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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. That picture has nothing to do with my point. He has taken many pictures, with many of his celebrity partners in the weeks, sometimes months after their season ends. But the point remains that this is the normal ammo with Maks - play up the showmance all while the season is airing, play coy and cheeky and once it's over, suddenly he is the most private person in the world and doesn't like questions about his personal life. Yeah whatever...
  2. This exactly. And some would find ways to still spin it as ABC and the show trying to cover their asses and there was probably something so awful and now he's dead they didn't want people to see it, etc. This way, they showed what happened, people formed their opinions (clearly, if the comments here are anything to go by), good or bad.
  3. Ashley didn't, Des hasn't, even Emily who goodness knows I have all my issues with her seems pretty fine settled in Charlotte and Gillian went back to her very successful interior decorating career in Canada. I'm not saying many of these people haven't come on this show "not for the right reasons" (yes I went there) but I actually think many of the Bachelorettes have been genuine about wanting to find a husband, far more so than the Bachelors. And yes, Andi may go the way of Ali who while not jumping from reality show to reality show clearly was out to jumpstart her entertainment reporter career but so far, I haven't seen anything from her that suggests she isn't at all interested in truly falling in love with someone. As opposed to Juan Pablo who it was obvious that his season was going to be a hot ass mess from like the second/third episode.
  4. I don't know, I can't get really bothered by anything Dorothy ever did in regards to Sophia because those two were both so awful to each other at times, honestly Sophia more so than Dorothy, that I just shrug most of that stuff away.
  5. Because she sucks. Seriously, when the woman's highest profile client is Maks who no offense, is no B-List or hell even C-List celebrity, what does that tell you. She has a horrible reputation in the industry and no one respects her as a legitimate publicist like say the Kevin Euvane's of the industry.
  6. He didn't just abandon it. He said that he struggled with the decision and that he still accepted parts of it and the beliefs, he likely just wasn't practicing anymore. That was more or less the story we heard with Jef. He still had some beliefs and parts of the church and faith in him but he was no longer fully practicing. Everybody's different. While some can't imagine giving up their church, others come to a place where they may realize it doesn't really give them what they want or there are parts of it they can no longer reconcile with.
  7. Yeah no, I don't feel sorry for Maks here and Lizzie was her usual shitty PR Pro self (seriously, she didn't actually get a degree or anything for this right because she sucks at it). Typical Maks and what I and others said all during the season - he rode that showmance all the way to the trophy and now that the season's over, he's won, all of a sudden Lizzie wants to get all bitchy at interviewers when it's brought up in an interview and act like it's something they're so offended at being discussed? Spare me...
  8. I was loving Nick and his comments during the basketball date. I admit that I'm a total sucker for an adorable, snarky dork and he was doing it for me tonight. I cracked up when in his talking head he talked about the guys having their asses handed to them by the WNBA players and completely dead-pan, goes, "and I think we were actually trying." That and his "so yeah suck it" comment to the other guys when his team won were hilarious. Especially because it was all said in this almost blank, dead-pan voice. Also, was it just me or did anyone notice Andi literally yank him towards her so they could start making out when they had their 1-1 time on that date? It looked like he was trying to speak and she just went, "yeah screw that..." But that is not exactly what he said. He started off saying that he felt that he had opened up to her, that he was a little thrown by her comments during that date and that when he thought about it he thought she was the one not opening up. Yes she looked thrown when he said that but she kept calm at that point and even told him that she gets that it is a hard situation, that she gets it's not normal and it's frustrating. But then they started talking over each other and then he threw the "I came here to date a real person not a television actress.." which yeah, WTF? Really I just think Eric was really, really bad at articulating himself. Yes maybe his whole point was poking holes in the obvious issue with this farce of a show (and at this point, I'm sorry this show has been on too long for me to buy people not realizing what they're getting into with it) but rather than saying he couldn't have faith in the whole process or that he wasn't feeling like Andi was truly connecting with him, his ramblings basically amounted to calling her fake and putting on an act and the whole thing was just one giant mess.
  9. But at the same time Eric could have phrased his comments as his not feeling like he's moving forward with her, like he doesn't feel like they're truly developing anything real. I don't think Andi would have been offended by that because she expressed the sentiment about their feeling stalled when she spoke to him on the group date and was upfront with him then. But rather than that, he phrased his issues as basically the problem being her and her not being completely genuine and even a little fake. As she said to him, "what was she really supposed to say to something like that..." I'm truly sorry that Eric died and my heart goes out to his family and friends but I don't agree that Andi was really the unfair one or she flew off the handle or she was being a drama queen. Maybe her teary, angry speech to the other guys who did nothing wrong was a bit much but I didn't think she did anything so wrong with Eric. After everything, she simply told him calmly that obviously they were not going to happen and she gave him a hug and told him goodbye.
  10. OMG I was rolling...it was all so "dramatic" and "emotional". He was just so "heartbroken" by losing time with Andi. The whole thing was ridiculous. Well judging by the comments...kind of subjective really. My opinion, I don't think she did. Like I said above, I don't think Eric meant to hurt her feelings but I don't think he articulated himself well at all and it felt like he was equating them not really connecting and their relationship stalling to her not really being open enough and real. And I think Andi made a fair point in her interview with Chris Harrison - that they probably both were guilty of not really opening up to each other and communicating and it probably had to do with the relationship stalling and things just getting more and more awkward and weird between them. Again, I sort of understood what he was trying to say but I don't think he articulated it well and I don't think Andi was being a drama queen for being offended by more or less being called fake. How else was she supposed to take a comment like he came to date a real girl and not a "Hollywood actress..." Again, like I said above, I think Eric may have bitten off more than he could chew with the process and once he was in it realized that but rather than just saying and realizing it wasn't for him, his words came out like he was criticizing Andi and who she is as a person.
  11. To be fair, I don't think Eric was doing a good job articulating himself. I sort of get what he was saying but it didn't come across very well at all. Ultimately, Eric and Andi just did not click obviously and of course there is some level of "poker face" as he calls it that goes into being the Bachelor/Bachelorette which is why this whole process is ridiculous for finding "the one" and why it's yielded a whopping what, 4-5 successfuly couples? But Eric should have known that going into this and maybe he did but being in it was harder than he expected. But still I think the problem is Eric articulated his issue with the process and the whole situation as issues he had with Andi per se and that's where it all went to shit. Like Nick flat out said to Andi on their first date that he didn't actually buy the process working (I watched the DVR and those were his exact words) but he phrased it as entirely being skeptical of the process not Andi herself and her feelings or integrity. Andi and Eric was just a mis-match and it is a pity that's how his time on the show ended. Will be interesting to read the recaps for this episode and to read Andi's blog.
  12. Oh great, date with creepy Marcus. I will say this about Ms. Andi - loves making out with Nick. Also, that rose to Brian was a "I'll give you this rose so you can maybe be more confident and make a move."
  13. Serious question, but are the Bachelorettes forbidden to wear pants, except for jeans for the occasional casual date? I think if there is one thing I would truly criticize about Andi is those damn too tight/mini dresses she's worn for like almost every night portion date. And she almost always has to have a blanket when talking to the guys so she could seat comfortably without the possibility of an accidental crotch shot.
  14. Uh yeah, WTF was that? Since when is black not a color? I'm really baffled by what Andi was going for there.
  15. Yeah Peter McNichol is not a hottie but I don't think the comparison is that unflattering to Nick. It depends on what one finds attractive. If you go for the buff, athletic, manly type, like a Josh, then yeah it may not seem like the most flattering. But if you like slightly awkward, even a little dorky guys, it works. I definitely agree he's better looking than Peter but I see the comparison in the somewhat awkward, similar nerd like qualities. I personally actually am attracted to those types so I think he's super adorable. Of course I thought Jef was more interesting than Arie during Emily's season too. In any case, Andi's opinion is what counts and girl is clearly gone over Josh. eta: Boyz II Men were fun. They had a great attitude about the whole thing and the mini-concert actually looked like a lot of fun and they sounded great. I loved Wanye saying Andi sounded like shit when they were rehearsing together.
  16. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Yeah despite all the upsets, there are some really good Quaterfinal matches to look forward to. Djokovic/Raonic could be really good if Raonic brings his A game. There is nothing I hate more than a match that could be great, that had a lot of hype just being a wash because one player just didn't show up. Berdych and Gulbis should be good too, Rafa and Ferrer is interesting considering they are coming off Ferrer's win against him, Muguruza/Sharapova has potential to be a good one, same with Bouchard and Navarro. So should be interesting to see who all is left standing.
  17. Woah, wasn't expecting that. Honestly, after last night's episode, I was thinking his exit would be some drama free "he just wasn't feeling it" type of situation since it was pretty obvious there was like zero spark between them. And has that ever happened on the show before (I have never been a regular viewer and have missed many seasons), for a contestant to call out the Bachelor/Bachelorette in that way? I guess Andi's railing on Juan Pablo and Claire cussing him out for the Final Rose Ceremony sort of count but for a guy to call out the Bachelorette that way? And I'm really curious to see what made him think that about her because as annoying as Andi is, I do think she comes across as legitimately wanting to find someone. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that more and more it's sort of clear that Andi has her favorites, that is, Nick and Josh, and the rest of the guys are really sort of just being strung along because there's a show to produce.
  18. I can see it. He has that same awkward, twitchy thing Philip has. See I didn't get that only because he spent so much of their date saying why he had reservations about the whole process and in the end he admitted that he had a crush and was definitely starting to like her but that was it. He was also concerned about the fact that he and Andi hadn't spent any time together since their date and she'd been on a group and 1-1 date. And I thought the flowers were kind of sweet because of his reasoning that he wanted to create as "normal" a dating situation as possible with there being nothing normal with this whole show. I actually think that describes Marcus more than Nick which is why Marcus gives me creepy vibes. He also reminds me of Chris Bukowski during Emily's season who was always convinced there was deep and amazing connection between them that she didn't have a tenth of with any of the other guys and it was like yeah…no.
  19. That was totally the producers wanting to create drama. First of all, considering the contestants are supposed to be cut off from the outside world during this process, you know he ran the flowers thing by them, which is certainly fine. But the guy coming in and delivering the flowers when he did was totally the producers' work since considering all the non-disclosures and stuff, no way a flower delivery guy would just walk up in there without going past them first. I'm just surprised they didn't wait for it to be in front of a group of the guys. And once that happened, she was totally checked out from Eric. That being said, there is like zero spark between Andi and Eric. He seemed like a nice guy but it's pretty obvious, at least to me that he really wasn't that interested in her romantically and she wasn't particularly interested in him. There just didn't seem to be any spark/attraction between them. Meanwhile, Josh and Nick as final two is being telegraphed so clearly that there are practically blinding flashing lights declaring it. She seemed completely and totally wrapped up in both of them when she was with them. Josh however seems far more all in than Nick which is not surprising since he admits he's skeptical about the process. Some of his comments at their dinner fascinated me because they were so no PC and at times I would feel like they were flashing lights to Andi that this is someone either not ready to settle down or who just has issues with commitment. However he would say something else that would make me go, "you know I didn't think of it that way but that makes sense." Nick actually gives me shades of Jef in the first few weeks of Emily's season. Although he has Jef beat in the kissing the bachelorette category. Which speaking of kissing, boy, once Andi got one taste, she really started going for it huh. Tonight there was Josh, Nick, Marcus, JJ and am I forgetting someone else? Meanwhile both Marcus and Andrew kind of bothered me...Andrew because he definitely has douche/smarm face and Marcus because he was kind of giving me sociopathic vibes. He has that classic, almost too perfect blonde good looks and he just kept having these angry eyes/death stares, especially when he didn't get the 1-1. I may be exaggerating, I totally admit that but he was seriously creeping me out and I don't see much chemistry between him and Andi. It reminded me of Emily reading Ryan's 7-page letter while that poor Tony awkwardly stood by waiting for some 1 on 1 time. I forgot to add that while I'm all for doing something different and especially after the skin-fest/strip show last week, JJ and Andi's "let's dress up like old people and bike around" was completely weird and random. I mean I guess they sort of looked like they were having a good time so cheers for that but still...weird.
  20. I guess she just deleted the tweet that linked to it because that tweet is definitely gone.
  21. lmao...okay now I must have this in my life. I had checked out of TAR by the time they competed but they have been together for something like 14 years right? Then it doesn't surprise me that there has been some off/on periods.
  22. How did it hurt her...she came in second. Yeah there were a couple of mean comments online, some disagreements on some message boards about her performances but at the end of the day she came in second and outlasted many people that most probably thought would have beaten her when the competition started. But really does it even matter - the season's over (thank goodness...) and she didn't win so moving on. Speaking of Amy's Instagram, I noticed something odd some days ago. She posted a pic there and tweeted it, of her and her boyfriend in what looked like photobooth shots and made some comment like "quality time with this special one" (paraphrasing here..) Anyway, the comments on her account in response to the picture were interesting to say the least. People weren't nasty per se but there were a lot of "aww, no you and Derek should be together..." Which yeah, showed how much attention I was paying since I didn't even know shipping those two was a thing. In any case, a few hours later, the picture was gone, as well as the tweet. I couldn't figure out if she removed it to avoid her boyfriend getting mean comments or if she figured she'd let people have their fantasy of her and Derek a little longer. In any case it was odd. And that picture was like the first time her boyfriend seemed to show up or get mentioned at all on her twitter/Instagram in like forever.
  23. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Tsonga is fairly inconsistent. He has moments of absolute brilliance where when he's on, he can challenge almost anyone and then there are many times where it's like he just didn't bother to show up for the match. And I think that's the thing that always separates the dominant players from those who are talented but never reach their peak. The dominant players are consistent. Everyone has an off day and have uncharacteristic losses in their career but for the most part they tend to be consistent. Tsonga isn't.
  24. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    Wow the French crowd was awful towards Muguruza today. I get that she was playing a French woman and they're rooting for their country woman but they were downright obnoxious and rude and I'm amazed they didn't start booing. There was a lot of hooting and hollering while she was serving and they couldn't even give a half-assed applause when she won. But kudos to her blocking all of that out and giving that French woman a complete thrashing. Still I was really turned off by the crowd and the fact is as much as they would have loved to see Tsonga win, they certainly didn't treat Djokovic like that. But I guess unless you're in the Top 10 you're not important enough to warrant getting some respect. Of course considering that mess with Rafa at the start of the tournament, I guess even that doesn't matter. Maybe it's a nationality thing and they just can't stand the Spanish players considering they have seemed to just dominate the French Open for decades.
  25. truthaboutluv

    Tennis Thread

    LOL, that's hilarious actually. It's definitely entertaining to watch... Ugh, Gulbis is such a douche but dammit if he didn't kick ass today. That was a really good match.
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