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Everything posted by Enero

  1. I thought there was a LOT missing from this documentary. They seemed to try hard to paint Lori’s family in a positive light and honestly gave very little details about her crazy behavior often just saying she started acting “weird” after so and so event. So while entertaining I didn’t think this documentary was outstanding and could’ve been done better. I’m going to look for this podcast you mentioned and listen. If he worked he may have been enrolled in a group Life insurance plan, which will allow you to change your beneficiaries at anytime. If it was a personal plan that had dividends there may be laws in your state that prevent removing a spouse as a beneficiary until after the divorce. Because the plan would be considered assets. Though Charles and Lori were having problems and separated I dint think they’d started divorce proceedings.
  2. Finished this series last night. At first I thought Lori Vallow may have been having a mental breakdown and Chad Daybell saw that vulnerability and took advantage. But after listening to what was said about how she always needed to feel validated by some higher power as if that higher power was directing her, I think she got caught up in her own delusions of grandeur. When she met Mr. Daybell he was just the type of “believer” and “profit” she’d been looking for and thus she went all in with her religious delusions. The delusions were so ridiculous I wondered if we were gong to learn that she and Chad were abusing drugs. I mean accusing people of becoming zombies? Funny though how all the zombies were people whom they knew, who’d angered or offended them in someway. If they were killing random people their delusions would’ve had some logic albeit still delusional. But their actions were clearly personal and for their own gain. Charlie Vallow saw the writing on the wall but unfortunately he couldn’t make anyone believe what was happening and ended up dead. Don’t understand why his “son” and daughter in law didn’t bother to read his emails about Lori’s crazy until after he’d been murdered and the kids were missing. Still not clear on how Lori’s brother, Alex Cox, died. Or Chad Daybell’s wife. I will say all the folks involved in this tragic mess came off as very odd people. I’m glad Lori has been found competent to stand trial. Hopefully she gets life in prison along with Chad Daybell. Also glad Charlie Vallow had the foresight to change the beneficiary on his million dollar life insurance policy to JJ’s grandparents. At least Lori didn’t get the financial windfall she was expecting from his murder. My heart broke for JJ and Tylee. I wish she could’ve got away from that situation and taken JJ, but she was just a teen herself. Where would she go? Her “loving” brother couldn’t be bothered to keep in touch. And the grandparents seemed out of touch too. It didn’t seem like it was all Lori’s doing that an estrangement had happened, especially on the brother’s front. He stated outright that he was busy with his on life and didn’t keep in touch with Tylee. I also felt bad for JJs grandparents. I’m sure they never imagined that when they asked Lori and Charlie to raise him, he along with Charlie would end up dead 7 years later.
  3. Lori Vallow was known to friends and family as a devoted mother of three, a loving wife, and a woman of God. But over the past three years, something went very wrong: Now Lori is in jail, waiting to stand trial for conspiracy to commit murder and first-degree murder in connection with the deaths of her fourth husband, her fifth husband’s wife, and her two youngest children. For the first time, Lori’s surviving son Colby steps forward to provide exclusive insight into his family’s backstory as well as their present-tense narrative as Lori faces justice. At the heart of this three-part series is a single burning question: how did a seemingly normal woman become the most notorious mother in America?
  4. Whether you care or not it doesn’t take all day or night to get it in. And certainly doesn’t take much to get pregnant. I will say I feel bad for Mariah and her kids. I can’t even imagine how she’s explaining this nonsense to them. She and Nick aren’t together any more but his actions impact his kids, specifically the older kids (his kids with Mariah) who are old enough to see and hear about his behavior. SMH
  5. And sadly some people are pointing to her imperfections as proof that the conservatorship was warranted and should’ve remained in tact. Britney’s situation is very complicated being as she has been abused and silenced for 14 years by her family and medical professionals. I think at this point she trusts no one, except her husband, and maybe her attorneys. Considering what she’s been through I don’t know if she’d trust a therapist to help her work through the issues or a doctor to prescribe her the medicine she may need to help with her mental illness. It’s very sad. I think the lack of trust in anyone is why she’s likely not doing print or television interviews and is instead posting her story and responses on SM because there she can speak without being edited and filtered. Her speaking on her kids is unfortunate, and wrong, I feel terrible for them, but their father is the one who opened Pandora’s Box with the interview he did then followed up by the video he posted on SM of her arguing with them. His actions has essentially turned this situation into a public mess for all involved.
  6. This so much. Britney isn’t a saint, but Kevin isn’t either. He is not helping matters at.all. And he’s supposed to be the more emotionally stable parent. Now I saw he’s done a sit down interview with 60 minutes Australia to complain about Britney, say people were racist towards him call him white trailer park trash when he was dancing with her and saying her father helped her. SMH. I believe this is interview is in addition to the interview that was published in the Daily Mail several weeks ago. I don’t understand what he hopes to accomplish out of this. A reality show? He does need to get a job and soon as the child support will be running out in a couple of years. Like I said a few weeks ago when this mess first started no one is looking good at this point. Everyone needs to get off SM, quit talking to the media and handle this privately.
  7. Same. I'm not stanning him i.e. following him on SM, swooning over his photo shoots and music videos or reading interviews he does. I simply listen to his music and that's it. Not all of it is great, but he does have quite a few tunes that are catchy and makes for great listening.
  8. I finished this documentary. It was certainly entertaining. Not sure if it needed 6 episodes though. I think they could’ve told the story in 3 episodes. I think Lily is naive in thinking Mexico is going to give her asylum. Considering she left the U.S., came into their country illegally because she was fleeing drug charges, of all things, and subsequently 25 years in prison, I doubt they’d have sympathy and want to help her escape “persecution.” They can barely handle the native drug dealers and cartels. Why would they be willing to give a fugitive drug dealer from the U.S. citizenship in their country? Shocking ending for Nathan. Was that really his hand which was that yellow? It looked like a glove to me. If it was truly his hand, Yikes! Even if he sought the proper medical attention immediately upon becoming sick, they wouldn’t have been able to save him from advanced cirrhosis of the liver. The illness had done too much damage to his liver. I find it hard to believe that his essential banishment from the anarchist leadership led to him drinking himself to death. Yeah he was depressed, but I’m betting he’d been abusing alcohol for many many years. The abuse no doubt escalated after his involvement with the anarchist community collapsed. But ultimately I think it may have been years of alcohol abuse before and after their move to Mexico that caught up with him before he reached the age of 50. Crazy how they started off with so much money and living it up in Mexico, then merely 5 years later being reduced to soliciting money on GoFundMe. You’d think they would’ve been more cautious with their investments being that the money they had was what they needed to maintain a comfortable lifestyle while living there. I do wonder if their move from Acapulco was not just about their failure in the anarchist community but the cost of living. If their funds had started to significantly dwindle, moving inland was likely much cheaper than trying to remain in a coastal city like Acapulco. Even with it being Mexico, living lavishly in an ocean view mansion with a swimming pool could probably get costly. The irony of her situation now and even before, when John was alive, is that at this point her livelihood will always depend on with whom she’s involved. Since she doesn’t have legal papers to live and work in Mexico the only way she can survive is if an expat or local ie a boyfriend who is native to Mexico is helping her. I wonder what Mexico’s laws are surrounding marrying an illegal alien. Can a Mexican marry an illegal? And if so, can that facilitate a change in the illegal’s status to permanent resident, similar to the U.S.? If so, she may have a path to a quick PR in Mexico if her new boyfriend will marry her.
  9. I honestly thought that education theory was pure BS. So they’re going to let their kids become educated based on the kid’s interests and “hope” the kid develops the tools to navigate life and be successful. Considering kids are easily distracted and interests consists of eating, sleeping and playing for at least the first 10 years of their lives I doubt this theory would yield the result they’re hoping. Why can’t the kids be educated and any interests they develop, based on the education they receive and the things their parents expose them to, are also cultivated? I didn’t think the Freeman’s were true anarchists. They just moved to Acapulco with the riches they’d made in the U.S. and started the capitalist machine all over again by managing the Anarchist conference and pushing the bitcoin stuff. When that train came to a screeching halt they not surprisingly were upset and felt wronged. Then proceeded to talk about starting a “healing” conference, of course to make more money. This so much. And didn’t the couple who owned the Vegan shop warn them that living in the hills was dangerous? Many of these people sounded like idiots. Like the one guy who said he bought a house in the U.S. and everytime he went to do something to the house he had to get a permit. So he felt oppressed. This guy didn’t know what oppressed was. The only person in this documentary whom I got was Erica, the African American lady from Chicago. I totally got what she said about getting tired of the daily grind, giving her life to a job that she wasn’t passionate about, doing work that meant nothing to her. So she tapped into this anarchist movement. Though she did participate and believed in the concepts, once she saw that the community in Acapulco was a mess, she wisely packed up her stuff and moved to Belize. All of this. In the beginning the Freemans were talking about we did it, you can do it too! Yeah those who had made a grip in the states and had the financial resources to move out of country. Those who’d most benefit from the “anarchist” life would be those who are poor and don’t have the resources to move to another country on a whim. After watching 5 hours of this I still don’t know what the anarchists hoped to accomplish with their Acapulco community and the yearly conferences. It’s funny how there was no insight into how they were living life differently from living in the U.S. except maybe paying less taxes? If they truly wanted to establish an anarchy community why not have everyone pool their money and establish a community where they lived off the grid? The story of Lily’s background…yeah her path was inevitable. What happened to her mom was horrific. That said, she was full of sh*t. She knew exactly what John was doing. I totally believe that she, Paul and John were involved with the drug sells at the conference. How else were they gone make money to live there? Even as barely making it. Making minimal pesos off selling meals out of their home was not going to cut it and certainly wasn’t going to support their drug habits. And though Paul didn’t pull the trigger on John, I would not be surprised if he was somehow involved with what happened due to him being nearly killed a year earlier by the cartel due to his drug activities.
  10. Yeah. When they started talking about cleaning out the dad’s storage unit and doing a show and selling his works that were in the unit I thought the father’s art was somehow going to be connected to Candyman and perhaps get Brianna to believe what Anthony was telling her. That said, I enjoyed this movie. As others have stated the use of visuals with the mirrors and reflective surfaces was outstanding. I thought further expanding on the social injustice that created the original Candyman to show that Candyman in essence embodies years of injustices against black men, specifically by those in authority, was well-done. Poor Anthony never had a chance though. Before even knowing his backstory, that he was the baby from the original movie, I knew he was done for as soon as he was stung by the bee when visiting Cabrini Green. I don’t think he ever even summoned Candyman did he, by saying his name 5 times while looking at a mirror? I know he was playing around with Briana and said the name but I don’t believe he managed to get it out 5 times in one sitting. I do wonder though why the spirit of Candyman was so fixated on Anthony for all these years? Why did he try to kill him 20-30 years earlier? And then essentially haunted and possessed him all those years later. What was it about Anthony that made him a specific target for Candyman? The acting was good in this. Great call back to the original by bringing back Vanessa E. Williams. Yes. This. Love his voice! It was great to see him but it was too brief of a cameo.
  11. This. The drugs had destroyed all logic for everyone involved. Just watched this episode. It was sad seeing all these young kids throwing their lives away on drugs. The victim apparently got into meth, of all things, because he wanted to fit in. Sad. The suspect looked and sounded like the meth had left him a few cans short of a six pack. He was paranoid and crazy and looking for someone to kill. I think he sought out the victim and would’ve killed him whether he was rapping in the back seat or not.
  12. Well we didn’t see the relationship play out on screen, we only saw a brief snap shot of what was, which in no way provided the full view of what the relationship was like. That’s not to say that the relationship was to blame for his suicide but I don’t think enough of it was shown to make a determination about its influence (or not) on his decision to die. Bourdain appeared to have done it all, becoming successful without even trying but seemed to find himself at a crossroad at the end and seemed to be searching for purpose and happiness. Which is so ironic considering the life he led and achievements he had, but an “exciting” life and outstanding achievements doesn’t equate to being happy. I think there was always a darkness within him, which he kept under control and at bay with one obsession or another ie drugs, cooking, traveling/work, but for whatever reason, at the end of his life he could no longer keep it at bay. I do wonder when did the turn happen? When did the darkness within begin to win, which ultimately led to his end? This documentary was well done. Like others, I’m surprised more people haven’t watched and commented.
  13. I don’t know how painful her situation is right now considering she’s in a coma. I doubt she’s even aware of her condition where she could register and respond to what her body is experiencing. Wasn’t it reported that she lost consciousness after being loaded into the ambulance and has since not awakened? Based on this I assumed she was in a coma due to injury and that it was not medically induced. I don’t think it’s about how steep the price should be for her choices. The fact is this is life, you make a bad choice and a very bad result may be the consequence. That’s the risk you take when high and driving. Same with drinking and driving. Do people who make those choices “deserve” to die…my thought is what they deserve goes out the window when they make a choice where death (or killing someone else by accident) can be the result. This makes me think about that rapper Juice WRLD. Apparently he didn’t want to get caught with drugs when his plane landed in Chicago (there were illegal drugs and weapons on the plane and apparently that info had been reported to the FAA and federal agents were waiting for the plane to land so that they could search it), so word is he took an unusual amount of prescription drugs, pretty much swallowed a whole bottle of opioids. He almost instantly OD’ed and later died at the hospital. Did he deserve to die? Absolutely not. He was just a kid. But he made a very bad choice and the consequence of that choice was death. What he deserved left the room when he took all those drugs in one sitting. I do feel bad for Anne’s children because they are young. One is still a minor I think. And of course the woman who lost her house and all her possessions. But I’m indifferent to Anne. I’m just relieved she only hurt herself in this accident, and no one else was injured or killed.
  14. @AgentRXS apparently this didn’t start with Kevin posting this video. Britney made a post on Instagram which has since been taken down about Kevin’s house having more weed than various rappers whom she named. SMH. So he responded by posting videos from 5-6 years ago of Britney trying to discipline her kids thinking that would prove she’s a horrible mother I guess? It is obvious that Britney has mental health issues and with that likely has/had difficulty interacting with her kids. I’m betting her being under a conservatorship didn’t help their relationship either and contributed to the lack of respect her kids showed her in those videos. But the fact that Kevin posted those videos is extremely problematic. He knows she has mental health issues. He knows he has kids to think about, their kids (even his kids with others who could be targeted by some of Britney’s crazed fans) and yet he posts it anyway. This is not a good look for him at all for various reasons. And makes me think he’s not the “good” parent everyone thinks he is. He may be more mentally stable than Britney but could let their kids run amok. At this point, everyone is looking a mess and need to step away from SM and regular media, and do the real work to heal.
  15. In the HBO documentary, there was footage of Dexter Holland from the group Offspring calling out those men who were groping the women who were crowd surfing. Moreover he told the ladies to turn the tables on the men. Two wrongs certainly don’t make a right but I appreciated the fact that he at least did called them out, for all the good it did. Basically they just created a concert and stuck the name Woodstock on it without making it relevant to 1999. For the promoters it was about making money and being able to say they successfully did another Woodstock. The attendees couldn’t have cared less about the original Woodstock and had no idea what it was about and even who performed there. Though many were at the 99 event for the music, I think just as many were there simply to party. I do wonder why more people didn’t leave early once they saw the event had turned to sh*t by Saturday. The HBO documentary addressed this, but I missed what was said as just as they started to talk about the why I had to step out of the room for a moment. After the sh*t show that was the 99’ event, it’s unbelievable that the same promoters were planning a 50th anniversary Woodstock in 2019, but thankfully the plans fell apart.
  16. K-Fed has six kids. Two with Britney. Two with his wife, and two with his ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson. Shar’s kids just became adults. One is 18. The other is 20. The kids he has with his current wife are still minors. All that said, excellent points. If he hasn’t been working for 15 years has he just been supporting all these kids off of Britney’s money? And to answer your question, my understanding is he’s only getting child support. And in fact managed to get it increased a couple of years ago to $40k a month. So that’s nearly half a million a year he’s making off Britney. Moreover, from what I understand he’s been living in a house, all these years, that’s owned by Britney’s estate. If true, this guy don’t even have his own house. Combined, her sons are only 3 years out from adulthood. So this gravy train will be drying up very soon. Unless he can somehow work some legal maneuver to extend the ride.
  17. This. First off, the Daily Mail can be questionable in their reporting even when they manage to get an interview, oftentimes telling half truths and reporting straight up lies. That said, though what is being reported may have some truths, that Britney’s kids are staying away from her, I question the timing if this. He’s been mum about her for over 13 years and now he starts to talk. I’m betting he got paid for this interview and we should expect to hear more from him as the kids get older and eventually age out of the $20k+ a month child support payments he’s getting. I don’t think Kevin has worked in over a decade. Not sure what his wife does p, if anything. So he’ll likely be doing more paid interviews and probably will be writing a book within the next couple of years.
  18. Now everyone should know by now that when a celebrity couple renews their vows that marriage is already on skids and the vow renewal is the last ditch effort to save the relationship 😂 ie Seal/Heidi, J-Lo/Marc, Demi/Ashton, Mariah/Nick to name a few. I always question when celebrities do vow renewals. I can see if they’ve been married 30/40/50 years and on said anniversary of that milestone they renew their vows. But renewing and you haven’t even been married a decade is suspect to me. Makes me think something has happened to destabilize the marriage and the vow renewal is an attempt to course correct.
  19. Me too. It’s always been interesting to me to hear an artist’s thought process before performing and especially performing in that environment that was so chaotic and such a huge crowd. They really had to know how to read the audience and respond in a way that would at the very least result in a successful performance for them. I really liked hearing from Gavin Rossdale who talked about having to go on stage after Korn brought the house down. It was a tough act to follow, but he and the rest of the group were able to ebb that energy and refocus it on their performance. I will say Gavin was so hot when he was young. He’s not aging horribly now. But the footage of him at Woodstock was…whew. Very very good looking man. I watched the HBO documentary today. I did think it was a little better than this one as it explored the context in which the concert happened. It really did serve the organizers right that after all the corners they cut in an effort to make a huge profit they only made $200k off the event.
  20. I know we don’t yet know why she was speeding down the road. But after seeing the video it looked as if she was very much in control of the vehicle. Moreover, it was said that she ran off the and hit a garage then left the scene of that accident and proceeded down the road to crash into the house. If this is truly what happened, I too am guessing it wasn’t a medical emergency and that she was either under the influence or trying to hurt herself. It’s unfortunate that family lost their home. Hopefully they have good home owner’s insurance and can rebuild as well as replace the items that can be. However, they are alive and uninjured which is great. Thank goodness the homeowner was in the backyard and away from the crash when it happened.
  21. This. After all that had already happened I could not believe they handed out real candles with fire. SMH. If they wanted to do a peace and love tribute in memorandum of Columbine they should’ve done the LED sticks or lights not real fire. Even if the concert had been organized and under control it would've been a bad idea to do real candles. Back in the day we did Midtown Music Festival here in Atlanta. It wasn’t nearly as big as Woodstock, but it was well organized, clean and felt safe. First off they had several stages for the acts, attendees could not spend the night on site, attendees had to keep their clothes on and security was TIGHT. The worst that we encountered was a secondary high from weed. 😂 Security did not go after people smoking weed. I’m sure there were criminal incidents but nothing of the magnitude that happened here. It was good clean fun, besides all the weed being smoked. But fun none the less. I was horrified by how nonchalant some in the documentary were about the sexual assaults as well as the comments about 14/15 year old girls being at the event and unfortunately being assaulted. I’m sure there were numerous sexual assaults that just weren’t reported for various reasons. In addition to the sexual assaults I was disgusted by the sex orgies, people lined up to get their turn at sexing up a stranger. I wonder how many people walked away from that event with an STI/STD and/or pregnant.
  22. I agree with @DonnaMae. No way the pregnancy would've survived all that trauma. It truly was plot armor that she didn't break her neck or die from hypothermia considering everything that happened. Moreover, there is no way in hell drug traffickers would've given her a ride on their plane. No way. I know they needed that little twist to ensure no one would be looking for the plane, because no flight plan was filed, but I call BS on her being on the plane in the first place. I could appreciate that this experience got Liv to evaluate her life and work through her issues, but honestly this was forgettable at best. Since it was only 6 episodes I watched until the end and I'll admit I was curious about where they were going with it (which really ended up to be nowhere), but I wouldn't recommend this and would not watch a 2nd season. I gave it thumbs down on Netflix.
  23. We watched this last night. It was entertaining enough, but not great. I was disappointed that we went through all of that drama only for the information on the encrypted drive to not be exposed and the “old man” behind all of this not being revealed. I know it ended this way to set up a sequel, but still disappointing. Also what happened to Lone Wolf? Did he vanish into thin air after realizing Lloyd and his crew were unethical? Don’t understand why he’d think they’d be “good” people in the first place considering how many cops and innocents I’m sure he saw them hurt and kill in Prague. Chris Evans seemed to have fun playing Lloyd, but that character was way over the top and out of control. No matter what the “shadow” government needed to reclaim. It made no sense that Carmichael would use him to retrieve the disk considering his less than discreet antics.
  24. Also, I got the impression that many women had no idea their pictures were on the site, even if they did take them for a boyfriend and was sent to him, for his eyes only, until either a friend informed them or they started receiving numerous calls and texts from strangers about their pictures. The Marine said he owned and managed several websites. So I don’t think all the work he did was in anti-bullying. Hunter no doubt engaged this guy to advertise on his site due to one of this guy’s websites which had nothing to do with bullying, without knowing about all of his other business ventures which included the anti-bullying stuff. Regarding the content in the site, I’m thinking this guy advertised on the site but became friends with Hunter and offered to help him “improve” the sites security etc. Hunter allowed him access because he was a cybersecurity guy and that’s how he was able to access the content. He could’ve even hacked the site to prove a point to Hunter and gain his trust. Remember Hunter didn’t care about hacking considering he shrugged off his friend hacking him and how he used this in his business. So the Marine could’ve hacked his website to prove a point and that’s how he got an in to the servers and was able to see the content.
  25. Well his hacker was an amateur at best. As I understand email and certain basic websites such as blogs and such are pretty easy to hack for someone who has basic hacking skills. Apparently Anonymous are expert hackers being that they’ve managed to hack numerous corporate and government websites. So Hunter’s hacker wasn’t even playing in the same league as Anonymous.
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