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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I remember when all the tabloids came out with pictures of Fat Tyra, and she freaked. She then came on Oprah's show wearing a bikini (albeit a more "modest" one than chicks wear today) and paraded around to prove SHE IS NOT FAT. I took her "ain't she beautiful" to be more about "hey, be nice to this fat person and thank goodness it's not me, I look great, I'M NOT FAT, she is."
  2. Same thing happened to me on a tv though. My tv did the same, and I was thinking "Oh, crumb, I have to get up and move the antenna." When it came back on, I figured it was my old tv, box and antenna spazzing. Now I wonder if they did do/say something ... naughty. I was waiting for Simon to tell BTS to "step it up" for their next performance. The same with the acrobat group. AGT had contestants doing all those same things but they needed to "step it up" and add more danger next time. Go figure. I was glad Brian King Joseph went through. I like his hair. But GAH! Simon told him to STEP IT UP next time!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Category: Words that begin with "O" Clue: Austin Rogers and Lori would have this kind of children. Answer: What is OBNOXIOUS. Thank the many gods that Kyle, dressed well and showing decorum, pulled it off at the end to put me out of my Lori misery. But what's up with Trebek giving that third contestant all kinds of heck and grief about her putting an "e" on the end of Guillotin but he said nothing to Kyle or Trebekian Sweetheart Lori when they did the same. I think Trebek hated her because she didn't "keep up" like he thought she should so he gave her a public ragging. I was thinking her "greenmarket" should be correct. Even though I was surprised when it was. Meanwhile in other news, jeopardy.com continues to show me Monday's FJ and J6. That's on Firefox. Safari refuses to even load jeopardy.com at all. WTH show.
  4. So much THIS. That would make me SSSOooooooooo happy. And that's something I never imagined myself saying .. or writing. I'm not a Colton fan, but Jordan went from being "eh" IMO to being my fav on BIP and afterward. And now, such grace in his online posting. Yeah, I'm all "Joe Who?" now. Bring on Jordan. For anything, ABC. And yeah, just what is Jenna's job that's so important?
  5. That last sentence just qualified you as the funniest comedian on AGT this season. Well, PTV AGT anyway. So thanks for a real laugh, something I'd not found on this entire season until now.
  6. Loan me your entire computer. The Jeopardy.com site insists on replaying Monday's game (with only two answers on my monitor) and showing Monday's FJ for me. I guess Trebek heard I hate his beard. Right now I hate him, too. Or at least his dumbass IT guys who screwed up what used to be a good/fun thing. ETA: Thanks though, Opus, for trying to help.
  7. Here's what J6 looks like on my 20-in. desktop monitor, plus it's stuck on Monday's game. So is the NYT FJ.
  8. I was starting to like Rick so was bummed that Lori won, especially since she looks AND ACTS exactly like a person with whom I used to work -- and disliked intensely. She was ingratiating and all about herself, being flamboyant so people would like her while she did ... let's say ... not-so-nice things. Even down to the dancing and arm waving, this chick is my former co-worker's clone. FJ was stupidly easy again for me. Perhaps since my profession is "design" maybe? Plus I studied Bauhaus in college and there is also a (very old) font family named Bauhaus. Still irked about that stupid J6 that refuses to display all three answers, then tells you "time's up, you loser."
  9. She even looks like she's had "work" done to make her look even more like Monroe. Sort of creepy. BTW, it's spelled Gustavsson in Swedish, not "Goose-stafon." I've forgotten why I don't like Chris. I also didn't recognize Benoit. Here today, gone tonight I guess works for these people. LOL at CH being shocked that Kendall went to Chicago since there was a film crew in place waiting for her "arrival." Count me as another disappointed one that Joe "took her back." There has to be more to the DWTS hookup than CH arranging for Joe to spend time in LA. So bogus.
  10. I guess I saw him leaning but it didn't register nor did I care since I'm with you on the back-problem thing. That tie, however, I noticed that sartorial faux pas immediately. There is no excuse anywhere for that.
  11. I wonder if other couples passed on the feather/blindfold the PAs had for them or if Chris/Krystal was their first choice for such creepiness.
  12. I was going to comment that Krystal looked like she'd put on 15 lbs. when she appeared in that outfit, then decided it was rude and snarky of me. So I didn't.
  13. I LOVE this post. Thanks for much for the visuals. GI Joe for the win!
  14. I know I didn't get smarter over the summer, but hokey smokes, that was one easy game AND toddler FJ. Question: Why wear a tie if you are going to loosen it so it hangs around your neck like you just put in a 20-hour day beating the deadline of getting the newspaper on the press. Invincible, plus no one knows where the states are on the U.S. map? WTH people. That's grade-school stuff. So (ha) the one contestant didn't say a word to Stephen Colbert and Trebek awards that with a "Good for you"? I guess we all needed a drink after the long break. Meanwhile, I have a legit bitch about the new J6. Now it fills the entire screen, so much so that the third answer goes OFF the screen so it's impossible to play. And I have a 20-in. monitor. WTH show. Why fix something that wasn't broken? I vote a BIG NO to the beard. Except I dislike Trebek anyway so the lazy-ass disgusting beard fits how I feel about him. And it does hide his face-lift scars.
  15. When Jordan said he had one thing to tell Jenna, I thought for sure it was going to be that he's gay. That would have been awesome. Although not as awesome as lightning striking me for thinking that. OMG, I just saw TIA on the preview for tomorrow. Please, lightning strike me now.
  16. Ha ha to the close up of the kielbasa sausage as Kamil and Annaliese head to bed. I guess there are no trains on the Mexican beach.
  17. Krystal just said marriage isn't something she ever thought she would do. And that's why she's on The Bachelor and BIP. Right.
  18. I know. What's up with that? Do these guys sign contracts that if they don't get engaged on the show they can't date IRL? Ha ha ha, Jordan is steaming his shirt wrinkles.
  19. I hope not, he deserves better, like someone who will actually LISTEN to him. But I think you might be correct about the engagement. To which I say UGH, poor Kevin.
  20. I think it's the stipulation that you have to get engaged the morning after that is bringing the tears. It'd do the FS, and sneak out pre-dawn to the airport before anyone saw me. Kevin needs to be the Bach U.S. version.
  21. WHAT? They make you pick out a ring and GET ENGAGED if you choose the FS? WTH show.
  22. WTHeck, I'd take the FS with whatever dude I was with. Air conditioning, soft big bed, A DOOR! a shower, room service ... I'm all about that after spending a week in some sand-flea-filled open-air bunk bed surrounding by morons. Jenna looks old enough to be Jordan's mom.
  23. Maybe after DWTS Joe can be The Bach. It took a while for Arie. I just hope Joe and Kendall haven't gotten together since BIP ended. I guess we'll find out on ATFR if that's what it's called. Is everyone suppose to give a speech now before they hand out the rose? Ugh. Based on what I've seen of Venmo in Paradise, I'd pick Diggie.
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