I care less about this manufactured Enzo/Damon super friendship and having an entire hour spent dealing with Stefan killing him (which he kind of didn't) and how poor hurt Damon would feel and oh Stefan and Elena are keeping a secret and just, blah, blah...omg everyone just shut the hell up. This was all SO BAD!!! None of it makes sense anymore. And wow Plec and company, way to ruin Stefan/Caroline without it even happening. They're not even together and we already have super insecure Caroline who knows she'll always be second to precious Mary Sue-Elena. I just...I swear I hate every damn thing on this show right now except for poor Tyler who of course got screwed because who really gives a shit about him anyway, right?
  15. Still sounds like seeing what one wants to see, imo. As for Lea and Cory, I barely paid attention to the Glee cast in the show's early seasons and even I knew there were rumors about Lea and Cory possibly hooking up when she was still with that Todd guy (or was it Toby…can't remember). Basically after being a part of fandoms where I've seen shipping dramas become out of control, i have learned one very valuable thing - anyone can see anything if they want to badly enough. I'll give a perfect recent example. The show Twisted (which sucks and is likely cancelled so fine if no one's heard of it) had the pairing Lacey and Danny which became fairly popular with the fans and of course some started shipping the actors even though Kylie who played Lacey was openly dating another cast member on the show. I saw people spin so many things that was just absolute proof of this undying passion Kylie and Avan (who played Danny) secretly had for each other. My favorite was when she started wearing a necklace with the initial A. They were all convinced that she was being coy and being subtle because you wouldn't know who exactly she was referring to because Avan's name started with A. Well yes, but there was the fact that her boyfriend's name is Ashton and the only people who saw any subtlety were nutters who wanted to believe she was secretly dating Avan. Nah, if the ratings are anything to go by, I'd say you're right on no one really giving a shit about any of it anymore. Glee is going to go out like Gossip Girl did. The 100 poor, possibly masochistic fans still sticking around to the end.
  16. No I'm pretty sure they picked up on exactly what he was saying (well maybe not Jefra and Woo but Kass and Trish definitely). I think they just convinced themselves that one, he's at the bottom so he's desperate and would say anything to swing things his way and two, that once they get to the end, they can truly convince the jury to make them win no matter how many big moves Tony made. Not to mention they were probably thinking, most people would be pissed off at Tony. And those are all fair points but the fact is there have been many seasons where juries have voted for the person who played the hardest no matter how much they disliked that person. I can definitely see Kass delusionally believing that she's a lawyer after all and she could totally sell herself and her game in the final tribal council because she really is that delusional, not to mention all that smug superiority complex she has.
  17. Yes that's how it usually works but at some point they stop putting the idols back in play and so it just seemed, especially with a super secret powerful Idol still in play, and only what 3-4 tribal councils left before the Final 3, that it wasn't necessary. And all it did was put way too much power in one player's hand, so close to the end.
  18. Yeah it was the Special Idol. He mentioned Jeff only saying it was near some special tree or something vague like that and he walked around and saw a tree with that was twisted in a weird way and decided that must be it and he started searching there and found it.
  19. Seriously, I uttered a loud, "what," when he said this because all I could think is "you've been looking for this for like a few hours, maybe a day." What I am impressed by with Spencer is that he doesn't seem to panic or freak out. He keeps fighting and acknowledges that it may or may not work but he still tries rather than just sit around and accept that he's down in the numbers and there's nothing he can do. I really, really liked the way he played that scene with Tony when the women were in the water. And I liked that he did try to find an Idol (though none exists because Tony seems destined for them all) even after Tony told him the plan to blindside Jefra. Which speaking of that, Tony is such an oddball to me. I could not believe when he seemed all offended that Spencer might be trying to find an Idol because according to him "he was doing all this work to keep Spencer in the game". It's like Tony, it's Survivor, nothing is guaranteed. Hell he was getting ready to flip on his alliance again after promising he wouldn't after the LJ blindside. How can he really be offended that Spencer didn't just accept his word as the absolute truth and was trying to find some added security for himself? Seriously. As for this latest Idol, my suspicion is that it is basically the Idol Spencer had and the producers for whatever reason put it back in play, after he used it at the last tribal council. She was making no sense in her obnoxious, annoying blabbering. She was trying to say that she knew Spencer would never play the idol for Jeremiah because he's a 21-year old college kid and they're all by nature so selfish. However, the fact was Spencer or Jeremiah was getting votes, there was no guarantee which way it would go. Spencer had no clear reason to believe they knew he had the idol so they would go for Jeremiah. Either way it was a risk and Survivor, as Probst has kept stating the last few tribal councils, is an individual game. So Spencer basically, with no guarantee either way, played his Idol for himself. Can't really fault him for that but honestly, Kass is just an annoying tool. I actually find Spencer's personality coming across as very subdued. Most of his talking heads are usually matter of fact and his basically stating his position in the game and whatever plan he has or hopes to try. Which is also why he doesn't seem to have 10,000 talking heads like Tony for example. I actually haven't found him particularly showy about any of his moves or things that have worked out other than having a big smile everytime he's amazingly managed to survive another tribal council. Tasha and Spencer actually both, amazingly for two people so down in a game about numbers, seem relatively calm. Now it may be the editing and they're leaving out all the freak outs and panicking but from what we've seen, I'm surprised at how calm they both seem while still clearly fighting and not giving up.
  20. That was the case in the second Fans vs. Favorites. Malcolm won the bid that got him a clue to the immunity idol but wasn't able to find it. That was the hilarious sequence where he tried to find it and Andrea followed him and just sat right where he was looking and refused to move. And Cochran won the bid for the advantage in the immunity challenge which he ended up winning. So did I. That's why when I saw the third vote for Spencer, my heart sank because I had totally miscounted how many people were there. When the third for Jefra popped up, I thought inexplicably there was a tie, then Jeff mentioned there was one vote left and that's when I remembered "oh right Trish, which is where the three votes for Spencer came from." She's a goat because no one really seems to like her - you have the two women on the jury who actively dislike her and Jeremiah was part of the alliance she screwed so he's likely not too fond of her and hard to say with LJ. And then as you noted, she made one big move that sure helped another alliance but really did zero for her game because she was pretty much part of the group getting blindsided repeatedly by Tony. So she can't argue she really had ANY say much less any control over any of these moves. Basically she's a goat because she has NO shot of winning this game. Tony may be pissing people off but Tony has a very strong case for himself for why he deserves that million.
  21. OMG, everytime she opened her mouth tonight, I just wanted a tidal wave to come wash her away. The woman is such an obnoxious asshat and I give Spencer a lot of credit for keeping his calm, not losing his cool and not engaging her, particularly when she was throwing her snarky "bye Spencer" comments to him when they were in the water. That must have taken some restraint because he could have told her that yeah, he may have been going that night but she was on her way to Goat city since no one likes her ass and no one will vote for her in a Final 3 situation. It really is something what editing hides because I remember after Kass' flip and vote for Sarah, Sarah admitted how no one really liked her and later Tasha tweeted that there were only two real members of Luzon (the original Brains tribe I think) and it was herself and Spencer. And that surprised me because prior to the flip, it didn't seem like they had any issues. Clearly there is no love lost there. The woman is just so unpleasant. Yeah Morgan's ageist comments were bitchy but I now fully understand her saying "I'd rather be voted out than kiss Kass' ass to try and stay in the game." Now onto the rest of the episode. I'm a little torn. On the one hand, thrilled that Spencer is still there and kudos to him, he played that whole thing with Tony very well. He didn't oversell it, he let Tony come to him and gently guided the conversation. He planted the idea of a girl alliance without selling out Tasha, only calling her a social player and even threw in the "you don't really think that's really a thing right" with Tony about the possibility of girl flip, almost using reverse psychology on Tony. Tony is playing, I will give him that and he is playing hard but I think he is playing so hard that he is overthinking things, wanting so desperately to seem like he's such a strategist, power player. And I think Spencer saw that and that's what he played on with Tony. Just planted enough seeds to give Tony an opportunity to once again pull "a power move" and think he's so smart and brilliant. I loved Tasha's reaction when Spencer told her the plan to vote out Jefra. Her, "what did you do..." was adorable. The reason I didn't love the episode, was that other Idol Tony found. I just think, already with the special idol, so close to the end, that's just too much power for one person to have. And the thing about things like that is it's hard to chalk it up to game-play because it really is just luck. Tony got lucky and picked a black rock and Spencer didn't and now he has two idols. So I can't say it's that Tony played better - they both made the same move, it just came down to a rock. And now three tribal councils from the final 3, Tony has two idols, including one that he can use after the vote. It just bothers me because I don't like or think it's fair for one person to have that much power. I mean power because they're manipulating everyone in the game is one thing, but power because he picked the right color rock and dug around and found some other Idol is just annoying to me. I mean the season has definitely not been predictable so anything can still happen but I just cannot see how Tony does not make it to the Final 4 at this point where at least at that point Idols can no longer be played. Unless they throw in another new, very special idol and allow for its use then. But assuming that after Final 5, none of it can be used, there is still the chance to get rid of him at that point. I don't see any of the three in that Final 4 with Tony deciding to bring him to the end if he doesn't win immunity. Tony has way too strong an argument for all the moves he made and ways he controlled the game. Finally, man go Tasha...she may just pull a Fabio and Immunity win her way to that Final 3 and the million dollars.
  22. I just cannot get over the fact that her last name is Bland. I mean that's just the epitome of perfection right there. Who says the universe does not have sense of humor.
  23. Personally I would think Kurt would be incapable of trusting Blaine based on the fact that he cheated on him but that's just me. Again, I am certainly not in any way suggesting that Kurt and Blaine's relationship is actually a GOOD one or hell that they should even be together. (Of course has there ever been a good relationship on this show - but I digress.) My comments were merely directed at this one particular scene and storyline and just stating how I read the situation. I didn't see it as Blaine "trying to be a good guy", I didn't see it as putting the burden of truth or any particular burden onto Kurt and I didn't see it as more evidence of Blaine's massive immaturity. I saw it as Blaine was in an awkward position and rather than tell the truth, he chose the easy way out to avoid hurting his fiance's feelings. And obviously, as these things often go, it will eventually come back and bite him in the ass. But those were the only motivations I really saw and how I read the scene. Of course, ymmv.
  24. I didn't think Blaine was trying to look like a good guy. I think he was stumbling over coming up with something when Kurt kept pressing him about what he and June talked about, what it was like spending time with her, etc. As noted, he was spending 6 hours with this woman and Kurt pointed out that Blaine wasn't saying anything about the experience. And so after stumbling a little, he blurted out some story of Kurt being in the showcase and that it was supposed to be a surprise which is why he was being so evasive about everything. Again, was it stupid, absolutely since there's no way he can hide the truth forever. But, and again this is coming from someone who has referred to Kurt and Blaine's relationship in the last few weeks as a pit of misery, I really don't think this has to be another Kurt vs. Blaine, round 1,000 situation. I really do think the writers' intent was for Blaine to come across as simply not knowing how to handle the situation and not wanting to hurt Kurt's feelings and I feel like Darren played the scene that way.
  25. I really think it's an issue of the producers not knowing what story to tell with Sharna and Charlie. Look at last season with Cheryl and Jack. There was definitely no showmance/chemistry happening there but there was the story of Jack's MS and his overcoming and learning to just live life and have fun and Cheryl mentioned in so many of their packages his helping her do that and I think viewers really responded to that and it was part of the reason he made it all the way to third place. And speaking of that season, I think the lack of a "story" was something that hurt Corbin, along with the ringer accusations. If memory serves, Corbin and Karina's rehearsals were pretty much just cut and dry and then his dancing was always good to great. DWTS is a reality show at the end of the day, another reason why it's never been "fair" or based on the just the dancing. Viewers respond to the personal stories, the journey, etc. among other things. And up until this week, with Charlie and Sharna it's just been that they rehearse, get along well enough and dance well. I mean I personally like Charlie and definitely don't want him being a shock boot but I'm not the least bit surprised about his short rehearsal packages and if some viewers maybe are forgetting about him a little bit. But I really believe this week was the start of his "story" and things will turn around in the coming weeks - or not :) Probably just a slip.
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