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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Answer was Brazil. I guess the clue is it took her a month to get through Brazil. There's always that little nit pick that ruins our answers. ETA: Hats off to Trey, who beat me to it while I was checking (and correcting!) my spelling.
  2. Here you go Opus, the FJ for the first week of S35: 1. To set a record for longest solo journey by kayak, 2,010 miles, Helen Skelton traveled through this nation for a month. 2. Switching the syllables in the German word for building of a home gave this design & architecture school its name. 3. In 1789 this doctor proposed 6 articles on penal reform to the French Assembly, including one on capital punishment. 4. On Oct. 4, 1940, for the premiere of what’s been called his most famous movie role, Ronald Reagan was in this city. 5. POSTHUMOUSLY, AXEL PAULSEN WAS AMONG THE FIRST GROUP OF INDUCTEES INTO THE WORLD HALL OF FAME FOR THIS IN 1976. The season is young yet. I expect to overtake you and leave you in my SD*. *stupid dust
  3. Hey, since this is a new season, it would be fun for each of us to keep a running total of FJ right vs. wrong answers. Anyone up for that? Only five FJs so far. We can award prizes, like a meal prepared by Mindthnkr. Who, BTW, is notably absent.
  4. Thank you for adding another wee nugget of knowledge to my brain cell's storage area Driad. I did not know this background of a word I took "for granted."
  5. To dwell on my ignorance, I never thought of figure-skating people being in a sports hall of fame. So said 'hockey' because Axel sounds more like someone who skates than plays football. Hey, I was partly correct. My FJ score is 2-3. I'm comin' for ya lb60.
  6. Oh, thanks Browncoat. I guess being able to spell would have helped. I must have added an "r" to orvation to get "ra." Heh. I associate Christopher Walken with More Cowbell, which is better than associating Will Ferrell with anything. Congrats on your streak, IB60. You'll be depressed when you get one and ruin your run. I know this from my experience last season.
  7. Oh, whew. Good. I'm glad you are okay with that. That, and because I'm 12. Andrew's son got a "Good for him." Is that half a drink? I got the missed DD of Ambrose Bierce. My mom had The Devil's Dictionary in her bookcase, and I would sneak reads in it when she wasn't around. It's shocking reading for a 12 year old. I felt sorry for Riley, she was working that buzzer but just couldn't beat the boys. So who is the Egyptian Sun God, Aton/Aten or my answer of Ra? I was taught Ra in my Egyptology classes. Doing an online search said it is/was/could be both. I loved the TV Guide category too, except it was way too easy. Well, maybe only easy if one is old enough to remember when those shows were first run. Lucille Ball being pregnant and having a child while doing her show was SHOCKINGLY GROUNDBREAKING! I've already forgotten FJ.
  8. Only one dog year ago! I'll have to pay attention to see if it comes 'round again. Thanks for the link!
  9. Oh, wow, so cool. I'd go in a heartbeat. The Chicago Museum of Science and Industry has a body sliced vertically with the slices displayed in plexiglas. It's my favorite exhibit. The SB exhibition reminds me of my anatomy class; we had to draw a skeleton, then every week we would be assigned certain muscles/tendons we had to paint on acetate overflaps until we had the entire body (sans skin) complete by end of semester. I got an A-, one of my favorite classes. No, I'm not really creepy IRL. Well, at least I don't think so. Living on a farm exposes one to certain things city folk don't get to/have to see.
  10. Opus, in my mind you are a 15-year-old male but I did not want to make assumptions so left it ... well, generic. I should have made it even more so: "... as in the screen grab Opus posted." And there is nothing wrong with being 15, real or imagined. No offense intended! Quite the contrary,
  11. Because it keeps being shown over and over on specials and reruns. For anyone having J6 problems, today jeopardy.com actually let me see the quiz for today, not Monday! So yeay! Then it put the answers on the right, like Opus showed in his/her screen grab! Double yeay yeay! Then halfway through the Double Jeopardy round, clues/answers kept repeating over themselves before I could read/answer, then the screen froze and that was the end of that. I guess some progress is better than none. I guess. I really think this calls for a BMS, proser. Say what? skinless body exhibition? Whaa?
  12. Add I'm-cranky-today me to your Unfunny Cowbell group -- of two. Heh. Even worse, you know those great-for-you categories aren't going to come up again any time soon. At least not during your reign. If there is one! I remember you stayed longer than most, MrAtoz.
  13. Agree, which his why I said curly fries. Funnel cake was my second answer. I seldom if ever match anyone on this show. Drea. Gah. Couldn't stand her, she was so OTT annoying. I was rooting for the man contestant, the one who dressed up his dog. He was cute and fun, and having a good time. Drea was like she was auditioning for some obnoxious Real Housewives show or something. Neither did Ali Wentworth! Neither did Saber! I said smooth operator. That was another song by someone who wasn't Michael Jackson.
  14. Les Twins for the win! Oh wait ... they weren't in the competition. I was all for Michael winning. While bored with soloist Jaxon doing the same angsty routine every time, Michael changed it up and became a character with each dance. I enjoyed every one of his routines. Each had a different bit of originality to it. Then The Lab had to do that (inferior IMO) routine about saving the world so I knew Michael was screwed. No one votes against patriotism. If Michael had worn army fatigues and done an anti-terrorism dance, he could have won. But Mad Max against World Peace? No way. Oh well. I hope he gets some Broadway work, or other jobs from this show. He's talented. And not bad to look at, and he presented himself professionally. Loved seeing Keone and Mari again though. They've always been favs of mine. I need to watch them again to see where Derek fit in. I did like seeing the judges dance at the beginning though. I have my doubts about Ne-Yo's skillz, and JLo did pretty much of a stripper/booty thing, but Jenna impressed me. I wonder if any of the contestants will be added to Derek's tour, or JLo's act.
  15. Thanks for the info MrAtoz. I've posted here before about Jeopardy tapings I've been to, my biggest takeaway was Trebek being crude, at least to my young 20-somthing-year-old ears. I don't remember any assistants coming on stage for the players. My coolest memory is the future contestants, all sitting together in the audience, be-bopping and singing along to the Jeopardy theme song when it played. They were having a good time. Others have posted about contestants getting advice during breaks on how to buzz in better if they were having problems. If I were ever on this show, I would require a full staff of at least 20 people, then a cart to wheel my body out after taping ended. And a box of Kleenex for the reason proserpina65 just posted!
  16. I beg to differ. When he was running for office, all anyone talked about was Bedtime for Bonzo, and there were tons of jokes about it. Yeah, we all know the line "Win one for the Gipper" but Bonzo, for some reason, is top of mind with Reagan's acting career. Well, probably because Reagan played second fiddle to a chimp. There's that. I've been to Notre Dame multiple times, been to South Bend even more times, plus family lived there for a while. I've been everywhere in Indiana as a matter of fact. I live minutes from where Reagan was born/grew up. He worked here as a broadcaster before he went off to be famous. Still, I thought Bonzo so said Hollywood. I need to look up where Professor Reagan worked while he did the Bonzo study. That'd be hilarious if it was Notre Dame. "I am not alone!" Saber cried! I saw that and was going to comment on it, then couldn't remember if it was for Jeopardy or some other show so didn't. So (heh) thanks for the confirmation that it is indeed Jeopardy. I find it very interesting since otherwise we viewers (well, make that I) think contestants stand around shuffling feet during commercial breaks while Trebek gets his makeup refreshed. I appreciate your behind-the-scenes insight MrAtoz. Thanks.
  17. This is pretty common from what I've read from other contestants, all of whom were recruited to be on the show. I wonder how many people actually stand in line and get to do a cold audition. Maybe those "joke" acts that get the buzzer are locals, they let them in as fodder. Or maybe they are recruited too, from Bad Acts Inc. That way the show has total control over every season.
  18. Yeah, South Bend is super simple if you knew "Knute Rockne - All-American" premiered on that date. But that's two Kevin Bacons away from the right answer. The movie could have been "Hellcats of the Navy" (explains Iwo Jima IMO), "King's Row" or "Bedtime for Bonzo" if one didn't know when those movies came out. So I just said "Hollywood." Ronald Reagan was born and grew up a few miles from me and STILL I said Hollywood. (I guessed that's where Bonzo lived although maybe he/she -- Peggy played Bonzo -- was an Indiana chimp.) FJ was a classic case of IEIYKI. Kyle and Shawn both got GFYs. Double drinks on the house. Frankly my dear, I've never heard of gold fever as a saying or phrase. To me that's like saying I have burger fever when I'm hungry, or movie fever when I want to see a flick. Just two words put together but not a "real thing." I would have been good with any of the three winning today, but was sort of happy when Kyle won again. I guess I like him. Must have something to do with WHERE HE LIVES, right Carpe? I did get a laugh out of Kit Carson Kennedy though, so I was right along with some of you guys. Long live Kit Carson! And yeah, a doll is not a marionette.
  19. LOL! Too bad it's not all over the news here so people who aren't on PTV would know she's already a famous singer. Although I guess if you aren't famous in America, you're not famous anywhere. *cough*
  20. That's no problem since TPTB will be telling him who to keep, who to send home. He just has to read the names off at the rose ceremonies. Without laughing. I hope it's a mess too, which would at least make it minutely interesting. I knew what was happening with Colton when Tia all of a sudden decided she still "had feelings for" Colton so Becca would send him home. Then the BIP Tia/Colton stuff was so scripted and fake. That's why Colton's eyes never match his words, he doesn't even believe what he says. But Becca had to come all the way to BIP to console him, then Tia had to be there, all so Colton could be set up as the poor virgin who kept getting his heart broken, making him the "perfect" bachelor. Yeah, right. Whatever.
  21. She can use AGT's $1 million bucks to buy throat spray while she rests on her private island after winning this show. Great post. Thanks for the insight and filling us in on what goes on IRL. I might like (or dislike) some of these people more (or less) if I were able to attend a live taping and see/hear everyone in person. Lucky you!
  22. Or at least wash that white tee shirt with the stretched out neck he's so fond of.
  23. I just saw Ray Liotta's Chantex commercial which reminded me that none of the three had ever seen Goodfellas or Shades of Blue, my favorite tv show for the last three years. (RIP Favorite Show.) Ray Liotta ROCKS.
  24. I wouldn't have since I didn't have a clue about the answer. Not even a good (or bad) guess. *waves at Ib60*
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