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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. My big question about this episode was how are they going to get that plane out of that barn when it was parked behind and between support posts. Then Malcolm and Gil walked out of the barn through regular doors, and I thought how the heck did they even get a plane INTO that barn. An airplane hanger has doors that open the entire end of a building, a barn with full loft does not. Did they take the wings off to get it in? Then why put the wings back on once it's inside since it needs to get back outside to be used. This was beyond hand wave for me. So I guess it's just a "whatever." At least CZJ trunk smuggling Martin made a good ending that was interesting. I don't care about Ainsley, she can stay upstairs in her room forever.
  2. Again, the two boys have to HAND DIG another grave when there they sit on a big ranch that has to have tractors and backhoes and skid loaders and other mechanized bucket machines. I guess they also haul big 1,000-pound bales of hay to the cattle in winter (they do have winters in Montana) one at a time, by hand. Alrighty then. Plus they have a big funeral with guests and a meal afterward ... in the middle of the freaking NIGHT. WTH show. Why did Ronald bring his lady and her daughter along so he could bury sis in the woods? Made no sense. Unless he figures to kill them too. But with his extra-special murder skillz, being able to slash someone to death, clean up every inch of blood and shrink wrap the bodies, he could have done that in between bowls of cereal at home. Where has his semi truck been all these episodes. I don't know about you guys, but I would def wake up if I were sleeping in a semi cab and the guy next to me got up, hauled a dead body out from under the seat, plus opened/closed the cab door. Or were girlfriend and daughter sleeping in that tent? I couldn't tell. Still, even if I were in the tent, all that would have made me wake up. Why Cheyenne isn't "disappeared" staggers my mind. And Mom is just now talking back to her husband, some what, 30 years after Dad treated her like crap after Cheyenne was born? Alrighty then. I'm not sure how fracking waste in barrels ties in with dumping fracking waste in water ... that would be going somewhere and get discovered. But the dissolving-body-pools are well known in that area since our fly fisherman got dumped in one last season. And isn't fracking connected to oil/gas? Are there oil wells on the ranch? If there are, why is the ranch in such financial trouble. Still, I like this show. It's all kinds of crazy whack, which I like. I don't know why the ranch is in such financial peril though. Of course, I don't remember seeing any cattle/cow/calf operation, or hay fields, or wheat fields, or lumber cutting, or any livestock except a couple horses in stalls in the barn. So yeah, owning hundreds/thousands of acres of ranch land and producing nothing, that would be a financial problem.
  3. Yeah, Owen is cracked open, a big chunk of his lung taken out and two days later he's out running around, wrestling bad guys and hauling big dudes out of burning buildings via the dead-man carry. The name of this show should be 911-Marvel Universe. This made me laugh, picturing going down Rob Lowe's nose. No need to duck. I personally think Judd should be the star of this show. Owen can go back to NYC.
  4. The celebrity dog contest was lots of fun. Billy Eilish made big news with her recent British Vogue cover where she's wearing a corset and has Marilyn Monroe hair. But doing her "typical" look with the green hair made her a super person to copy. Too bad the result was an epic fail IMO. I just read a big story on Bob Ross and why his paintings aren't for sale anywhere, so it was funny one team got him. He's really come back via commercials and such, so his company is making tons of $ even though he's dead. I thought his dog look alike was pretty good. Liked the team adding paint-daubed "clothes" to the dog. Sort of a cheat that the Whoopie dog was already corded. Would it have been in bad taste for the groomer to color the dog's face black? Sort of a touchy subject, that. That Sia was one of the celebrities made me laugh. Talk about perfect, and so easy to create. The dog's face made me LOL, so hilarious and spot on, just like the real Sia. Lady Gaga was the hardest celeb to recreate. She has so many looks. I would have given the Afghan a beehive do and done more than throw a pink sheet over its back, like make the body look like a meat suit. Ha ha, yes, I remember that outfit. But now it's revealed that groomers all had a big photo of their celebrities to match. Geesh. Thanks show for letting us know that ... at the very end. I agreed that the Whoopie dog looked best, but the Sia dog might have won if I were judging. Gaga was the worst, Eilish also was bad and Bob Ross was middle of the pack IMO. Gabriel's Marie Antoinette dog made me LOL. Deb/Jordan's 60s dog was just okay. Well, barely okay since I didn't like it at all. Loved Alissa's pop culture dog. Macie's disco dog was fabulous. Rizza's Flashdance dog was good too, I loved the head. Macie deserved to win BIS. Deb's was the weakest which surprised me since IMO she was the best groomer in weeks past. Oh well. She represented herself well, she is an excellent groomer. Next week = a proposal. Please, I'll get my barf bag ready. I am so sick of these manufactured famewhore proposals. I have no problems with Judge Jorge. I know many people in the dog world just like him, and I enjoy their company, they are more fun to be around than my boring straight friends.
  5. Andy mentioned it on TheJeopardyFan in his pre-game thoughts, then Emily Sands posted the details in the comments if you scroll to the bottom of this page.
  6. I could loan you my book ... it's the correct one ...
  7. No.JMHO of course. There were long spells between five-time winners while AT was hosting. It's not easy to last five games, plus there's the three-day curse thing.
  8. But I'll bet your neighbors heard, and now they know more about you than they should. No, the first episode taped with Bill was the only time this has happened. There were a lot of problems connected to this specific host that required multiple do overs. Old timers here know that's a big YES.
  9. It's still Tuesday although today it's spelled TWOSday because we have two outstanding Contest Winners this week. These two don't even sit next to each other yet they've posted identical scores for the last three weeks. And not only that, the numbers keep increasing each week so that next week both scores must be FIVES! as these two continue to REACH FOR THE STARS. So to honor @j5cochran and @Prevailing Wind, our two contest players who are reaching for the stars, here is your personalized trophy, engraved with your names and your scores. Go ahead and reach for those stars, baby! See you both at the T45 next week!
  10. I'm thinking that Monday's episode taking two hours to tape instead of less than one-half hour to complete was wearing on Emily. The other two were fresh players while she had to be exhausted after two hours of standing at that podium and redoing things over and over. Then start from scratch with a second episode. I was sorry to see her go, she was a refreshing personality. Wish she could have stayed longer. But kudos to her being the only one to answer FJ. That's something. She can be proud of her run. FJ was easy for me. I paid a lot of attention when Gulag was published, there was no end to the publicity and back stories about it. It made a huge impression that obviously stayed with me over the years.
  11. I knew it was cancer surgery, but have we ever been told what kind of cancer? Lung cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic ... ? He had to have been cut open since the doctor said they the tumor was bigger than thought but they got all of it. So it couldn't have been a laser surgery. Man, i get a cut on my finger and I can't use my hand for a week. Although I guess like in most shows ... "hand wave."
  12. Word to the above. Last week and last night were the first times I actually stopped whatever else I was doing and LOOKED at the tv and was invested in watching every minute. All the episodes before, it's been on but nothing keeps my attention and it turns into nothing more than background noise. So I don't know any of the other characters nor do I know what's (suppose to be) going on with them. I so agree Shelby made last week's show, and so did Kathleen after I warmed up to her sad sack demeanor. She ended up being pretty proactive after all. Maybe I'll see you guys next week. Maybe not!
  13. Everyone is talking about dumbass Owen and stupid fire investigator and yeah, I agree with all that. But the stupid started at the very beginning of this episode. There's a big accident on the bridge so the firefighters pull up in their huge truck. They all get out and the convo starts, blah blah blah, how have you guys been, how's the wife and kids, what'd you do this weekend, blah blah blah. Then SOMEONE asks "Where's the truck." Oh yeah, it just HAPPENS to be hanging over the side of the bridge by two safety trailer chains. And oh yeah, i GUESS there are two people inside, dangling and hanging there and oh, maybe someone can save them? But first, let's do some more blah blah blah and mugging for the cameras. Meanwhile, none of the dumbasses on the bridge thought about running a safety strap or two or three from a vehicle on the bridge to around the truck axle so it wouldn't fall and kill a couple of people? You mean I was the only one, a viewer sitting at home with no safety training, I was the only one who thought maybe THAT would have been a good idea? You know, just in case those tiny chains got ripped loose? Then Owen has some kind of mystery surgery that's so serious he has to take a month off from sitting in a fire house or sitting in a fire truck giving orders, but he can do a dead-man carry to lug some huge dude out of that burning building? Plus, the cashier said the fire address was THREE BLOCKS AWAY, yet Owen could run (?) and get there before a speeding fire truck? Blocks where I live are long and if I ran three blocks, I'd be a tad winded, plus if I just had major mystery cancer surgery and was on doctor-ordered rest, that fire would have been put out before I could make it three freaking blocks. Then the arson dumbassery started with dumbass Owen wearing a black hoodie in summer in Austin and doing fire experiments at his house. Please. That told me it was time to turn the channel. The only bright spot was Judd having some dialogue. This show needs to be renamed 911 Judd. Then maybe it would be good again.
  14. I will have to look for that. I no longer get PBS via my antenna but maybe it's online somewhere. Interestingly, there are FIVE FIVE scores this week. How much "drink" is five fifths? I can see the winner of this week so will be back with the announcement that y'all are waiting for. Go ahead and start on the hors d'oeuvre, AH'll be baaahck. Meanwhile, May the 4th be with you.
  15. Hey @Tunia, long time no see. I've never heard of Bill Whitaker. Haven't been able to get any CBS channels since analog went digital. But I don't give a care who the host is these days. I don't watch for the person who reads the clues. I'm enjoying the champ, I love how she is so obviously happy and excited to be there. Good on her. Long may she reign.
  16. Oh no, I totally didn't know that. Sad news, he was a teen heartthrob. I guess that makes him sort of three Kevin Bacons away from last Thursday's FJ. And the Jeopardy curse. In unrelated news, today is the 43rd anniversary of the first bulk spam email being sent (1978).
  17. Today's Rifleman episode, Season 3, Episode 34, is "The Queue." See, everything is connected.
  18. If that's the case, maybe this will be a good season unlike all the PTB manufactured dreck all these past years. It would be nice to have a dating show where the people are interested in, you know, DATING. And maybe finding a life partner. I know ... shocking idea!
  19. "Think" being the key word in that statement. My Macs last forever, except for the one that got struck by lightning while I was working on it back in the day of dial-up so it was connected to my phone line. I've lost multiple phones to lightning strikes so I just buy cheap replacements. Anyway, the lightning blew the casing off the monitor (iMac) and also blew open my kitchen cupboard doors. I was lucky only the Mac died and not me. Old Macs don't die, they just get out of date because of software/OS updates. I started using Mac Quark when it was in v.3. That had to be more than 30 years ago, back when DTP first started. We had one PC in the pre-press of the printer where I worked, just to process jobs from clients who used one. We laughed at Windows when it was first introduced (we had been working in DOS) as it was obvious the PC was trying to be like our Macs. Back then, a 250mb HD was HUGE! We would NEVER be able to fill up that gigantic drive. I've had the same printer/scanner here since I started my own design business 15 years ago. Yeah, it's connected to Macs. That have been here even longer and still in use. My Macs are production Macs created for running high-end graphics software. No iPad Minis here. And all my printer requires is the proper driver installed for the Mac to talk to it. Not a problem. I've pulled HDs from antique Macs, put them in a case and used them for external drives. Although old HDs are so small compared to the 3T backup drive I currently use with Time Machine. I did all the Mac purchases/repairs/upgrades and maintenance when I worked at the magazine. The rest of the company was on PCs but the four IT guys knew nothing about the Macs so i kept the magazine Mac-using wing running. Never had a single Mac crash, go down or be infected unlike the PCs, which kept those IT guys in full-time jobs.
  20. It's obviously hereditary, Master Criminal Genes inherited from her mom, Red Reddington. I know Anne might disagree, but since she's no longer here the writers no longer have to consider her viewpoint.
  21. Since Jeopardy taught us a fifth is 750 ml, your contribution to T5 will be easier to muster up. Maybe I can sneak by with my beggar's cup in hand for a sample?
  22. Remember when a contestant once answered "Dirtbag" instead of "Fleabag"? It was one of those historic Jeopardy comedy moments.
  23. How about "Abandon all hope ye who watch this show."
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