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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Too funny, I just happened to think of that same thing and came here to post it. Yes, "Wilbur" is the six-letter word Mr. Ed said more than any other. I would fight the judges to the end of time that Wilbur is THE correct answer. If the judges wanted "whinny" to be the answer, they should have used Secretariat or Seabiscuit, not Ed as the "speaker."
  2. Driad's post has turned quite pink, it got more likes than one would think. The "likes" came in quick as a wink, to prove that post did not stink. We all knew here Driad's no fink, so do this now, don't rethink: Grab a glass, fill it to the brink. Yes, to the top, do not blink. Now raise the glasses, make them clink. And on my command, take a *DRINK!* and cheer "Hooray for Driad! Poster of PINK!"
  3. So close. I think it's 25. That was me, I thought 20 was the magic pink-turning number. I got a pink on one of The Bachelor threads, which I'm quite proud of, even though it IS The Bachelor. (The posts there are fun though. Well, most of them.) I know what this stands for, yet every time I see it here I first think "Go #@(& yourself"! ? Oh, gee, now that you mention it, that's basically what Alex is saying to them. Yikes! I know, right? That's totally what Trebek is saying. So, GFY dcalley for pointing that out. *DRINK!* I recognized Shirley Chisholm but couldn't bring her name to my lips. That will happen to you guys too, once you reach a "certain age." Names will come to me in the middle of the night, but I guess I should be glad they will come to me, even if it is 12 hours later. I'm sure that was the reason, they just didn't think that a talking horse can say whatever it pleases, a whole passel of six-letter words, not just "whinny." Mr. Ed was NOT a good choice for that clue. I say that as a long-time fan of that show. "Willllllll-buuuuur!"
  4. I'm very excited to raise my hand and brag that I am the No. 25 who pinked you, Driad. Give me a Trebek HIGH FIVE!
  5. LOL about this because I was driving home during today's show and heard on the radio all about the plane landing on LSD. "Move along folks, nothing to see here," police told all the drivers. Anyway, I just watched today's game via YouTube. I actually like doing that better, no commercials to make me drift off. This made me LOL too, because that's exactly what I had made a note of. Jerry did two weeks of silence but Trebek couldn't do one week. No surprise there. But Trebek asked him, "Did it help?" and Jerry said yes. Help what? What does a vow of silence help? Anyone? Beuller? Rick got a GFY. I needed a drink after my day today. I got Diane Arbus, an easy peasy TS for me, having worked in photography since the days of souping BW film in the darkroom and hand printing photos for the newspaper. Her photos are weird. But memorable because of the weird. I call FOUL that Mr. Ed saying "Hee haw" is wrong. Mr. Ed talked, he said anything he wanted, including hee haw and oh p'shaw. Should have been ruled correct. Mr. Ed seldom if ever whinnied. Side note: The real name of the horse that played Mr. Ed is Bamboo Harvester. I also got ration and strata as TSs but don't remember the clues now. On a shallow note, I found Jerry VERY attractive, cute AND smart, and when he lost I actually said an "Oh, eff." I was hoping to see him again in six weeks.
  6. I figure he's got his degree, has sent out resumés and is hoping to be hired for fall. Sounds better than "Unemployed." Or whatever he's doing in the meantime that's not a career. Plus maybe being on Jeopardy will give his English job search a push.
  7. All I remember is pocket gopher and that Burt should have bet more on that DD when he had a chance. I hated the airline snoring story. Get a flight attendant. Trebek acted like he's constantly harassed by snoring people. As if. I've heard it as tapey-ur on nature shows so I looked it up. According to emmasaying.com, the pronunciation is tapey-ur or tay-pur or tay PIER. Listen here for yourself. I also say tapey-ur based on all the nature shows I watch, so I would have answered the same as did Burt.
  8. I totally cannot believe that I agreed with every winner. That never happens. Too funny that Eva Igo's duel was the last of the night, like we're all staying tuned just to see her, can't flip the channel early. Not. I was stunned -- and HAPPY -- that she got sent home. I didn't care for the junior girl team stank eyeing the Korean (Chinese? Japanese?) "Sisters" group. I would have made them the loser just for that. The other competitors cheered on their duel partners. Well, all except the first ones to perform. Have already forgotten who that was. Show some grace and good sportsmanship, people! Which reminds me, Eva flashed a really mean I'm-possessed-by-demons face while waiting for the scores, which made me think she's not so sweet, nice and "all that" IRL.
  9. Thanks Kathira. I was raised Episcopal, which is jokingly called "Catholic light." We receive the wafer from one priest, then a second comes down the line of people kneeling in front of the alter and gives each a sip of wine from a goblet that is wiped with a cloth after each person. Alcohol is a disinfectant and, according to the CDC, no one has ever gotten sick from same-goblet use. People get more germs from shaking hands or touching a doorknob (gross!) than drinking from the same wine chalice. I did a search though, and found that one can have the priest dip the wafer into the chalice if so desired. I've just never seen it. And never, until yesterday, did I know the practice had a name. I knew (had heard) that other religions used grape juice, not wine. I think only the Catholic and Episcopal churches use wine for communion. I find all religions and practices interesting, I love to learn about them, so I appreciate your sharing here, Kathira.
  10. I can't understand it at all. Rhinos are born as singletons and didn't the clue say this guy had a two or three of these "pups"? Plus rhinos can weigh as much as 150 lbs. at birth, considerably more than a puppy, which averages about 8 ounces newborn. Rhinos don't have fur, they have thick skin. Plus there's that horn thing. And a one-year-old rhino is well on its way to its adult weight of 1,500 if it's the smallest rhino, the Sumatran. The sad story this summer was the death of the only remaining male northern white rhino, Sudan. He was 45. Only two northern white rhino females are left in the world, a daughter and granddaughter of Sudan, and one is unable to be bred.
  11. This made me laugh. Correction: Burt got TWO GFY. So drink drink! (Take a do over Carpe.) I was taken aback with a clue asking what "chippie" is a nickname for since that's an old-timey term for a ... well, loose woman. I got walnut (my property is thick with them), Chagall (yeay for my BFA), tightrope walker (just because I knew it) and bear (because that story has been all over the news). I've never heard of intinction, and never once has any priest offered to dunk my wafer in the wine goblet for me. When did that become a thing? To save communion time, or maybe cut the priests needed to "serve the line"? Okay, so lightning strike me now. Well, I feel terrible about Dave. He did a gutsy DD though, so nothing ventured I guess. I was just ASSuming he was going to TofC, he was such a machine. But three games in a row has to be brain numbing ... right other players? Now I feel we jinxed him here, all of us liking him and ASSuming he would continue on to win five games. I'm personally bummed. The crazy thing is, Burt started out nervous like he was going to have some sort of breakdown, I felt sorry for him and wanted him to do well so he didn't go home depressed and dejected. I just didn't mean for him to do THAT well. But Burt could be a member of The Kit Carson et. al. Band given that he's a trumpet guy. So there's that.
  12. Then the tournaments last six weeks, right? Teachers, teen, college, TofC? Seems like we just had those, although time does run together as one gets older. Meaning my year is about six minutes long.
  13. How long is the break, and is Season 34 rerun during the hiatus?
  14. If it's any consolation, know that there are numerous people irrationally jealous of you. Although I see your point!
  15. I wonder if Stahl wiped his prints off of that metal door peephole. And from the entire apartment. Assuming he did kill the hooker. Yeah, a neighbor was witnessing Harlee knocking on the door, but he never saw her go in or leave. A real-life curious guy would continue to peek. Don't know why it would warrant him standing in the hall to look though. Except for us to see him. Those shots in the warehouse are all coming through the windows. What's keeping Woz's crew pinned down? And yeah, Harlee arresting Mr. Ginger is the same as letting a bunch of cops be murdered. By other cops. Right. Agree about the stupidness of Stahl putting a bloody knife on the floor under the seat of Harlee's car. Geesh, even a brain-dead non-cop would put it in a bag or wrap it in a towel, plus NOT leave it in their car at all. It would have been chucked into the river somewhere. Of course, the FBI and other cops on this show are so stupid, I'm sure Stahl's plant will put Harlee behind bars stat. Speaking of stupid FBI, Harlee brings in Stahl's note and newspaper clipping and FBI blows her off because they got a phone call from a recanting hooker and that's what they are following. Yeah, okay then. Not a favorite episode for me.
  16. While it's easy to rank on someone for not betting anything in FJ when it's a runaway, I would be hard pressed to gamble $10,000 (say) that's in my pocket on a category I'm not 100 percent about. Even if the category is a good one for me, that doesn't mean the clue is. "Horse" category might really be about what Shakespeare character rode a horse in what play. Even $1,000 is a lot of money to me. If I'm going to win anyway, I'd rather not gamble any already-won dough.
  17. He might have a personal "thing" about the top clue. Maybe if he's on long enough, he'll tell us via a Trebek interview. (If Trebek lets him.) Some people are superstitious about certain numbers and other things. Like the old "step on a crack" saying from the old days. Meaning, when I was a kid. It took a few days for Josh to be able to tell us about Tiger Claws even though we all noticed it here. He might also have some OCD thing that only he understands. OCD can display in a number of strange ways.
  18. Thanks for the interesting link. It's not the first article I've read about what performers go through and how fakety fake the show is. We viewers are being manipulated, as we are on all reality shows, they are all scripted. Our only hope is that we enjoy the acts we are allowed to see and not care (or get upset about) who wins in the end, since TPTB already knows the winner.
  19. My tv croaked yesterday so I was counting on ElectricBoogaloo posting the dances. And no kidding, there are a ton of them. WTHeck, show! Anyway, I'm just watching the dances, stopping the clips after just a bit of the judges speaking. Plus, of course, haven't seen any backstories or sob stories. I liked L+J. But why do dance couple have to be real couples. Glad the guy also has a boyfriend. I LOVED the Owl group. Maybe my favorite group ever on this show. But why does JLo have to put a name to their style? Why not just make it Owl Style and leave it at that. Funkywunk. Man, they looked boring and common after the Owl guys. Did a couple cool moves but I'd say no to them. The Pulse. Entertaining, but reminded me of The Troupe doing commercial comebacks on DWTS. It's not easy being a ballroom troupe group. Watched long enough to see them all fangirling (even the boys) over Derek actually APPROACHING them! And dancing (sort of)! Avery & Marcus. I was distracted by her round plastic skirt. And WAY too much HMV for me. I laughed when both of them struck a ballet standing pose at the end, to receive their critiques. (I liked that.) Pursuit. I could be in this group. Which should tell you what I thought of them. Because I am no dancer. Angyil. I liked the jogging pants under the ballet tutu at the beginning, then she surprised us. Xtreme: Eh. Raider Boyz: No music but I guess it wasn't needed. GirlCool: Hated them. My grannie could outdance them. IowaGirlz: Hated them. HMV x 5. Didn't even finish watching. Then ... since none of the links from Raider Boyz on had music, I hurried through them. Even without the music I sort of liked the tappers. But otherwise, most I didn't finish watching.
  20. Back in "the day," onions as we know them didn't exist. The big round onions we buy now are products of genetic tampering as are all big, pretty modern vegetables and fruits. Back then there were wild onions and onion grasses. Side note: Chicago is from an Algonquian word meaning “onion field,” so named because wild onion grew profusely in the area. Onion grass is actually pretty tasty.
  21. That made me mad. He asked for a BMS on another answer. Wrong. A Bullmastiff is a breed completely separate from the Mastiff. Bullmastiffs are smaller, more compact than the much larger Mastiff. It is not a variety of the Mastiff. The Bullmastiff breed was created in the 1800s when when the Mastiff was crossed with the Old English Bulldog. This was not a BMS situation says the person who shows dogs for a living. Plus they showed a photo of a Bullmastiff, not a Mastiff. They do not look alike. This is talked about with some regularity on pop radio shows, which is how I knew it. It's always good to learn a new tidbit. So how's that working out for you, you old forgetful stoner you? So much this. Especially since Colombia is the first SA country you come to when leaving Central America. That was an Ore-Ida-level dimwit clue. Shout out today to any poster(s) here named Tara. :-)) Sorry Trebek was a tool to your namesake. This was a disappointing game. In so many ways. I guess it could be worse though so I'll leave it at that.
  22. Note that geoduck is pronounced "gooey duck." Family Guy takes place in Quahog, Rhode Island, and Peter hangs out at the Drunken Clam. See ... everything in life is circular. My tv croaked this morning so I watched today's episode online. It was already posted at 5:30 central time. Fast.
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