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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I decided to forego the montage and went outside to play ball with my dog. I think I missed the best part of this show. My money is on Catherine getting the last rose. Any takers?
  2. Sean was a "born again" virgin. Meaning he decided he was a "virgin" (in his own mind) again after having multiple sex partners up until this "epiphany." Being a "born again" virgin was Sean's hook for his season. That made the train-going-through-a-tunnel visual after he got married on tv even more ... well, tacky.
  3. Everyone is going to "freak out" if Catherine gets a rose. So you know she's getting one for sure, right? Right. And next week and the week after that too.
  4. LOL, the blob fish made me laugh for sure. Blob fish. No kidding! I wish for once the Bach would tell interrupters like Lip Lady "sorry, not now. See ya later." THAT would be a golden moment. Who is this First Rose person?
  5. That's Catherine The Old Dog Lady. TH says she's 26 but yeah, she looks 40+ easy. She'll be easy to pick out of a crowd though since her lips extend into the stratosphere. And her dress is HID-E-OUS! I usually don't care about clothes, including sequins, but that is one nasty dress. Women, learn to JUST SAY NO! Someone needs to toss Catherine in the pool. "Oops! Sorry about that. Heh heh."
  6. These make me want to vomit. But I guess Fleiss can say he's responsible for those hookups so why not. Why not, because he's a dickwad loser. And now everyone everywhere (who watches this dreck, hello everyone!) knows it. Fake Accent Woman is doing a TERRIBLE Aussie accent. Not even close. (This from a person with Aussie friends. Real Aussies.) She sucks. The Winter Bach Games couple from Australia were being VERY kind. I wish they would have told the truth. That would have been ... you know ... drah-matic! And Alabama!
  7. Can't wait for Australian girl to tell him she's faking. Way to make an impression, yes. Ugh, person with the old dog has fish lips. And you don't hand off an ancient dog to a stranger. Call the limo for her, too.
  8. Rank these from best to worst: 1. V card 2. Cherry pop 3. Sloth costume 4. Something that hasn't happened yet
  9. I think it's a big deal because this show is MAKING it a big deal. Simple as that. It's this season's hook, to make it The.Most.Drah.Matic.Season EVAH.
  10. Me (if I were the Bachelor): "Limo! Open the door, this one is leaving now. 'Bye."
  11. Colton has been going to "meet the bachelorettes" for three commercial breaks now. *sigh* What a bunch of filler. Three hours of filler ...
  12. Who the heck are those two getting engaged? WTH, is this some new "everybody has to do it" thing? Gotta get engaged where everyone can see it?
  13. Now I feel like I'm not worthy of this franchise ... :-((
  14. Okay, Colton saying he was a fat kid with no friends struck a nerve with me so now I have to like him. Thanks a lot show for ruining the snark for me. WTH with all the live party business. I don't recognize any of these former Bs and B-ettes. CH: "Burning question: Will Colton lose his virginity on his journey?" Me: I could give a care. I'll need to buy booze by the crate if I'm going to play the Virgin Drinking Game this season.
  15. YES! I washed mine. There's plenty of time. You could wash it twice and not miss anything.
  16. Welcome back @zoey1996! We missed you too!
  17. He didn't single out one player, he told the two new players that they passed the J test so were smart enough to give the champ a go. I did get a kick out of Trebek saying Jonathan would have an advantage in the Collaboration category, then after he picked the first clue, Zorn answered it, then Zorn and Meredith answered all the rest. Jonathan got totally locked out of "his" category. Thanks, Trebek, for the jinx. Speaking of Zorn, in one place on TheJeopardFan, his name is misspelled as Zork. Ha. Great superhero name, Zork. Or Star Trek alien. Or planet. Also a good name for a Jeopardy champion. I got St. Ives, tea caddy and Jared Padalecki. Kind of funny none of the three have caught an episode of Supernatural in the 15 years it's been on. I hate Trebek schooling players for wrong answers. Doing so at FJ is an irritation and brings me back to Would You Rather ... be ridiculed for a guess or be a know nothing and leave it blank. Up to you. No wrong answer and I won't school you if you don't agree with me. If I were Zorn, I would have bet 5,000 on the Bird DD to put me well into first. Of course, that's one of "my" categories and Zorn ended up winning anyway, so never mind. I just wanted to say it! Asterisk day all you contest players!
  18. I think speculation about anyone's sexual side is a waste of time. There are better things to do. Girls have always been raised to HAVE to be married and have children or they are nothing, a loss to society. Thanks the gods that thinking is changing, and women can now have professional careers and (some of them) make more money than a man. Whether they chose to sleep with men or women or no one at all means nothing. The same goes for men IMO. I judge people by how they present themselves and what they accomplish in the way of doing good or creating something worthwhile, not by with whom they have sex, or don't have sex. Making sex-partner preferences the No. 1 "thing" is so 1960s. Are unmarried women still called "old maids"? Or just lesbians? It seems they are, and unmarried men are all gay. Yeah, right. NOT. I'm on two online dating sites and 99 out of 100 men on both are divorced. To me, that speaks volumes about how "great" marriage is. After the fun of the engagement and wedding, one has to live with the person. That doesn't seem to be so popular. The Bachelor is going up against AGT tonight. I'll be in for TB since AGT reruns on Saturday. Otherwise, tough decision given the lows to which TB franchise has sunk. See you guys in the episode thread tomorrow.
  19. But if you stock up on them, load your bomb shelter with boxes of Twinkies, they will still be the same 50 years after the apocalypse and all "real" food is gone. Dharma Initiative probably stocked them! I can see how a smell can wear on a person after a while, even yummy ones like Cadbury. For instance, I OD'd on Febreze when it first came out and now can't stand the smell. (But it is preferred over that packing plant.)
  20. Oh! You made me remember the Wonder Bread factory! Again, long gone. The road past it got the nickname "Twinkie Boulevard" as WB was owned by Hostess. Now I drive past a packing house, a nice name for a slaughterhouse, when I venture to the Big City. There is nothing at that Interstate exit, including homes. Given the number of employees and truckers in and out 24/7, the location would be a gold mine ... except for the odor.
  21. I did like the licorice smell. While I'm not fond of black licorice, red licorice rules. It was only odd days that the smell reached my home. The factory was Brach's, and some days they were making chocolate candies. Those were good days too, given a congenial wind. It was also nice driving past the place. Not sure if licorice and chocolate switched days. The factory is long gone, it left before I did! LOL at your dad sending your mom to get his one-day paycheck @peeayebee. Women ... their work is never done. @Mindthinkr, the "one shower is not enough" reminds me of Patricia Cornwell's description of the showers Kay Scarpetta has to take before entering her home after a day's work in the morgue. Maybe that's one workplace that smells worse than a tannery.
  22. This makes me sad. But you had a great run and presented yourself (and your knowledge!) well. I wish you could have a "do over." You should have goofed up the last FJ reading or something so you would be invited back. To everyone talking about the worst smells ... combine those all together and you get a tannery. When I was a kid, there was a licorice factory to the north. On great days, the wind would blow from that direction. Much like @Sharpie66's Ambrosia chocolate wind!
  23. The Columbia Plateau is an actual geographical area in eastern Washington that extends into Oregon, Idaho and BC, so I'd have to vote no on the mesa. Others, including Jeopardy "real" judges, might disagree of course!
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