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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Let us know what you decided, and if a movie, which one. I heard some areas around you got 20 inches. Holy cats. That's impressive, even for the Great White North where I live. Hope your power stayed on.
  2. I'm with you on that. On my 14-inch day, I shoveled the back deck multiple times so I could 1. open the door and 2. so the dogs could walk outside without bottoming out. Shoveling two to three inches at a time is greatly preferred to shoveling 14 plus (because drifts) all at once. The term for what we had was "heart-attack snow" since it rained all day before temps dropped and it started snowing. The result is what kids call "packin' snow" since it's perfect for snowmen and snowballs. That's the dif between kids having fun and adults not. Home all day, yeay! Enjoy your day off, B-coat.
  3. That total officially sucks for any part of the United States. AND Canada! But fun if you like to toboggan and/or sled and/or cross country ski. And don't have to go to work/school tomorrow. Good luck with what the snow plow puts at the end of your driveway. IF there are snow plows there! Champaign/Urbana ... practically to Kentucky!
  4. Apologies for stealing your "snow thunder" by one-upping your inches @Browncoat. I feel your pain. I saw that storm was hitting Virginia and the Carolinas. My reaction was relief it was missing me. I'm selfish like that. If your parents did grad work at Northern Illinois or U of I Chicago, you were in my part of the tundra. Both excellent schools. I once shared a hotel room with a friend from LA. Worse vacation ever. She was freezing while I was sweating like a pig in that room. I hope your brother is okay in Texas, which has been under water for the most part of this year.
  5. I'm in the middle of the tundra of northwestern Illinois. We expect this in January and probably December but from Halloween on weather has been brutal this year. Just remember: It builds character. (Insert joke about Browncoat and Saber being real characters.) At least here we all own snow shovels and 14 inches of snow doesn't keep us home. My sympathies to folks in the southeast getting socked. Although many people are seeing their first snow ever. Maybe that's you, Browncoat? 40-degree temps = wearin' shorts weather.
  6. Word up @Mystery Author, for your phly post and rad granddaughter.
  7. Good luck with that. The 14 inches that fell here (in one day) three weeks ago was the fourth snow of the fall. Temps have been in the teens/20s the past two months, when we should have been in the 40-50F range. I only keep from going insane by following the AA mantra of "one day at a time." Still, I teeter on the brink almost every day.
  8. To me, "That's a good question" is pandering, needlessly buttering the interviewer. Why is it such a good question? The person could say, "Let me think about that a sec" or "I never thought of that before," instead of repeating what everyone says just to fill and kill time -- and butter up the host. Being okay with that time filler, to me, means other time fillers are okay: Starting sentences with "So ..." and saying "like" and "you know" every few seconds in the same sentence. I listen to a lot of radio interviews so these things become glaring after hearing them over and over. JMHO of course. I did a new channel scan yesterday and came up with a new station ... one that shows old westerns on certain days. I got to watch two Dead of Alives yesterday! Mr. McQueen's pants fit nicely. I never noticed that when I was a wee kid. Heh.
  9. "So Mr. President, who are you wearing?" Just the rule of Common Sense. Although one president might wear clothing made in China under his own label.
  10. IMO, the U.S. presidents part was tossed in to confuse us. The real question was, what's the last name of these three brothers who make/sell men's suits in America. That presidents wear Brooks Brothers was news to me. It makes sense they aren't allowed to wear foreign though, like Dior.
  11. Well, the writers have to get their ideas SOMEWHERE.
  12. If that bugs, start listening for people saying "absolutely" instead of "yes." That's my big irk. Also, "That's a good question" when someone is being interviewed.
  13. Nice shout out to Grey's Anatomy with Boston telling Rich "you're my person." TM Meredith and Christina If I were Boston, I'd totally hate Rich after Rich scares an "I love you": out of him. If I were Rich, I'd be watching my back. That relationship s/b over. As should the Weller/Jane/Remy love triangle. Weller: "I know my wife." BS. You need to put "your wife" either in prison or back in a bag, permanent like. Too funny Shepard is now all straight while Remy is all crazy ass. I don't even get the Zapata story line. Yeah, she would be shot a zillion times after she whirled and pointed the gun at Reade (or whomever it was). IRL people get shot for just holding a cell phone, or walking away from police. I wish she would get shot/killed to put that story line out of its misery. And yeah, LOL at the close up of Weller as his car careens down a hill for ages, knocking down trees (I guess) when the car rolls up against them. I can see him practicing in front of a mirror. That ZIP poisoning needs to hurry up and kill Jane/Remy. Pronto!
  14. Was the category a certain number of letters? I cannot remember. I hope we have not jinxed @teebax by "ass"uming she has made it to the show. Gotta pass that interview thing first. Crossing fingers and tossing salt over my left shoulder to help the cause. (Although your ability to mime might be a plus to the interviewers.)
  15. Google Trebek's life history and choose something you have in common with him. He will appreciate the opportunity to steal take over give you the spotlight for a great interview. Were you interviewed by Dan Zak?
  16. WEEK 13 — NO asterisks 61. American Business. Last name of John, Daniel, Elisha & Edward, whose firm turned 200 in 2018 & has dressed 40 U.S. Presidents. 62. The NFL. For the 2018 draft this team tried to use a parrot to make a pick; the bird got stage fright. 63. Names In American History. In 1999 the U.S. Government was ordered to pay his family $16 million for less than 30 seconds of film. 64. World Affairs 2018. An Arab League Summit final statement rejected “interference” by this country often mistakenly called an Arab land itself. 65. Opera. In Act I of this opera, a messenger says, “barbarous Ethiopians” have invaded & “are already marching on Thebes.”
  17. LOL. The irony was not lost on me.
  18. As homage to your PTV family, I request finger guns, then blowing the "smoke" off the ends during your intro. Everyone will LOVE you!
  19. Ha ha. Opus made me laugh. I originally was going to post you need to wear a low-cut top and no bra (or a too-large bra stuffed with padding) plus dangling huge ear rings when you get accepted to be on the show. Don't wash your hair, grow a moustache (!) and be sure to pick clues from the center of the board first. Wear uneven shoes so you sway back and forth, and you'll ring in faster if you hold the buzzer over your head and jerk it around as much as possible. And always speak with vocal fry, whatever that is. Or speak with a fake French accent to get Trebek on your side. I'm sure you already know all of these things. I'll leave your interview stories up to you, although I'm sure others here can help you.
  20. OMG @teebax I am as excited as you are! Tell us all about it when you get back. Or while you are there! I can't wait to hear. From all your practice on PTV, you should do well. Remember to practice buzzing in with a toiler-paper-roll holder! GOOD LUCK!
  21. It's the reason I listen but do not look. I did like Wednesday's woman contestant being in roller derby and giving Trebek roller names. That was different and very cool. Roller derby used to be a regular tv programming staple when I was a kid. Blockers and jammers!
  22. Borgnine was a guest star in a S1 Little House I saw last week, playing a hermit mountain man. Laura ran away and stayed with him for some days, which I found extremely creepy. But it was a different time back then. Both in Little House days and the 1970s!
  23. I hate football with the heat of a thousand suns. And then some. I bet the woman player today gave herself a big "DUH" after guessing Salt Lake City for location of that (Atlanta) Baptist church. I knew FJ instantly, but would have spelled it "Zabruder." So I guess I stay a loser.
  24. A friend of mine was a PA/intern on that talent show some years ago that Sawyer Brown was on and got famous from. Sawyer Brown came to play at his wedding after he (and they) were done with the show. That's as close as I get to anyone famous, a few Kevin Bacons away. Paladin ... too funny about his first name being "Wire." I watched that show but never had an attraction to Richard Boone. Just ... no. Same with Bat Masterson. Watched, but no crush. The handsome sidekicks were what made watching more enjoyable for this kid. And I totally agree on Robert Fuller, Will Hutchinson, Steve McQueen ... big YESes to those hotties! And oh, yes, Rowdy Yates.
  25. Thanks for the birthday wishes, Toothbrush and GQJane. I'll be accepting wishes and gifts all year long! (Don't forget to tip your waiter.)
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