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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Congratulations OPUS on your pink post above. 25 likes so far! You win today's Jeopardy Internet.
  2. I didn't know what a Quahog clam looks like so I did a search. Turns out it's just a regular round shut-shelled clam like is found in the Mississippi. No "insides" visible, just the closed round shell that one has to pry open to see the living guy inside. Not sure what you saw on Chopped Clanstarling. What's interesting though, is I came across a story about Ming, the oldest living (well, he was) clam at 507 years of age. Here is the article. Don't worry: There are no gruesome photos.
  3. I know. What a jackass. And obviously not trained well enough to be husband material. I hope she kicks his ass in the next race. LOL. And none of the contestants had ever heard of clamming. So ... there you go!
  4. The contestant (forgot which one) also knew pinniped since that clue was answered, not a TS. I know, since I answered it out loud here, expecting it to be one and was disappointed that it was not. I wrote an article on pinnipeds some years ago and have always liked the word. Go to Seattle and you will be confronted with numerous photos of the geoduck clam. You won't forget that, ever.
  5. I know. That whole "rose ceremony" was so stupid and a huge time waster. Why not just say, "Hey guys, here are your roses. If you want 'em, come'n get'em." She's just following the script that TPTB gave her. She's only the b-ette because of how horrible Ari was to her so that theme has to continue through this weak season where nothing else is happening. I was watching her eyes. She's dead eyed when any of the men are talking, but when the convo turns to how great she is, her eyes light up and she actually SMILES. Otherwise, she just stares at the guy like she's zoned out into some trance. Even when the guy is talking about some major life trauma that has kept his "walls up." I don't know. His marriage with a long-time girlfriend lasted a whopping two months. I don't see him being any more smitten with Becca than anyone else. But personally, I don't care if they last or if Becca even "finds love." I was posting that same thing last night, then the Internet ate my post. Yeah, disease water was all I could think. And no one knew it was some Thailand national holiday? Riiiiiight ... Did he really say that? Gah. I was doing other things while this was on so wasn't paying attention. Sometimes that's the best way to watch/not watch this show. In my experience, that means he is not. I wouldn't say "no one cared." She caught plenty of heat for it, and still does, even though she appears to be back in B-Nation's good graces.
  6. Oh, I wasn't disparaging Thai culture at all, and I certainly wasn't calling it "dull". I was just observing, as @saber5055 had before me, that the date activities were recycled from past Bachelor/ette seasons. Correct. And I'll add that I don't find Thailand dull either, not in the least. But I sure do think some of the people there (*coughbeccacough*) are dull. Still hoping for a recycled elephant ride at the end. For some reason I remember Sean/Catherine doing the elephant ride. Somewhere there has to be a list of F1 proposal rides-into-the-sunset.
  7. Like everyone else, I got Ron Howard, loggerhead and clamming. And FJ. This is the first time in memory that any one of the three could have won and I'd have been fine with that outcome. I like runaways because it lessens my stress when I favor that player, but today I was disappointed since I wanted any one of them to win. By, you know, really coming through with a TOUGH FJ ANSWER. So thanks but no thanks judges for a FJ even I got. If only more contestants/games were like today. You guys should be happy about it too because look ... I don't have anything else to say here. Except see ya'll tomorrow.
  8. YES! I was going to say the same thing. So many dumbasses get on this show.
  9. Arie. *drink* Blindsided *drink* x 2 Oh, vomit. Jason give Becca a scrapbook. Gah. Becca should be like Emily was to Arie and hand it back, unopened. Jason has a bad bowlegged thing going on.
  10. OMGosh, Jason is coming back? Did TPTB make a BIP/you're-the-next-Bach deal with him so he will humiliate himself AGAIN on national teevee? Tell me it ain't so ... Well, I guess we gotta get the drah-ma somehow, somewhere. *DRINK!*
  11. So no one knew today was some Thailand national holiday. Right. I don't care who Becca picks. I don't like either one left, but I don't like Becca either, so whomever she picks doesn't matter. I'm totally NOT invested. She obviously doesn't have the same taste I do based on her sending my favorites home and leaving the ones I consider the drecks. This might be the first time I feel so "whatever" about the final two. If that's true, then why didn't Garrett say he divorced her for that, why does he keep saying she was crazy and screamed all the time. That's nothing like being a cheat. He's throwing her under the bus, at least throw her under the right bus. I hope it's Garrett because he's a white supremacist and a creepy jerk. He deserves Becca while Blake deserves to be set free. How many "Aries" is that? I've lost track, I'm getting tipsy.
  12. If Becca needs this many breaks and has to get away just having a conversation, what's she going to do when she's married and has to face day-to-day problems? Or engaged and there's a disagreement? Oh, I know ... she'll break up with the guy she's engaged to and call her F2. Or wait for ATFR show to do that. Just like, you know, Ari, who BLINDSIDED her. I can understand now why Ari dumped her sorry ass. I can barely stand to watch her for an hour (minus commercials) on tv.
  13. Will the show save $ by rerunning clips of the last time they went to Thailand and went to all the same places? If the engaged couple rides off on an elephant at the end, we'll know. Only the faces have been changed! Jason will end up winning this season. By winning, I mean being sent home. Because Becca "doesn't feel it" with him. So yeay, Jason! You don't have to go through the humiliating break up in a couple months. And you'll be rid of the dullsville Becca. You're ALIVE! Count your blessings and thank Fleiss for the trip to Thailand. Wait ... so now all of a sudden after Becca ditches Jason in the middle of their date, they're all hunky dory at dinner? Will he get the FS card? Oh, man. Becca. WTH girl. *DRINK* every time anyone says "Ari." Drink twice if it's Becca who says it.
  14. Too funny. Today Dan Zak (WaPo reporter I follow) tweeted about his caftan getting caught in his keyboard. That's sort of a muumuu, although nothing like a French maid outfit. Oh, for some flowing, billowing fabric ...
  15. I don't think so, but I suspect at least one owns a French maid outfit.
  16. A month or so ago, I was looking for the Kit Carson thread and it was completely gone. I was all, WTHeck! Did mods remove it? Before completely freaking out, I went back and looked again ... and found it all the way at the bottom of the page. So maybe PTV housekeeping tosses threads around once in a while. You know, to keep our brains sharp. *cough*
  17. How about this: Chesapeake Bay Retriever colors include deadgrass and sedge. Poodles come in silver, blue belton and the delicious apricot. Makes "chocolate" not so pretentious maybe?
  18. I love baseball and know Don Mattingly's name, yet did not connect Don to Dave, his last name was said once and was followed by two other full introductions. I figured something was cut from the convo or it was a private joke about something that happened before filming started.
  19. That reminds me of the Sgt. Bilko (The Phil Silvers Show) episode when Zippy the chimp gets enlisted in the army as Private Harry Speakup.
  20. I caught that. Trebek hesitated so Dave repeated it a bit differently. I guess the judges said "Okay" in Trebek's ear since it was ruled correct. Another stellar judging moment!
  21. Nicely said ... Dave. Well, you have to thrown them a bone once in a while or they get all pouty. The thing that irks me about Ryan "qualifying" for TOC is that, unlike other TOC qualifiers, Ryan had several months of rest in between his fourth and fifth game. Other players have to keep going non stop. So he won FOUR games in a row, took a few months off, came back and won THREE games in a row. Never did he win FIVE games in a row as did others who made it to TOC. Four players have actually won five (or more) games in a row. Ryan is not one of them. If I could play one game, rest a couple weeks, play the second game, rest a couple weeks and so on, I might make it to the TOC too. I love you for this! I liked Emily, thought she was professional, composed and played well. I would have been happy if she won. However, as a long-time watcher of The Bachelor franchise, I was fascinated and somewhat distracted by her eyelashes. Other Bach watchers will know what I mean.
  22. I liked Alex Jacob's "Bet it all." Direct and to the point.
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