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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I do know TBT, and then there's my favorite: Taco Tuesday (TT). Easy peasy since I am still watching Bewitched reruns. The best ones are in BW. (Heck, the best tv shows period are in BW.) I don't care for the color episodes or the ones with Dick Sargent's Darrin. And everyone above is correct, Darrin was a New York ad exec who worked for, then partnered with Larry Tate.
  2. My farm store sells chocolate-covered coffee beans. Check out Blain's Farm & Fleet if you are ever in Janesville, Wis. Sometimes it's right to be wrong. I've never seen one episode of The Brady Bunch and I never will. I love Bill Hader. The taste of coffee used to make me sick, then as I got older, I learned to like it. But only with lots of yummy flavored creamer and some sugar. And while I joke here about *drink,* that's something I don't do in real life. I'll keep my coffee while you coffee haters keep your ... whatever it is you drink. Speaking of, Tosh got a GFY. *drink* My TSs were dust and To The Top. The TS I had never heard of was WCW, Woman Crush Wednesday. Where the heck is THAT used? Something is wrong in the universe when I can answer one much less all the Opera clues. I sat down and took a nap during Star Wars though. Couldn't answer a single one of those, and I'm proud of it. I guess I'm not too young (TM Trebek) to know things that happened in the 1930s since I got FJ instantly. Maybe when you guys get to my ancient age, you will have learned to appreciate a good cup of coffee. I second that emotion. I really, really liked Alex. One of my favorite players ever. Broke my heart to see him leave before Win Five.
  3. Step back Satan! LOL So cool, I really started something. Unfortunately (or not), I live an hour's drive from the nearest coffee M&M seller. Patience is the key to living in the middle of the Midwestern tundra. Don't be afraid. Live wild, live free!
  4. Don't you mean: "I've been up and down and over and out?" (TM Frank Sinatra) In any case, that's life!
  5. First, all dead girls are sweet and innocent. In fact, everyone who dies becomes saint-like. Good point that she was an accomplice in stealing a plane. Did the show say why the two were running away to begin new lives somewhere else? Change identities, make their families believe they were dead? What was up with that? What was their home life like that they would do that? A better question is, what 44-year-old guy wears a class ring?
  6. After doing totals for weeks 1 through 5, and only being able to figure those who have reported scores so far, there are leaders in the categories of High, Low and ASSterisk. Everyone else: Challenge these leaders! Meanwhile, prizes were purchased yesterday. Trust me not to lose them (or keep them!) before the end of the season. Now, on to Week 6.
  7. YES! And with images (in black and white) of Alec Guinness in full British military uniform playing in my head.
  8. Agree about the bridge thing. If the photo hadn't been shown, I might have gotten the answer. Instead I spent all my time thinking "bridge, bridge ..."
  9. That's proof that this can still easily be done, plus keep in mind the guy did this what, 20-plus years ago? No Internet, no cell phones, no one locked their doors, we all lived in a Leave It To Beaver world. Bad things just didn't happen. Heck, some people are even like that today when interviewed on the news after a mass murder in their neighborhood: "Those things never happen here." And Whimsy did this in today's world. Imagine how easy it was a couple decades ago. Yeah, I totally believe he got mugged by the driver who gave him a ride (the kid might even have told him he had a bunch of money and was going to ... wherever ... to begin a new life/job/school/whatever). The kid also grew up with Leave It To Beaver so trusted the driver. Thinking back, I went to college three states away. It was common for my boyfriend to hitchhike out to see me, then hitch back home again. I would make him signs to hold to show drivers where he was headed. Try to find anyone doing that today. I'm still split as to whether I think he's guilty (of what though?) or not. Disappearing as he did, and for so long, and being just a kid at the time is pretty amazing and took some skillz. Plus being on American's Most Wanted for so long with no sightings. Mind boggling. It was a good episode though. This show has OD'd on husband/wife being murdered by wife/husband for insurance money and/or for cheating. That's the stuff that's common these days, and happens everywhere.
  10. Oh, well duh. I guess that would explain why they were down. You are correct! Thanks for the info!
  11. I'm wondering if the girl got the plane door open when they hit the lake, or the door popped open with the impact, but then she couldn't get her belt undone. The plane sinking pushed the door shut and caught her long hair in it. Yeah, that makes sense to me. I actually can understand him being on the run though. When I was that age, I knew everything and, looking back, nothing at all.
  12. I don't know what to think either, which is why I came here to get other viewpoints. I wondered why he didn't put the wheels up when trying to land in the lake. For sure those wheels were going to flip the plane if not make it break apart. I wasn't sure how he got out if the plane flipped and then he was "behind the plane and went to the wrong door" to try to get his girlfriend out. And supposedly the one bag (with th $22,000) floated out? It seems like it was a good plan, they had packed a raft, had their bags wrapped in plastic and so forth. If he meant to kill her, he could have pushed her out of the plane over that lake and kept going. Her hair shut in the door is all kinds of weird though. Did he do that ... when? Before they left Canada? Was she dead already when he sunk the plane? Did the aircraft owner get an insurance payout when the plane was stolen? That was never mentioned. What did the abortion have to do with anything? Did the boy kill the girl because she was pregnant? He didn't know about the abortion? That was so odd to mention it if it didn't mean anything. I could totally follow her thinking. A free trip to Japan? Yeah, I woulda put my turn-in plans on hold too, although I'd make sure everyone knew where I was every minute in case he decided to kill me in Asia. Her hesitation to turn him in is so common, I don't begrudge her that at all. Because she did after all. Crazy that he went on to be so successful and wealthy. Goes to show, hardly anyone is who they appear to be. I do think they had a plan to escape the floating plane. It sinking instantly wasn't in the plan.
  13. It's you and me, GrannySmith, leading the pack together for the week.
  14. I guess Ghost Roman is better than no Roman. But pretty funny that Remi's hallucinations give her such great advice. Maybe ask him the Lottery numbers next time he shows up, Remi. I had totally forgotten who Blake was until reading here so it made no diff to me whether she died or not. But who inherits Dad's fortune now? Everyone's dead. I pretty much didn't pay attention to this episode. I am tired of Jane/Remi being Remi/Jane, and the Sandstorm stuff doesn't make sense after it was pretty much done in a season or two ago. Plus now the one sole Sandstorm survivor is dead, right? So who cares. Not me I guess. I still like Rich.com so it's worth watching for him. But evil Jane/Remi is tiring. She can't die quickly enough for me. And like Ghost Roman said, if he really had a cure, wouldn't he have used it first? Plus making the cure steps a puzzle is just stoopid. I had forgotten Jane/Remi has a daughter until reading here too. Heck, I'd forgotten almost everything about this show now that I think about it. Good news: No daughter this episode. Yeay!
  15. TheJeopardyFan.com listed both the regular and pretentious answers as being correct. So (ha) Good For You! Not that I saw. I doubt the show wanted to promo a website, although I didn't see all of Alex's interview segments. He is one of my fav players ever so now I need to check out Cracked. Thanks for the tip.
  16. WEEK 5 Final Jeopardy -- No asterisks this week. 21. U.S. Capitol Art. Of the 23 lawgivers depicted on marble portraits over doors in the U.S. House chamber, he’s the only one in the Bible. 22. World Leaders. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize twice & the Literature prize 7 times, winning for the latter in 1953. 23. Mythological Heroes. The second half of his service to Eurystheus took him to 6 different places, like Crete, Thrace & the underworld. 24. Broadway Musicals. The title of this 1947 Lerner & Loewe musical may come from the construction seen here. 25. Charles Dickens. Both “Barnaby Rudge” & this other famous Dickens novel begin in 1775 & deal with mob violence.
  17. I was hoping someone would have said that other famous Jim Croce song, Letter in a Bottle.
  18. I walked in on a conversation about the coffee M&Ms at a dog show. People were split whether they were good or not, so I helped myself to one and proclaimed it delicious. They were the peanut variety. The M&M owner is from northeastern Indiana (South Bend! Ronald Regan premiere country!) so maybe they are regional. Or maybe they were gifted to this guy by someone from another part of the country. I should have asked!
  19. I think that's suppose to be "And horses, of courses."
  20. Bless your hearts, both of you. Of course, the Dog category was left for last because brainiacs know opera and mythology but not dog (or any animal) breeds. I said the answers for all three before Trebek had even finished reading the clue. Side note on the Skye terrier: When I worked for a professional handler, my job was to get the Skye ready every morning, bathe him, blow dry his coat, prep him for the ring. After the fourth day without a problem, the handler told me I was the first assistant that the dog hadn't bitten. I took that as a vote of confidence (on the dog's part) in my skillz. Another side note: The Canary Islands were named so because of the giant dogs that lived there, not the little bird. I believe the bird was named so after the islands. In Canada, the only correct colors for a Newfoundland are black and Landseer (black and white). Edwin Landseer was a fantastic dog artist. I could run a category on that, too. The Museum of the Dog just moved from St. Louis to NYC. It's spectacular, even if you don't fancy the subject. Wonderful paintings and bronzes. I got a laugh out of macramé being a TS. Obviously, none of those players lived through the macramé craze. You know, when everyone in my family got hand-made plant hangers and belts. I was pretty good at those knots. The answer of maestro ... did it make anyone else think of a Seinfeld episode? Anyone? Just me? Okay then. I missed hearing the answer maelstrom (another windy day). I would have gotten that answer too, having been a devoted watcher of Lost. (Other Lost viewers will know what I mean.) Yesterday during the interview Trebek told the middle player, who used to do construction/pour cement, "don't let it get away from you." That was the same as telling someone not to quit their day job when they're trying something new ... like BEING ON JEOPARDY. Trebek is such a jackass. OMG! We are astral twins once again. That's exactly what came to my mind because it was the only bridge I could think of. No way would I have written it (I'd be Jep Shamed online!) either. Agree totally with the poster who said he/she could stare at the bridge photo until the end of time and not be able to name it. My high school put on Brigadoon, the only time I've seen that play. I pretty much don't remember anything that happened in high school, thank god, including Brigadoon. I do sort of remember sitting in the audience if that counts.
  21. Thanks for posting the clue Bastet. Not sure if I would have gotten it, but it did make me think of the Levi logo. In which case I might have answered "A pair of blue jeans."
  22. What was the clue? I like tractors too, just like horses more.
  23. I've taken possession of your goose egg for this week, thank you very much.
  24. LOL at this. Wind was blowing here and the antenna kept dropping the program so I missed this, plus I always use that break to do something else away from the tv. It could be worth looking up on YouTube though, so thanks for this. I hate hair-flipping women. (TM The Bachelor) Dang, a horse answer. Mindthinkr, did you get that one? See above for why I didn't even hear that clue/non-answer. Dang wind. I admire your brain power. How about thinking about subjects I'm good at on Jeopardy. I can give you a list if you take requests. :-)) I had some coffee M&Ms this weekend. Tres delicious! ETA: "Buzzer flourishes" -- TM Toothbrush
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