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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Final Jeopardy WEEK 4 — A two ** week *16. World Literature. In a recent poll of 125 authors, this long 1870s novel about a woman ranked as the greatest work of fiction of all time. *17. Oscar Hyphenates. This actor has never been nominated for acting–he won, though, as a writer for 1997 & as a producer for 2012. 18. Cities in History. The Cathedral of St. Pierre was the center of the Calvinist reformation in this lakeside city. 19. International Crime. Italy’s Agromafia enriches itself through counterfeit versions of this “liquid gold” mentioned by Homer & Plato. 20. Military History. Prepared by the Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, the “COSSAC Plan” outlined the details of this.
  2. The government/military love acronyms. I can vouch for this as a former federal employee at a military installation. I had a brother in SAC!
  3. I need weekly totals, not total totals. Please post total correct for each week and asterisks won per week so I can record them at the end of each week. Browncoat, you need to tell me Week 4 total and any asterisks for Week 4 only.
  4. From TheJeopardyFan.com: Also known as Operation Overlord, D-Day was the 1944 invasion of Normandy during World War II, the successful invasion was a turning point in the Western Front of the war and the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany. COSSAC literally stands for “Chief Of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander”, and referred to British Lieutenant-General Frederick E. Morgan. The US Army has declassified the plan; it can be found on the US Army’s website.
  5. I’m laughing at all you Doug haters. Welcome to Adam, the bobbing, weaving, swaying, buzzer flailing board jumper. You got what you wished for, Doug gone. Doug dressed well, chose clues with decorum, stood still and upright, never revealed his buzzer hand. I hope Adam stays for a month or more. Doug haters deserve him for that long or longer. Team Adam Forever! I wasn’t paying much attention but got the TS of wrestling. Risqué, those guys wrestling naked. FJ was an instaget for me, which is pretty shocking in itself. That I answered a FJ I mean. This is my best week yet!
  6. That would have been rockin' if Doug had answered "parabolic antenna" when asked to BMS. More than one. WAY more than one. It gives the show water cooler talk plus, more importantly, show clips are shown on national and local news, posted online, in newspapers ... you know, it goes VIRAL (no TM to Doug on that). No publicity is bad publicity. Dedicated watchers love College Bowl-type shows but today everyone wants to see (fake) reality-show type stuff. Being smart is no longer enough by today's standard. That proposal is on the home page at jeopardy.com. It won't die. You should ask Daryl Hall and John Oates to write a song about that.
  7. I can't believe AT is THAT much of a dumbass, but I guess he is. Maybe make that self-centered dumbass.
  8. While doing such at home where we can't see/hear you is fine, you would be raked through the coals and back on this forum if you ever did even one of those things as a contestant. Keep that in mind when you pass the tests and get on the show. Well, shouting out the answer is generally a bad idea when you are a contestant and haven't rung in. I mean the other two. Daley def needed a BMS. There have been two Chicago Mayor Daleys and a third is currently in the new race for Chicago mayor. No, his name is not Kit (or Carson) Daley! I figured there would be celebrating all around on this forum when Doug went home. I still admire his play, he was calm, never waved his buzzer around or pointed at the board (hello middle guy), and he used shortcuts when asking for clues, all in a professional manner. I think there must be an exhaustion level winners hit when playing game after game after game. Sort of like the wall runners hit. It's not that easy to get to five wins, even if you know the categories and answers. But holy cats Trebek, did he need such a long personal interview? Geesh. Time limits guys, time limits. Glad to see a GFY was back. I needed a drink. I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention but got TS Homeland and Raymond Chandler. FJ was an instaNOTget. ETA: I also got TS Juicy Couture. How funny is that? Plus wasn't "juicy" part of the clue?
  9. That bugged me as well since in no way is The Thing an "old chestnut." I've never heard of a movie being an old chestnut, but if I had to choose one, it would be The Rocky Horror Picture Show, which was shown every weekend for a decade or more here, and I'm not in a major city. Doug slipped a few IMO points in brain power after that. Old chestnut definition: "A story that has been told repeatedly before. Hence, in extended use, anything trite, stale, or too often repeated." "Good for you" is an example of an old chestnut on Jeopardy! As is "Camoo."
  10. You always can make me laugh. Thanks for the memories. "Maybe the dingo ate your bay-bee." And that was Michael Chiklis's apartment, back when he had hair. (Loved The Shield.) Seth combined with a Seinfeld ep is indeed the best.
  11. There also is a Lake Geneva in Wisconsin, not too far from me. Yes, I thought the players were letting Maggie get an answer so she could play FJ. I felt Doug had stopped playing but wondered why the other woman wasn't buzzing in. But first through third places were pretty locked in so yeah, I think it was a kindness. I'll say "Good for you two" since Trebek has stopped saying it. *drink* I follow Seth Meyers but stopped looking at his feed since real life has become too much and sometimes I need to ignore things. But I will look up that proposal convo for sure. Thanks for posting about it, everyone who did.
  12. You have no idea how great that sounds to me. If only ... And if wishes were horses, we'd have plenty of mounts from which to choose! I prefer Saddlebred wishes myself but a nice TB will do. Today was a windy day so I gave up trying to watch today's show. I'll either watch online to fill in the fragments as the antenna went in and out, or just skip. I did get FJ, amazing as that seems given it's me, but I couldn't come up with any big lake in Germany or France so figured it had to be Switzerland, so Geneva it was. Hey, it pays to look at maps and dream you could go somewhere some day. Thanks for the tip. I need to check this out.
  13. I agree with everything you said about Joe, @ClareWalks, except for the above. We don't know what contract(s) he signed for B-ette and BIP, and when Harrison told him he was signed up for this show, he looked absolutely gobsmacked and not happy. I get the impression ABC owns him right now and has been trying to turn him into a "somebody." I feel sorry for him being the butt of judge rude "jokes" instead of encouraged. Interestingly, he is what this show USED to be, people without any dance experience. He would have fit well back in season 1 or 2.
  14. It's nice to know you are human, @The Wild Sow. Sorry for your loss. (Heh heh. "Not really," said the person with score of 6.) Your three asterisks have been added @biakbiak. You are now in the race for Asterisk Master. Then we'd need one for clues Trebek screws up and ruins by his affected reading. I'd like to use a little dagger for that. Oh, you mean a FONT dagger. Never mind.
  15. Damon has 23 producer credits on IMDB. He produced Manchester By The Sea, Ben's film, and that's one I was thinking of for the producer part of FJ. All the while Ben Affleck never came into mind, even though he teamed with Matt on both. This is why I like Doug. It appears I stand alone in this forum on that view. I have so many LBGTQ friends, I prefer their company. Being flamboyant is just a plus IMO. A thousand times LIKE to this. Even though I like Doug, I agree that less is way more on this show. The names you named are heroes of mine. Being smart is more than enough, without having to announce to the world that you are "the smartest person in the world." TM Austin.
  16. I've already forgotten what her story was so she won't be embarrassed if she ever comes to my house. I guess he didn't make it THAT clear then. I wish my friend in Lisbon would watch this episode because I'm pretty sure Trebek was NOT pronouncing anything correctly, starting with "primer." Oh, I don't know. I can't even count how many times that blasted proposal has been posted online and played on local and national news. I'd rather see Doug do a rollback than that bogus "we're so in lurve" stuff. And months later, I'm still seeing Austin's face mugging and miming for the camera. Some things never die. I was so PUMPED because I got another FJ right. It was so obviously MATT DAMON. Heh. I totally forgot about his Good Will partner Ben. *sigh* On the bright side, I had no problem with knowing what writers meant by "hyphenate." Although I can see why the one player wrote "Day-Lewis." Trebek didn't need to rank on her for that answer though. He's such a ... (fill in the blank).
  17. I did the same, so I lost FJ that day. AT's "impression" would have given it to me, as it did all three players. I've even seen the movie, but who remembers first lines. I mean, besides "Call me Ishmael." Which isn't even (technically) the first line of the book.
  18. It's about time you got here @Toothbrush. You're in!
  19. Oh my. As much as I don't like Trebek, I wish he would moderate ALL political debates, especially presidential ones. LOL at this from Roaster's link: "During an on-stage interview before the debate, Trebek joked that he was drunk when he accepted the invitation."
  20. Thanks for the laugh. At least the category wasn't all clues about GH, which is what I thought it was going to be. I haven't seen a soap for decades and never watched GH. But still, the reading was so drah-mat-ic. Ha ha! Soapy!
  21. Does anyone remember how the twin clue was written? Monozygotic twins are identical, meaning that they develop from one zygote, which splits and forms two embryos; dizygotic twins are fraternal, meaning each twin develops from a separate egg. I agree about the soap actors taking foooorrrrreeeeeeeverrrrrrrr to read those slooooooow clues. I don't even know how that category finished in time. So much THIS. I also suspect PAs are reading here since Trebek only gave Doug a "good" during his interview, no GFY, and no other goods or GFYs for anyone else. No drinks today. It made me cranky. Git off my lawn. And SO MUCH THIS to this. WTH Trebek. It's okay for someone to answer Thompson (or The Mooch) yet Hunter gets a big flat NO? This show is starting to have at least one make-me-cranky moment every episode. I thought I would rock the Nancy Drew category, my mom signed me up for the Nancy Drew Book Club when I was a kid, and I got a new Nancy Drew every month. I read all of them multiple times. But some of those titles were unknown to me. "The Hidden Staircase" scared me so much, it took a while for pre-teen me to get through. I laughed at Doug's Fast Food "can't tell" and Carl's "watch it" reply. Finally, a bright moment on this show. I like Doug a lot. Color me a new fan. I couldn't believe I got FJ AND an asterisk. First I thought Ann of Green Gables, then the "long" made me think War and Peace which made me say Anna Karenina. Yay for me. Finally. Welcome back Mindthinkr!
  22. That is some awesome information MrAtoz; thanks. I miss those days before social media made every little thing a headline. That info would make a great FJ category/clue/question. NBC nightly news aired the current proposal the night after ABC nightly news showed it. I tried to not see it (again) anywhere else.
  23. Thanks @forumfish, you ROCK! I've updated everyone's asterisks and also updated my Questions/Clues master list (which I create in QuarkXPress, forumfish!). I'll put the asterisks in from now on, and will put the number of them in the week's headline. @Clanstarling, your three-week total is 10, quite good, but not as good as your asterisk total; you are currently No. 1 in that prize-winning category! I am the second-place Asterisk Queen. Of course, I don't count but I can still brag. Everyone else, update your asterisks (I need to put that word in a copy/paste) and your weekly totals if you haven't done so yet.
  24. Yes, I already thought about doing that; excellent idea. I'll TS* those clues. If anyone can help back-asterisk the first three weeks so we can catch up? ETA: This site is not letting me edit my posts containing the FJ clues so I can't add TS* to any of those. The edit "pencil" icon isn't there. I'll add the TS* going forward.
  25. I remembered Avagadro and the mole from HS chemistry some 35 years ago. That mole clue left me completely brainless. I know there are animal moles (they live in my front yard, the little stinkers) and people moles (there was a great tv show The Mole a while back) but I never heard of chemistry mole. So I looked it up and sure enough, there it was. Add "Chemistry" to categories I will probably get when I am on this show, so ya'll can point and laugh at me as I tank.
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