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Everything posted by Enero

  1. I was surprised about this as well. But perhaps they didn't collect the casings because no one was injured or killed? Still seemed a bit slack on the detectives part, in my opinion, who worked that incident. With the cops where the incident happened with the girlfriend, not collecting the casings when the incident happened, I wonder will this be useful to the this case in the long run? Or if the casings evidence will get thrown out. The suspect's attorney could argue that those casings did not belong to his gun. As I don't recall the detectives in the homicide case saying they found the murder weapon on him which matched the ballistics of the murder and the previous incident with the girlfriend. I felt so bad for the victim. Very unfortunate what happened to him. It’s dangerous looking for a hookup online as there are always scammers out there looking to rob an unsuspecting victim. He had probably done this many times as his roommate stated that he’d often be on the dating apps looking for a hookup, but this time it went bad. It probably would be better to meet in a public place first then go somewhere to do the hookup. But if the person is just looking to get quick sex and trying to keep their activities on the downlow, I can understand why they’d not want to meet in a public place. Yeah. That wasn't a sound "business" decision at all considering the culprit's addiction problems. And maybe the victim had hired addicts before to drive him around and didn't encounter any issues. Thus, he didn't expect anything to happen with this guy. Still don't understand why he'd need a driver in the first place. Wny not drive himself around to do his business? I think the murderer only got 25 years because a) he had no prior record or convictions and b) he's an addict. If he didn't have these two things "going for" him he may have received a longer sentence. Yeah , 18 years old with 5 kids. Yikes! At least they were all by the same girl. Still that's a lot of kids to still be kids themselves. I'd think after the first kid, most definitely the 2nd they would've been more proactive with preventing pregnancy. But then again, environment, income, education etc. oftentimes plays a huge role in teens becoming pregnant, especially repeatedly. All that aside, its unfortunate what happened to the victim. Another life taken over nonsense.
  2. I did find it hilarious how he so dramatically announced that Armand was the love of his life when Daniel started calling him out on why he didn’t incinerate Lestat. As twisted as it may be, despite his hate towards Lestat at the time of the murder, he still deeply loved him. And perhaps deeply love him still. Hence his overly spirited announcement of Armand as his soul mate. It was an attempt to deny what he continues to feel for his former lover. Which wouldn’t be unheard of, being that Louis has a tendency to live in deep denial. Though I cannot deny the chemistry between Louis and Lestat, and greatly enjoyed their interactions when the relationship was “good”. I was getting sucked back in like Louis at the ball, but at the end of the day the relationship was toxic and abusive. Lestat manipulated Louis into becoming his companion, which fuels the resentment between them. The fact that Lestat chose Louis as his life companion (something that Louis didn’t do) was why Lestat was so abusive and perturbed when Louis chose to abandon him. I mean the layers with that story thread is staggering, not only due Lestat’s own issues with abandonment and need for control. But the fact that he is a 16th century white man who has essentially enslaved his black companion by trapping him in the life of a vampire. But when that slave dares to leave him, he becomes severely abusive, nearly killing him and doing everything in his power to keep him there and under his control. When Iooking at the truth of the relationship, no matter their chemistry, they do not need to be together. I enjoyed this episode and this series. Glad I put aside my skepticism and watched. Though I found the season to be overall excellent, I will say I got tired of Louis being led around by his nose. First by Lestat, which can be understood being that he was his lover but more importantly his teacher. But when the same happened with Claudia it got tiring. I mean he had not one thought of his own to do anything and execute it. It was always Claudia and/or Lestat running the show. And perhaps that could be attributed to the abuse he suffered at the hands of Lestat breaking him down to this shell of indecision and endless brooding, but whatever the reasoning it got a little tiring. I think the season ended in a good place and look forward to seeing how they incorporate the dramatic story twists from the book, which they’ve yet to incorporate, in the series.
  3. Yeah. They're all on borrowed time, including Claudia. Claudia I think even more so than Louis and Lestat being that she is a child. People will start to suspect something is off if she never physically matures beyond her current age, which could mean trouble for Louis and Lestat even before their lack of aging of becomes an issue. They can't continue to live in New Orleans, especially as well known individuals in society circles and not age. Lestat was harsh, and what he did will undoubtedly affect Claudia in a very negative way, but I couldn't blame him for not sugarcoating the situation. She seems on some level to want human expeerinces, but that's not possible considering what she's become. I suspect this incident will lead to more problems for the family considering how the episode ended. I enjoyed this episode. I really liked the family interactions between Louis/Lestat/Claudia. I also enjoyed watching her spend time with both dads, and both experiences so aligned with who they are as individuals. Louis takes Claudia on a peaceful boat ride, while Lestat takes her out for a night of vicious killing. Lol. I agree with others. Grace should've shown more humility when asking for the house. I know she is angry with Louis for being absent and acting unhinged, but he doesn't owe her anything. Moreover, I thought it was strange that they didn't ask for ownership of the house sooner. Why wait until the mom died to ask? Also, Grace always complained about Louis never coming to visit, but did she ever try and visit him? I know that Louis would not want Grace at his and Lestat's home for obvious reasons, but that didn't prevent them from meeting at a local restuarant or in the park. Though it would be strange if they met only at night. It seems as if the interaction he had with the family in this episode was the final break (I hope). I hate to see the relationship with his sister completely severed since they were so close before his transformation, but there is no other way. He can't continue the relationship being what he is, unless they learn the truth and accept him, which will never happen.
  4. I’ll be honest. I thought the previews for this encompassed cheesiness and bad acting. So I was hesitant to watch even though Interview with A Vampire is one of my favorite books by Annie Rice. Well I just started watching and so far, so excellent. I love the deviations they made from the book giving Louis a parent and siblings. I also love the fact that he was changed to creole/black. It adds some very interesting layers to the character and the overall narrative of the show. The writers and actors did a great job at portraying Lestat’s seduction of Louis. Honestly I think this is one of the best portrayals I’ve seen of the seduction of the vampire and how irresistible it would be. The chemistry between JA and SR smolders. And though Lestat can be mesmerizing, he is trash for confronting Louis at Paul’s funeral and killing Lily. And honestly I wonder if he somehow killed Steven. Yeah the latter was troubled and walked off the roof of their home at sunrise (when Lestat should’ve already retreated to his coffin), but still I wonder. It seemed suddenly Louis was isolated, physically and emotionally, all by Lestat’s design so that he could execute the final seduction in convincing Louis to be his companion. As @Catfi9htstated, the fundamentals of an abuser. Speaking of Louis, I wanted to save him in that moment when he was confessing to the priest and desperately begging to be saved. Btw, great acting by JA. But unfortunately being saved wasn’t his fate. I haven’t read all the other comments in this thread but does anyone see Daniel as an Anthony Bourdain knockoff? It’s not just because the actor kind of looks like him but also his voice (the way he thinks) kind of reminds me of z Anthony’s voice in the books he wrote about his life.
  5. The Final Chapter retreads over the previous chapters, but add new footage. It gives some of the parents more of a platform to discuss what happened and talk about the trial, with reporters giving their perspective on the trial and features Jim Degarotis - the reporter who wrote about Kelly’s crimes for years until the case was broken. He even wrote a book about his crimes. Though I don’t know the name. The new information revealed in this documentary was absolutely disgusting. Not only did Kelly prey on girls, but teen boys. He also made the victims eat feces, smear it on themselves while saying degrading names about themselves and would spill his seed on their face and body and not allow them to clean up. And the list goes on and on. He is a vile human being who doesn’t deserve to see the light of day ever again. Like the victims though, I’m a little concerned about the guilty verdict being overturned in the long run especially when hearing about what seemed like incompetence by his attorneys. And now Cosby’s appeals attorney taking on Kelly’s case makes me even more nervous. I do wonder how the case would’ve gone had Aaliyah lived? Would she have denied what happened? Or testified against him? And how her decision would’ve shaped the other victim’s decision to testify or not to testify. It was sad and infuriating hearing about how her uncle used her as a pawn to get what he wanted from Kelly and how her family sold her out after discovering he’d married her. They got her out of the situation but took a payout to keep quiet and as a result many many more teen girls were victimized. I feel bad for Jocelyn’s parents. It seems as if something may have already been broken within her for her to quit college and move in with Kelly. And then after all this time she’s still standing by him claiming to be engaged to him, claiming to have recently had his baby even though he’s been locked up for two years. She’s still refusing to reconnect with her family and refusing to see that he is a monster. I don’t know if her family broke her first and Kelly took advantage of that or if it was all Kelly’s doing, but it’s sad. I’m glad most of the featured women are getting counseling or have gotten counseling. I hope all the young girls and women (and boys/men) who were victims find healing and can have healthy love and relationships in the future. Sometimes when people suffer this type of abuse it’s like a scar on their soul that seems to attract abusers to them and thus they suffer in ongoing abusive relationships throughout their lives. I hope that will not be the case for these victims.
  6. It started off interesting enough. Reminded me of a Twilight Zone episode, but the main character in that story was so stupid. I got so annoyed with the story I just started fast forwarding until the story started to move forward. Once what was happening was revealed it made a lot more sense why the main character behaved so illogically. I finished this series. It started off pretty good. I liked all the characters but got bored by the end. I like ghost stories especially if they have a Twilight Zone twist but all these poor kids fate being death with no chance of escape was depressing.
  7. So two episodes got cut? Perhaps if they’d been kept the story threads would’ve made a little more sense. I didn’t get Balor’s endgame with the power of chaos? To destroy all those who looked down on him them rule the world? And why was it that when he and Eredin were running the kingdom they allowed it to go to pot with a famine etc? Again what was their end game? Didn’t see this great love between the Lark and Fjall that resulted in him willing to die for her. Them falling in love must’ve been covered in the episodes that were cut. Or perhaps I missed some scenes cause I did fall asleep through a portion of episode 2 but didn’t go back to watch what I missed. So are we to conclude that the baby Lark was carrying at the end of the series was the first Witcher since the baby was going to be part Elf, part Monster and part Magic? The initial introductions in the first episode intrigued me, even with the bad dialogue. But about halfway through that episode I started to lose interest as the story started to get a little clunky and key characters crossing paths to eventually form an alliance seemed more contrived than organic. I didn’t feel like they made a strong connection between this story and the regular Witcher series. And that could be partly my fault as it’s been a while since I watched the original. Therefore a lot of the mythology and backstories I’m a little fuzzy on. This wasn’t horrendous, but it wasn’t great either. The story moved fast but I thought it missed a lot of important story beats.
  8. So I guess he ran off because he was sick of dealing with his son’s ongoing addiction issues, probably had some other issues he wanted to escape from and with his marriage on the skids and his wife out of country, there was no better time to disappear. I’m just surprised he was living so close to Connecticut. I’d think if he was going to disappear he would’ve left the country or resettled on the west coast. I am curious to know how he managed to pull off being MIA for 10 years in our modern times of cell phones and CCTV being everywhere.
  9. Enero

    S01.E08: The Key

    I think the space ship may be the true reality being that it appeared that many who were on the ship in 1899 are in pods on this ship. It’s advanced and the technology aligns what was seen in the simulation for the voyage to a America. When Daniel explained to Maura how he changed the code to the simulation and used her wedding ring as the key to “waking up” he implied that she’d be returning to reality once she activated the new pyramid with the new key. Speaking of Daniel, I didn’t see him in any of the pods on the spaceship so how did he know what the brother was up to, but yet was able to be apart of the simulation himself? And why didn’t he want the father to “wake up” everyone if it’d get them all out of the simulation Maura created? I understood that the father was trapped in the simulation himself, but being that he was trapped like everyone else, I didn’t understand how he could watch what was going on and show “Elliot” the truth. Though he was trapped himself did he have the power to manipulate the simulation, albeit limited, with his own code? I’m guessing so since he had the same weird key pad that Daniel had. And again if this was a simulation Maura created, how did the father get trapped in it but yet have power to manipulate it on some level? He didn’t seem to know that the brother was now the “creator” , so again how was Daniel all knowing? Unless Daniel was an illusion himself, like Elliot, but was built into the simulation by Maura as a fail safe if things go wrong. But again, how would illusion Daniel know that the brother had become the mastermind? Did Maura always know (and thus illusion Daniel knew) and had forgotten this too? I do think all the horrors the passengers were remembering from their pasts were true. But perhaps those things didn’t happen in the 19th century but the 21st. This show was basically the poor man’s version of a mashup between Inception and Alice in Borderland, but wasn’t nearly as interesting as this movie and series. I thought I was going to have to rewatch this to understand what the heck was going on but thankfully they revealed the whole plot in the last episode. This was entertaining but not re-watchable. Though I do have some lingering questions I don’t think I’m intrigued enough to watch another season, if released.
  10. We hope they get caught. I think more of these types get away with it than we think. I just started watching this series. I'm on the first episode. At this point, I don't feel sorry for anyone. People knew these folks were monsters and they continued to hang out with them, consider them friends, allow their kids to hang out with them. Then when the tables are turned on them, and the Murdaughs treat them like they've treated everyone else, they are outraged, devastated, feeling betrayed etc. Why? Because they were "friends" and ran in their inner circle, they thought the Murdaugh's would never turn on them if the situation arose? The young man saying Paul Murdaugh was a good person, obviously doesn't know what being a good person means. Edited to add: On the 2nd episode, my heart breaks for Steven's family. So sad that he was murdered with no justice and then the father passes 3-months after, likely in part due to the pain of losing his son.
  11. Where do I start with this one…the company was a sexual harassment, hostile work environment landmine. I’ll admit the concept was interesting, teaching women how to reach orgasm and teaching men how to get them there. But in the end Nicole found a creative way to to launch a successful prostitution business without it being deemed illegal. Though if what was reported as going on within the business was true, it was illegal. The men talking about they felt the “energy” and a spiritual connection with a woman who was being fondled before them during some ritual was ridiculous. Of course they felt the energy, they were essentially watching live porn. They got turned on and felt the same energy she was feeling within themselves, because they were very much into what was being shown and sold by OneTaste. Nicole saying that a victim can empower themselves during a rape by enjoying it and an allowing themselves to orgasm was beyond disgusting. Saying that her dad being a child molester was so because he was so “expansive” and beyond the 3rd dimension, whatever that is, he had no other way to express himself. That he was actually a good person was one of the most sickening and twisted things I’ve ever heard. I don’t know how she stayed in business so long, essentially running a brothel, along with the hostile work environment - physical, sexual abuse and harassment. Like every other cult she preyed on the “outsiders, folks with self-esteem issues and/or serious trauma in their lives. She is one sick POS.
  12. Netflix documentary: A sexual wellness company gains fame and followers, then members come forward with shocking allegations.
  13. Could not care less about Selena. Don’t know what she does and why she’s so popular, but I will say the belief amongst some has always been that she’s a piece of work who uses her lupus diagnosis to hide serious substance abuse issues. Don’t know whether this is true or not, but her flippant response to “forgetting” to mention the young woman who gave her a kidney is not helping in dispelling those rumors. Speaking of Francia and their “friendship”, I wonder if there was a friendship there at all. Or if it was more like an acquaintanceship. The BFF narrative could’ve been what was pushed to the media by Selena’s team. That certainly makes for a better story than “someone Selena sort of knew” gave her a kidney.
  14. Just watched the latest episode Forgotten Mothers and Sons. Cannot believe the victim’s mom didn’t think that his phone may be evidence. Then when the phone finally gets to the police she’d erased everything on it. Dumb and Infuriating. But I guess since it was more important to paint her son as a saint than finding his killer then she has to live with that and how she may have hindered the truth being discovered. Also, I was surprised they ruled out the cousin being that he was supposedly on the phone with the victim minutes before he was murdered. I think this will be one of those cases that sadly remains unsolved. Sad that the second victim was murdered by her own son. He tried to frame it as his mother being in so much pain and his brutal act was “not him” but also tried to imply that he was relieving her of the pain she was suffering from surgery. The fact that she was stabbed numerous times and nearly decapitated indicates that he killed her in rage, probably because she refused to give him money to support his drug habit. Glad he got life in prison without the possibility of parole, despite his attempt to get lesser time by pleading guilty.
  15. I’ve finished the first three of the last 4 episodes: Episode 7: Ok. Finally a real mystery. I think Pat might’ve been murdered. If he committed suicide his actions had to be perfect, from where he sat on the edge of the boat to how he held the shotgun to shoot himself, to how he fell in the water etc. There were no shell casings on the boat and no blood on the boat. No shot gun on the boat or in the water. No brain matter on the boat from him being shot. He was likely murdered but by whom? I read an article about the case and apparently family and friends suspect Pat’s neighbor due to some things he said after Pat’s death and his overly distraught response to Pat’s death. But if the neighbor killed him, how did he get back to shore? And what was the motive? It does seem like whatever happened, happened on land or somewhere other than his boat. I’m thinking Pat ran across someone or something while on the water which led to him being murdered. Episode 9: I feel bad for the parents whose kids were abducted by their ex-spouses. At least in the first case the lady has an idea where her kids are, but even for her it’s been so long her kids are adults now. And probably think she’s dead or want nothing to do with her because of what their father has told them about her. Sadly, Aziz’s father has no idea where he is. It’s like the ex-wife dropped off the face of the earth with him. They have no record of her and her new husband leaving the country so I think they’re still in the U.S. somewhere living off the grid with financial support from her family. Seeing all the child abductions by parents listed at the end of the episode was heartbreaking. Some of those abductions happened decades ago, which means the kids abducted are now adults and likely don’t know the truth as to why the missing parent is not in their lives. 😔
  16. Great summary. Nothing in this movie made sense. Every character move was to move the plot along, which wouldn’t have been bad if the plot actually made sense. This is two hours I won’t get back but at least I didn’t pay to see this train wreck.
  17. Yeah. I think Cavill moving on has more to do with his Superman gig than how the show deviated from the source material. I mean it’s rare that books turned into movies/TV shows follow the source material. Many times they deviate sometimes quite drastically for dramatic affect. All that said, I think Liam Hemsworth is a terrible choice. He cannot act and has no charisma. I doubt he’ll even come close to carrying the show the way Cavill did.
  18. Perhaps I need to finish the episode but I got half way through the Buffalo Jim episode and found myself asking why it was an UM episode. It was obvious this guy died from an overdose. Lisa was a prostitute whom he'd been dealing with for years. They were partying. He went overboard, took too much drugs and died. The room was clean of drugs because Lisa took whatever drugs that remained with her when she left. Regarding episode 5, the landscape of Navajo Nation was stunning.. The stories in this episode gave me chills. Hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I'm a skeptic but the Navajos made me believe that some type of phenomena is going on out there. Their culture and beliefs are so interesting. I plan to read up more on their creation stories specifically those about "The Emergence." I will say after the thing was jiggling the door handle all night, I would've been trying get the hell out of there the next morning and never return. Lol. Well they did talk about other young men being abducted or disappeared and possibly killed in the area. I'm thinking he either fell in the lake and they just never found his body. Or he tried to do a hookup with one of the men he met online and things went bad.
  19. According to the Daily Beast article and other reports, the friend who accused Tiffany of theft showed up with her mother to report the theft to Tiffany’s parents, which is why Diane and her husband (Tiffany’s parents) left the party from across the street to return home. They got a call from the friend who urgently needed to talk to her, specifically the mother. In addition to this, it was reported that the friend who accused Tiffany of stealing return to the residence to help look for Tiffany when it was learned she was missing. My point, if there was foul play involved I don’t think it was the friend who accused her of stealing. If Tiffany was kidnapped from the residence whomever would’ve had to be practically waiting at the end of the driveway for her to walk down there and get kidnapped as she disappeared as soon as the mom went into the house to get her father. I guess it’s possible that the friend who accused her of theft and her mom could’ve done something to her as they’d just left Tiffany’s house in a vehicle, but again, that seems like a long shot. Regarding the reports by the apprentice Engineer, I think there was a lot of factors in the inconsistency of the stories, mainly trauma. The accident happened so fast it’s probably difficult to say exactly what he saw. The only thing for sure is that she was on the tracks. You’re looking at this through the eyes of an adult, calm and logic. :) Tiffany was a teenager who was likely highly emotional about all that was going wrong in her life. Her thought process was probably illogical that night. Regarding walking in the dark woods, I saw someone post elsewhere that they live in the area and that it’s not as rural as the episode described. They claimed the path it is believed Tiffany took to the railroad is well lit and that the tracks are right off the “main” road. So she was likely not walking in the dark all that time. Moreover, I know it’s been questioned why it took so long to get to the tracks. I know UM said it was 1.5 miles away, but articles I read on this said the tracks were 4 miles away. So if it was the latter, depending on how slow or quickly Tiffany was walking or if she stopped to mull over her plight etc. it could’ve take her at least an hour and a half, to walk to the tracks. She takes off her shoes because they’re hurting her feet, as some have speculated, and the head band because it’s hot and uncomfortable and keeps walking until a decision is made that leads to her being hit by the train. This! I was just speaking with a guy I know who used to work for a defense contractor and he mentioned how the technology the military reveals they have now has been around for decades. They of course keep it classified as they do not want our enemies to know and only make it known when they’re moving on from that technology to something more advanced. So who knows what they’ve developed which we’re not aware. Though I do not believe us Earthlings are the only ones in the universe, I’m skeptical about aliens on Earth. Only because if they have the technology to come here they are way more advanced than us and may have caused us more trouble than what we cause ourselves by now.
  20. Didn’t want to turn my previous post into a dicertatcion so posting again. 😂 Also it was telling that her sisters didn’t participate in the documentary. Makes me think they’ve all accepted that it was suicide while the parents are still in denial.
  21. Agreed. The episode was very one sided. We only heard the family’s POV which had quite a bit of whitewashing and hand waving. It would’ve been a compelling episode had they explored all possible scenarios. I’m leaning towards suicide or just a foolish accident on her part, which sadly cost her life. The murder theory makes no sense. Who would be the killer? What would be the motive? As someone said upthread, it’s possible the friend whom she stole from came back to teach her a lesson but I think that’s a bit far fetched. Moreover she was a big girl at 6’2. It would’ve taken at least 3 people, I think, to remove her body from a vehicle (which would be even heavier if she was incapacitated or dead) and put her on the tracks. Her family argued that her phone was like an extension of her and that she ate, slept and bathed with it. Therefore she’d never leave it behind. But I think she likely threw it into the bushes because she didn’t want to hear from her parents and didn’t want them to find her because then she’d have to face their wrath over her thievery. Something she’d got in trouble for before. Upset, she either walked to the train tracks and impulsively threw herself in front of the train. Or was playing Russian Roulette, was walking on the tracks and waited too long to get out of the way. It’s likely her shirt and shorts were torn from her body and scattered and/or disintegrated during impact. She was hit at 80 mph and dragged several feet after impact. I honestly doubt the clothes they did find on her body were in tact. It was likely remnants of what was attached to her remains. The only thing I did question was her shoes and headband being so far from the scene of impact. And them arguing that her feet had no evidence of walking on shards of rock and gravel. That said they only showed a picture of one of her feet to prove their point. It wasn’t cut up on bottom but it wasn’t free from dirt and grime either. So this could be another case of the parents grasping to prove anything but suicide. Also someone made a point elsewhere that she could’ve left the shoes and headband behind because she’d used the stolen credit card to purchase those items. Her mom did say she’d recently purchased the shoes. I did find it interesting that by the end of the episode even the attorney the family had hired to help them started to sort of back off the murder theory and say “something” happened. Saying maybe it was an “accident” etc. I was horrified by the fact that she cut him up with a kitchen knife. That took a lot of time and effort. And was undoubtedly a very bloody scene. Even with cleaning up all the blood, if the police did a luminal test in that apartment specifically the bathroom I’m sure it lit up like a Christmas tree. With Tamera’s skill in nursing she could have been working anywhere these past couple of years. I wonder if she some how managed to slip into Canada. She has experience as a travel agent and may know of ways to cross the border undetected. I do think this episode will give this case the attention needed to catch her. I have no doubt that she’ll be caught very soon unless she’s dead herself. I see no one has mentioned the 2nd episode about the UFOs in Michigan. I guess everyone found that episode just as boring as I did. Lol. I didn’t even finish it. Nothing compelling about it. IMO.
  22. Neither have I. Moreover, I'd be curious to know how much soap actors make (if anything) if episodes in which they acted are re-aired. I would imagine they don't make nearly as much money as primetime actors make when their shows go into syndication.
  23. Same. If it’s due to music rights as so many skaters are using secular music now it’s understood but unfortunate. Maybe someone will record and post on YT and I’ll be able to watch some performances before they are blocked by the app.
  24. I watched tonight while I finished up some work assignments. I will say they did a great job at making Ana look like Marilyn. I think she is the only actress to play her who really came the closest to looking like her. That said, this was pure garbage. I didn’t like how they portrayed her as almost childlike with the kid voice, constant deer in the headlights stares and obsession with having a baby. Perhaps this reflected some truth about who she was but I didn’t like it. It made her come off as a naive and thus clueless woman who didn’t have a mind of her own and was essentially led around by the men in her life. I know there was more to her than that. There was one brief glimmer of a woman when she went off on her agent about the minuscule pay she was being offered for Gentleman Prefer Blondes but that was it. The JFK scene was deplorable as was the scene of her being raped by the president of the unnamed movie studio. I thought the scenes depicting the early years of her marriage to Arthur Miller were beautifully shot, especially the beach scenes. But that did not make up for what was a garbage movie. The nudity was excessive and completely uncalled. I still don’t know what the deal was with her supposedly having a threesome relationship with the two guys. What was that supposed to be about? And I’m disgusted that they filmed the final death scene in the home where Marilyn actually died. So disrespectful and tacky. Ana did look beautiful though and she did a good job considering the poor script she was working with. The guy who played DiMaggio was a good choice and Adrien Body did well as Arthur Miller too. I do agree with whomever upthread that this movie was very dark and IMO exploitive of Marilyn’s memory.
  25. Completely agree. Could not believe what I was hearing. She murdered her children and her husband there’s no limit to the pile on. I haven’t seen the recent news stories about him, but I will say his memorial on the beach in Hawaii for JJ, Tylee and Charlie was odd. It was obvious that he didn’t care much about what was going on with them until they ended up dead. So his tears and thoughts about losing them seemed disingenuous.
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