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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Of course - Q was the one who voted for Ben. That makes sense if he assumed Hunter would play his idol and he and Hunter were voting for Ben, which was their plan.
  2. Because she voted for Q. I think Kenzie and Liz for sure definitely believed the vote was for Q. But honestly, Hunter screwed himself here. You're that nervous, you have an idol and you don't play it? That's ridiculous.
  3. They split the votes in the event Hunter played his idol but his dumbass chose not to and I'm pretty sure you can't play an idol on a revote. So again, it was nice knowing you buddy! In the game of Survivor, if you feel nervous and have an idol - PLAY IT.
  4. Well Hunter it was lovely knowing you. I'll miss Venus constantly harassing and annoying you.
  5. Yeah that line from Kenzie, she definitely voted for Q.
  6. I think Venus and Liz may actually think it's Q because if I remember the others didn't include them in the planned Tiffany blindside. But the others are DEFINITELY voting Hunter.
  7. Hunter is going to get voted out with that idol in his pocket. Because it looks like he's believing they're going to go for Q. Dumb move dude. Better to play the idol and flush it and guarantee three more days than to trust people whose game is lie to others. Hunter play the idol or you're getting voted out dude. Especially since you've already told them you have it.
  8. Mary Anne did, all the way to the end with it still in her pocket. So much so that she got the old guy to play an idol FOR her when she had one the whole time.
  9. On the one hand, I see the benefit of trying to sow chaos but I always think blindsides work best when NO ONE knows they're coming. It's why they are called blindsides. Hunter said he worked out the numbers and so if he figures Tiffany does play her idol and all the other votes were coming on him, all he had to do was play the idol and put whatever name he wanted down. Because the idol play would cancel the other votes and only his would likely count. Now instead everyone knows he has the idol but some think he's bluffing, so they're likely still going to just split the votes between him and someone he didn't want out. So he still doesn't have control of that vote.
  10. I had a feeling the votes would shift to Hunter once they knew Tiffany would play her idol.
  11. Badass on Tiffany's part. She's right - just play it and get three more days and figure it out from there.
  12. That's why I've said I 100% see her crawling her annoying self to the Final 5. I definitely don't think she'll make Final 3 but she ain't leaving yet.
  13. And to think nutty Q suggested the man throw the challenge.
  14. Oh, did not expect Maria to be the first one out.
  15. I think the final part of the challenge may work for Maria, especially since she won the other challenge that required holding onto the pole.
  16. Is it just me or the purple team don't even seem like they're ever rushed. Hunter and Charlie were both moving so calmly. Meanwhile Q, this would have been the time to prove how much of a challenge threat you were as Hunter.
  17. Chile, why is Jeff so sassy and rude to the players? Basically calling Q and company's old tribe losers and now basically telling Venus, Q and Liz they'd be the first group out.
  18. I knew the challenge was going to be the type where they go round by round until one group is left to battle for immunity. Which is exactly why Q's suggestion to Charlie to throw the challenge was so stupid because that would essentially mean Charlie throwing away his shot to win immunity.
  19. And just as Tiff predicted, Q's dumbass put a massive target on her back by letting everyone know she has an idol.
  20. Kenzie refers to Venus as the leftover but to hear Venus tell it, "she know everything going on and is so in the know with all the strategy."
  21. Am I nuts for thinking there could be some love/hate passion between Venus and Hunter? But seriously, as hilarious as it is that Venus keeps sneaking past, girlfriend IS annoying and antagonistic. Why would you go to Hunter being, "so what's your big strategy now." Like really Venus? Hunter's, "but you're always mad so who cares" was hilarious.
  22. THIS!! Who cares if people aren't bleating on about how awesome and badass Liz is right now. Make those moves to get you to the end and at the Final Tribal Council let them all know how you controlled shit.
  23. Dear god Liz is freaking whiny. So basically Liz' game is, "oh no, people are talking about someone instead of me, time to get them out." Dear god, when is she being voted out?
  24. He was ONE vote when all of the tribe agreed to vote out Tevin. How was he supposed to change that? And as for not being in tune with the strategic part of the game, once again, they were supposedly in an alliance where they'd agreed to vote for Tiffany. Liz however floats the idea of Tevin to the others and they all agree to it, leaving Q and Hunter, and well Tevin, as the odd ones out. And for all the stupid shit he said and did last night, the one smart thing Q said, when telling Hunter that the vote changed, was that he wasn't going to mess up the game for one person. In other words, at that point, even Q seemed to accept that it was Tevin and there was nothing they could do. So how exactly was Hunter supposed to flip that? And do so without putting a big target on his back if he tried too hard to save Tevin. That's how Tim screwed himself. Fighting too hard for old Siga members, making the other tribe members question where his real loyalty lay.
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