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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I buy the ticket (or my company does), the jetway goes out and sticks onto the side of the aircraft, door opens, I get on the plane and find my seat. I wouldn't know an airbus from a 747. Go figure it would be a Jeopardy category. I was hoping the M & Emmys category would be about Marshall Bruce Mathers III.
  2. I cannot believe Trebek has ever read any Vonnegut, and I have to agree completely with Alex that the author's works ARE humorous. No, not knee-slapping gaw-faw hilarious but sly, clever, witty and oh, so smart. Kilgore Trout is my favorite literary character. I still think about him crossing the creek flowing with chemicals from the factory dumping into it, and coming out the other side with his legs and feet encased in plastic (Breakfast of Champions). I also own Venus on the Half Shell, and ever since that's what I call the Botticelli painting. I know, I know, Vonnegut did not write VotHS, but my man Kilgore Trout (*cough*) did. I laughed at myself because my brain came up with Old Yeller. Talk about being off base.
  3. Only until all the puppies have been handed out.
  4. So much this. I'm increasing irked with woman who play the helpless little-girl ticket, plus I'm getting sensitive about so many woman players appearing as cannon fodder. I would keep track of this, but it would be too depressing. I need a female Brad Rutter.
  5. Hopefully, you do not see NSF often. The J way is boo hiss. You sister is obviously confusing hiss boo with siss-boom-bah. As are many of us here. Good (for you) one! I've never seen DW since I don't have one nor do any acquaintances. SO, however, is used frequently in my circle of friends. Of course, THAT can't be a clue.
  6. Then I hope you watched The American Music Awards last night since Shawn performed. And to bring up an old name from way back on this thread, so did CardiB. The show needed to have you do a video clue for FJ. You know, like they did with Pink, Gwen and Shawn. Let's get on that!
  7. If he had, maybe I could have answered it. All I got was Leroy Neiman Marcus. I thought the redwood clue was worded weirdly, which is why Alex (and I) answered Sierra Nevada. Every day this show proves I'm getting dumber and more stoopid.
  8. Jeezum, I'd like to attend your next mini-mingle if that's okay with you.
  9. Kids watch this show? And kids so young that they have an 8 p.m. bedtime? And those kids would vote? Surprising, if true. I view DWTS as more of an "old(er) person" show. Not that they can't appreciate a 17-year-old's talent. By older, I mean people old enough to decide for themselves when they go to bed.
  10. There is a joke in there, but I'm not going to be the one to say/write it. Still, made me laugh.
  11. Ken Jennings retweeted this from ClickHole. It made me LOL. It also made me follow ClickHole.
  12. By the middle of Juan Pablo's dance, I was all, okay, this show can end. Give this guy the mirror ball NOW. Yowza, I was mesmerized. Me likee that very much. I give it a 10 also. Or more. Meanwhile, I knew Joe's memorable year would be when he "found love" because that's what all the Bachelor contestants say. I has to be in their contracts. I wish he would have said something else. ANYTHING else. My private opinion is ABC got him back with Kendall so he could do DWTS to fulfill his contract to the people who currently own him. They'll be splitsville once their allotted time is up. I liked hearing Evanna's story, it moved her up IMO. She seems to be an underdog with voters and judges so I was glad she did well. Mary Lou's story/dance made me cry. Maybe because I remember her as that tiny girl winning gold as I was glued to the tv during those Olympics. Life isn't easy when your goals are reached at such a young age, then you are left with ... nothing. Sad to see Nancy go. I liked her and her story. But it sounds like she is going back to a nice life, so good on her. Bobby Bone's story surprised me. And this time he wasn't the douche he's been previously. I wonder which Bobby Bones we'll see next week. I've listened to his radio show and he's just a normal guy on it, so his OTT on this show is something from I don't know where. I think I liked the other dances okay but was only sort of half way watching. I was glad to have less Erin and more Tom though. Erin just bugs the heck out of me. And WTH with the Val/Janna stuff. We know, we know, they're engaged. Gah.
  13. I hadn't thought of that as a prize, but THANKS! for the idea! Oprah voice: YOU get a puppy, YOU get a puppy, YOU ALL get puppies! Yeay! I've now increased contest winners to an even dozen. Plus a few "participation" prizes.
  14. I did the same last night! It was so fun. Plus the movie The Third Man is in the queue to play, all 1-1/2 hours of it. Orson Wells!
  15. I meant to say the same thing. Yes, VOTE. Tomorrow is the last day to register to vote in many states. Thanks to today's episode, I found out Cynthia Nixon lost her election. After that clue was revealed, I thought they could have gotten rid of all the extraneous words and just written "This is the capital of Indiana." Or to make it tougher, "This Midwestern capital is the name of its state with 'polis' added to the end." Got a laugh out of the woman player who, after Trebek said she had an advantage with FJ being about "art," said "it really wasn't." I hate when they announce a category, then the clue is never about that subject. I'm starting to get touchy about woman players who consistently get beaten by men. What's up with that.
  16. I wonder if show PAs are reading here. Or there are ghosts in the machine. Either one works for me. p.s. I got the J6 Cristiano Ronaldo answer correct given he was charged with rape a couple days ago and Juventus is not happy.
  17. Yeah, that famous Sting song. I can hear it now in my head. I can listen to Sting while reading the Nicholas Sparks book with the same name.
  18. Open-ended travel vs. Final Jeopardy Contest. Ah, let me think about that ... NEVER! Enjoy your travels and stop in to see us so we can "go with" you vicariously, the only way I get to travel these days. You can still play, however, by answering the questions posted here in a late-player catch up. I refuse to "close" your account!
  19. I agree, I love The Third Man Theme and can hear it in my head, but I couldn't come up with zither. Hey, at least your Jeopardy week is going well. One out of a bunch is still one. Chin up, Pooh Bear.
  20. @GreekGeek, I stopped playing J6 when it went wacky on me, repeating Monday's game every day from Wednesday on, plus telling me "time's up" after I chose the correct answer and therefore counting me wrong. It just got to be a waste of time. But I played just now and all the answers came up correct, including "hush puppies" and "A Man For All Seasons." I'm glad the game has transferred its hate from me to you.
  21. At least Justinian is one of the images. I never knew marble images of lawmakers were over that door, so I was thinking they must be pics of supreme court justices. You know, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas. So my answer was Jesus. He's in the Bible, right? I did think of God since I figure he's the one who wrote the tablets that Moses found. But I went with Jesus since God never showed up on Earth. That I know of anyway. I since have looked up the images. And now I know.
  22. Got you recorded SHD. Don't give up ... there could be a prize for someone who misses more than your contest host. Hey, a prize is a prize, right?
  23. Yes, you do get a "like" once your score is recorded. Thanks for posting this since I not only missed recording you, I missed three others as well. Gah. Ya'll are now in. Like Flynn. For Week 4 I'm still missing @Brookside, @GrannySmith, @JeezumCrow, @The Wild Sow and @Toothbrush. Players @SHD, @Mystery Author and @Kathira appear to have given up. You guys can still play catch up though, just ask me which weeks are missing and you can get late totals in. I realize people do have real lives. Well, some of us. There is no deadline. We're all friends here. Well, some of us. ETA: Brand new players are welcome too! Just jump in and post your past week scores. Great prizes are being awarded. You could "be a contender!"
  24. I love your post and the analogy. I will watch Adam with different eyes Monday. Maybe he will fall down! That would rock. AND go viral. (TM Doug) Yes. The player (was it Adam?) was hard pressed to come up with any name after he won the buzz-in, then pulled Dreyfus out at the last second. I think he would have blanked if asked BMS. I've never heard her called just Dreyfus before, on anything anywhere, it's always Louis-Dreyfus if not her full name. And yes, right away I thought of Richard Dreyfuss. The clue did stipulate a woman though. But then there's always Tootsie if one wants to throw gender (or sex!) into the mix. I think most of us forgot there WERE other TSs besides wrestling (and yes, we got it because of the wink-wink nudge-nudgeness of the clue) so thanks for listing these. I remember listening to how Trebek pronounced Simon Bolivar. There is a city named Bolivar in Missouri; it's pronounced BAH-lah-ver. About the Wilder clue/answer from the other day: Do you think they would have accepted Laura Ingalls as the answer? That was my reply given that I'm currently watching S1 of Little House where Laura is about 10 years old.
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