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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Oh, man, I thought you were talking about Alan there for a minute.
  2. It looked a couple times like Joe was going to slide off that bull, which made me watch him closer during that "solo," and I was thinking even though the bull was on its slowest/easiest speed, it would have been golden if he HAD fallen off. I'm rooting for Evanna. Not that anyone listens to me. I, too, wondered about the closeups on the singers while contestants were dancing. WTHeck was that about. Maybe someone's shoes fell off or there was a costume malfunction or something that they couldn't show. Who knows. The camera work on this show leaves a lot to be desired, even on good days.
  3. My Decorative Illustration class instructor was Benton Mahan. That was my favorite class, I still illustrate/draw/paint in that style.
  4. This made me laugh. DWTS isn't some world power that provides impact on human-rights policy in third-world countries. It's just an entertainment show watched by ... I don't know how many people. People tune in for mindless fluff and advertisers fork out $$ for their ads to be seen. It's a business, not a life-changing experience. Although it does change lives for many of the C and D listers who dance on it. It doesn't matter who wins, the show will be back next season as long as ratings hold, which they always do regardless of who stays, who goes, who wins. Derek, Mark and Maks are gone and the show is still on. I got a kick out of viewers being blasted with strobe lights during the whole of Joe's routine. It would have been great fun if the entire audience and judges had fallen down with seizures during that dance. Tom mentioned it but that was all that was said about everyone being blinded by the light. --TM Manfred Mann I had a hard time knowing which male dancer was which during the team dances. They all have that unshaved face and they all looked alike in their hats and checked shirts. Except I cracked up at Joe riding the bull in the background. All the men up front ripped open their shirts, and Joe was like "Oh yeah, I gotta do that too," so ripped his shirt open while hidden behind everyone else. Who says this show doesn't contain humor? Alexis can leave next. I'll take Bobby AND Joe over her stupid showmance baloney.
  5. Yes! My favorite Maurice Sendak book. We studied him in college, my Decorative Illustration instructor was a working children's-book illustrator and so admired Mr. Sendak. "In the Night Kitchen" is somewhat adult in its illustrations IMO. Even for a college student! I got a smile out of Charlemagne as an answer even though I did not know the correct response. I did my college Art History thesis on the architecture of Charlemagne's Palace Chapel. Talk about obscure.
  6. No one commenting on Gerald's introduction mime? I guess none of you got your flu shots because ya'll must be feverish to let that pass. Hooray for a woman champ again, but I hope to high heaven she brought something better to wear tomorrow. Players should have to pass wardrobe inspection before being allowed on camera. When I saw the FJ of Children's Lit characters, the first (and only) word out of my mouth was "Max." Oh well. Props to Gerald for his "true" daily double. Nothing ventured ...
  7. COOL! GQJane. What a great trip, and a bonus getting to use your turquoise Jeopardy knowledge. I hope you got to impress everyone around you with that. Then the Trebek movie on the plane ride home ... you must have magical powers. In any case, Good For You! (We all can use a drink.)
  8. LOL! Thanks for that update Mandigirl. I guess I blocked all that from my memory, but now that you wrote that, it IS vaguely familiar. I had forgotten Jane was on a hit list. So there's another story line in with the 20 other story lines. Gah.
  9. I hope writers do the Nothing Before Our Time. It will make me feel better about the bad results I've gotten from all the Mythological Heroes, Solar System, Old English Literature and Opera FJs. More CardiB and less Tombaugh Regio suits me. Final Jeopardy happens every game, regardless of who is playing. So the FJ Contest will continue every day as well, regardless of who is playing. Knowledge is knowledge. (Or the lack of it for some of us. *cough*)
  10. He still needs to shave that gross neck. So disgusting. If I remember correctly, after Weller and Jane got married over the summer break between seasons, they had moved to and were living in Colorado or wherever Allie and the baby are, and they were babysitting/sharing parenting. Then Weller and Jane got called back to work (no mention of how they were living financially in Colorado) and that was the last we heard of the child. Rich Dot Com continues to be the savior of this show. I used to watch it religiously and now it's on while I do other things. Oh, a peek at Dead Roman is also a plus. Other than those two things ... (fade to black)
  11. Or just tune in for FJ. I'm not forcing anyone to watch the entire show. I also expect Teen Tourney haters to get 5/5 for the week, which will help on their road to the contest high prize!
  12. I asked the contest owner and the reply was the contest will continue on a daily basis regardless of who is playing: teens, teachers, all stars or regular joes and janes. So see ya'll back here Monday for Week 9 and Final Jeopardy No. 31. No one will be shamed for missing teen or toddler answers, nor will anyone be shunned if you clean the FJ clocks next week. One for all and all for one, people!
  13. LOL. I picture the mad scientist putting the metal helmet on me and transferring all my brain cells to you, via the metal helmet (with antenna!) on your head. You're welcome. I know someone who did lamer this week. *cough*
  14. WEEK 8 Final Jeopardy Questions — No asterisks 26. Shakespeare. Aptly, Shakespeare used “moon” & “moonlight” more times in this play than in any other. 27. Today’s Innovators. The Ballbarrow was an early invention by this British man who’s had greater success with sophisticated household devices. 28. 1960s Films. Chocolate syrup, casaba melon & Playboy model Marli Renfro were enlisted to create an iconic scene in this film. 29. Historic Geography. A northern limit of the Roman Empire was a fortified road in Germany stretching 350 miles between these 2 rivers. 30. Surnames. Evoking speed & luxury, this one of the 10 most common Italian surnames goes back to the Latin word for iron.
  15. I was reminded of this show and Toby after hearing several news reports about water contamination and how prescription pills get into our water supply (and our tap water!) because stupid people flush them down the toilet instead of disposing them in the proper way. We have prescription-pill-drop-off days here for people who are aware of and care about the environment. *cough that's not toby cough*
  16. Well, hoity toity to the both of yas. Said the person who got ONE this week. This game is starting to suck out my brain cells. You know, like a DYSON. (Waiting for Toddler Tournament week.) ETA: Fex sneaked in with a FIVE while I was posting the above. So, GOOD FOR YOU too, Fex, you little Smarty Pants.
  17. Geez, I didn't know Duel killed himself. Alias Smith and Jones reruns were being played here a while back. I was a fan of that show. There were a lot of westerns then, and every one of them had a handsome cowboy as an accessory for me to crush on. Too many to list! Although that would be a good Jeopardy category, Sexy Sidekicks. Although it probably isn't proper to use "sexy" in any title anymore. I could see most of the images in those Magic Eye posters. Maybe that's because I went to art college and easily got a BFA. Not that I would ever troll anyone. *cough* Love your red audition top, Wild Sow. When I was a movie extra, we were told to wear solid-colored tops. I wore plaid pants, which freaked out some of the other extras, but our role was to sit in a baseball stadium so no one ever saw my trou. I was in a "special" group that got craft services and were paid extra-extra. Disappointing though, when I saw the movie in the theater afterward (we had a big premiere here) I didn't see myself even once. Still, nice money for sitting around doing crosswords all day. One day I brought my camera and took pictures of the crew and stars while they were filming (not filming extras). Also got autographs that I have no idea where they are now.
  18. Yes to that. She was already succumbing to three-time-champ fatigue. I did too! From watching the movie a zillion times. I am positive we were correct. Anything for a friend! Just don't toss any pastries in the trashcan this weekend and you'll be okay. And I learned Geraldine Ferraro's last name is Italian for "blacksmith." True!
  19. Another champ is the victim of the three-day-win-and-then-you-lose syndrome. There has to be something about brain power vs. that period of time playing one game after another. At least everyone here curious about the champ being pregnant got their answer before she left. Again with the Hamilton clue/answer. Contestants have been warned here to see that before they go on the show. Yeah, FDR was a real bust. If the champ hadn't answered that (FDR looks so strikingly different than any other prez!) wrong, she might have lived to play another day. I said Fiat for FJ because I just finished writing an article on a 290-hp Fiat race car that was imported from Italy in 1908 and was raced by a major company; it broke records from coast to coast. It almost topped 100 mph! Coming back to modern times though, boyfriends who did not have MGs had Fiat sports cars and they were tin-can POCs. If I hadn't done all that research on the Fiat imported race car, I might have come up with Ferarri. Might have. There was a Seinfeld episode about that, when Elaine worked for Mr. Pitt. I'll bet @opus knows that one.
  20. Being an actor's personal assistant is pretty different than taking care of a crying, hungry, cranky, pooping, peeing, screaming newborn that isn't leaving your house anytime soon. I'd take care of Kevin all day (and I don't mean that in a gross way, I mean as an assistant) before I'd take care of any newborn for five minutes. YMMV, of course.
  21. With all the pecan praline pronunciation postings, I don't even know how to say those words any more. If I run into them in a shop, I will point and say, "A dozen of those, please." And if I make some, I don't need to call them anything but delicious. Pecan praline problem solved.
  22. This made me laugh since I am the one who has never seen a Dyson commercial (that I remember anyway). Last night I was watching a The Good Wife rerun while The Good Place (ha to those almost-the-same titles) was on the other channel. So I still haven't seen a Dyson commercial. But thanks for the info! I'm not even posting the two rivers I guessed for FJ. Suffice it to say, no one else here had my guesses. Probably no one watching at home had them either.
  23. LOL. Maybe. But I doubt it. Having a child is also a sure-fire way to save a failing marriage, right? Sure. More likely I see her complaining about her lack of sleep and the kid being demanding and her not having a life of her own and Toby not being there when a poop diaper needs to be changed. For the next 18 years if this show lasts that long.
  24. Except one or more Pearsons would show up and ruin her alone time.
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