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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. So many things in this episode to hand wave, they ruined the show for me. Especially the Toby-cooking-Tgiving-dinner part. WTHeck, it's not hard people. Making fresh cranberries is so simple it's ridiculous, and one doesn't need 30 ingredients plus fresh mint. Most recipes are three ingredients, including the cranberries. Try doing a google search for recipes, dumb ass. And that turkey? I've never basted a turkey in my life and I've never had one come out dry or inedible. And I'm no chef, I'm just a regular person. A turkey also needs more than a half hour to bake, too, so should have been in the oven ages before even looking up the cranberry recipe. Then the turkey shown was black on top? Please. It would have to have been in a 400-degree oven for a full day to be burned. Giant hand wave. Then, in five minute's time, Toby appears with take out? It takes five minutes just to go outside and get in your car. If it was delivered, it takes five minutes to find a place that will deliver. Even Dominos pizza might take longer than 30 minutes on Thanksgiving. If they are even open. I hated that entire "we're cooking" segment. Must be most of this show's writers live at home with mom or a SO that does all that for them. Then Toby talking about the girl products. Geesh. I guess when he was trying to get Kate pregnant he asked her when her full-moon thing was going to happen so they could do that you-know-what thing. He's such a dumb ass. Now we find out Nicky is a medic. Holy cats. I guess because he saves spiders he decided to go that route. Not a wise choice, obviously. LOL that Kevin's necklace quest is for something a random woman, no name yet, gave Jack for putting medicine on her kid's foot. Alrighty then. Good luck with that Kevin. We did get to see the photo being taken though, so that was cool. It would be something if that kid's foot heals and he hunts down and kills Nicky with one of those can explosives Jack saw being made. I've never gotten the Miguel hate, but I have wondered about his kids. This was his first Thanksgiving with them, and only because the ex went somewhere else? His kids are dicks. Speaking of dicks ... Randall. What a jerk. "She's my wife" doesn't mean she knows jack about politics. Randall deserves to lose. I'd do a write-in vote for his campaign manager instead.
  2. Never mind. I guess Jeopardy did run on Thanksgiving and you guys saw the episode even if I did not. TheJeopardyFan.com had the FJ clue/answer so the game will continue as if a day off never happened. Five games this week. Clues will be posted here NLT tomorrow for anyone needing to catch up.
  3. I didn't have a dog in this race, but was leaning toward Evanna based on her getting the judge crummy treatment. So I actually voted my five online votes for her. I haven't been a Milo fan, but I will say his freestyle was one of the best ever on this show, I'd actually watch it again. Of course he was going to win after that. Then the four were standing there waiting for the winner's name. And ... the winner was announced and I started laughing and laughing and laughing like I haven't laughed in decades. I never did hear what was said at the end because I was laughing so hard. I laughed all the way through credits. I only stopped laughing (but still doing small gaffaws) after turning the channel so as not to watch The Good Doctor. So thanks, show, for that.
  4. WEEK 10 - No asterisks 31. International Groups. The economic bloc known as the G8 became the G7 in 2014 upon the expulsion of this country. 32. 20th Century Literature. Chapter 1 of this 1954 British novel is entitled “The Sound of the Shell.” 33. 19th Century Names. In the 1870s he wrote that “Man is descended from a hairy, tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in its habits.” 34. The American Revolution Era. She was disowned by the Quakers after marrying an Episcopalian upholsterer in 1773 & later took over his business. 35. Mammals. Scientific name Mellivora capensis, this 2-word weasel family member was named “most fearless mammal.”
  5. So much word to your post, HunterHunted. But then the FBI as portrayed in this show is such a bunch of morons, are you surprised Jane can run free and do whatever she wants. At least Weller seems to be catching on to her. I can only hope they shoot each other dead in coming episodes. The head FBI guy, don't know his name, is apparently written by the same person who writes Rich Dot Com's dialogue. So OTT and not funny for some guy who's suppose to be in charge of FBI field agents. But then, see second sentence above.
  6. Geezy pete. Think about it. Cliff Clavin. I was making a joke about FJ wagering. You guys are way harsher than normal tonight.
  7. The weirdness is that someone is cutting out photos of Alex Trebeck and putting them into a scrapbook, plus keeping such a close track of them that he/she is unhappy that The Washington Post has run a photo they printed before instead of using a new one that he/she could have added to his/her shrine wall scrapbook. Some people find that creepy. And stalkerish. Of course, YMMV. You can read the response comments (and add your own) at @SerenaEGolden. Ken Jennings has also retweeted this.
  8. Serena Golden is the deputy managing editor at WaPoExpress.
  9. Watch for screen name Saber5055 to be changed to Zygote5055 soon.
  10. If she had any of her hair pulled back, a mombo bow would make sense. But here's her hair. No reason for a bow.
  11. Which is why I said Robinson Crusoe. Hey, I know what you meant and, with appreciation, I give your post (and guess) A+. Except you spelled Camoo wrong. I was sorry for Autumn having to compete 20 minutes (or so) after her win "yesterday." I didn't mind any of the kids' opening moves, even if I didn't understand what they were. I think the protocol for tournament intros has been set so expect more in this tourney and those yet to come. I wonder if the champions will do some dorky routine though. I guess if Austin is there, then yes. What was that square thing on the back of Claire's head? I could see it during her (hour-long, geezy pete) interview. It's like she had a black box glued on the back of her head. Man, those interviews though. Blah blah blah blah. Wake me when you're done. My brain blanked so all I could come up with was Scopes, as in the Scopes Monkey Trial. Hooray for independent thinking!
  12. I didn't realize until this ep was over that there was no Randall, no Kate and no Toby. So THAT'S why I liked this episode, the first one I have liked since ... well, since almost the beginning of this show. I can't stand Kate and my feeling about Toby strongly borders on hate. And Randall has been nothing but an obnoxious PITA for too long. Speaking of bats, Nicky is pretty much bat-sh*t. He's not even happy to see his brother. Good luck with helping that, Jack. Nicky would be better off in the brig, then given a dishonorable discharge. I do wonder how Jack enlisted after Nicky and all of a sudden is a platoon/squad leader. No mention of college/ROTC. But I guess that's the Hollywood magic at work. I don't think eating a fried bat is any worse than eating monkey, guinea pig, rats, dogs or cats. All common in countries not the United States. Not that I'd want to, but still. You won't die from it. Agree about the cursed necklace. Kind of funny that Kevin didn't research it online first, there are probably hundreds of them on eBay.
  13. I might be the only one who cannot remember one single book read in high school. I don't even remember if there were books we had to read. I do remember the plot of Lord of the Flies though, although I don't know why or how I know it. And I did get that previous FJ answer of "Piggy" referenced above. I can barely remember anything about high school. I tend to block cr*ppy memories.
  14. They were so excited! I was happy for them too, and happy to see them be so happy.
  15. I liked how today's players were asking for clues by partial category names. It's like they practiced, or actually watch the show. Seems like the interviews with the teens are better than average too.
  16. I read this several times without seeing the "with" between "inside" and "you" and all I could think was, I'm grateful he never did say that. LOL!
  17. Lots of TSs tonight. I got red, fainting goats (I think they are horrible, can't understand anyone wanting one much less breeding them to create more, but I see them for sale in spite of what I think), shy, Tesla and Daytona. Stock car was the key to that last one. For FJ I said Robinson Crusoe and was all set to join the group of posters here who complain that Teen Jeopardy is so easy they refuse to watch. Then the correct answer was revealed. *sigh* But hooray for Autumn's fabulous red hair. Love it, girl!
  18. I guess people have differing definitions of entertainment. I find what people are calling his enthusiasm to be put on, obnoxious and self serving. And now after reading here about what he's been saying today, he can't be gone soon enough for me.
  19. I laugh every time Teen Jeopardy opens and The Thinker dabs.
  20. I saw Gleb do that to Emma and was all WTH is he doing chucking her onto the floor when aren't the couples suppose to match each other. Then he gives the camera a big grin, which made him more disgusting than ever before. Which is saying something. I can always pick Gleb out of group dances since he's the one always staring at and grinning at the camera, regardless of where he is on the dance floor. His partner just gets in the way of him being a star in his own mind. I'd be plenty happy if the show sent him packing off to ... wherever.
  21. To me, this says more about Jenna as a teacher than Joe as a student. These threads are loaded with comments about how Jenna has been wanting Joe to be voted off since forever just by watching how she acts toward him. If she's that cold to him while the camera (that she loves) is on her, how is she when the cameras are not on her? At least CAI treated Joe as a human with feelings. Jenna couldn't even pretend to like Joe.
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