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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. And I'll bet that it gets nominated for nothing just like everything else with Glee. I don't see Glee being nominated for anything anymore other than I don't know make-up or something like that and maybe guest star in the Comedy category. I do know that he can't possibly be any crappier than the usual writers, so there is that.
  2. Yeah that's when I knew I really wasn't going to watch. Talk about a character I was glad to never see again, ever. But some have speculated it may be part of Rachel's nightmare or whatever about opening night and maybe it includes people who made fun of her or teased her in high school. I think the guy who plays Jacob Ben Israel is also listed as a guest star, as well the actress playing Becky and I just can't see these people being included in a major part of the plot in NY. But then again, as you say, this is Glee so the thing that seems to make the least sense, is what's most likely to happen.
  3. I disagree. Damon does not try to kill Jeremy because he's thirsty and needs human blood. Everytime he's tried to kill Jeremy is because he got his poor feelings hurt by Elena. If it was so about being a blood thirsty vampire, why the hell doesn't he kill her since she's the one hurting his whittle feelings. This has nothing to do with Damon owning that he's a vampire imo. S1 Damon that was going around terrorizing everyone including Stefan was owning his vampirism. Since then this has been about Damon and his so called angst and man-pain and how apparently he is crippled by his super amazing love for Elena and cannot be good unless she loves him and adores him and wants him. He is a weak, whiny man-child. And in my opinion, the real reason his shit is not addressed is because the writers don't want it being called out in canon. They can't have Jeremy truly pissed about Damon trying to kill him again because it would further spotlight how much of a shitty sister Elena is that she can still claim to be so in love with someone who continues to have such little regard for the only family she has left.
  4. She's a guardian because unfortunately all of their family is dead. Their parents are dead and their aunt who was their guardian after their parents died was murdered by Klaus. And frankly I don't mind that Elena isn't suzie homemaker to Jeremy but it'd be nice if she's just shown to at least give a damn or have any interest in him at all other than a passing comment here and there that reminds viewers they're siblings. As someone noted above the girl couldn't take five minutes away from her Damon obsessing to focus on Jeremy while she was at a damn parent/teacher conference for him. And then because her lack of self awareness has no bounds, she has the gall to tell him she didn't trust him because he hadn't been making good decisions lately. Like are you serious?
  5. Whereas I thought Stefan and Elena was for the most part, a fairly healthy relationship, as healthy as anything can be in that crappy universe and Damon and Elena has been an unhealthy, toxic and gross disaster. Between her constant excuses for his shitty behavior which she has been doing even before they were a couple and not giving a shit that he basically tried to kill her brother AGAIN and his being a pathetic needy mess who goes all "me bad, me murderer" whenever his poor whittle feelings are hurt, they are just a hot mess of whiny and pathetic. But I am fine with them staying together as I hate Elena and want her nowhere near Stefan so Damon can have her. I just wish we'd get one week without watching their tired, neverending shit. Oh and Plec and Dries should know that if you do something enough, it loses its luster. The furniture banging sex scenes were maybe hot the first time. Now it's just desperate and gratuitous. I also love that the ratings were shit this week. Hmm, you think maybe viewers are getting tired of the same stupid storyline they've been telling for two seasons now? And all that Elena and Damon sex against the wall in the promo didn't make the viewers run to watch?
  6. I actually don't find Kurt or Chris Colfer hot in the least while I do think Darren is really handsome, yes bald spot and all. Of course that's probably personal taste as I've always preferred darker skinned/haired guys. But I will concede that the second they went with that pee wee herman wardrobe for Blaine, I've been unable to buy the "alpha gay" crap in the Glee universe. Because I refuse to believe anyone would find any guy wearing those stupid bow ties and ugly shirts, hot. Meanwhile none of these episode summaries exactly inspire me to watch. I have no desire to see the return of Kurt, the tragic gay with that Bash nonsense. The Tested episode sounds okay I guess but nothing too exciting and considering I still think it is beyond stupid that Rachel is already starring on Broadway, I have zero interest in her big debut.
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