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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. You'll get an asterisk by your name. You know, like Barry Bonds got in MLB. Just let me know!
  2. This made me laugh. And also made me want to thank you for all the fish. (No, I don't have a mustache.) By covering the holes in the wall?
  3. Weeks one and two FJs are posted here so you can play w/o seeing the episode. I did not post the answers but I have them if you need to verify/check. Only total corrects per week are recorded for the prizes. Four prizes right now ... maybe more will be added?
  4. I have penny loafers that I wear when I mow the grass. No pennies though. We used to put dimes in them back in "the day" so we could call home/for a ride if we had to bail on a date. You know, when there were payphones. So Trebek announces that the Big Tournament of Former Champions is going to be "more exciting than the World Series." I beg to differ, Trebek, if the Cubs are involved. There is nothing on any tv station that will be more exciting than that. So many TSs. I got Buster Brown (yeah, I remember those shoes AND Buster's bug-eyed dog Tige), Sad Sack (there were Sad Sack comics that I bought for a dime. Another reason to put dimes in your penny loafers.), albatross, alpinist and Diamonds Are Forever (Bond fan here, books and movies). Two GFYs, both to the woman player. I'm going to start storing up the drinks. As a dues-paying member of the proletariat, there is no way in ech-e-double-hockey-sticks I would ever get any question about royalty. Can't tolerate any of them. Bunch of free-loading wankers.
  5. I'm questioning the order in which the teams were picked as Alex Jacobs has tweeted he was the first one chosen, so that means Buzzy went first, not Colby. I tend to believe the guy who was there!
  6. Great story; thanks. Such a sensitive ear has to be kind of a curse though. Imagine watching these competition tv shows where contestants play the guitar. I guess the solution to that is, don't watch. Wow to you people who know what Segovia looks like. It's good Jeopardy didn't show his photo (Ore-Ida!) or I wouldn't have been able to answer. Well, except for "it's THAT guy!"
  7. I dated guitar players in college. Not as cool as studying in Spain though.
  8. This made me laugh because: So true. Except maybe this time the show will be up front about where the contestants came from. It will be interesting to see if those who appeared on AGT before will be revealed as winners in other countries.
  9. Thanks Arms. So Simon, what are your plans for continuing to promote Ketterer now? Inquiring minds want to know.
  10. Looking up more about Ketterer's arrest, I came across this from Fox News: "The father of six children was a fan favorite of judge Simon Cowell who suggested to country singer Garth Brooks that he should mentor Ketterer and possibly collaborate with him in the future. "Ketterer got his wish on Wednesday during the show's second finale episode when Brooks joined him on the "AGT" stage and the two performed a song called "Courage to Love," which Brooks wrote for the aspiring artist." Fox needs a fact checker. A judge doesn't have a "fan favorite," it's just "favorite." And even though I watched the entire episode, I totally missed seeing Garth Brooks and Ketterer singing together. I recall Simon telling Brooks he needed to write a song for Ketterer, not to "mentor" or "collaborate" with him. I really missed a lot I guess.
  11. I was the one who posted I wouldn't be surprised if Child Welfare found some of those zillion adopted kids chained to boxes in Ketterer's basement, and also posted again after the finale that he's not such a nice guy IMO. I don't remember anyone else speaking out against Saint Michael besides me. I waited weeks before posting those comments as I anticipated a big blow back. I've just known too many self-righteous Born Again Christians who were born again with severe birth defects. I'm obviously not a fan, but I saw an interview (Extra?) where the hosts said Tyra's announcing Michael being voted off in her Oprah voice: "and leaving now in fifth place is Michael KET-TER-TERRRRRRRRRR!" made it sound like he had won that round so yeah, he looked confused. But I wasn't looking at the tv when it happened so this is just spec based on Tyra's Oprah impersonation. However, his announcement that HIS CONCERT at Notre Dame was SOLD OUT (no mention of Garth) after that makes me think my statement above is too nice. Yeah, the guy expected to win the whole thing. Jackass. I hope Garth cancels him. Although now I'm worried about those kids in his basement since his halo and angel wings have been repo'd. If you have ever been given one, you know what a "red mark" is. But trust me, you really do NOT want one of your own. Note that Wikipedia can be edited by different people which is why those judges keep changing. Some people are having some fun with it. And now, here's AGT's Million Dollar Winner SHIM LIM on Access:
  12. I didn't have a clue it was a joke. But I've never seen any episodes of Friends so what do I know. I got the TS of Segovia; surprised no one else here did. Or said they did anyway. Also got War and Remembrance. To the poster who asked how Trebek pronounced turquoise, he said it the American way: tur-koise. I'm pumped about it. It occurred to me that I don't know a fraction of the players having never seen them before. Yes, most were Before My Time, including Ken Jennings. I used to listen to Jeopardy on my radio at work when stations were analog but never knew who any of the players were, I just listened to the clues/answers and paid no attention to names or winners. So nearly all of these brainiacs will be new to me. Looking forward to it. I love me some smart people. It occurred to me that ectoplasmic hands would have better control over Etch-A-Sketch knobs than human ones so yeah, a ghost could use that infernal contraption toy to communication. I guess.
  13. Thanks SuperCam. The FB video won't play for me, OF COURSE. Looks like captains picked in order of least money won to most, correct? I would have picked Alex, Matt and Alan ... except I couldn't have three players. (Except I need them.)
  14. DXD526, you are in a Winning Position. All is good!
  15. I forgot about this so got to the FB draft page just as it finished. Can't find the teams listed anywhere. If anyone knows, please post since it's old news now. Nothing on Ken Jennings' or Alex Jacobs' Twitter accounts. Or jeopardy.com.
  16. "Oooh, look at all these beads, how they shine. Want to trade your island for them? Deal? Deal!" I'm reclusive and I'm not anywhere near 103. I can respect him for that! But good to know he's still alive. May he stay that way.
  17. Here are FJs for week two: 6. 20TH CENTURY NOVELS. "I'VE KILLED MY BROTHER" IS SAID NEAR THE END OF THIS 1952 BOOK WITH A BIBLICAL TITLE & A PLOT ECHOING A BIBLICAL STORY. 7. Animal Characters. Items bought by this predator: iron bird seed, an iron carrot, earthquake pills & dehydrated boulders. 8. 18th Century Americans. In a famous 1775 speech, he said, “Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston!” 9. Folklore. In legend, he called all the animals together but only 12 came, including a rat & a dragon. 10, COLOR ETYMOLOGY. THIS WORD FOR A GEM & A SHADE OF BLUE DERIVES FROM THE NAME OF A EURASIAN COUNTRY FROM WHICH GEMS CAME TO W. EUROPE. We have 24 contestants so far but people can still get in to play. Just post your total for each week here and I'll get you logged in. I've updated everyone who has posted week two results above but am missing these players: Brookside, DXD, Fex, GoodQueen, lb60, JeezumCrow, Kathira, M.Darcy, Sharpie, TheWildSow and WhineWithWine. It's still early and all players haven't posted but two are in contention for top score. Four and five are the most popular totals; those players are in contention for those two additional surprise prizes! ETA: Totals posted in the Season 35 thread won't be acknowledged. Post them here please.
  18. I was gone for today's game, but looked up FJ and saw today was Kyle's last day. I've not posted a single word about him after his first win so as not to jinx him because he is one of my very favorite contestants ever. At least I'll see him again in ToC, so there's that. It's saying something when someone lasts seven games and isn't obnoxious or smarty pants or resorts to dancing and miming. Plus he always looked nice, tie or no tie, and was a gentleman. And smart. All that together is amazing in my book. FJ was a given since that is my birth stone plus I collect turquoise jewelry. Whenever I'm in Arizona, that's all I shop for in towns, trading posts and in Navajo Nation. I'm obsessed with it. I also make jewelry so have a bin full of turquoise. I do know it comes from Asia in different grades since I purchase the stones through dealers. But I like me some good old Native American southwestern U.S.A. turquoise the best. Just because I knew FJ doesn't mean anyone else should so I cut slack to all three players today. If they knew all that is in my brain, they never would have been accepted as J! contestants. So: Good (and lucky) For Them. *drink* I have to watch today's episode to see where Catahoula came in. Not the infamous Catahoula Cow Hog Dog? I'll find out! ETA: Herman Wouk is one of my favorite authors. I LOVE his books. My mom got them through her book club, and I read them all, even though I was too young to be doing that.
  19. I've been thinking much too seriously about this. I could see on Kyle's face that he knew Noah was wrong, but at least he took a stab at it. It was the only name I could come up with too. If one dwells on it, Budhha "calling all the animals together" is pretty bogus in itself, because ... really? And only 12 came? Alrighty then. I guess Budhha's got no street cred in the animal world. The answer could be Merlin because Game of Thrones has dragons. GoT is imaginary and so are the dragons. Yet Budhha got dragons to come when he called? Yeah, right. Another wrong answer could have been George R.R. Martin. Like I said, I've put too much thought into this. But good on Noah for getting more animals to come when he called than Budhha did. Noah gets my Good For You *drink*.
  20. No! That puts you in contention for one of the prizes!
  21. Because Courtney can't sing and either screams or screeches in between any notes/words she does hit, I can't see her being a recording "artist" or ever played on the radio. Her schtick is her epileptic seizures and hair flinging on stage. I'd never heard of The Struts, but I'd pay to see them. Courtney? NEVER. Nice catch on that. I wonder if it's a mistake.
  22. This made me laugh. So thanks for that. I thought it was pretty funny when he sauntered off then hurried back. I totally missed this since I wasn't looking at the tv. Which is essential if one wants to see what's happening. I need to watch the ep again online. Now my brain hurts thinking about this. First the bogus "vote for the beard" thing when beard was already gone, then the removal of it piece by piece during show breaks so each "day" Trebek looks different. WTH. Maybe even Trebek is embarrassed by how ridiculous it was which is why he didn't mention it. Look at me, giving credit to AT! Give Mr. Author a Good For You Mate for standing up for Merino sheep everywhere, especially in Australia. If I were a dead person trying to communicate via Etch-A-Sketch, I'd turn into one of those hateful angry murderous ghosts. E-A-S is a real PITA if one tries to make it create anything one can recognize, especially words. After a lot of swearing and lights going on and off, this ghost would have smashed it to smithereens and pulled out the classic stand by, the ouiji board. Although it is an interesting book plot device ... as long as the reader never tried to use one.
  23. Correction: Bucky got TWO GFYs. *drink drink* I had an Etch-A-Sketch and played with it constantly. And was constantly frustrated that I could never make mine do straight lines like the one on the commercials. So I dumped the Etch-A-Sketch, went to art school and got a BFA. Same here. I love Chinese food and always look at the place mats ... when the place has mats. Have never seen/heard the story of Buddha summoning the animals. I have a problem with Bucky's answer of "wool" being ruled correct when the clue was something like "When the first Merino one of these arrived ..." (Maybe someone can find the actual wording of the clue.) Merino is a breed of SHEEP. Plus wool doesn't "arrive." Sheep do. Once the sheep is there, then the wool can be removed. I think Trebek was liking Bucky. Maybe he's in that LA gang Bucky flashed the sign for.
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