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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Yeah like I said that's why I was surprised the filming schedule is so soon which makes me think the talks must be very close to a done deal.
  2. LOL...yeah and some were and still are pretty bitter about Gwyneth Paltrow in Emma. Well it's Daniel Day Lewis - multiple Academy Award nominee/winner, legendary actor. Not exactly a fair comparison.
  3. That's great for him. It's interesting that it states they're shooting for late summer filming schedule when the article states that they're still only in talks with Vanessa Redgrave and Ian McKellan which would suggest they haven't signed on yet. The article above is also interesting with regards to the comment about thinking the role would go to a Brit. Because actually my second thought after reading this was I wonder how the sometimes very snooty British media will react to a role about a British legend, which will be directed by a British director and if Vanessa and Ian sign on, will have a mostly British cast, going to an American with not a lot of film work under his belt.
  4. RIB and company have to be without question the worse writers ever. So after repeated comments by some about how awful the new kids were and they should focus on NY, they shuttle off a bunch of characters there and end the Glee Club in the lamest plot ever, only to undo it all six episodes later. And now, after showing how bad they are at trying to write for two narrative/locations all through Seasons 4 and early Season 5, they get the brilliant idea to have three narratives/locations. Like I would have more respect for RIB (well not really but still) if they just came out and said they really have no fucking clue what to do with this show anymore. Meanwhile, all the teeth gnashing about Sam/Rachel/Blaine moving to LA and the show being focused on them because of all the media the actors have been doing and turns out that it's because they're going to be anchoring the three locations. Sam's return to Lima I guess answers the question of how the newbie kids will be brought back at some point, there will be Rachel in her television show about her life and Blaine staying in NY, he and Kurt together still together I think actually explains why CC has been so vague about his future on the show. Because considering the show's history when it comes to Klaine, I don't see them giving much screentime to the narrative location that focuses solely on them and well Artie I guess. My guess is like the Season 4 split, most of the screentime will be given to Rachel in LA and McKinley. Of course I'm sure they'll find time to show them long enough for them to have another fight/drama. Which is another thing about how bad this show is. The writers basically make Kurt and Blaine unhappy and miserable for every single one of the episode in NY to the point of their not being able to live together and then it ends with it all magically okay and Blaine moving back into the same apartment he left. So once again, any happiness Blaine and Kurt actually have as a couple will happen offscreen. Not that I needed more proof but it just really shows how RIB really do not know how to write for couples...not without contrivances, forced angst, drama, etc.
  5. I can answer this as someone who has watched every season and the last time I voted was to give two phone votes to Mel B. the night of the finale and then I got bored. Basically it's the same reason I have never voted for Idol either and I've watched that since S1 too. I just have never been invested or passionate enough to sit and keep redialing a phone. Like I'm literally incapable of it. I dial twice and then I just start to feel like "yeah I can't do this..." And I hate Facebook and never go on it so that's not happening either. I watch the show because it's mindless, entertaining fun with a couple of very nice performances and even amazing dances thrown in once in awhile. I'm also a fan of dance, which is why I'm mad about the reduction of Pro numbers with the one night programming. So I enjoy watching the performances. But I just can't get super invested enough to power vote, go on Facebook, make multiple online email addresses, etc. It's just too much. I rather watch the show, have some opinions and move on. As for the posting on forums thing, well I'm opinionated so forums are like my favorite thing. About the show, I suspect the contemporary duel/partnership (because that really wasn't a duel) with Charlie, actually did wonders for Candace while poor Charlie got ignored for his part. But I know how much I really loved that number and I remember reading comments that seemed like a lot of people did too and I really think after watching Candace struggle, a lot of people might have been really impressed with her performance in that number and threw a lot of votes at her believing of course that she was likely in trouble. Just a theory...
  6. This is also where a show like this is so subjective. Because in between the comments that Amy hasn't been doing a lot in her dances, were the comments that Sharna made Charlie's choreography too complicated and instead she should have focused more on doing clean routines that had all the required elements of the dance. And with regards to the latter, this is actually why I disagree that Amy hasn't been dancing enough or has been getting away with not doing much. To my admittedly untrained ballroom eyes, Amy had a lot of content in her Cha-Cha, Swing, Jive, Rumba, Contemporary, AT, Quickstep, etc. It seems that her and Derek staying in one section of the ballroom for many of their dances gets equated with she wasn't doing enough and that she was not dancing. While I will agree that maybe Derek was too cautious at points with Amy, I don't think he skimmed on the dances. All of their dances in my opinion had a lot of content. Now whether you think she danced it well or not, well that's another story. But really even that is subjective. Because for example I for one completely disagree that Amy's AT was her sitting on a stool and I know that's one major point that's used to say "she's doing nothing and Derek is getting away with making her do nothing because he's the favored Pro." And so yeah, if one vehemently believes the dance was her sitting on a stool then all this outrage over the unfairness of it all comes up. But then the flipside is someone like me who says that I watched the dance multiple times and I simply do not agree that Amy did not dance or that the dance was 90 percent on a stool. I personally think there was a lot of content and it was a very well choreographed, very well danced AT. And as with the Jazz, again I disagree that she simply sat on a table. Now I absolutely agree that she was out of sync and admit that she should not have gotten all those 10's for that but there are many other dances some disagree with the score. Some people think James had no hip action in his rumba and he got all 9's not to mention getting a perfect score for his first dance. I get that none of the pros of these other celebrities have won as much as Derek so it's easier to not transfer any irritation of them at their celebrity but it is still kind of sucky when Derek's celebrities get no credit for what they do accomplish is dismissed because of the dislike of all things Derek.
  7. Well to be fair, they may be doing both. Some people are awesome multi-taskers. I'm sure they could fit in writing horrible stuff about people they don't know personally on message boards in between redialing.
  8. Just to be clear, although my comment was initiated by your saying she deserves to win, it actually wasn't directed at you or any one in particular. Just wanted to be clear and apologize if it seemed like I was attacking your comment. It was more my general observation that no one really deserves to win which tied into my opinion that sometimes the whole thing is just taken way too seriously. As someone else noted, Charlie White just won an Olympic gold medal, an achievement of more than a decade of training, sacrifice, etc. Somehow I think he'll be fine with his not making the finals of DWTS.
  9. I did not say that. I said the difference I saw was that one dance had flips and tricks that the other didn't because the latter celebrity was physically incapable of doing them. I said nothing about Meryl's ability to do those flips. That said, I'm letting this go since the swing dance was Week 2 of the competition. I don't think anyone deserves that ugly trophy. I think you can say maybe they earned it but no one deserves or is owed it in my opinion. The show is essentially a popularity contest. So whoever gets more votes, deserved to win in my opinion. It's like all the sulking and bitching Karina and Mario's fans did about his losing to Emmitt. And yeah maybe Mario was technically the better dancer but clearly people either didn't care enough or didn't like him enough to vote as much for him, so he lost. It is what it is. It's like yeah, I absolutely think Charlie was a better dancer than Candace, James and Amy but I wouldn't say they don't deserve to be there. Their fans voted and they got more votes than him...it is what it is. And again, it's DWTS for crying out loud. Even American Idol at least I can sort of understand the impassioned reaction to it considering the contestants are fighting for a chance at a music career and the show has produced some legitimate stars. But other than an ugly trophy and some weeks of media attention, mostly on ABC, what does one really even get from this show? It's just not that deep or serious imo.
  10. YMMV because I didn't think she was doing half as much. The only difference I saw in Maks/Meryl's swing versus Amy and Derek's was a lot of flips and tricks which clearly, Amy cannot do. And in fact that was the other thing I thought hurt Maks and Meryl's dance. It's like just because she could do it, there didn't need to be 10,000 flips and jumps and tricks. And, again just my opinion, it also caused them to be out of synch for most of the dance. Of course that's neither here nor there with regards to last night's show where my only issue with Meryl is that I thought her costuming for both of her dances were horrible and I actually couldn't comment on whether her footwork was on point for the VW because I couldn't see it with the boots on.
  11. This. And I really wasn't commenting on what the judges do or say considering as I've noted, the one consistency about DWTS is that it is inconsistent. I was simply disagreeing with all of these "issues" others in the competition have dealt with and yeah, I'm sorry, two prosthetic legs kind of trumps all of that. As for Amy's being treated with kid gloves, yes maybe the judges haven't been as rude or as harsh with her as they might be with others because there is the underlying "we will look like mean jerks if we pick on the girl who has two prosthetic legs" but that being said, I disagree that Amy's scores have always been unfair or that mistakes are never called out. They called out her and Derek's mistake in their swing when they missed the underhand pass (and fyi, I still say their swing dance was better than Maks and Meryl because they were more in sync throughout the dance), their error in the jive was called out by both Len and CAI (yes Bruno still gave them a 10 but it's Bruno and RedFoo didn't count because like the people on AfterBuzz stated it's not like dude was actually seriously judging any dance), Carrie Ann after saying she couldn't take a point off for Amy's foot coming off the ground for the Waltz, she docked them for it happening in the rumba and told Derek that if he knows there is no way for her foot to not come off the ground in a particular move, don't put it in. Many thought their contemporary was underscored when they didn't even get one 10 and Carrie Ann did call out the lack of synchronicity in the side by side of the jazz and Len called out their not having enough body contact for the Quickstep. What I will agree with was that she didn't deserve three 10's for the jazz and not because they used a table but yes, she was off in her timing and threw off the synchronicity with Derek for a key part of the dance. Also, there was the obvious stumble in the Argentine Tango but I really do think the judges did not see that error with the stool because of where they were facing at the time.
  12. I feel fairly certain that once the three in jeopardy were announced, Charlie saw the writing on the wall. Although Amy actually looked a little panicked right before Tom and Erin called them safe. Which this show has never done, going all the way back to Season 1. And by that token, one can say there is Amy having to learn the same dances without two feet. I don't know that you can really use the "other people are having such injuries/disadvantages" argument against a contestant that's dancing with two prosphetic legs. Well they've been shoving the troop into performances all season, you'd hope that most of the pairings would realize it won't be that special having them for the freestyle since it's been done all season. I don't see it. Yes there was the move where Derek was under the table and Amy on it and they slid in unison, like Travis and Heidi did with the bench but there were way more intricacies and flips/jumps/turns going on in that dance which is not surprising as it was a contemporary and not a jazz. I saw more similarity with Sabra and Neil's dance but the fact is, which again is why I said I had no issue with the table, the prop being heavily used in Jazz is something that has been done a lot. So if you start calling all dances that employ that a rip off, well a bunch of the choreographers on SYTYCD themselves have been ripping off each other for years. Not for a Jazz because unlike all the ballroom styles, Jazz and contemporary do not have any rules. I have never seen Len criticize anyone for "messing about" with regards to these styles. He may say he didn't love it, it wasn't his favorite but he doesn't judge it as he does a VW or Jive or any of the ballroom styles. That was really weird...and gross. I was like what the hell, does she have lice? I mean she was really digging in that thing. Nah the showmances go all the way back to Season 3 with Karina and Mario Lopez and has been a staple ever since. Didn't see Maks's tantrum but having sat through enough throughout the seasons, I can well imagine and will happily pass. By the way, it's pretty sad how there is this huge expectation that Maks will suck in the freestyle even by some who seem to be rooting for him and Meryl. Hope he's not reading the boards (though I'm sure Maks googles himself) because he may really melt down completely before the finale. Finally, it just amazes me how, after so many seasons, so much of the same narratives and patterns that happens on this show, some seem to still take this thing so seriously. I mean I get having favorites, I get being disappointed about the outcomes because I personally would have gladly taken Charlie over James or Candace and goodness knows I really wanted Zendaya to win some seasons ago and Mel B. over Helio. But I just cannot reconcile the level of anger that seems to be generated over what is essentially a cheesy little show for, in the words of Drew Lachey, a pretty damn ugly trophy. The level of vitriol and nastiness being hurled at some contestants...like really, it is just not that deep imo.
  13. I really don't think Charlie going home had anything to do with Sharna's choreography. Even if she had simplified the choreography he still would have been overshadowed by the showmance pair, the underdog Christian mother of three, the tween Idol guy and his half-naked pro and the double amputee. I've said it before, Charlie simply suffered from not having a story and with regards to this show "a journey". He was sweet, a good dancer and he and Sharna got along. All great things and goodness knows I would have taken Charlie over James (and really what is with that dude and throwing out his lame signed picture, like do people even still do that? Wasn't that like some 90's pop/teen idol thing) but following this show since the first season and getting a sense of how the people who watch tend to vote, yeah I'm not surprised he went home.
  14. Amy was way off in her timing with the side by side with Derek (CAI was right) and so for a number of bars they weren't doing the same thing at all, so for that, she should not have gotten all those 10's. That said, maybe it's because I watch shows like SYTYCD and many other dance shows but I'm really baffled by the whole they used a prop so clearly she wasn't dancing. It's the same debate that was had about Amber's jazz because she sat on a chair for about 20 seconds and did hand movements. Dance is imo, a person's entire body. As long as the performer is moving in some way, they are dancing. Just because Amy was on a table does not mean there was no choreography or she wasn't performing. Like Carrie Ann, I thought that slide down the table was on point - her upper body posture was gorgeous and she had a lot of sex appeal. Not to mention, that it was a jazz number. I cannot begin to count the number of jazz numbers I've seen with many props that the dancers weave within the performance. So just like the issue with the stool last week, I disagree about the table. But I will agree she was horribly not synchronized at one point. I did not understand the fashion choices made for Meryl this week. I hated both the jive and the VW outfits and both ruined her lines for me. I could tell she was hitting some gorgeous lines for the VW but it was hard to see and appreciate it with that "I looked like I just skinned a sheep and wore it around my waist" skirt she was wearing, mixed with those heavy, clunky boots. And I really, really hated the jive outfit which made some of the movements in the dance look weird and awkward, particularly because the outfit was not flattering for her frame. Charlie was gorgeous and it absolutely sucks that James has outlasted him but that really is the nature of this show. Charlie unfortunately for him was too much of normal, nice guy with no drama and as such there was no story with him and Sharna and as a result he just got lost in the mix. The judges' nitpicking and lowballing of him for a number of weeks certainly didn't help either. That's why Grassy Knoll threads for these types of shows are always so entertaining...
  15. Missed the whole show and didn't bother setting the DVR, so shows how much I care. I saw Meryl's VW and while she looked beautiful, I'm surprised none of the judges are mentioning her outfit. I thought those boots were a mistake for a VW because with that already ugly, poofy skirt, it was very hard to see her feet and the boots made it almost impossible.
  16. Organic is not a word I would personally ever use for Meryl and Maks. Starting with his telling her how much he loved her in their initial meeting (or at least first edited meeting since I believe the pros and celebrities often meet before that initial taping) and how he would marry her, I have felt like everything between them comes across as scripted and staged and like I'm watching a performance. For me, in regards to Maks and Meryl, I feel like the performance does not stop with their dances. And before it's said, I acknowledge that this is personal opinion which is why as always, I say that one's mileage may vary. It's just personally why I would never consider their "relationship/partnership" organic. As toonces noted above, Meryl is a performer. Meryl has been performing and selling relationship storylines on the ice with Charlie for more than a decade. Hell even Charlie can do it in his dances. Look at Charlie's performance with Candace. I thought those two sold the hell out of that dance and actually believed the passion between them and we all know that ain't happening. So it's just hard for me personally to buy any authenticity here. And yes, as has been stated numerous times, Maks' history doesn't help. Do I think Maks likes Meryl just on a human level, sure and does he love how talented she is, absolutely and without question I'm sure he's super excited about her abilities and what she can do. I just think there is an added element of playing up for the cameras/viewers and yes shippers. Someone noted that Maks and Erin were indeed a couple, I guess as proof that it wasn't entirely fake when fans were all into them. But the thing is, calling something a showmance does not automatically negate the possibility of real attraction, at least in my opinion it doesn't. In fact I feel like there needs to be to sell it and make it more believable. So it wasn't that Maks and Erin was entirely fake that made some declare it a showmance but that it was played up by them whether or not the feelings were real. It was the same with Karina and Mario. Clearly their attraction was real as they dated for 2 years but what still makes them a showmance in my eyes were all the OTT rehearsal packages, "accidentally" being caught making out by the cameras, coy responses about their relationship, etc. It was without question played up for the cameras and the audience.
  17. YMMV because I've never thought of Derek as the All-American good guy and I don't see Maks as a "bad boy"...obnoxious and angry at times sure but that's it.
  18. Wow, okay. Like I said I actually don't follow Maks' media rounds other than hearing a thing or two or seeing something in passing but yeah that does kind of suck. I mean without question he's had some duds, hello Denise Richards but yeah I guess there are more flattering ways to praise Meryl.
  19. That is hilarious. I don't actually follow much of Maks' media stuff so I can't fully comment on how he's coming across with regards to his former partners but reading others' reaction and opinion to it, it actually reminds me of this incident with Tom Cruise (yeah I know what you're thinking...but bare with me). It was at the height of all his manic, nuttiness with Katie Holmes and while in Australia, not surprisingly, to promote Mission Impossible that came out at that time, an interviewer basically asked him about the fact that he was all couch jumping, falling all over himself, acting like a fool, claiming he'd never, ever, ever felt this way in life except that he'd been married to another woman for 10 years, who had two children with. The interviewer's comment was basically that wasn't his behavior slightly disrespectful to Nicole and the history they shared. Let's just say Tom Cruise didn't take too kindly to that and got all defensive. So I'm reading some of the comments above and I feel like some are regarding Maks' comment like this interviewer did Tom's. That it is all well and good to praise your celeb but there is a line where it becomes so effusive and over the top that knowingly or uknowingly it starts to come across as dismissive and insulting of others. Again, not necessarily saying I agree or disagree but I see both sides I guess. Fair enough and not necessarily saying you are guilty of this, but I hope some of his fans who feel like this are also then fine with the fact many will hit back at some of his behavior and call it out. And that will be accepted, just as his behavior is without accusations of producer manipulation, editing, viewers hating him, being unfair, etc. It's a two-way street. Maks is all about "keeping it real and saying how he feels..." and well others will respond in kind.
  20. Wow, Russell is pathetic (and why is he bringing Rob in his drama who by the way has been nothing but positive about Tony on twitter). And it's the stupid comments like "he's the new Russell Hantz" that makes him think he's so important. The game is over dude, get a life. And this is one reason I always liked people like Rob and others who when they say they separated the game and their real life, you knew they meant it. They were able to play the game and leave all that stuff on the island and move on. It's the people who are still bitter and pissy and throwing words long after the show is over that I really can't stand. Tony may drive me crazy on the show, but I think he has played a very good game.
  21. I didn't have an issue with Caroline's reaction. I think she went into momentary shock when the whole thing happened but by the time the scene closes on her holding Stefan, you can hear her screams getting louder and more desperate as it sinks in. There are also promo pics for the finale that show her looking pretty shaken and almost in shock, with Damon and Elena standing near her. I assume that's her telling them what happened. As for Bonnie, honestly, at this point Bonnie's seen so much death and experienced so much shit, I can believe that she's gotten to a fairly calm state about accepting the deaths of those she knows and cares about. Girl has watched her Grams, her dad, Jeremy, all die in front of her. And I thought she seemed genuinely stricken when Stefan showed up.
  22. As The Hollywood Reporter noted in its recap, they pretty much gave away Stefan's not staying dead with that cheeky/fun promo. Seriously, who put the promo together? It's the season finale, don't they usually use the dramatic music, tension, etc.? This sounded like any other episode. There's Damon throwing out his usual snark, everyone looks all calm and chill...like wtf? I did love Paul Wesley tweeting out after the episode that Stefan is done as the fangirls are freaking out and tweeting to him to please say Stefan is not dead. Honestly, I can't blame him if a part of him wants the character dead because it's not like those lazy ass writers give him shit to do other than hang around, get tortured every few episodes or so, basically become borderline asexual and in the most recent episodes, listen to his whiny, self-absorbed ex-girlfriend go ON AND ON AND ON about her toxic, shitty relationship with the guy who happens to be his brother. Seriously, does Plec and company not realize this makes zero sense? Like how effing long are they going to just leave Stefan to wander around aimlessly with no love life, no happiness while Elena and Damon's relationship of toxicity goes on and on. Like Stefan is not allowed to have a life all the while Elena tries to save Damon with her magical vagina? Seriously, if Season 6 comes back with this same shit - I am done. I don't give a flying crap about Damon or Elena and damn sure don't give a crap about their relationship and since I can't stand her ass I'm fine with them staying together. But I refuse to watch another season of Stefan just awkwardly hanging around, having pretty much no life and just having to listen to the two self absorbed assholes in his life go on and on about their shitty ass relationship.
  23. I don't know why it's so unbelievable to think Morgan would vote for Spencer simply because she would think he played the better game and yes, that she likes him. Morgan spent no real time with Tony. They were never in the same tribe and she was the second voted off after the merge. And she was voted off surrounded by a cloud of "you're lazy, annoying, etc". She has no bond with Tony. So sure, she might acknowledge the things he was doing but Spencer is someone she had an alliance with, probably did establish some kind of friendship with and if he gets to the end would have basically clawed and crawled his way there. I don't think her vote would be surprising in the least and certainly don't think it will be because Tony's "old".
  24. And once again, another season ending and Stefan gets fucked over. All while he remains a relationship-less, love-less loser and the two self-absorbed assholes run around only caring about themselves and their toxic relationship. It feels so repetitive at this point, but I REALLY, REALLY HATE THIS SHOW. I just...whatever. Many people called it and speculated that Stefan would die based on his name not showing up in the summary for the season finale and the comment about Caroline having a very emotional reaction to a joke made about "something tragic" (likely meaning his death) and her realizing her feelings or something like that. Can't remember the exact wording.
  25. I have considered the alternatives. As I stated above, without Spencer in the final, I think Tony has an excellent chance of winning. And I absolutely think many juries have been able to look past people who blindsided them or they didn't love and vote for them for playing the best game. Which is why I do think even with Spencer in the finale, I can see LJ, Trish if she is on the jury, definitely Kass if she is there, voting for Tony over him. I acknowledge that you said you didn't watch the exit interviews but I think those are important because it gives you a sense of where the individual's head is at and their thoughts on the game and I think that can be a major indication of who they would vote for. Because as it is what is there really to go on to conclude that Morgan and Sarah would vote brawn over brains, especially Morgan. I can't remember anything Morgan said or did during the game that makes me think she would certainly go for brawns over brains. I will give that Sarah may be tricky because she and Tony at one point had been close but while I can see her appreciating some of his gameplay, there are things he did she thought was not necessary, particularly the lies about not being a cop and then swearing on his badge. Also, I very much can see someone like Sarah appreciating someone who scraped and clawed their way to the end like Spencer will have to do. And once again, judging by her post-show comments, I firmly believe that Morgan will not vote for anyone but Spencer if he is in the Final 3 or 2.
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