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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. A way to stay on BIP and get more air time. Since Kenny is so perfect for Analise, they are dating now IRL, right? What do you mean, they're not? Whaaaa?
  2. My takeaway from Jordan's talk to Jenna: Jenna has a botox-dead upper lip and a lazy left eye. Benoit: I don't want to talk to Jordan. Me: Then DON'T. Geesh. Just Say No.
  3. Heck, I'd go on every date I could just to get out of "Paradise." Well, that plus get more air time! (TM CindyBee) Ha ha ha. Now Krystal got the Black Butt Bar of Shame.
  4. Yeah, Connor was the Super Tool who got so mad at Lincoln having a photo of Becca and Lincoln together that he chucked it in the pool. You know, like all adult humans react. Well, Connor and Jordan, apparently. Jenna gets the Black Butt Bar of Shame yet we can clearly see her breast implants. Jordan The Child has lost the glow that Jordan The Witty used to have. He's worn out his welcome with me. Krystal + How-To-Give-Women-Orgasms Chris = Just Nasty EW.
  5. That takes me back to The Old Days when many of us wanted One Ef Jef and Arie to be co-bachelors after Emily's season ended. My, how times have changed!
  6. So funny since pretty much no one goes on this show, not since season 1, to "marry" anyone. It's so they can move to LA and become a D-Lister. As for why Tia is so "into" Colton, that's the script TPTB gave her so she could pursue her own D-Lister fame for a few weeks longer. It's pretty easy to figure out IMO. It's pretty sad when this franchise has to keep rerunning past contestants, like we're all too dumb to accept anyone FRESH and NEW. If they want to bring back Higgins, why not just bring Brad Womack back again, or Nick V., and get it over with. My money is on Colton as next Bach. TPTB are waiting to see how BIP plays out with "Bachelor Nation" before they announce the "winner." Otherwise, the announcement would have been made during ATFR. JMHO, of course.
  7. "When I was younger and before I got puffy and chubby."
  8. The guy could be totally blind and using a white cane and seeing-eye dog and I could care less. I didn't think about the "danger" of their act, just that it was beautiful to watch, and both the man and woman are gorgeous athletes. That was the point of my post, it was not about some sob back story. I don't give a care about any of those fakety fake stories, and that includes the singer (with 11 albums) who has been "stuck at home with her kid, unable to perform," or the girl who is so "painfully shy she can't even speak in public." I like or don't like acts based on what I see ... and hear, in the case of all those singing acts moving forward.
  9. I caught the rerun of this last night so was able to look for things based on posts here. My biggest notice was watching the audience behind the judges during Riana's act. Every single person was laughing their butts off when Riana appeared behind Mel and put her hand on Mel's shoulder. Audience behind Simon was just sitting there, which makes me think that was a cut-in edit, not real time. It also disputes thought that some audience member fainted and the rest ran from the theater in terror over the horror that was The Sacred Riana. The only horror I saw was her crap act. I think Mel B agrees with my assessment. I thought the cats were as good as before. If they were suppose to "step it up," then ask those multiple singers to "step it up" next time too. Although I could do with less "ta da!" from the women. That broke the flow IMO. Front Pictures totally lost me, I was so bored I went back to doing something else during their act that was way too long. I liked Duo Transcend. They could just stand on the stage for two minutes and I'd enjoy them. Yes, I'm shallow. I loved what Glennis was wearing. It's totally something I would wear myself. Which I guess says more about me than Glennis. Lemurs, bring me that jacket.
  10. I LOVE this. They are my favorites too. Thanks enoughcats.
  11. Thanks eel. That makes perfect sense. For some reason I figured climbing shoes were soft, like slippers. Shows what I (don't) know!
  12. I was excited that I was going to get it correct this time. I didn't have a clue watching the first time, but now I knew the answer was Gettysburg. Well, I was one step closer to correct than I was first time around, so there's that. Baby steps, like they say.
  13. I'm not so sure. A couple seasons ago, one of The Bachelor leads was filmed in the shower. People assumed he was wearing trunks, but as it turned out, he was not. He allowed the camera person in the shower with him while he was naked because "she was a lesbian." And that's an ABC show. Yeah, make up your own mind about that. In an interview with Isaac Caldiero, he said on one of his first tries at ANW he was wearing climbing shoes and he went down on the Jumping Spider because of them. So he switched shoes to what others were wearing. Not that I know anything about rock climbing. I was just surprised his shoes caused his fall. I hate to say that it looks like Joe being carried out with the bad ankle. I hope not, he's a favorite of mine.
  14. If I were king of this show, that "trick" would make me give the win and million dollars to Shin Lim. If only ...
  15. Hey, speaking of JLo, I couldn't figure out her hair during the rehearsal segments. It was like she didn't have any, like it was all plastered flat to go under a wig. I wanted to see if she had it pulled into a bun or something. It was so thin, it made me wonder if her real hair is just worn out/falling out. I was surprised she was filmed that way. Unless it's some new style I'm not hip to. Which is perfectly understandable!
  16. I was a big fan of Michael Dameski. I'm not a dancer but I am shallow, I loved watching him. I don't care what he does next, I'll be watching. Okay, I'm NOT a stalker, but he is so pretty. I was disappointed beyond words by B-Dash and Koncrete. I loved them previously and I think they are fabulous. But last night most of their routine was like an AGT illusionist act, they spent too much time making books mysteriously move/open/close. It was a fail for me. Which made me very sad. I had fun watching Alisa & Joseph and wish they had stayed over B-Dash et al. The judges don't like dancers like them though, a pair who tells a happy story. There's enough angst around that I needed that fun refreshing routine to uplift me for a few seconds. MarInspire ... this is the team that was talked about here last episode. NOW I know who they are! And I have to say I liked them very much. I enjoyed the routine which, I guess from reviews above, was aimed more at non dancers (me) than anyone who knows technique. I would have kept Michael, Alisa & Joseph and MarInspire as my top three. DNA = boring and nothing new, even for someone who isn't a dancer I was bored. Karen y Ricardo. I know Ricardo's name is in their title, but was he even there last night? I couldn't take my eyes off of Karen, from the moment she stepped out on the stage in that ... outfit/costume/OMG that she was wearing. I really didn't absorb any of her dance moves either, I just stared. A lot. The teen groups ... I could care less who advances out of that bunch, none of them interest me. Although Fabulous Sisters were the tops IMO. They made me feel I was watching some evil Disney movie and those Dalmatians/princesses/step sisters were in some deep trouble.
  17. I would give up ALL of the singers for even one of the cats.
  18. I went all the way through that auction and didn't find Harlee's wig. Talk about disappointment. I would be bidding up a storm on that. Harlee's bedroom vanity tray with three perfumes is in the sale -- who even noticed that? -- but the wig that was clearly shown when Harlee busted the hooker for wearing it is not. Such a bummer, I really want it.
  19. I agree with that statement. While I'm okay with Riana being gone, she has irked me since the first day, but I'd rather see those cats sitting around doing nothing than have more singers advancing.
  20. Luckily, you were there to transplant your heart into him, thereby saving his life. Good for you! *drink*
  21. Unless George Ivan Domingo was at the Dolby Theater and saw Riana's act live, I tend to believe an earlier poster who stated the doors got stuck and Riana's cables were shown, thereby ruining the act IF viewers were allowed to see that. Besides, an audience member "fainting" and others screaming and running away from the "terrifying" Riana would have been gold, pure gold. No way would TPTB miss airing that. Or someone would be posting it online today. Plus if she "appeared behind Mel B," why would the audience behind SIMON run off? No one behind Howie or Mel or Heidi ran away? Alrighty then.
  22. From anthonyd46's link: "Courtney Hadwin is by far the most viral “AGT” act of the year, amassing more than 200 million views on social media. Her first appearance of “Hard to Handle” back in the auditions earned her Howie Mandel‘s Golden Buzzer. Courtney wasn’t seen again until last week’s Quarterfinals, where she performed “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag” and received a standing ovation from the judges and studio audience." It's my thought that Courtney was given the Golden Buzzer so viewer wouldn't get tired of her doing the same thing over and over. And over some more. If Trailer Nasty Vicky had only been seen one before lives, she'd still be new and different. Oh, okay, insert any of the acts in there, you get my point. So yeah, it's possible TPTB picked her to win and so gave her the Golden Buzzer so we don't ALL hate her. (Just some of us.) I hope everyone knows the audience standing ovations are all scripted. You don't stand/applaud/cheer when commanded, you go home.
  23. Great link ShortyMac. They are getting rid of everything, even a ball-point pen! I tried to find sizes on JLo's clothes but couldn't. Just that her shoes are 8.5, Stahl's shoes are 9.5 and Woz's shoes are 10s. Most of the men's clothes have sizes. And one of JLo's coats. I guess they need to sell everything now before this show is out-of-mind and forgotten. I already had forgotten who Julia was!
  24. I decided to do something out in fresh air rather than watch last night's episode. Reading here I guess I missed a few things, like maybe five minutes' worth. It's so obvious this year that TPTB are telling each new person who to ask on their date. It's not even interesting. It's like hearing the same knock-knock joke over and over. I am curious which ex-Bachelor people were brought back though. Was it for Jorge to film a Movie In Paradise? That might have been worth seeing, for five minutes. Is Raven back "for real" or was she just there as a consultant to Tia, like Becca was brought all the way to Mexico to console Colton? I'm kinda glad I missed that part although I can hear it in my brain: "Bleep, bleep and bleep him." I do want to know what happened to that Happy Ending of Benoit and Claire. Anyone?
  25. That would have been an awesome ending/reveal, Stahl being fake dead since he switched bullets in all the guns in Harlee's house, or that scene was another of Harlee's brain figments and the dead guy was really some salesman or something. Or Cole! Or who knows ... the twist of Stahl still alive would be revealed in episode 1 of season 4. I really like that idea!
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