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Everything posted by ItCouldBeWorse

  1. So, we're supposed to think that it's a good thing that Paige's father (the general, the hunter) is not anti-gun? Or, since Paige says that Teri Polo's character accused him of being anti-gun, that means she is pro-gun, so, both candidates are pro-gun? It just made an impression on me since Evan mentioned it again at the end. And why would Raj even consider moving to Baltimore? Don't his twins live somewhere in the NY area? We've seen him spend a lot of time with them, as if he shares custody. I don't understand how a parent who is remarrying would be so willing to move away from his or her first children in order to start a second family. He should be insisting on remaining locally, which means that Divya, if she were to get into Hopkins, should go to Baltimore herself, (which means her new baby will live apart from its father), or choose to remain nearby and go to Stony Brook. If she loves Raj, she shouldn't want him to move away from his kids if it isn't absolutely necessary.
  2. I was wrong and you are correct about Ruby Cottingham. Her husband was at sea, she had anxiety leading to sleeplessness, and Dr. Turner prescribed it for her before her pregnancy. She appears to have kept taking it regularly. As to Jeffrey Gallagher's Mom, Patsy said: So we write to Jeffrey Gallagher's GP, warn of the possible connection to his missing thumbs. Combined with the cut bit of dialogue from Episode 1 that I quoted above: Patsy: The trouble is, Mrs Gallagher’s quite the nervy type. She was demanding sleeping pills the moment she knew she was pregnant, it appears that Dr. Turner did prescribe thalidomide for 2 of the 3 mothers of affected children of which he is aware, but in both cases is was for anxiety/sleeplessness, and not for morning sickness, just as he recommended it for Noelle. I guess the combination of everyone's constant reassurance that the bad outcomes were not his fault, and the smoking, are keeping him stable. And possibly the knowledge he's not alone, as Dr. Jakes had prescribed the pills to Susan's aunt.
  3. I was just reading the cut dialogue available here: https://celtic-dragon.me/2016/04/16/call-the-midwife-series-5-missing-scenes/ and found this: Sister Evangelina: I was at Lisbon buildings with Mrs. Gallagher and young Jeffrey. Sister Mary Cynthia: Is he the baby with missing thumbs? Sister Evangelina: And his mother’s no more nearer getting over it than she was six weeks ago. Patsy: The trouble is, Mrs Gallagher’s quite the nervy type. She was demanding sleeping pills the moment she knew she was pregnant. Trixie: I’d demand sleeping pills if I lived at Lisbon buildings. This is the baby referenced in the present episode. By cutting that bit from the first episode of the season, we lost that foreshadowing. Also cut from later in the episode: Sister Winifred: I just…wonder if it’s not something in the atmosphere. The father of the baby with the missing thumbs is a chemical mixer at the patchworks.
  4. We has a short segment on thalidomide, with the show's producer.
  5. It's possible that either of the scenes were filmed in advance of her maternity leave. In fact, all of them should have been; why should she have to leave her newborn just to film a couple of scenes for the season finale? That would have been bad planning.
  6. It wasn't shown on PBS. I also didn't see the following scene from the recap: "Barbara visits Tom in the vestry and they're all schmoopy and cute and I still don't like Tom, okay, but I...can't help it. I'm happy for them." Finally, I'm not sure that we saw: "[h]er Sisters prepare Sister Evangelina's body for its final journey. "
  7. Yes, it was absolutely necessary that Dr. Turner not have personally prescribed the pills for Rhoda Mullucks (Susans' mom), Mrs. Cottingham (mother of the baby who died in the hospital), or the mother of the little boy born without thumbs whose family moved to another district. Otherwise, given what we've seen of him, his guilt would have been so great that I doubt he could have come back from the breakdown he almost certainly would have suffered. (He was already on the verge of one, and seemed to have resumed smoking.) In reality, with all the women he had prescribed thalidomide too, it was very convenient that none of them seem to have had affected children.
  8. The woman worked for Mr Kaplan and the bow tie was the signal to Tom that he should approach her to switch babies. Mr. Kaplan is a detail-oriented planner. It would not even occur to her to hinge the success of her plan on the coincidence that a young mother susceptible to Tom's charms would be in the store at just the right time and agree to switch babies with a stranger. She would have a trusted lackey for that role. From the recap: Tom's big plan to disappear from the grocery store depends upon there being another baby of roughly Agnes's age and size being at the tiny store at the same time. And also that baby's mom leaving it alone long enough for Tom to make the switcheroo. Nope, Orza is right. The bay switch was part of the plan. Not sure why the policeman didn't detain Mr. Kaplan for having a "stolen" baby, whether or not the mother wanted to press charges, but whatever. Actually, the mother should have waited longer to point out the switch, as it would have given Tom more time to get away, even if it were only a few minutes more.
  9. Yeah, when he runs into 2013 Mick, who won't know about this conversation, it'll be weird.
  10. Constantine, if I recall correctly. Good catch. But not “a beloved superhero from the DC canon,” with "a mysterious past and equally mysterious agenda.”
  11. Yes, but in the episode, they were talking about how there weren't any guidelines yet because the pill hadn't been officially released. They didn't know at this point that it was going to be restricted. Sister J was OK with birth control for married couples. I think Dr. Turner also mentioned how in America it was prescribed for women who had trouble with their menstrual cycle? That is a way that a single woman with a cooperative doctor could get around any married women requirements.
  12. The way they are going, Barbara and Tom should either get married, or be prepared to use the Pill. For a vicar and a vicar's daughter, they are pretty hot and heavy. Perhaps that's why Tom was at the meeting concerning the Pill, and why Barbara chastised him afterwards about his lame comments; as a set-up for a future conversation between the two?
  13. From http://www.tvguide.com/news/cbs-fall-tv-schedule-2016/?et=watchlist-notification&lt=news : "Former NCIS star Michael Weatherly will return to CBS' Tuesday nights in the fall with Bull, a new drama based on the early career of Dr. Phil. The series will be sandwiched between NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans, which will be taking over Limitless' 10/9c timeslot. As of now, Limitless isn't officially dead, but CBS boss Les Moonves indicated it may move to another network."
  14. Will Red really just let go of the fact that Solomon tortured Dembe, and can Dembe forget that Solomon poisoned his granddaughter? There has to be some kind of showdown before Solomon can be redeemed, which I 100% agree is what the spinoff will attempt to do. We will be expected to root for Solomon and the team to succeed in their "gray" endeavors. His origin story better be even more miserable than Dembe's. Solomon (I speculate), Dembe, Tom and Liz (when she returns...) should have a support group for orphaned children with really bad back stories.
  15. How about "The Blacklist: How I Met My Mother." Too obvious?
  16. I kept wondering about that, too. No milk, no calf, assuming it still needs to nurse. Bottle-feeding it was a set up to establish that Phil would be a great dad. Are Mike's symptoms consistent with those of the people who had died from the plague? If not, he seems to have TB and the others should be concerned! And if Mike does have the plague and that is what the cow died from, then shouldn't Mike have died already? Do infected cows die faster than people? (I'm willing to assume that the cow had somehow miraculously never come into contact with a plague carrier before now.)
  17. Rip prudently shrank Ray down in order to get him away quickly after Mick knocked him out. How the heck did Sara manage to get Mick away after Leonard knocked him out? Also, why doesn't Ray always shrink down and hide himself whenever the group seeks to take action? Then, if there is an ambush, he might not be instantly defeated or trapped with everyone else. Isn't that the whole point of being able to shrink, that he do just that?
  18. Should Stein still have existed in 2016 when Jefferson went back in time? His baby self had been removed from the timeline and was with Rip's "mom," which is why Clarissa didn't remember Stein when the Pilgrim took her (also from 2016). Of course, the Jefferson who was yet to be roofied shouldn't still exist in 2016 since he was taken, too. In fact, everyone except Kendra and Rip were removed from the timeline before 2016, but we were specifically told that Clarissa did not know Stein, the same as if he had been killed, instead of removed. I would think that only his bereft parents would have had any memory of him. I'm willing to accept that the time travelling versions still exist, for the time being, but unless there are alternate timelines....
  19. The assassins/bodies/explosion were definitely figments since the hotel was later seen to be in perfect shape, not even a broken window. I think the cop was real only because Red showed him the table with the 2 place settings and made an excuse about his wife feeling ill. Also, his bag containing money and id's shouldn't have been in the house if he had actually rescued Katarina because he left it (and his hat and coat) on the beach when he brought her inside. I think the cop actually saw the lights Red had turned on while carrying out his imaginary rescue and its aftermath, and intruded on said fantasy, but Red's mind allowed him to satisfy the cop and then go right back to "talking" with Katarina about how he had known that Jack was dead.
  20. Was the Chinatown hideout an opium den so that Red could escape his despair for awhile? What happened at Cape May was either all memories or a combination of memory and fantasy. Didn't Red say at one point that Lizzie's mother walked into the sea and drowned? Likely, in the past he didn't stay to help Katrina fight the assassins who were after her but escaped with Lizzie while she drowned herself and he was fantasizing that it had turned out differently. The cop and the guy scavenging on the beach were real, but no one else. Too big a coincidence that the necklace would be found just when Red was there, though.
  21. Who watches Trixie when she's in bed and both her parents are at a crime scene? We know Grandma isn't around. Is there an instantaneously available babysitter?
  22. Her "death" coincides with Megan Boone's maternity leave, I presume. They had to find a way to remove her from the show for a while.
  23. My educated guess: she's not dead. Mr. Kaplan arranged something with her and the Dr. to make Red believe she was dead so that he'll be out of her life and so the baby will be safe, since if Lizzie is believed to be alive, the baby can be used to get to her. Don't know how she got the Dr. to go along with the plan, except that maybe he can get out, too, which we know he wants to do. He (the Dr.) was very convincing, though. For this plan to be effective, Tom can't know either, because he would lead Red right back to Lizzie.
  24. The Fulcrum is a blackmail file on the Alliance. I thought the device hidden in the rabbit looked like a mini music box. If I'm not mistaken, it would likely play the same song from Lizzie's childhood as the music box Red rebuilt in "Ivan." When she opened this mini box, she got a dreamy look on her face, as if she was hearing something familiar. (If any of this is accurate, the song can't be a trigger or she would have been triggered by Red's music box.) It sound like Red was with some others who wanted to get the Fulcrum from Lizzie's father, there was a fight, a fire broke out and Lizzie screamed, Red rescued her and placed her with her adoptive family and probably arranged for her memory to be suppressed for her own mental health.
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