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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Except the counter to that is that Damon just proved how impulsive he is only a few episodes ago where Elena breaking up with him had him quickly murdering Aaron and threatening Jeremy's life. So yeah, I don't know it is fair to say that others don't give him a chance and treat him like a baby - they do because Damon often acts like whiny child. That said, I am not critical of Stefan or even Damon in this. I'm critical of the writers who pulled this crap out of their asses. Like I said, the whole trying to sell the viewer on this epic friendship Damon and Enzo supposedly had was beyond eye-roll inducing. And the only purpose Stefan telling Elena serves imo, is so they can act weird around Damon with this "secret" between them causing his raging insecurities to rear its head about what Stefan and Elena could possibly be sharing. And so once again, everything comes around to the triangle of suck that will not die.
  2. It just occurred to me what else bothered me about this episode. Part of the reasoning for not telling Damon that Enzo is dead is because apparently Damon has had such a "hard year". Um wait a second - isn't Stefan the one who was locked in a box by a nutty vampire from like 2000 years ago and left to drown over and over while Damon and Elena, per Elena, had the "summer of their life"? And isn't he the one who just two episodes ago was getting his brain fried over and over in exchange for saving Damon and Elena but Damon's had a hard year? Oh I forget he and Elena broke up (oh the tragedy and we know his delicate heart can't handle that). But the most ridiculous part of this whole Damon can't know Stefan killed Enzo (which he really didn't but whatever) because they were supposedly bestest besties is that was it not the same Damon who with no provocation, murdered Lexie? You know, Stefan's best friend. And unlike this Johnny-come-lately Damon/Enzo best friendship, Lexie really was one of, if not the closest friend Stefan had and had been in his life for decades. Yet one more shitty thing Damon did that was just shrugged off and Stefan as is his habit, went right back to making excuses for him. Yet, somehow I'm supposed to believe Damon will have some right to be mad that one, Enzo killed his own damn self but even if Stefan had killed him, he would have done so while defending himself. Yeah okay, whatever writers.
  3. I honestly had never even heard of Pure DWTS until I saw some comments about it over at TWOP and I've never visited there. The only place I ever discussed DWTS was TWOP. I venture to the ABC board once because I was actually looking for a video and yeah, I had to leave quickly. The discussions are very disorganized over there.
  4. Honestly, I'm kind of just amused at this point. I guess I made the mistake of not falling in line with the "Derek is awful and the whole show is manipulated for him" and dared to make my argument on that point and apparently, well if Lockley's reason for banning me is true, some took offense and reported me for I'm really not sure what but honestly, it's like whatever. I get to not post for the one month they have left online - I'll think I'll live. I just think it was especially suspicious that I was just pretty much locked out of the entire board (seriously I can't even sign out) so I couldn't report this to anyone else. And again, this when I had never gotten any warning from Lockley. So I was supposed to know I was breaking rules without being told so and then apparently according to Lockley I was banned because it was clear " I would never change" even though again, I was never told or aware I was breaking the rules.
  5. While yes a little ridiculous, I loved the excuse the writers used for why Caroline was not in the episode. That basically she saw Damon calling and didn't bother to answer. It's always heart-warming everytime the show reminds me how much Caroline hates Damon. Meanwhile, this episode felt way longer than an hour. I swear, half-way in when I looked at my watch and saw it was only 8:30, I was shocked because I was convinced it had been an hour already. Of course that probably had to do with so much of this feeling like a chore to get through. I don't know about anyone else, but I could give a flying fig about Enzo and his long lost love/past/history or whatever so yeah didn't actually care. I did love Stefan's mostly calm, "look I didn't kill your girlfriend nutty, so leave me the hell alone" attitude at the beginning. It was nice to have some reminder of Stefan/Damon's relationship sans the object of suck that is Elena between, with Damon admitting that Stefan was the thing he clung to at the Augustine prison and that he was bitter he was there for five years and Stefan never knew. That said, I never got why Damon was so pissed about that because hasn't it been a fact that Stefan and Damon were often on the outs throughout their 100 plus years existence and would go off, away from each other and do their own thing? It's not like they were the type of brothers who called everyday and checked up on each on each other every day. Of course it's not like this show's consistency has been too great lately and I will concede that yeah five years is a long time to not hear from someone. Poor Bonnie. Once again she's the sacrificial lamb. Still waiting for that to be Elena but sadly no, I have to see her continue to make her "sad" faces and whine about her horrible relationship. Such fun. But honestly, what truly made me roll my eyes so far back in my head it's amazing it's not still lodged there, is all this crap about Enzo and Damon's great friendship and why Stefan can't tell Damon Enzo is dead. Yes this would be the same Enzo Damon willingly left to burn to save himself after Enzo was the one who came up with the plan and helped Damon get strong enough to pull it off. Apparently they suddenly had this great, super amazing friendship that knowing he's dead might just send Damon back into "bad Damon"...whatever. This is as stupid as Elena's so-called amazing friendship with Aaron. Meanwhile, it is also ridiculous that Damon would be mad at Stefan for this because putting aside Enzo being the one who killed himself, even if Stefan had killed him, there was the little fact of Enzo trying to kill him and torturing him even before he turned off his humanity, not to mention his threatening to use Elena as well - the two people his so called best friend Damon loves and cares about - and then full on trying to kill Stefan after turning off his humanity. So what the hell difference would it have made if Stefan had killed him since he was defending himself. Oh but yes, he's apparently the greatest friend Damon ever had and Damon's delicate feelings can't handle the truth of his being dead. Whatever.
  6. I don't understand how it was misleading. Katherine didn't initially plan on disappearing. She just managed to manipulate one of the people who were going to throw her into the cave, to let her go and so managed to escape. But her plan was to have both Stefan and Damon become vampires and basically have them both to herself for as long as she desired. But more than that, Katherine didn't hide her selfish/manipulative nature from Damon even before she vanished for a number of years. While she was mind controlling Stefan to be okay with her being a vampire, feeding on his blood and sleeping with both him and Damon, Damon knew all that was happening and was fine with it. So I don't buy that he was just so in love and she manipulated him. He could see what she was willing to do with his brother and to his brother and instead of recognizing that this is probably not the kind of woman who will madly be in love with him, he foolishly told himself that somehow it meant their love was so much stronger because unlike Stefan he didn't need to be mind controlled. The situation with Katherine is another one of the reasons I can never like Damon - nothing is ever his fault. Katherine manipulated him, it's all part of his vampire nature, Stefan is mean to him, he's always second best to Stefan, etc. etc. Nothing is simply that he makes or made a shitty choice and is suffering for it.
  7. So this is interesting. Apparently Lockley just banned me from TWOP to the point that I can't even view the forums. Apparently the reason is because and I quote "You are incredibly repetitive and confrontational in DWTS and have racked up a ton of warning points. At this stage in the site's evolution i think it is counterproductive to continue to have to follow up on reports about you and monitor your behavior. You clearly are not going to change. Banned." What's funny about this, I never got one warning from Lockley EVER. Not one warning/note, anything informing me I was breaking the rules, none of my posts were ever edited, but apparently I supposedly wracked up tons of warning points I did not know existed. And every single thing is locked from me so of course I can't email anyone, make any complaint, can't even view the boards. And this is exactly why I refused to be fake and make a whole big show about the board closing. The board has it good points and most of it is the awesome posters who post there but there was just so much bullshit to put up with at times.
  8. That's easy in my opinion, The Originals is in its first season while The Vampire Diaries is in its fifth season. It is the VERY RARE show that doesn't have its quality go down the longer it is on air. Because the writers are having to come up with new ideas, new storylines when they've already plowed through so many. For a show like The Originals, there is still so much room for new ideas because the show is still so new. I think the fact that this is the same writing team makes it more than likely that in a few seasons The Originals may start having some of the same issues The Vampire Diaries are having right now. I will say that I think one other key factor that's hurting Vampire Diaries is the focus on that triangle. Plec and company, no matter the ratings and viewer complaints, stubbornly refuse to let the triangle go or put a strong pause on it. They put Elena with Damon but refuse to make Stefan move on and have any genuine relationship. I really think it's this heavy emphasis on romance, particularly Elena's love life that's hurting the show and why it's making the show feel so stale and repetitive. Because that storyline has been going on since Season One.
  9. Yeah I think there was one or two things stated that never happened. But judging by shots of the cast filming, script pages and all I'd say they clearly are legitimate on some level but perhaps storylines just get changed and re-written.
  10. And like I said, I call bullshit on the whole "Damon is just a real vampire, embracing being who he is..." If that were the truth, then Damon would still be early S1 Damon who basically went around torturing just about everyone including Stefan himself and of course using Caroline's body as his own personal blow up doll. And again if he's all about just being true to who he is, why didn't he ever try to kill Elena when she was the one hurting his poor woobie feelings? I mean he's a real vampire right - their natural instinct and true nature is to feed on humans. It's only right. And like I said above, if who he really is, is this "true vampire" who really just wants to hurt people and be fine with it, then freaking man up and admit that and give no crap about it. Either way, I want him to shut the hell up and quit with the whiny ass tantrums that I don't give a crap about. I maintain that Damon's behavior has squat to do with embracing being a "true vampire" and instead the oh so obvious and cliche bullshit of the bad boy with the so called heart of gold. We're supposed to be moved by his deep desire to want to be good for only saint Elena. Except until he realized Katherine had duped his stupid ass for more than a 100 years, he was only obsessed with her. And I always have and will continue to disagree with the suggestion that Stefan doesn't want to accept who he really is and is fake or whatever else. Once again, Stefan is an addict with addict's compulsions on human blood. He has zero control of his actions and becomes completely unstable. Not wanting to be that out of control does not mean not being true to yourself. And yes in case it hasn't been obvious, I can't stand Damon but on a positive note, I'm more indifferent as opposed to loathing him like I loathe Elena. Damon doesn't feel good enough because he keeps getting involved with women who are also involved with his brother and basically being their second choice. Speaking of pathetic, let's talk about his being so pathetic for Katherine that he willingly wanted to become a vampire for her and willingly accepted her sleeping with his brother who she was mind-controlling to be okay with sleeping with them both. And then he wants to get all on his high horse to Katherine this season about how she ruined him. Seriously, once again, the idiot who WILLINGLY wanted to become a vampire. And now we're supposed to be moved everytime he feels insecure about Elena's feelings. Well gee that's kind of what happen when you pursue someone who is dating your brother, who kept repeatedly saying how much she loved him. Yeah he finally got her - it only took Stephan going Ripper, Elena dying and becoming a vampire. But truly he can have her because she is god awful. So Damon's not feeling good enough imo, is more of his whiny, man-pain that I'm supposed to find compelling except I just want him to take a giant cup of shut the hell up and get the hell over yourself.
  11. Much of the spoilers sound pretty predictable and as much as I wished she was gone, especially with that stupid season finale hook-up, I knew Dani would be around particularly once she found Mike with his hands all bloodied. That's clearly going to be an issue. And like I said, I'm still expecting the season finale pregnancy bomb at which point I will finally give up the show. But that said, a couple of things that bugged me about these spoilers - that Lena/Timothy mess. I honestly can't even feel bad for Lena and instead just know I'm going to be annoyed at them because I'm sorry but the utter stupidity of picking someone you know personally to be a sperm donor when you have no plans for the father to be involved is just mind boggling. And then you go through the process without having any legal documents signed. So a part of me just feels like they deserve what's going to come. Meanwhile I need the show to effectively end the Anna mess because that character's just becoming like an annoying rash that keeps flaring up. One spoiler that threw me was Stef being concerned about Brandon with his hand, slowly parting from his family and his relationship with the new girl. Now the hand and pulling away from the family I get but shouldn't Stef be thrilled by Brandon developing a relationship with a girl his age and essentially moving on from the Callie mess? Unless Lou is some kind of juvenile delinquent which the spoilers don't seem to suggest at all.
  12. *sigh* Why do I keep watching this show? Okay, so the traveler stuff was kind of interesting and Tyler having a traveler in him at the end was a cool surprise but everything else, just no. It's very hard to watch a show centered so heavily around a triangle when you hate the center of said triangle so much. I just cannot give a flying fig about Damon/Elena and I damn sure don't want Elena anywhere near Stefan. So every scene with either pairing was torture for me. Though I will say on a shallow note that Paul and Nina looked gorgeous in all the fantasy scenes - the lighting was amazing. And speaking of things I don't care about, Enzo and his search for his friend/long lost love/whatever..don't care. Other thing I don't care about, Damon's angst over Elena and Stefan's fantasies. Nope, sorry dude, I'm never going to feel sorry for you and your insecurities when you willingly chased after a girl who was with your brother. You know what they say, "if they cheat with you, they will cheat on you." Yeah she didn't cheat but the fact is, he's always going to second guess her feelings because she claimed to love his brother so much and he still managed to get her. So what's to stop the opposite from happening? And yeah, sorry, don't feel sorry and don't care. Meanwhile my eyes rolled back so far in my head at Stefan's line about how you can either be friends or in love with each other. Be more obvious there writers. Of course I would add that you can either be friends, in love or neither - especially when your entire relationship is a toxic, needy, whiny, pit of unhealthiness that is Damon and Elena. But hey, no one asked me.
  13. This so much. This is what made his last acting out so eye-rolling worthy. I don't find Damon's shit cute or compelling. Dude is almost 200 years old and every time he gets his woobie feelings hurt, his answer is to be a prick and it's all, "well this is me, me bad, everyone thinks I'm not good enough".. It's like boo-freaking-hoo dude. I'm completely over this bullshit of Elena's magical vagina, oh I'm sorry her "great love" makes him want to be a better person and without that he can't be. It's such bullshit. If Damon wants to be a better person then man the hell up and BE A BETTER PERSON. And if he wants to be an asshole and just go around hurting people for the love of it, then man up and just do that and freaking own it. It's the same reason I'm so over the Damon/Elena relationship bullshit. It's the same tired ass merry-go-round. He throws 5 year old tantrums and acts like a giant man-child and she makes excuses for it as she's been doing long before they were even a couple. Oh but now I guess we're supposed to believe they're finally acknowledging the unhealthiness of their relationship but yeah we'll see how that lasts. Honestly I just find Damon's schtick boring and like I said above, considering the fact that I'm not that interested in his looks or find him that hot and attractive, it makes it really hard to see past the bullshit. And I think the writers made a very huge mis-step in my opinion having him attack Jeremy AGAIN. I could look past killing Aaron because it's not like Aaron meant anything to Damon or any of these people really than being Elena's friend for all of a minute. But I'm supposed to look over how TWICE now, when Damon felt hurt and slighted by Elena he basically hurt and very nearly murdered the only family she has left? Seriously? And this is someone you love so much? That the second your poor woobie feelings are hurt you're willing to take the only family she has left from her? Granted it's not like Elena gives a shit about Jeremy anyway but still, this is the kind of stuff I can't just brush off and think "aw that Damon, ain't he an adorable stinker..."
  14. That sounded like a whole lot of nothing to me. Honestly I read that as Ryan just bullshitting the reporters through the entire interview because the simple truth is they don't have a freaking clue what to do with this show anymore. So he just threw a bunch of stuff he figured some fans wanted to her - like all the original cast, oh yeah they'll definitely all be back. Like the newbies, yeah they'll be back too but don't ask me how because it's all mysterious and amazing. Translation, I have no freaking clue.
  15. Yes I predicted as much. I guess I should have stated clearly that I only care about things related to the show when I said that I don't follow these people online or care about their personal life. I was responding to the comment about Val and how awful he is or isn't in comparison to Maks. And I stand by my comment that I go by what I know from the show about these people. Everything else is irrelevant to me as I don't care about any of them that much. It's like yes I know Mark Ballas is the son of Corky and Shirley Ballas who were both ballroom pros because it's been talked about in various DWTS media and brought up on the show. But I couldn't tell you a thing about Mark's personal life right now and anything else going on with him. And trust me I can highlight enough examples of Maks' behavior specifically on the show that I have found grating.
  16. It was reported in the media that he said it and then he was asked about it on Access Hollywood I believe and he basically stated that yes he thought her being on the show was unfair for others and that he was speaking for the other pros who were afraid to say they felt the same way. Karina, they were still engaged at the time, agreed with him and said that it wasn't anything against Melissa personally, that she was a lovely girl but the truth that it is unfair to others. Consequently she had The Woz that season. By the way, I know this was awhile back of course and my feelings on Maks is not really based on this. I just brought it up as an example of one of the times he speaks from both sides of his mouth if you will or more that he can be a hypocrite when it comes to the show.
  17. Just to be very clear, my opinion of Val and Maks is as it relates to DWTS, just as is my opinion of all the pros. I have neither the time or inclination to follow any of these people on social media and/or keep up with their goings on and personal life. So I don't really care who Val is in his private life or he and Maks' life story growing up. I am going by what I have seen on the show, what they choose to say and do while teaching their celebrity, interacting with the judges, etc. That is it. Perfect example, there was some pro clip last season discussing the advantages of certain celebrities versus others and Val made a comment that made it clear he was still upset about he and Zendaya losing. And even as someone who rooted for and wanted Zendaya to win, I thought, "dude, that wasn't even subtle. Sucks you lost but let it go." So if and when he does things on the show I find annoying or am put off by, I'll react in kind. As such, I have only gotten that from Maks which is why I have the opinion I have of him.
  18. Well yes, I am going to go by what I have heard or seen with my own eyes and ears. I have watched the show since S1, I'm sure things gets said and done that never makes the edit. But the fact of the matter is I cannot find any example of other pros flat out calling out a celebrity being on the show and calling it unfair. Saying some celebrities have certain advantages is not equivalent imo to Maks flat out saying Melissa being on the show is unfair because she has more experience than other celebrities. The one statement is a general observation while the other was flat out calling someone out. But of course ymmv and like I said I don't dislike Maks per se. I just can simply take or leave him and I'm also not nearly as impressed with him as he clearly seems to be with himself. Oh and just to make sure there's no confusion, I don't have an issue with Meryl being a ringer as I never get bothered by the whole ringer drama and imo, that label is actually overused (someone takes a dance class when they were 10 and they're a ringer).
  19. I don't remember Mark whining. I do remember that on The View after they were eliminated, when asked about all of the comments made about Bristol and how she way overstayed her welcome, he stated that people complain when there are celebrities on the show with a dance background and say it should be about people who don't know how to dance learning and yet when they had Bristol who had no dance background, some complained about her lasting too long when she was an example of what some say the show should be about. Now don't get me wrong, I disagreed because I couldn't stand Bristol and stopped watching the season because of her but I thought Mark made a fair and reasonable argument. I didn't view that as whinging but of course ymmv.
  20. Actually no, since off the top of my head I can't remember Cheryl, Derek, Mark and any number of pros complaining about a celebrity and calling it unfair. Cheryl in a taped segment once stated the obvious that the show has never been fair because you've always had people with dance backgrounds, more popularity, athletes, etc. But she has never called out a celebrity like Maks did with the Melissa situation, saying her being there was unfair. And neither has Derek, Mark, Peta, Sharna, etc. But as Maks informed us, he was speaking for them all apparently.
  21. I always had a love/hate thing with Maks. Some seasons I enjoyed him a lot and others, I was more than happy to watch him leave. A lot of it depended on his celebrity. I loved him with Mel B. and I actually liked him and Erin. He and Hope were just a hot mess. However, I realized in his absence that I actually didn't miss him and was fine with him not coming back and this season so far has not changed my mind on that. I don't find his passive aggressive swipes at the judges cute or him as cheeky and adorable as he seems to think he is. And honestly, I haven't been impressed with his choreography with Meryl. The foxtrot was nice, yes but something has been off for me with Meryl until this week's tango with Val. And I always knew the problem was not her. Honestly I find Maks almost delusionally in love with himself at times. It's why he can act like the show is the worse thing ever and like he's almost better than it but have no problems coming back and clearly being desperate to win the mirror ball. It's also the reason he has constantly stuck his foot in his mouth, making comments about how unfair something is one season and then nothing when he's the beneficiary of this unfairness. Case in point - the ringer issue. He was the one to talk the loudest and run his mouth about how unfair it was that Melissa was on the show during S8 because he was stuck that season with the "going nowhere" Denise Richards. Even talked about how he was saying what all the other pros were thinking and too afraid to say. Because yes, Maks clearly speaks for all. And yet, right now he has one of the ringerest ringer that ever ringed since Nicole Scherzinger and not a peep about it and I guarantee if any other celeb or pro complains, he'll be ranting like nobody's business. I don't dislike Maks per se but I can just as easily take or leave him. And given a choice between the Chmerkovsky brothers, I'd pick Val any day.
  22. Derek can and has bugged me plenty throughout the seasons and I would hardly call myself a fan. On top of that, I'm still waiting for that break he promised after the All-Stars season when instead of taking a break, he came back and won both of the last two seasons. All that said, I also believe in being fair and giving due where it's deserved. And IMHO, Derek is a brilliant choreographer and I do believe a lot of wins is because yes, he has figured out what this show is really all about and competes smartly. I can't fault him on that. I can't begrudge him creating choreography that highlights his celebrity's strengths while hiding their weaknesses as best as possible. Again that's just smart. And I agree that the reality is that this show has never been and never will be fair. From Season 1 there have been people with more dance experience, even though it wasn't ballroom, in their backgrounds. And of course that gives them an edge. But aside from that there's been people with the advantage of being an athlete, youth, larger fanbase, etc. It's never been "just about the dancing" and "fair". And I think Derek is a person who realizes that. That ultimately this is an entertainment show and the people who win are basically those who have some natural ability, have fun, showstopping dances and a decent sized and motivated fanbase. It's really not much deeper than that. I also have disagree about the claims that Derek has gotten all these ringers and that's why he's won so much. Derek's five wins have been with Brooke Burke, Nicole Scherzinger, Jennifer Grey, Kellie Pickler and Amber Riley. In what world was Brooke Burke a ringer? If anything, prior to Brooke's success, the beautiful models had all sucked and left in the first three weeks. I actually believe some at the time expected Brooke to suck and then she turned out to have really good natural ability. Nicole was without question a ringer who had no business being on the show but again, the show has never been fair and this season we have Meryl who is as much a ringer as Nicole was no matter how much some want to deny it because she's with Maks and not Derek. Jennifer Grey may have had some dance experience in her background but she was 50 and plagued with injuries. Kellie Pickler was not a ringer. Yes she had been a cheerleader and was naturally very athletic but for me to consider Kellie a ringer, I would have to say the same thing about Zendaya who I was rooting for that season and I don't think she was. And Amber Riley, it amused me when some tried so hard to put that label on her just because they wanted to discredit Derek's winning again because that was the biggest reach for calling someone a ringer I ever saw. And aside from those 5 wins, he's had Jennie Garth, Shannon Elizabeth, Lil'Kim, Ricki Lake, Maria Menounos and Joanna Krupa. I wouldn't call any of these women ringers. And she had a much bigger voting base than Corbin which is half the battle on this show. Tristan pointed this out on the Afterbuzz after the finale. He noted that it was his belief that Amber had the audience (viewers) from Week 1 and she never didn't have them. And I think that was very true. I always suspected last season that aside from Bill Engall, Amber was getting the most viewer votes.
  23. IMO what the writers should have done was make S3-S4 one school year which focused on graduation for some. Jake, Kitty and Unique (not Marley. She is and always was annoying and definitely not that Ryder kid) should have been introduced during this time period to get the viewers used to them while the familiar faces were still around. There were many story possibilities for Jake and Puck for example, being brothers who didn't really know each other and in the club together. All but three people should not have graduated. Puck, Quinn, Santana, Rachel, Finn and Kurt should have graduated, leaving Mercedes, Mike, Artie, Tina, Brittany, Sam. Blaine is iffy to me because I think de-aging him ruined the character even more but I did see the benefits of separating him and Kurt and giving them their own storylines. Unfortunately the writing was shit and those individual storylines never manifested in anything but a horrible cheating storyline, a half-assed new love interest for Kurt and a ridiculously overused friendship with Sam for Blaine complete with homerotic jokes because those are just always so clever and cute. And when they committed to that split narrative they needed to commit to it. Not have only 5 minutes of NY and all the rest in McKinley. And they needed to find a balance with the tone. NY imo was always a little too boring and I really didn't enjoy Kurt or Rachel much once they got there and McKinley became almost cartoonish in its humor so it always felt like watching two different shows. But of course all that is irrelevant now. Like I said once, in years to come, case studies will be written about Glee and RIB, titled "How To Epicly Fuck Up Your Hit Show".
  24. And this alone right there is just proof positive of how much the writers of this show just plain don't give a shit and just throw crap out there hoping something sticks or at least the few people still watching just go with it. So Kurt who just a few episodes ago felt so claustrophobic and stifled by his fiance that they ultimately decided that they couldn't even live in the same apartment suddenly feels that he must share all his career opportunities with this fiance and cannot do a performance that's supposed to be about his career, without said fiance. Of course it's all for the purpose of this woman liking Blaine more and therefore conflict in the relationship. Like do the writers even watch the show they themselves are writing, do they even actually give a shit about what happens in a previous episode and ANY kind of consistency at all? Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question, I already know the answer. And this is exactly why when many kept complaining about "noobs, noobs" and putting everything on that and stating how a move to NY, focus on the characters viewers actually care about, I maintained that that would only be scratching the surface of the MASSIVE issues on this show. I knew a move to NY wouldn't guarantee anything got better because the fact is there are many shows that keep their same cast and still go downhill and become shitty because the writing falls apart. Actors can only do so much. And I knew that no matter how amazing some believe Lea, Chris, etc. were, if the writing remained the utter shit it's been for more than two seasons now, a move to NY wouldn't make a damn bit of difference. And I already anticipated the worse when RIB started talking about their adult reality bullshit with regards to the move to NY. So far there's very little humor in the show, the characters are mostly unpleasant or just boring and annoying, the episodes are badly paced and it's just a mess. I know this may be sacrilegious to say but I almost miss the high school nonsense and Sue. Because at least it was reminiscent of an actual comedy. I don't know what to call what Glee is doing right now. Meanwhile, you know the writers have all but given up on trying when they're just basically writing an actor's real life as a storyline. So Rachel is a hit on Broadway, gets an agent while on Broadway who suggests a move to Hollywood. Hmm, gee I wonder whose life that could be based on. Meanwhile, what am I supposed to care about with regards to Rachel's story? Within a year and a half of graduating from high school she lands on Broadway, is a hit, is so successful a Hollywood exec is interested in her. Why should I still care about her story exactly?
  25. I look forward to her making it about herself and acting all betrayed even while she left Stefan and hooked up with his own brother. But that's our Elena - zero self-awareness. That said, I'm torn about Stefan/Caroline. I would love it because I have never been an Elena fan, going all the way back to the first season and after this Damon mess, I frankly don't think Elena is good enough for Stefan anymore and want him nowhere near her. And I like Stefan and Caroline. She actually makes him smile and genuinely happy. However, the creators and writers of this show have made it abundantly clear in more ways than one, no matter how many negative comments viewers make about it, that this show rests on that horrible triangle. It is clear they will never effectively end it and that's why I don't want them to put Stefan and Caroline together because I fear they will do all they can to torpedo it because Stefan has to always remain single and unhappy and pining for Elena because she is just that special, while she continues to bang his brother on every possible available surface. I fear that if they put Stefan and Caroline together they'll either kill her to end it or make Stefan treat her very badly all in service of his so called great love for Elena and I would rather not hate Stefan thank you very much. And when I say treat her badly I don't mean being mean but we'll probably see a lot of unintended insensitive moments, etc. when he inevitably puts Elena's needs before her and yeah just no. So it's hard because I really think that they can be an awesome pairing but I just don't think the writers will allow them to be because everything has to be about Elena and the triangle of suck that will not die.
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