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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. Is that a fact though? Keep in mind that internet voices - the message boards and all that stuff often represents just a small sample of a show's viewership. There are many people who are casual viewers. The ones who watch the show, maybe even throw a couple of votes but actually don't post on message boards and/or read message boards. And so they're not immersed in all the debates, the grassy knoll theories, drama about what the producers do and don't do, etc.
  2. And I haven't, so we can agree to disagree. And I will say that it is one thing to say "I like her because of x, y and z" and another to suggest that those who feel differently are simply bothered by a strong woman.
  3. I have never heard of Derek being a producer on the show, anywhere but on discussion boards. The only title the show has referenced him as having, is Executive Director for the Macys Stars of Dance. Yes. You should have been around the season Bristol Palin was on. Also it has gotten more viscous IMO, the more that Derek has won. I'm not sure if your question about other pros being praised is only based on this season or in general but I will say that yes, the pros get praised for their choreography and hard work. Carrie Ann especially tends to tell a pro nice job if she really loved a performance and this season she has seemed to package Meryl and Maks as one in her praise for them. A lot of the most effusive praise Derek has gotten has only been in the recent weeks and those were by the guest judges. As someone else noted, no matter what some boards feeling is about Derek, he is very popular and well respected in the dance world. And I'm still not really sure how Amy is being dismissed and it's all about Derek. Bruno has fallen over himself calling her amazing every week, Carrie Ann glows about her and even grouchy Len is all smiles for her and has said how he just loves watching her dance. How is that not making it about her? As for the MSOD, ymmv but it is no different to me than when the show still had pro numbers when they had a result show ( which I really miss) and the pros came up with numbers that they would be a part of. Once upon a time on this show half the pros had to create numbers for their celebrity and come up with dances for the Result Show night every week. That's why many talked about being exhausted when the season was over and why they'd get burned out with their creativity.
  4. I haven't seen anyone getting enraged but rather disagreeing with comments about her. I wasn't asking anyone to replace their judgement and mine certainly wasn't influenced by that. I already didn't care for Kass before watching these women's interviews. Actually no, there was no expressing that they should have gotten further in the game than Kass and YMMV but I did not see their comments as bitterness or bile or even anger. With Tasha for example, Parvati asked clearly what happened and why did Kass think she was at the bottom and was she. Tasha stated that no, Kass wasn't and that she didn't know why Kass felt that way. She stated calmly that she and Spencer had always worked with Kass during that point, talked strategy with her, included her in the conversations. And then she said that yes, they catered to Sarah at that point because they were trying to secure that vote post the merge. And as others above have noted, we were shown the scene of Tasha, Kass and Sarah talking where all Tasha tried to do was diffuse the situation and Kass started going on about apparently no longer being in the alliance and being booted for Sarah and no longer being important. I'm sure no one was using crying literally when saying she would cry that she was no longer in the alliance or at the bottom, etc. As for Trish, her comment had nothing to do with thinking she would have gotten further than Kass. She simply stated that she never liked Kass but Tony made the point that she needed her ego stroked and that they had to keep doing that so she wouldn't go off the rails. Also if Trish was so bitter, I'd imagine she'd be more pissed at the guy she had the Final 3/2 deal with, who she stuck with the whole time and then voted her out. And instead she has nothing but good things to say about him. As for Morgan, again, like Tasha, Parvati asked flat out about comments Kass herself made on the show in her talking heads. And Morgan basically said that she had no clue what Kass was talking about, with regards to being at the bottom and no one liking her and Morgan being so awful to her. And as Morgan mentioned in her interview, there is the secret scene online of her right after the tribal swap saying how awesome and cool Kass was. So again YMMV but I didn't read bitterness from any of these people. I saw most of them saying "we don't know what she was talking about and a lot of it came down to her ego and once she felt she wasn't being worshiped or given enough attention, she flipped."
  5. I disagree. I feel like I know plenty about Amy. We know all about how she lost her legs, how she picked herself back up to get back into snowboarding, how she motivates herself and keeps going despite her disability, we even got background on her relationship which some viewers felt was unnecessary. Once again this show is all about the "story" and "journey" and that's hers. The double amputee who overcomes. Sure it's not all she is but neither is Candace just the Christian married mother of three but that's been her story. Getting past her inhibitions and nerves and pushing forward. IMO, most of the people who think Amy's time on the show has been all about Derek are the people who make everything about Derek. The ones who every week talk about how the entire show from the producers down to the sound guys is manipulated and catered for him, how he's the Golden Boy, how the entire universe is up his ass, etc. It's the same with Maks. Some have complained about Maks' shenanigans overshadowing what Meryl is doing on the show and part of that is that Maks is polarizing and yes, for the last number of seasons he's been on the show, his personality and some of his antics have overshadowed his celebrity. But back to Derek and Amy, I saw that comment and to support my point that the viewers are the ones guilty of making it all about Derek rather than him overshadowing Amy and her getting lost, take a look at the last few pages of the General Gabbery thread. It was two - three pages of "DWTS/ABC/the universe is all about Derek, he gets away with everything, none of his celebs dance, he's not actually choreographing the dance, the producers are kissing his ass, etc. etc." So when it feels like one does not know much about Amy it may be because time is spent on boards where the comments focus on her PRO rather than on her.
  6. Just watched Trish's Survivor Live interview. Two things, Trish is now probably the fourth person (Morgan, Tasha and Sarah being the other three) to confirm that Kass needed constant ego-stroking, attention or then she was suddenly throwing a fit and making threats or claiming no one liked her. Trish's comments were very in line with Tasha saying that they had no clue why Kass suddenly decided she wasn't liked and at the bottom when she, Tasha and Spencer did talk strategy all the time. She stressed that she and Spencer never left Kass out of the conversations. As Tasha noted the only thing that happened was that yes they catered to Sarah when the merge happened because they were focused on that vote and making sure Sarah did not flip back to her old tribemates. And in that one incident, Kass decided enough attention wasn't being paid to her and flipped. And here was Trish basically saying she had to constantly feed and stroke Kass' ego. And it's like again, how old is Kass? The other thing that stood out to me was Trish's comment about Spencer which further solidifies to me that if Spencer makes it to the end, he has that win in the bag. The only vote that might be close is if it comes down to him and Tony because I can see Tony getting some votes for his gameplay, probably from LJ and even Trish herself as much as she thinks the world of Spencer. But she and Tony were close and it's clear how much she still likes him. But yeah Spencer against Woo or Kass, he's going to win in a landslide. I actually don't think that alliance was really a conscious thing so much as going with the numbers and it kind of happening. It seemed like David and Kass bonded fairly quickly in the tribe and he and Garrett just got along and then Garrett was able to say to Tasha and J'Tia, hey stick with us and we'll get rid of the others and suddenly they were a four. So I definitely see how he saw this as a good thing. But yes, who knew Garrett would turn out to be an idiot who refused to give Tasha a private meeting thereby convincing her to get rid of him. To be fair, I don't think anyone in the alliance saw that including Jeremiah who was right there while Kass and Sarah were sniping at each other and later Tasha as well. As I noted above, this was one thing Tasha acknowledged that she screwed up in her post-show interview. That they didn't realize how egotistical Kass was that she would get that upset that they were focusing on Sarah because they were trying to get past the first vote post-merge. And really, I find it hard to judge them too harshly. I mean who would really think that the woman would be that insecure and egotistical that despite being with each other for how many days at that point, surviving a crappy tribe, sticking together, talking and strategizing together that one time attention wasn't given to her she would flip. Again sure if she was an 18 year old but you'd assume a woman Kass' age would be way more mature than that and see the big picture but apparently not so much. As for his being able to read people well, we definitely know he was able to do so with Tony, his frustrations with Woo are actually hilarious because as he noted, Woo is so blank that it's hard to read anything with him. I think many of his talking heads also showed that he had a good sense of what was happening in the game and with the players. It's hard to tell though because somethings editing didn't show. For example, we don't know who really pushed the Jefra vote for the first tribal council after the merge. We know Sarah was pushing hard at first for Tony and Woo wanting to get rid of a physical threat and Kass was focused on Trish. But at some point, someone had to have decided that actually Jefra is clearly the least important person there and no one will see the votes coming for her. Maybe that was him and maybe not but we don't know. And there was also the decision to get rid of Alexis over Jeremiah. Morgan said in her post-show interviews she told them all how close Alexis was with Jefra but we never saw the discussion of that vote either. I also think Spencer's never approaching Trish was telling because I think he did know she was tight with Tony and would never flip.
  7. Btw, for those who are completely against the idea of Stefan/Caroline being together, not to worry, with Enzo's being one of the many deaths that did not stick, I predict that's who Plec and company will hook Caroline up with next season. Stefan and Caroline will continue to be teased to throw the poor desperate shippers a bone but not to worry, Stefan will continue to remain relationship-less and sex-less with no actual happiness and joy while he continues to watch his ex-girlfriend go on and on about her immense love for his brother and continue to not give a shit about him. Because while Damon and Elena need to have their clothes ripping/furniture breaking sex, the writers need Stefan to remain alone because I don't know, they think it services their triangle of suck. Though how one has a triangle when the middle of said triangle acts like she could give a crap about the other guy, I have no idea. Where's the triangle exactly? Where is the "being torn" between two because I damn sure don't see that in Elena. But yet, not to worry, they won't do something as crazy as actually making Stefan have his own life separate from Damon and Elena. So not to worry anti-Steroline shippers, it's not happening. Any wonder poor Paul Wesley seems almost pained in many of his interviews. And that's exactly why I'm not coming back next season. Their ratings can continue to fall into the dumps while Plec and Dries deliver their bullshit that they keep trying to spin as gold in their lame interviews. I'll read spoilers and if it proves my assumptions right (which I feel certain it will), yeah I'm not watching. I don't care about Damon and/or Elena and have zero interest in watching another season of their toxic, whiny shitfest that is their relationship. And I especially have no interest in watching another season of Stefan just wandering around with no life except to either get tortured every couple of episodes to save Damon and/or Elena and/or dole out advice about their shitfest of a relationship. I don't care about Enzo and wished he had stayed dead, Tyler is cool but I know he'll continue to have no purpose and no story as has been the case for how many seasons now, who knows what they'll do with Bonnie. Either her death will stick this time or it won't but they'll still find ways to screw her over as she sacrifices herself yet again for Saint Elena. And speaking of that twat, I predict I will continue to want someone to shove a bag over her face everytime she speaks in every episode and so yeah...what's the point. I'm out.
  8. One can say the same about Elena. Like I said, girl barely batted an eye over Stefan being dead. Yes she's all madly, super in love with his brother now but this was someone she once claimed to love so much and his death didn't seem to mean shit to her and it's not like I care since I hate Elena and do not want her and Stefan back together but this just shows how shitty the writing on this show is. As for Steroline, my feeling on it is this. I would gladly take the lame ass writers bringing in someone awesome and new for Stefan but they're clearly not going to do that. On top of that, it's like how much clearer can they make it that Elena is all about Damon now and as noted, barely gives a shit about Stefan. And so if that is the case, I for one have no desire to keep seeing Stefan practically be a eunuch. What is the damn point? Plec and company keep doing the absolute most to drum this Elena/Damon forever and meanwhile Stefan gets to have no life and never move on...ever? The hell? So while I know they'll make a mess of Stefan/Caroline because Mary Sue Elena of the magical vagina always needs to be the most important girl in everyone's life, I will accept whatever small moments of Stefan moving on that they will give. Because again it's just getting ridiculous to keep having the writers drill home how much Damon and Elena love each other, how they are almost addicted to each other because their love and passion is so overwhelming and there's Stefan, sexless and relationship-less.
  9. Doesn't matter. Judging by the ratings for the last few episodes, no one's watching anyway. Not to mention I doubt anyone really believes Damon will stay gone just as no one believed Stefan was dead in the last episode.
  10. In that same vein, I get tired of accusations of people being anti-feminist or it's a gender issue when they call out a woman for being an asshole. I can't speak for anyone else but Tony has bugged me plenty because I think he talks too much and is obnoxious and have said so many times. But as much as I can acknowledge the things that bug me about Tony, I will do the same for Kass. Many people throughout the seasons have expressed hatred for Colton, Russell, Boston Rob, Rupert, Coach, etc. and Sandra was hardly "too nice" and many people liked her, same as Cirie. Not every accusation against a female player is some attack on women. Some people just come across as jerks, like Kass imo, and they get called out for it. The woman has been incredibly obnoxious and nasty, many times when there was no need to be. See her snide comments to Spencer the episode Jefra was blindsided. Okay, Spencer was leaving, she was in with the numbers, he was down already, what was the point of all the "bye Spencer, good riddance, etc." comments. And I am sorry, the woman's behavior at tribal council was crass and embarrassing. She's a big time lawyer with all her words yet she couldn't make her points without resorting another woman to a bitch and then flipping the bird at her like some fifth grader. You know you are embarrassing when a 21 year old is looking ashamed to be seating there observing this as Spencer did which is why Jeff told him he would think he would be enjoying it. But instead he just looked embarrassed for these people.
  11. So that happened…yeah. So is Alaric back on the show - interesting. I guess Plec and company threw a bone for the Bonnie/Damon shippers with that ending. Speaking of shippers, wow sucks for those still holding on for Stefan/Elena (of which I am not). Could Elena have looked less like she gave a shit that Stefan was dead? Meanwhile her and Damon's farewell was the longest, most boring thing ever. Not to mention I felt like Nina was phoning it in in that scene. If I compare the scene to Elena's reacting to Jeremy's death, there's no comparison in my opinion. Elena broke my heart in that scene and her pain was palpable. Tonight she just looked like she was making funny faces. Of course reading that interview Paul and Nina gave today, she probably couldn't muster up much emotion knowing that Damon will be brought to life next season since no one stays dead anymore. Well poor Bonnie might have finally kicked the bucket. Two moments on the show amused me, Stefan "accidentally" coming back to life by helping Bonnie up and being all, "no, wait I was just helping her up, I didn't mean to come back…" and Lexie kicking Marcos' ass. The backhand above her head when he grabbed her shoulder was hilarious. Other than that, this just dragged like much of this season. I also couldn't fault Luke and Liv. Why should the guy make his sister kill herself for those tools they barely know. They have Bonnie for that.
  12. I for one have no issues with people not liking some of Amy's dances, thinking her dance was overscored and even thinking that the judges may be condescendingly overscoring her. I may not necessarily agree, but all fair arguments. What I personally have been bothered by is an increasing level of vitriol I do think that has been taking place, particularly starting from last week when she topped the leader board and Meryl fell to the bottom. And I really do think it's because some started getting nervous at the very real possibility that she may actually win this thing. Because up until last week, I do think most people, even with their feelings about Derek and thinking he's the show's Golden Boy or whatever, they didn't think Amy had a real shot at winning. But last week suddenly made that possibility seem very real and I do think there was a level of nastiness being reached that I personally did find uncomfortable and why I quickly fell back to my, "it's a silly dance show for an ugly trophy - it's not that deep". Accusations of her being manipulative, she knows she's being overscored and doesn't care, she may be exaggerating some of her limitations, etc. And it's like...seriously? And before it's stated I have the same problem when some criticisms of Meryl have been made personal too, for example saying how she looks like she's a bitch (that one is very personal for me seeing as I've gotten it my whole life...but I digress). It's when the criticisms and the comments start taking a very nasty, personal tone is where I start to feel like "little bit of perspective people..." Except it was one week and one dance. Unless I've missed it, has there been any evidence of Derek's skimming on his choreography and time with Amy this season. And this brings me to another thing I've observed - one or two dances sometimes get attributed to the entire season. What I mean by that is all the comments in the last week of the prop use and accusations that Amy hasn't even really been dancing this whole time. And YMMV but I'm sitting back and thinking, "that's not how I remember the season." Suddenly everything she did prior to the AT and this week's dances is being brushed aside and she and Derek are getting accusations of her never actually learning or doing the dances and that is simply in my opinion, not true. And finally, the whole discussion about the floor movement. Again, unless I'm misinterpreting, Amy's not making use of the whole floor seems to be used as evidence of Derek not giving her enough or not challenging her enough and I don't really understand that. When Mark had Amy for the switch-up week Derek stated it clearly that Amy cannot pivot and turns are hard because of the balance issue. To me it was clear as day then that he was sticking to as small a place as possible so she didn't go off balance and go careening off the floor. But I certainly don't see how Amy's doing her dances in mostly one section of the dance floor meant she wasn't learning or actually doing the dances. It just meant they weren't making use of the entire floor space. But the steps were there, the choreography was there and she was still dancing. And Amy did move around in both her contemporary and her Jive. For me this was one of her limitations and Derek found a way to work through it. I didn't see that as limiting her or not making her dance. As for her using the blades for her QS that some wondered why then she couldn't use them before, it was because as others noted, the blades make you speed and fly around - great for a QS but how exactly would that have a worked for a contemporary, waltz, AT, rumba? I definitely think that was one of the moments in the dance that CAI held her breath for. I have looked at that moment many times and everytime I'm wowed because that could have easily gone so wrong. And I think that is actually a perfect example of what someone else noted in that Amy sometimes makes what she does look so easy, that in part lends itself to the accusations that she wasn't doing much or not really dancing. Which as I've noted is simply not true imo.
  13. YMMV but in my opinion her display at tonight's tribal council contradicts both of these things. Kass could have kept things solely about the game and said why she didn't trust Tony, why he was a liar and even acknowledged that Trish attacked her because Trish felt threatened and knew she might be going home. All of that would have been to the point and fine. But instead she went a step further in calling Trish every name possible in the book and then the woman flipped Trish the bird. Seriously, she's like late 40's, maybe 50 on national television flipping someone the bird after she's already come out on top in the battle. That is in no way "unemotional" in my book. Unemotional would have been "Trish flipped out on me out of nowhere because I think she felt threatened and knew she might be going home and she wanted to switch the focus to me..." Instead it was skeletor this, psychobitch this, etc. Yeah no... and the reaction of the jury said it all in my opinion. And pretty much most of their post-show interviews confirmed that they were no fans of hers and think she's an awful person. She's not winning. As for her making more moves than anyone, yeah no. I think Tony's voting for Trish makes it a very likely possibility that that's why Woo did because the vote changed and the editing just didn't show it. But that aside, as annoying as he can be, Tony played a key role in blindsiding Cliff, LJ and Jefra and manage to do all those things while still keeping most of his alliance loyal to him. Kass' only move was to flip Sarah, a big move certainly that changed the game but all it did was put power in Tony's hand. Kass never had any power and she's made no moves since.
  14. One of the funniest moments of the night, everytime Spencer said "so Woo, do you have any thoughts on this..." where you could tell he was thinking, "or any thoughts at all?"
  15. Wait, I didn't pay attention to the voting at the end when Trish was talking but judging by some comments, I guess it was shown that Tony voted for her too? Well there goes my pride in Woo since that explains his vote. Tony told him to vote for her.
  16. I'm sorry, YMMV and all that but this really sounds like just a lot of excuses for a man who acts like an overgrown child at times. I sincerely doubt that every Russian/Ukranian/"artist" gets on like this so it's all just part and parcel for Maks. I mean hell, Val is all those things like Maks and he doesn't act like that. Everyone gets frustrated, I get that. Everyone has moments of being annoyed, irritated but it's just been so long and so much with Maks that now it's just like "I'm over this dude and I'm over you..." Like just shut the hell up, try to create something worthwhile for the woman to do and keep it moving. Just enough already... This is why as much as I had seasons of liking Maks I was so glad when he did leave after the Hope season because it got to the point where it was just borderline uncomfortable and unpleasant with him. I need a season from Maks where he just shows up and does what needs to be done - no ridiculous showmance, no throwing passive aggressive shade at the judges and no temperamental tantrums. Of course if he does that, all that may be left to talk about is his choreography and yeah...
  17. Yeah but Trish will have the last laugh because Kass is on her way to Goat city after that display. Trish was right about her needing a book on self-awareness. I don't understand how a lawyer is so bad at reading the room. The jury wasn't even hiding their reactions to some of the things Kass was saying and doing. Woman is not going to win this game. Any combination of Woo, Spencer and/or Tony against her and she'll lose. Tony's game plan for not playing the super idol is to fool the others into believing it can still be played at 4 so they won't vote for him. It's actually not that bad of a strategy. After all they know it has some special power, they just don't know what it is. And considering how much Tony has sucked at these challenges, he can't put his hopes on winning the final immunity challenge to get to the end. So actually not a bad play. I just think his big missteps tonight was one, not playing the regular idol for Trish or more appropriately predicting they would go for her especially after he blabbed to like everyone that he had two idols. And speaking of that, tonight proved how for as good as Tony is at parts of the game, he does overplay at times and talks himself into a bad position. As slow as Woo has been, he picked up on Tony's bullshit because Tony kept running his mouth so much. Tony has been lucky with idols and stuff but that's one way I think Spencer has played the game better than him, in that Spencer doesn't overplay his hand with regards to something. He puts it out there and lets it be. Tony talks too damn much. All that said, I predict Spencer will be like Ozzy for the second Redemption Island and lose the final immunity challenge when the majority of the jury was ready to vote him the win and whoever wins will bring the other two. I can't imagine anyone thinking it is a good idea to bring Spencer to the end if he doesn't win immunity - did not piss off the jury, had to fight and claw his way to the end with all the odds stacked against him, was impressive in the challenges, etc. Nope, that would be beyond stupid. So once again, Spencer has to win immunity and if he wins that final one, Survivor Cagayan's winner is Spencer. He even smoothly kind of worked Trish before she left by admitting he was talking to Kass about voting her out and making it clear that he was simply doing what he needed to stay in the game and she was quickly, "oh I like you, I have nothing against you..." Seriously, I don't see how Spencer loses this thing if he makes it to the end. Which of course means he won't. But I do look forward to Kass getting no votes since you know she's going to be brought to the end by whoever wins immunity. It's actually kind of awesome because you can just sit back and be amused like most of the jury was. Although I think that might have been Spencer's thought. I don't think he hated Trish so much but he definitely had a look at one point of "OMG please just both you shut the hell up."
  18. The show is getting very sloppy with their editing. The promo for last week gave away Spencer's winning immunity. The moment I saw them heading to the challenge and the Trish/Kass fight hadn't happened, I knew Spencer was winning but mad props to him for pulling that out. And wow Tony sucks at puzzles. Dude was just throwing stuff around hoping something would stick. OMG you guys Woo made a move. I'm so stunned and proud right now, I can't even fully comment on the episode. Only to say whoever of Tony, Woo and Spencer that make the final, they have to find a way to bring Kass - woman is getting NO votes. Wow, what a horribly viciously unpleasant person. Seriously, how old is Kass again? That was also the funniest tribal council since crazy Philip screwed Francesqua and that other woman's plan in Redemption Island. Between Woo's calling himself the foreign exchange student and Spencer's "these people are all immature and crazy" reaction.
  19. I do. Her Cha Cha was a Cha Cha with Cha Cha steps, her Jive was a Jive with Jive content, same with her AT (yes, even if she spent a few seconds on a stool), same with her Rumba where she actually had amazing hip movement and even her Waltz. Yes she couldn't get the basic heel/toe movement but her frame was actually very good. And her salsa with Mark also had a lot of salsa content. And her Quickstep was all QS where she also had an amazing frame throughout. I get not thinking Amy is as good a dancer as Meryl for example (goes without saying really) and not wanting her to win because she's not the best dancer. But it's a bit of revisionist history in my opinion, just because a stool and table was included in two of her last few dances to suggest she hasn't danced at all throughout the competition and never learned the dances.
  20. I'm pretty sure the poster is referring to Hope Solo's accusation of Maks hitting her in rehearsal in regards to the physical abuse comment and I think many of the comments about Maks' action in the rehearsal package is not based on this one particular incident but more that we've seen this kind of behavior from him before, in many forms and variations. And I agree with Barbara Manatee that "he's Ukranian or he's just so passionate about his art" or whatever else doesn't really fly when you consider that we're talking about a man in his mid-30's. At some point it's time to grow up and act like an adult.
  21. Oh there's no question it would have been a bad idea but at this point that's pretty much par the course for them.
  22. No he was specifically referring to the response to the character because the comment was brought up in a question about how the viewers of Switched at Birth had responded to his character. And he seemed to equate all of the dislike for Karofsky to Klaine fans feeling threatened by Karofsky in regards to their favorite pairing, because the character he was paired with on the show, is part of a popular fan pairing too (not sure exactly, I don't watch the show). And I just thought that was completely delusional on his part and ignoring a significant aspect of Karofsky's story versus the character he was playing on Switched At Birth. Yeah I'm sure some Klaine fans were nutty but speaking for myself I hated that redemption stuff with Karofsky not because I gave a crap about Kurt and Blaine but because I was offended at that bullshit of Kurt again having to be a saint and this time for someone who violently abused him. I was one of those viewers who didn't even watch On My Way because of my overwhelming rage at that entire manipulative bullshit including an hour of Kurt's guilt and angst. So I just thought he was either being deliberately obtuse or was just delusional. Key word...interesting. So it'll never happen. Yeah I think it's particularly because of Cory's death I can't see them doing that. Were it not for that, I honestly would not have put it past RIB.
  23. Adam Lambert has said many positive things about the show but Adam is also not really an actor. His main focus and career is as a singer so he's not going to focus heavily on being on the show. It was something fun and if he has time and they want him he may be willing to do it but it's not something he's going to hold on for. Not sure about the guy who played Adam (this Adam the performer and Adam the character is kind of confusing) because the character was pretty much dumped in a blink of an eye but in his one major interview when the character was first introduced, he seemed very effusive about the character, albeit a bit delusional about his hopes for Adam and particularly his relationship with Kurt. It was actually a bit sad to be honest because it was clear he had never watched this show and didn't realize the shitfest he was entering. He actually thought they did things like character development and had storylines that were well developed. As for Adler being brought back and Karofsky's whole redemption crap, well I just think that had to do with some vocal fans who liked the character and actor and were all salivating over the idea of redeemed abuser/former victim love story. Not to mention even some in the media like that TV Line guy who was always going on about it. So the writers responded to that I think but I don't believe with the shitfest the show is and the state it is now that Karofsky is who they'll be thinking about to bring back. Because I know they can't possibly think that'll increase any real interest in the show. As for Adler, sure he talked positively about the show because it got him the most press and screentime he had in a show ever but he also whined recently about how his character was never fully appreciated by some because they saw him as a threat to Klaine and so that's why the character and him didn't last on the show. He was comparing it to his reception on Switched At Birth and noting how much more positive the fans were to him with that show. And I remember thinking dude is either really delusional or just that dumb. Because he conveniently was ignoring that his character on Switched at Birth was introduced in a far more positive manner than Karofsky was and I imagine if he'd been some violent, abusive jerk to the female character, there would have been just as many people not interested in seeing them romantic as those who didn't want Kurt and Karofsky to be romantic.
  24. Or have him and Elliot move from friends to more or have him reunite with Adam who was a seemingly nice, sweet guy. How about anyone but the guy who was once physically, emotionally and violently abusive to him. So we don't have to see him move from the insecure, immature cheater to the guy still working through his self-loathing about being gay and who once again violently and emotionally abused him. Just a thought...
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