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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That's why I knew the answer was apples, so guessed Washington. It's one of the few FJs I've gotten correct. My first thought was matches (Little Match Girl) although I live in farm country and no one grows matches here. The apples thing sparked quite a discussion here about apples being gassed to last longer, and which states grows the best apples. (Answer: All states produce delicious apples, but all apples taste not-so-good after being stored in gas chambers for a year.)
  2. Not to be snooty about it, but I posted that in the Media thread a few days ago. Not obvious. See below. Apples were not in the clue, just that there was a bumper crop of something that people sold on street corners. Florida produces oranges. It was not a bad guess. The person who wrote "Iowa" might have been thinking corn/sweet corn. Side note: Apple trees need a chill to set buds in spring, making that crop difficult for Florida but it can be done using certain varieties.
  3. I respectfully disagree. I don't have cats, I strongly DISLIKE cats, I would never EVER own one, but I love love LOVE the circus cat act. It's my favorite and I hope it wins the whole thing. In contrast, I am a dog person, have many dogs, make a living with dogs, yet I did not like Olathe Dogs at all and thought it was a crock that it won this show. The whole act was common, a duplicate of every other circus dog act in the world. But there you go, different strokes and all. Meanwhile, I HATE the spooky girl. I dislike everything about her and her act. I want to walk up on the stage, grab her by the shoulder and drag her off stage and tell her to go home. AND wash her hair and put a ponytail on it. I got a laugh out of Howie telling Angel he is singing songs not appropriate to his age when Angel only sings in Spanish. I guess Howie is bilingual. Who knew?
  4. He was someone who was ejected first night, I think. He said he was a model (or male model!) and challenged Jordon to a model-off. Someone else here can ID him for you, I am sure, since I didn't remember half of the guys on MTA.
  5. Oh, thanks rur. I totally missed that. Funny how I can watch a show and not catch the most important dialogue. Duh!
  6. I don't know what Stahl's plan is with Harlee. He wants to "heal" her, but tried to get her busted and put in jail? And what's up with Stahl and the FBI lady. She's ... what? to him? And she's all pals with him? I didn't get that at all, except it's creepy. Again I get real heat between Harlee and the guy on the other cop team. Steamy. (No pun intended.) For a journalist, Woz's son is sure fast to believe whatever anyone tells him. What happened to fact checking, dude? So Woz takes a drink and falls to the floor, clutching his back but not moving. Poison? Not a heart attack, he's grabbing the wrong part of his body. Back spasm? What's up with that? Tune in Sunday and find out I guess.
  7. I think I agreed with the judges again this time, except about that 100 perfect score for Charity & Andres. Even I saw several missteps before cutaways to the judges' AMAZED! faces. Even without those slight goofs, I didn't think the routine was "all that." I loved The Lab. I also really liked Alisa & Joseph. Those two were maybe my favs of the night. For both of them I stopped what I was doing to watch and enjoy. All the red lighting really helped The Lab. LilKillaz Crew was boring as was Opus Dance Collective. I vote Opus as the worst of the night. Maybe Royal Flux tied with them for worst, but I quit watching them, they were so boring. And the routines aren't that long! If I start daydreaming during any dance, I know it's not that good. I loved Desi Hoppers too. So that makes three favorites I want to see go to the end. The rest were okay, and I was glad Dragon House stepped it up some from their previous episode. This season I think is better than last, especially now that Eva Igo (ugh) is gone.
  8. All except for that dude in the high waters. What was up with that? Thank you Jordan for calling him out. If that's a new style, I am totally NOT behind it.
  9. To continue the Trebek retirement thing, I found this. Dan Zak is a WaPo reporter I follow. His article is worth reading. And another one that is quite funny.
  10. She also said she was "happy," That would be a hoot if one of these leads said it was a miserable experience and they regret every minute of it. And they are more miserable now, after having endured it, although the travel and the food was excellent, so there's that. You know, told the truth. Although maybe that's what Juan Pablo did I guess.
  11. I recognized Ms. Chisholm, just couldn't bring her name forward. I've been reading about her since her mention on Jeopardy. We could use a Shirley Chisholm now, that's for sure. To use a Trebekian phrase, she was before her time. I'll be busy.
  12. "Nicker" could have been ruled correct. If you had been on that episode and buzzed in first, we would know if the judges agreed. I still stand with my answer of "Wilbur."
  13. I think you mean "deese and dose." That's never stopped this show before!
  14. I heard on the radio this a.m. that he suggested two different announcers, one a sports guy, from LA I think. A young guy. I thought it interesting both were announcers and not celebrity names that have been tossed around here. Then again, the radio host said Johnny Carson didn't get to name his successor so it's doubtful Trebek will get to either. I also doubt any of us will get a say in it although we are free to express our thoughts about it. The link to the upcoming-now-over-with interview is in the Jeopardy media thread. I'm sure the video can be replayed somewhere. Mine too. I can watch it over and over. (There's a joke there somewhere.) I've been to Woodstock many times although I've never done the Groundhog tour. One year on GH Day a tv station ran the movie all day long. Talk about heaven. And "YES" to world peace.
  15. I'm standing right next to you with my NO COLTON sign. I love me some boy next door, but Colton is just too fakety fake. No thanks. But Jason ... OMGosh. Smart, articulate, nice ... he's got my vote. No one else even comes close. What a great interview he did with CH. I don't need to see any more!
  16. I thought it was just us who were all about Grocer Joe. But I guess it was universal that he's a hottie mc hotness. Too funny. He looked so much better tonight, even I thought he was worthy (and I didn't on the show). Cracks me up that he got 10 seconds of air time and he's better liked than any of the others. Including Becca! Ha ha.
  17. But the next segment is Jordan in the Hot Seat! You don't want to miss More Jordan! /sarcasm/
  18. David is all bent about Jordan not "being serious" by wearing the golden underpants Becca gave him. But isn't David the guy who came on this show in a chicken suit? Colton is a creepy jerk. Are these guys TOLD to interrupt each other like a bunch of grade school kids?
  19. Too funny, since I don't remember half of these guys that Chris H. introduced.
  20. That means some delicious Mindthinkr meals! Hooray! I will have to polish up on my Ed Grimley choreography. I already have his hairstyle. If only. Side note: I heard on the radio this morning there is a Halfway to Groundhog Day celebration in Woodstock, Ill., on August 2. They are doing a tour of movie locations, then showing the movie in the park at dark. Here's a flyer. There will be a polka band AND drinks! *DRINK!* (Although it's lemonade.) Too funny the flyer shows a "No Animals Allowed" sign behind the giant groundhog. Meet you guys there? I forgot all about Jeopardy today and only remembered to turn it on for the last few minutes. I guess I don't care all that much.
  21. You are correct sir (Ed McMahon voice). Chuck Forrest invented board hopping, which people somewhere call The Forrest Bounce. Here we just call it PITA. I just read that yesterday looking at Trebek's fav contestants, and Forrest is one. The funny part is, on that page is a quote from Trebek: "The host isn't the star of Jeopardy!...The contestants are." Yeah, right. Here is the pic of Chuck from that web page: I'm okay with watching TOC again since I know Austin LOSES. I didn't mind Buzzy.
  22. I'm for that. I don't know what I'm going to do to avoid working if I can't come here and whittle away my day and accomplish nothing. Besides, I will have forgotten all the answers so the games will be new to me. That guy's 'stache has GOT to go. Maybe it will be gone in the reruns. Like you watch a movie again hoping the ending will be different.
  23. Those are some interesting questions, ones I've never seen addressed on any past season, unless I missed it. Does anyone know how that works? I assume everyone has an overnight packed that PAs take to the FS since we all know by now that night is the FS night. I guess Jason had to wait for PAs to bring his overnight bag back to pack into his main bag(s) for his trip home. I hope they gave him space so he didn't have to do it in the airport lobby. Call me hypocritical AND prissy. I prefer to think the FS dates are used to make out, then talk about real subjects. I think many people might agree with that, considering the heated blowback Nick got when he was rejected as F2 and asked why she had sex with him if he wasn't F1. (I've already forgotten which b-ette that was.) Man, he was the scourge of the earth for saying that. Although maybe that was because Nick said it and was castigated for kissing (and more) and telling. The b-ette didn't seem to catch any heat for it though.
  24. Jerry ... *sigh* my tv boyfriend for one-half hour Friday.
  25. A whinny is NOT a "bray." Hee haw is though. I'm going to keep dwelling on this clue, obviously.
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