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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I will say that Tia and Rage-a-holic Chris are a pretty good match. I dislike them both.
  2. Man, pretty much all of these junior high school boys can go home. Keep Jordan, Venmo, Kenny and Colton (out of spite) send the rest packing. Bring on a fresh bunch. The whole thing is so scripted. I wonder if Tia realizes it's making everyone hate her. No way would I want her around me IRL.
  3. Chris to Tia: "Blah blah blah blah and yada yada." Translation: I need a rose so I can stay and find someone I really want to "get to know."
  4. I missed all the Tia/Colton drah-ma while I was watching a fantastic run on American Ninja Warrior. Yeay for me! But back to BIP: I'd rather have Tia gone than Colton. She's worn out her reality-show 15 minutes in my book. She can get off my tv (and my lawn) now.
  5. LOL at Kevin. He's all bent that Krystal went on a date, now he's "more compatible" with Astrid. Any port in a storm I guess. Tia: "Me and him went on that date." And the Death of Proper Pronoun Usage in this franchise continues ...
  6. I agree Krystal looks good. Too bad I don't like her after whatever season she was on. Which Bachelor/ette season did they go to Lucha Libre? Maybe Krystal watched (or was on?) that season. I'm all about Kenny now. Liked him when he was on B-ette, like him even more now. Hottie McHotness!
  7. KENNY ROCKS! That wrestling date was HEE-larious. Loved it. Finally, something about this show I love.
  8. You have to ask that about this bunch? Bwha ha ha, surely you are joking. (And I just called you Shirley.) I'm liking Jordan, and I never thought I would be saying that. He actually looks good, his hair works well in that humid environment and his non-date was sweet. Plus he asked Annalise about herself without turning the convo back on himself *coughBeccacough* and was interested in and reacting to what SHE said. Holy smokes! Meanwhile, David continues his official role as Asshat Tool. So Yuki knows how to mix drinks ordered in English? Alrighty then.
  9. Thanks Wednesday for clearing up how Cristina got the gun to Harlee. Yeah, redemption for our least-favorite character! I don't like your suggestion that Woz dies, but I think you are correct. That's why he keeps seeing his dead daughter. Plus it puts a real end on this show. At least to Liotta's part in it. Although I'd be all about him coming back as a ghost (like his daughter) to advise his crew.
  10. Wow, for sure Stahl was bat-shit. That was a great scene with him holding the gun on Harlee. I didn't get how Harlee got the gun though. Did Cristina have it in the back of her waistband? It was shown so quickly I couldn't tell, I just knew Harlee got it from her somehow. JLo really rocked that scene and the one afterward in the motel. The only thing that didn't play correctly for me was Cristina's all "whatever" about a man getting shot multiple times, then point blank, and dying in front of her. And being all "you're fine, it's not your fault" to her mom afterward. Yeah, once again Cristina ruins the show. I continue to love Woz. And I LOL'd when he told the captive guy that he was pretty much going to die, then turned out the lights and said something like "Here's a preview of your future," pitch darkness. I thought it odd that Harlee and Cristina went to the same (low-budget?) motel that Cole is in. For a sec I thought they were going to share a room. Yikes! I will miss this show A LOT after next week.
  11. I didn't think she left for good either. She was heading that way down the beach to see what she could find. Later it was said she went to find coconuts. It was broad daylight when the VO said Robbie was feeling abandoned. Maybe I could buy that if it was the middle of night. What happened to that tiny fish the woman/not Robbie caught? (I don't know anyone's name besides Robbie's.) And Robbie was going fishing again. Did they bring fish hooks? What did they use for bait? Inquiring minds want to know. What's up with everyone having a journal? Did TPTB make everyone selected to be on this show write a bunch of personal stuff that can be exploited during the series? Robbie's family/kids couldn't have looked more hateful/disinterested than when he was telling them he was adopted and might have siblings out there somewhere. That was a big "OUCH" scene. In any case, I hope Robbie gets a handle on why he's overeating. Maybe knowing his family/kids suck is one reason for it. Only one person, the woman who found Robbie, thought about calling out/yelling to try to find someone else. I can't imagine that island is so huge that others couldn't hear her calling. I live in the country and on a quiet night I can hear things several miles away. Okay, I know: drama. I think it was arranged for that woman/Robbie to be paired up anyway. I'm interested to see the woman who lives off the grid in Maui. She should be a natural for this show. Got a kick out of Robbie being caught by a riptide and being carried out to the ocean. Good job making it across that inlet anyway Robbie. (fakety fake) So the one guy can't find anything that will burn so he lights someone's journal pages on fire. I name him this show's main jackass. I'd think the smoke from someone's fire would lead others to that person. But maybe not on this show. Well, they did show one guy drinking from water saved in a giant clam shell. And LOL at the guy who was putting plastic bottles on sticks to "lead people to him." That's what I think when I see a bottle on a stick, that it's a sign to "walk this way." Not. Still, this show will be a good summer diversion, and with the network airing it three or four times each week, it's pretty easy to find. But once they all get together and start fighting, I'm out. There's enough of that IRL, I don't need to see it on a tv that I can turn off.
  12. I'm in the minority (maybe a minority of one!) in that I watched to see Isaac, and was disappointed he fell, and on such an "easy" (subjectively easy) obstacle. I was looking forward to seeing him AND all the veteran Ninjas compete in finals. I don't have any problem with him coming back since obviously TPTB wanted him back, and his "I've had this polo shirt since I was 10" was funny, as is his new wholesome Country Club appearance. I see he's back to being a pro climber again as opposed to the restaurant busboy the show made him be for his winning season. I swear on his last run he was shown living in Nashville, and now he's in Chattanooga, a city that makes more sense for a professional rock climber. It's a beautiful area, Chattanooga. I'd rather see Isaac, who can still run a course, than Kasey, who has been promoted non-stop every season yet can't quite cut it any more. And what happened to her pro wrestling gig? She quit ANW but still seems to be there being interviewed every time I turn on this show. I know it takes a while to get to know the new Ninjas, but I still tune in to see my favorites run the entire course and not get a WWWA. I guess TPTB don't agree. It would be fun to have the course Kasey conquered rebuilt for all the women Ninjas to have a shot at finishing now. I'm guessing they all would. Back in the early days, NO ONE made it up the warped wall. Time marches on!
  13. Last night's show was familiar to me, about the man who was obsessed with security cameras, had more than 20 just in his house, plus recorded all the convos in his house. Then his wife "goes missing" and so does all the security video for that period of time. (Of course it comes back on later.) He doesn't report her missing for two days, then doesn't go on the search for her ... while her naked dead body is found under some leaves just a short distance from their house. She didn't take her purse, keys, phone, plus she had to have WALKED away since no vehicle was taken. What person bailing on a marriage does that? I'd drain the bank account, load up my car and take off WITH my phone and ID/credit cards, plus tell my daughter I'm gone. I'd at least put on clothes and shoes and grab my purse. He doesn't go to the funeral or memorial service, then moves. He didn't even pretend he didn't do it or try to cover it up that he was guilty as heck. He doesn't even dump her body somewhere away from their home, like into a river or drainage ditch. But still, it took years to get enough evidence to put him away. While I know kids stay faithful to their parent, how his two daughters couldn't see through his bogus story and therefore testified that he couldn't have killed their stepmom is mind boggling. And his ex-wife being all googly about his "sexy eyes" was just creepy. Maybe this guy has some sort of Svengali effect in real life but it sure didn't come across on my tv. Glad he's put away for good.
  14. I've read posts by past contestants that PAs set them up backstage with a storyline and give them scripted conversations with other performers to support their story. You know, the sob stories that will make America fall in love with them. Performers who want to do their act their own way, wear what THEY want to wear, and say what they want to say don't make it onto the show. The average viewer isn't going to know that singer has 11 albums already, they only know she "gave it all up" for her child. They also aren't going to know about some guy who is already performing on The Strip. Or that most of these people have been solicited to be on AGT based on what they've won in some other country. It doesn't matter to me who wins. It's all about this show making $$ and getting ratings. I just watch to see some interesting acts ... and ignore how stupid the judges seem to be most of the time. Because the show really is all about them, right? I don't feel an alligator sitting in a tank is being exploited. So he's in a tank on stage, nothing is being done to him. At least its view is different than the view in Alligator Park so there's that. He's just waiting for someone to toss him a chicken to eat. Now THAT'S chicken exploitation IMO. Anyone know what happened to Bello Kock's daughter?
  15. I meant to say I loved the Poreotics' costumes. Totally something I would wear. Go ahead and judge me. Lightning is going to strike you for writing that. And me, too, for LMAO when i read it.
  16. I agree that JLo is great in this. She and Liotta together, neither one seem like they are "acting" if you get what I mean. However, I'm not a fan of Drea. I've never seen the actress before and her character is my least favorite (well, maybe Cristina is) on this show. She looks so hard and unhappy and mean and tough, and gives the vibe that she doesn't want to be there. This week I think she smiled once and I was all, hey, maybe she IS nice looking. But I wouldn't watch a show she starred in. I'm shallow and do like my leads to be easy on the eyes. The writing for this show is good too, different from other cop shows, although I admit I never watch them so what do I know. Yet I do watch and love this one. There's always some hook that I don't anticipate.
  17. Everyone who actually looks at the main page of PTV's Jeopardy site, that's who. There are 25 other Jeopardy-topic threads here. 26 if you count this one.
  18. Again I agreed with all the judge decisions except Funkywunks. I liked their routine better than the winner, the theme was a hoot and kept me watching through the whole thing. Watching, smiling and getting a kick out of the Hammer music. Derek said they goofed up a trick, like the guy was suppose to hit a pose but didn't. How did Derek know that? Maybe because the judges see all these routines before the show so they can decide/be told by JLo which ones to vote through? Alrighty then. Marissa and the Heartbreakers at least wasn't so stripper-ish this time, but WTH with JLo dwelling on how hard it is to dance in heels. Since all ballroom women dance in heels, and this year on AGT a group of breaker MEN are dancing in heels. Meanwhile, the "spider/sprinkler" move is so creepy, all it made me think of was demon possession and I expected her to spew green vomit as her back legs danced around her head. Just a big NO to that move unless you're auditioning for the next Exorcist movie. Then the judges encourage the Cubcakes to continue with their stank face mugging. Gah. Stank isn't going to be so cute when they get OLD. Felt sorry for the tapper guy. He was good but no way was he going to beat The Beautiful Jaxon. But he made it this far, so good on him for that. Is Derek required to jump out of his seat and show everyone how to perform some dance move EVERY week? Yeah, I guess he is. I was a big fan of the black-and-white striped pants. They stole the show.
  19. I think that's because, IMO, the Saga of Tia and Colton was manufactured by TPTB to create drama on a boring Bach-ette season and now the plan is to carry over the (fake) drama to BIP.
  20. I had a decision to make last night, to forego (TM-CH) BIP (and AGT) and gofor (TM-Me) a pizza in town last night. Reading here today, I feel like I saw this entire episode. So thanks to everyone who posted, I got pizza AND a show!
  21. No kidding. The heat about knocks me off my chair when they are together, and I'm just watching a tv!
  22. Kimmel just played a hee-larious video of Garret picking the ring from Neil Lane, then ... well, the video goes off the rails a bit, but played more true to me than Garret picking a ring for Becca. Video clip will be online soon.
  23. Rewatched today's FJ and realized if Andrew had been gutsier with his FJ bet, he would have been in the final and not Austin. *sigh* Oh, to things that might have been.
  24. I hate that BS about how the rejected one is "such a great guy" and will "make some woman so happy" and "be a perfect husband." If he was THAT great, you would have picked him. I wish sometime the person would say, "How you held your fork drove me crazy" and "Burping after a meal is so gross" or "I can't stand your hair" and "If you weren't such a lazy ass maybe you would shave one in a while." Stuff like that. You know, stuff she's going to say to Garrett after a couple months of living with him. Or even: "There's nothing wrong with you, I just liked someone else better."
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