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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I had forgotten Kevin and Benoit were on Bachelorette Canada. I just remember them from Winter Games, and got a huge crush on Benoit there, I thought he was so sweet declaring his love for Claire who would never find love. Kevin hooked up with Ashley I on WG though, right? Which instantly made him a NOT favorite until this past week on BIP. Now he's the tops. I guess I need to take some vacas in The Great White North.
  2. Let me add to the Chris backlash. First, the guy freaking WAKES ME UP when it's pitch black outside under the guise of he has this fantastic date he set up JUST FOR ME! Then he wants me to teach HIM something, do something FOR HIM? Yeah, that's a great big NOT fantastic date. I'm a designer so I equate it to some guy I've known for a few days wakes me up in the dead of night, leads me to my computer and asks me to create a logo ... FOR HIM. Chris deserves whatever backlash he's getting plus more. Yeah, I love my work but screw you if you want a free logo that's all about YOU. Bite me. Backformore hit it on the head with the Seinfeld ep about Jerry expecting to get free massages from his masseuse girlfriend. Only he didn't wake her up in the middle of the night saying he arranged a special date for her so she could give him a massage. Even Jerry wasn't THAT big of a tool. So embarrassing walking into a quinceañera, a private event, with no tip-off from TPTB that's where you're going. So rude. Plus my guess is most of the guests didn't speak English. AWK-ward. I hope the family was well-compensated by Fleiss. And our BIP couple didn't eat and drink everything meant for real guests.
  3. No kidding to all of the above. Except I would have walked out with a big "Oh, HELLS no" if TPTB sent me into that private family-and-friends event. Although I guess that would mean no rose for me as PAs set up the next newcomer to steal "my date." I hope the birthday girl (and family) got a big check from ABC.
  4. I guess mileage varies on this one. I think he's already an entitled little brat who needs to be kept out of the limelight or he's going to grow up to be a mega tool jackass. Except I think it's too late. That the crew had to turn off the mic he insisted on talking into in spite of being told "no" spoke to that. No kidding. Same here. I wish the singers would go somewhere else. Except they aren't good enough for AI or The Voice. Hans was such a breath of fresh air. If he replaced Tyra, that would solve two problems I have with this show: Hans going home and Tyra still being there.
  5. That's a refreshing way to look at it since Jubilee was my favorite too. My fun watching BIP (and The Bach) revolves around coming here for the posts. If you guys weren't here, I'd be doing something else with my life. Gah, that makes me look so sad ...
  6. Seems I remember Jordan doing the same thing a couple episodes back. So that makes two men dirt bags in Paradise. I suspect there are more. Heck, right now the only guy I like is Kevin. As for the women ... I don't like any of them. GAH! Because I was in the No BIP Weather Zone last night (even the weather person complained on air that SHE was missing BIP too after the station kept getting complaints while tornadoes touched down around us), I missed the hot-dog thing, What happened? I have some Nathan's dogs and need to know if I should put one on the cooker or leave them in the freezer.
  7. People who got sent home night one of The Bachelor get invited to BIP? How does that even work? How does anyone get invited to BIP anyway? Do they just ask TPTB to pretty please put them in paradise? Inquiring minds want to know. Yeah, I'd read the script TPTB gave me for the 14 (or 11) days for that cash. I could be a famewhore easy. LOL at the clips of Colton (and Tia, ugh) exercising after reading the article where he said he gained 12 lbs. during BIP. That's a pound per day!
  8. Wow, I don't even know who Angela is. Thanks for the info on the Kevin date. Sounds sweet, even if it was probably all some PA's idea. I pictured the TV being a cardboard picture like on the front of a Motorola box. But the sticks framing the sunset was romantic. The FS date, I'd take that for sure. Air conditioning? Yes please.
  9. Details, please! Both of those guys I like. Especially Kevin after last night.
  10. My sympathies. We're still tracking tornadoes here. Weather even preempted the final Wheel of Fortune spin, so you know it's serious. Although then it was just "IT'S GOING TO RAIN!" I don't foresee BIP coming on my teevee at all tonight. *sigh* And when the pleasures in my life are so few ... Meanwhile, my comments w/o seeing this ep: I *heart* Benoit. And: If anyone wants 60/40, they deserve him.
  11. It's all weather all the time here on my tv so I'm counting on you guys to keep me posted on what's going on. I was looking forward to the Leo/Joe smack down. Or which ever guys were suppose to duke it out tonight. (Short-term memory loss here, at least as far as this show is concerned.)
  12. Lucky you. I wish I were. Now I want Kevin for next Bachelor.
  13. They both make celibacy a great option IMO.
  14. Tune in tomorrow night to find out. Previews promise a big blow out. Which means probably nothing happens.
  15. So much YES to all of the above. A zillion times YES to both.
  16. Leo = The Self-Proclaimed Sheriff of Paradise. He just got there but he knows all the rules. Here's a cheer/toast to Leo being convicted in his sexual assault case. Some of this BIP hot-head video will be great in court to show what a "great guy" he is. NOT.
  17. Leo just said the most hilarious line: "Karma's a bitch, man." Yeah, that karma's getting you good, isn't it, it even got you fired from your job you jackass dickwad.
  18. So Leo's okay with macking on multiple women yet it's not okay to tell the women he's doing that. Alrighty then. Now Colton is getting the THs as the brains of this outfit.
  19. Checkmate, yes. At least that's a WAS your roommate.
  20. Benoit for The Bachelor. Finally, a Bach who wears glasses and the girls can carry him around on dates.
  21. Kevin's in therapy? Well, good for him. But I guess hooking up with Ashley I will do that to a guy. I think I kinda like Kevin now. Not crazy about his choice in women though. I went to school with a guy named Smelly.
  22. Say WHAT? Did Venmo John just give Jubilee the Friend Zone talk? Gah, this show. Just when I like someone TPTB ruin it for me. So another tool gets added to the Massive Tool Belt, the 60-40 guy. NO THANKS.
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