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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. You just annoyed everyone here. The proper ask is: "PTV $1,000."
  2. @Toothbrush, if you go back in one of these threads, someone posted photos of the backs and inside of the contestant podium. It shows the standing blocks at different heights, and there are also telephones -- a poster here questioned what they are for. Not sure which thread the photos are in, but there are at least two if I remember correctly. They might be from when MrAtoz was a player. There should be a Jeopardy category about this PTV thread.
  3. Yeah, I'm sure that loss is burned into his brain. I could see his thinking, if he tanks that DD he's lost the game. But on the other hand, he lost it anyway by not going big enough to get in first place IF he got the DD correct. Nothing ventured at that point in the game, one has to swim, not sink. Meanwhile, I copied this from thejeopardyfan.com since Conor is from Rapid City, just a bit more than 20 miles from Mt. Rushmore: "And today seems like a good idea to remind everyone that contestants and clue materials are selected independently of each other by an independent on-set compliance attorney; there are times where coincidences happen."
  4. Family Feud just did a category, "Name five U.S. presidents who would have done well on Jeopardy." One team won the buzzer with Lincoln, fifth out of five answers. Next answer was No. 1: Obama. Next answer No. 2: JFK. Next answer No. 3: Reagan. Then they got three strikes with The First Bush, Carter and Jefferson. So it went to the other family to guess the No. 4 answer. Their answer: J. Edgar Hoover. Yes, seriously. Answer reveal: No. 4 Bill Clinton
  5. Agree @SHD. There is enough hate for players as it is. Imagine if Jackie got to "brag" about being in a band. Some people already hate her because some dude gave her a nickname years ago, and she didn't have anything to do with that.
  6. Blake's duets showcased what a good singer Blake is. Jennifer's duet showcased how she likes to showcase herself and out sing anyone on stage with her. Kelly's duet showed how she let Chevel be an equal partner in the song, and Chevel measured up to that. Based on the duets alone, Chevel for the win. What's up with Kennedy having a ton-load of backup dancers? Of course that's all figured out and arranged by TPTB. Is the show selling her as a singer or "performer." For that reason, Chevel for the win. I'm good with that. I know Jennifer has every reason to think highly of herself, but I find it taxing to watch. Kelly, on the other hand, is THE BEST.
  7. When there is a clothing company named South Face we will stop being "northern-hemisphere-centric." There are plenty of J clue/answers about things south of the equator in every game. Maybe she had it on her interview cards but Trebek chooses what to talk about. Remember the guy who was one of the kids in Willy Wonka? Trebek never let him tell us about that, either. I have no problem with Jackie so don't get all the hate she is catching. I would like to trim the sparse ends of her hair though, but that might be some newfangled hair fashion, like dark roots on dyed blond hair is now cool.
  8. I usually don't stay up to watch live. I come here the next day to read @Galileo908's recap and see what others have to say, then watch the best sketches online. (Or skip watching altogether.) Doing it that way saves time and cuts out about an hour of commercials. But last night I stayed up, and IMO this was the best SNL all season if not for several seasons. Damon was THE BEST and really brought it. He was like just a normal guy standing there talking during the (fabulous) monologue (which showed how good he is), and he became every character in every sketch he was in. He carried this show, and it seems like the rest of the cast came up to his level. It was a fantastic episode IMO. I also loved the cold open. For once it was fun, and funny, and all of the characters worked. Best.Episode.Evah. Thanks Matt. Oh: I like Miley Cyrus, I like her singing and personality. But I have to admit the boobage turned me off so I turned her off too. Sorry Miley. I guess there are some things about you I don't like. ETA: Fans of the old Prison Break show would have caught (and understood) the "fish" reference. Just sayin'.
  9. I haven't watched Dateline for a while, all the murder and death and horrible people on the news every day has worn me out. But I got drawn into this one. I'm with everyone else that the whole Chris-going-to-tour-the-world was such a red flag. Okay, maybe for a couple months, but after that? Didn't anyone think to check the email headers/routers? If Chris was where there were no phones or anything else, how did he get such easy wifi in the middle of the ocean, Patagonia and the middle of Africa. I also thought the dad asked the wrong questions. He could have said something like, "I'm thinking of getting another boat like the one we had at BLUE LAKE (wrong). What kind was that, I can't remember." Finding out Ed had a gambling addition summed up the case for me that he was the killer. I was in a relationship with a person who turned out to be a pathological liar and gambling addict. He only was removed from my life when he was arrested and put into prison. Looking back, I can now see the steps he was taking to move me toward suicide. I'm lucky (I guess) to be here. I hate how long these cases take between the death/disappearance and the conviction. Think of how many murders/disappearances never get solved, or even taken seriously by the police/detectives. The number must be staggering. I wonder if Ed was given the opportunity to show where Chris was buried. The surfer celebration of life at the end brought tears to my eyes.
  10. Thank you back, @Clanstarling. I'm always hoping new players will join, or some of the ones who have dropped out (10!) will play catch up and get back in the contest. Any tardy players who want back in, let me know and I will tell you at which week to start.
  11. WEEK 14 — NO asterisks 66. 2-Word World Capitals. From 1936 to 1941 this city was the capital of Italian East Africa. 67. Bible Books. The title of this Old Testament book is from the Greek for “Song sung to a harp.” 68. Sci-Fi TV. One of the twin planets this alien race called home was Remus. 69. 19th Century Authors. In the preface to a book of his stories, he thanks a herpetologist of Upper India & an elephant named Bahadur Shah. 70. Business & Industry. After it stopped U.S. operations in 2018, its website said, “Promise us just this one thing: don’t ever grow up.”
  12. "And their eyes, too!" Question: Sometimes when a player is going to ask for the reveal of a clue, he/she will look to his/her left. I've always thought it was to check how much money each contestant has. But can either of you tell me what that person really is looking at? I see it happen often. Is there a scoreboard where players can see how much $ each has?
  13. LOL at this. "The Feud" is a supposedly family friendly game show where kids can learn all the euphemisms for those "naughty bits."
  14. LOL @Mindthinkr, yes indeed. Thanks for thinking of me! I barely looked at the picture and "wirehaired" was out of my mouth before Trebek had finished reading the clue. However, I won't shame any of the players for not knowing everything I do. Coincidentally, I am currently working on a publication for a wirehaired breed club.
  15. So interesting @j5cochran, thanks for the scoopage. I love all the minute details, "inquiring minds want to know." I am looking forward to Jan. 13! That's cool you were able to take your mom and sisters. Did they get in the audience? I know the studio isn't large, not a lot of seating. The show used to solicit tourists to fill the seats, I went to some tapings when I was approached at an LA tourist spot and given tickets, but that was Before Your Time all you young whippersnappers.
  16. This is a great example of YMMV! I found Andy rather attractive, someone I would def look twice (or more) at if I saw him IRL. I was hoping he would win so I could eye candy him again today. This is a great example of why one should never trust the opinion of "the general population" since both women got FJ, not the GP's choice of Andy, making the GP's opinion worth nothing. BTW, I read on another board that Andy overthought FJ which is why he answered "Vulcan." See my above post as to how he could have arrived at that answer.
  17. Yes, that was here. Anyone questioning whether to L or not to L needs to scroll back and read. We beat that topic to death. That must have been Before Our Time because for sure PTV posters would have let you know everything, including multiple things you didn't want to know, about your stint on the show. Perhaps I am not politically aware enough but I don't see a problem here. It's not that it's a problem, it's that we make fun of Trebek saying "No, the other one" when there isn't always an obvious "other one." Read backward and you will see many posts here on just that topic. At least that's my take on it. I don't know why how someone looks would indicate their knowledge base. I was pleased when, during a local news interview, the tv person asked the person who lived next door to where a son killed his family: "Did he look like a murderer?" And the neighbor replied, "What does a murderer look like?" So: What does a Star Trek fan look like? Hint: I guarantee that I look nothing like yesterday's man player.
  18. My station went whack during DJ. The game started, then one category in it switched to a commercial that switch to more commercials then more commercials, none of them finishing, then back to the start of DJ. Then two clues in, the partial commercials started looping again. Then DJ started all over again. Then the looping commercials. Then DJ started again. By the fourth time of DJ starting over, I was able to give the answer before the clue was revealed. Finally it settled down and the rest of DJ was shown, although whatever was in the middle we never got to see. It was crazy time there for a while. I never saw a Medicare clue/answer. Would someone fill me in, please?
  19. Michael Dorn! So jealous! Wish I had been able to go to a ST convention "back in the day." Worf is a favorite of mine. Not a horrible guess. The Romulans are biological cousins of the Vulcans. Their ancestors left the planet Vulcan during The Time of Awakening (blame it on Surak!) and moved to the planets Romulus and Remus. So, they would still be Vulcans if they hadn't moved out. They still look Vulcan-esque. It just didn't fit the clue, although it made more sense than Klingon.
  20. Go ahead and look pissy. No one here will notice. *cough* Speaking of noticing, no one noticed the misspelled clue: "whem I'm older"? Still, Trebek read it as "when." Ruined my fun. When I saw the FJ category, I thought "Great, it better not be Sci Fy Channel. How about Star Trek." Then the clue! I just watched Next Generation last night, the episode where Riker and the alien of Worf's species are traded to learn about each other's commands. I kept thinking, "Worf, Worf, Worf, Worf is a ... ROMULAN!" So came up with the correct answer! The only problem with that is, Worf is a Klingon. GO FIGURE! I'm so dumb I'm smart. p.s. I'm watching Next Generation right now. Live long and prosper, ya'll.
  21. OMGosh, so exciting. I'm interested in the categories you got, but of course you can't tell us that. If studying and practicing with the toilet-paper holder helped you buzz in, if you got beaten to the buzzer when you knew the answer ... and WHEW! when you were going to be wrong! Did you watch all the old episodes to get a feel for commonalities that are always asked. More importantly: Did they feed you? Craft services? Ha ha. Did you have to pay for your own lodging or did they put you in a hotel. Limo to the studio? Or did you have to hike/bike/Uber? Did you stay after you left the panel (even if it was days and days you were champ) or did you skee-daddle after you lost? I only assume you lost because you are back here. You might have been gone for months during filming! Did you get any souvenirs? Everyone gets their pic with Trebek. Was he nice to you or did he highjack your interview? I guess we'll have to wait and see that for ourselves. That's AFTER-your-episodes-air gossip. Ha ha! And: Did you have to stand on a box? And did staff recommend what to wear? Can't wait to root for you. Thanks for sharing your adventure. It must have been difficult to not tell the world you actually got on the show. My brain is not worthy of even knowing yours.
  22. WTHeck, @j5cochran, you are only telling us this NOW? You'd better let us know when your episode(s) will air. I hope it all was fun and positive, regardless of how you did. Once your eps have aired, I'll have plenty of questions!
  23. Most definitely he did add a syllable. But ... judges. They ding no "s" on Hungry Hippos but a whole new syllable on "Clinton" is okay. Whimsy. I love that movie so got it immediately. Everyone makes fun of it for being tedious, ala Seinfeld, so I guess that says something about me. Billy Crystal hosted the Oscars that year, and his intro parody film featured the EP plane crash. I can still picture that, too.
  24. I hate you. Don't take it personally. Now that's a place where I would feel right at home. Just no penguins here ... that I've seen yet.
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