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Everything posted by MaryHedwig

  1. But I wondered like another poster upthread if they had put in some of the outtake scenes of Connie that they would have otherwise left on the cutting room floor, as a lovely gesture to honor her family. Gabby wants to try again for a baby because it is fun to dress one up for a prom? Lots of endless nights cleaning up spit and vomit happen before that photo-perfect night.
  2. It would be nice if Kelly could leave to move on something better, out of the retail trap. Writers, steal these lines for next season. Marcus: Where's Kelly? Cheyenne: She went to nursing school. She must have graduated by now.
  3. I have been worried about these evening devotional nuns for years. Who has been feeding them? Sadly, we must assume they starved to death.
  4. I found this episode extremely disturbing. White FBI agents shoot down two Black men under the false pretense of being firefighters, on a false emergency? No due process for the Black man who allegedly shot the officer's partner? And the Black man's brother, was he just collateral damage? A small Black boy watches his father and mother be murdered before his eyes? A young Black woman is left a widow? Everyone at the bar in toasting the killing of two Black men? How was this different from a lynching?
  5. And the children's grandmother chooses to split to Europe after her daughter dies?
  6. I have wondered about this. Apparently, as a child she had no one around her who cared enough about her to correct her pronunciation and vocabulary. Could all of the her caretakers been non-English speakers?
  7. Bernard walks in to the "party room" and sees that it is set up with plastic classroom desk chairs. "How am I going to have sex on these?"......"Oh, I figured it out." (From memory, feel free to correct.) I am still laughing.
  8. I was thinking along the same lines. It has to be more complicated than just a prior relationship. Maybe they had a baby and gave it up for adoption. Or Cordova's older sister is raising it. Have I been watching too many telenovelas?
  9. So true. I would have loved them to have had a line such as: "Can't Connie take care of this?" I wonder how they will write her out of the series. God, I miss her. That mother/daughter combo would have known that they were not good cooks if their father was a chef. They would have sent over their best sui chef..
  10. I remember reading years ago that Debra Messing to a challenge to dress because she is allergic to natural fibers. The costume department had to find synthetic-fibered clothes for her that still looked high-end. TMI, but this information stuck in my head because I am allergic to synthetic fibers. Believe me, I am counting my blessings now.
  11. I was referring to the middle-school dare game in the opening.
  12. I was looking for a PSA at the end about bullying.
  13. The main character in The Secret Life of the American Teenager abandoned her child and baby daddy to attend Hudson U in New York. I remember thinking that it this was her second bad decision she would pay for the rest of her life, the first being unprotected sex.
  14. Yes, I felt for his son. He is at least as much at risk as the daughter is. I would hazard more so based on his age and the secrets he might hold. The children should have a full-time adult beyond the president living with them. Where is their grandmother? Heck, move Mike in there, he would do a great job.
  15. Thanks to much repetition, I know what Meghan views are on many things, but I don't know her thinking behind those views. Why is she prolife? It is for religious or scientific reasons? Could she imagine any exception to her prolife stance? Spend your air time telling us the reasoning behind your opinions, Megan you don't have to keep telling us who your family is.
  16. "Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Hudsons."
  17. Since Wyatt is going to Anchor Beach, wouldn't Lena or the school counselors have been aware of his financial status and lack of familial support and have stepped in to provide him services? I would have like the plot better if Wyatt had been living with one of those dedicated male teachers. Weren't the Moms supposed to been on a retreat this episode? Did Grace and her mom steal their gift certificate for their own bonding spa weekend? Weren't we supposed to learn this episode why Stef was not happy with herself? Are being set up for Stef to be killed in the line of duty before the end of this series? Will Xiomara be deported along with her parents? Where was Jesus?
  18. I think she meant that the tattoo was in the ball park.
  19. I thought the same thing since I am a therapist and do not get paid anywhere near $800.00 an hour. No, seriously, I think all those sessions were supposed to have taken place on the same day. Did you notice that Timothy Busfield, said therapist, also directed this episode?
  20. I had thought that the reason J.J. shared a room with Dylan and Ray was because he needed 24 -hour monitoring, in case he fell or choked or something.
  21. Was Benson expecting to here that too when she said "and...." after his speech. Was Barba turning her down?
  22. My memory was that Stone promised her protective custody and she was killed while being transported to protective custody. The story stayed with me. Stone really pushed a decent woman to do something that she knew would kill her, and it did. It made sense that it destroyed Stone's love for the prosecution game just like Barba's love was (more slowly) destroyed. By the way, Alison Janey did a fantastic job. One of the few times on L&O that the most famous guest star was not the killer. Really, the father of the baby gets probation after, binding and confining his teenage babysitter? That girl with have emotional scars for life.
  23. Regarding Law and Order: 1. Don't trust your assistant. 2. Don't go to Hudson University ...and 3. the most-recognizable guest star is always the killer.
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