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Everything posted by MaryHedwig

  1. Actually, Joy is a model of class for me. I am taking notes. She has helped me deal more graciously with some challenging people in my own life.
  2. Fair enough. How about croissant bites?
  3. I want to watch your show. I'd certainly learn a lot....while loving it.
  4. I found her comment odd as well. Her worst nightmare for her son should be that he commits a rape.
  5. I so relate to this post. I am a vegan and I knew to handle the meat the way you directed. How did Amy raise a child without some basic cooking skills? I did love the cutesy names of the drinks: such as, "Master of Rum." That's the kind of thing I have tried at parties to lessor or greater success. Tip for Amy, if no one is using your cutesy names, drop the gimmick. One more tip for Amy, if first your meal does not succeed, call out for pizza, hold the cheese on mine.
  6. That was my thought exactly. Don't they make just above minimum wage? Doesn't John line with Garrett because he can't afford an apartment on his own? But then I remembered that Amy's parents' house was really nice too. Maybe houses are just a lot cheaper in St. Louis. Where I live you couldn't not touch that house for under $500.00.
  7. I notice that same thing. I was also struck by his comment, "not even in a suit?" Is that a foreshadowing to revelations about Eddie's orientation in the future?
  8. We know that but do the characters know that? Stevie seemed to be sincerely complimenting her on it. I felt like the boy in The Emperor Has No Clothes and thought, "Am I the only one who thinks this is a very bad dress?" By the way, the dress Alison wore at the fashion show was awesome. She should have thrown that one on Stevie at the last minute, if that was her own design.
  9. You could even be clever and say, "This seat's for Hayley, she's parking the car."
  10. I assumed that the nuns were a shout out to Shelley Morrison's earlier role of Sister Sixto in the Flying Nun, starring Sally Field.
  11. There's no excuse for that black bra, but I wondered if the half-tucked-out shirt is supposed to show us what long-hard days Bess has, and that she is too much of a servant to sweat the small stuff. Still, I can't imagine that Blake would tolerate the bra/shirt combo at work, or Noodle at home.
  12. It would be adorable on a child under seven. But who puts a child in a 100% silk dress?
  13. I am on the fence about MM. But if she does leave she can always say it was because she wanted to spend more quality time with her father.
  14. I didn't mean Bebe/Nadine's departure from the show would not last. I was focused on the story line (which I doubt we will ever revisit again). "Will the reconciliation with her son last" was my question.
  15. Bebe ought to be able to do whatever she wants to do on this earth., but I was worried about the story line. Nadine is going to move to California to be near the grandchild of her often-estranged son? All sides are feeling warm and fuzzy right now but it that going to last? Remember, Roman didn't bother to tell his mother about the pregnancy until his girlfriend was 4 months pregnant, and he needed a favor. Also, is his girlfriend really going to be happy living in the United States? A side note, I didn't that people back east knew where the Bay Area was. I thought that was just California slang.
  16. I loved the naked people bit. They appeared comfortable in their own skin; did not feel forced to be there. No shame; nakedness with sexuality. (Well, for the record, they were not totally naked, got to love those name tags.) I hope that becomes a ground-breaking moment for television. By the way, it looked to me like the naked woman's daughter was sitting right next to her. She was younger but had the naked woman's same distinct (beautiful) eyes. So I also loved thinking that her less-than-model-flat stomach was due to giving birth to the beloved child she brought with her. Comics are at their best when they are breaking a taboo.
  17. Why is Josh homeless, anyway. Doesn't he have enough money to rent an apartment on his own? He did before the tornado. Hey, Carol I understand, but it might be bad karma to wish the death of a 90-year-old woman.
  18. I believe that Josh currently lives in Silver Lake. The Pfefferman home is in Pacific Palisades. Maury looked like he was living with Davina in midtown in a transition neighborhood, my guess is near LA High School or MacArthur Park Northridge is at the northern end of the San Fernando Valley. It could take at least 90 minutes to get there from all three of those places during rush hour, which means during most hours. While there are exclusive parts of Northridge and of the Valley, that area has been traditionally thought of as the place you leave after success takes hold of you. By the way, Pacific Palisades is definitely a place you move towards once you have arrived. I doubt if you can find a house there for under 2 million, but it is very close to UCLA, so maybe Maura/Mort moved his family there way back when to be near his place of employment. Some would say that the Valley lacks flair and personality, "there is no there there." The parts I know are well-maintained, but the houses and condos are repetitive. Maybe the problem with Northridge was that it was too much a match for Donald's personality: solid, but dull and predictable. These are just the guesses of someone who knows LA pretty well. Please forgive me if I offended anyone, I am looking at you Mayor of Northridge, that certainly was not my intent.
  19. Every time Jordan told T.C. that "San Antonio needs you," my mind filled in, "because Hurricane Harvey is coming."
  20. We never found out what happen to Cain. The crew does not know what happened to Annie.
  21. Do we know who Isabella's father is?
  22. Especially after you have just adopted a special-needs child, and dumped your mother on your spouse.
  23. I was half-expecting Jude to show up at the Lost-Boy Village. Would Stef have even recognized him?
  24. All I could think there was "Ouch!" Sheesh, Sidney, at least literally take Amanda to bed. Wasn't that the first time Sidney and Amanda had sex, ever? Wasn't poor Amanda dust-dry? No points for foreplay and technique, Sidney.
  25. Shouldn't Hermann be spending with them as opposed to (apparently) spending all non-shift waking hours at a bar? I was thinking how great it would have been if Hermann had bought a breakfast diner- than all of his kids could have learned life/work skills right next to their pa.
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