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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I know! Same here! I never would have remembered that TV show, but now I have to look it up and refresh my brain. You know, in case it shows up on Jeopardy some day.
  2. Or 100% manufactured horse shit. Yes to the puppet thing. He (and the women) all have to do what the PAs tell them to do to create drah-mah. I did notice Colt-ton, when he was talking to one of the women, almost laughing. His eyes were laughing while his mouth was saying something that was suppose to be serious. He did this when he was on The Bachelorette, too. Makes me think he's not such a great actor nor very sincere in what he SAYS he is going to do or is thinking. I also believe his "trauma" over being "so afraid" of someone not accepting his proposal is producer-driven too, to make us keep watching so we MIGHT see his heart "be broken." *coughfakecough* I hate it when people talk about their "gut." Geez guys, guts are intestines and pretty nasty things. The only time I listen to my intestines is most def not while I am on national television. I'll go (ha ha) with my feelings or my heart instead. But intestines? Just no.
  3. A big yes to this. But then that would eliminate so much of the drah-mah from the "house" and leave nothing to tattle about and the PAs would have to think of new ways to stir controversy. Plus, most (if not all) of the contestants in this franchise apply so THEY can be the Next Big Thing and be on TMZ, Kimmel, Ellen, the cover of US and People magazines. This entire season is so boring, all this throwing each other under the bus is most certainly producer driven. That's all this season has been is women bitching about other women and Colt-ton asking the women, one at a time, to dish dirt on everyone else. It's made this boring season even more boring. I had to turn the channel, I can't stand stupid bickering over, bottom line, made-up stuff. Amen. I hate it when people know what I want and need more than I know what I want and need. And that's all the women have been doing this season, declaring they know exactly what these other people, whom they've know for a few weeks, are ready to do. Please. Because I couldn't stand it so switched to AGT (which was quite good BTW), did Colt-ton jump the privacy fence last night? That could be a euphemism for "jump the shark." Like this franchise has.
  4. I didn't hear this, I tuned in late. Help me out, please? No wait, I don't mean help me OUT, like out the door. Just: What did AT say about how the Tournament will be played? I'm looking forward to my team rocking it, and me winning a Lindblad trip. Maybe to ... Antarctica? Yeay!
  5. Well, the third person to guess did answer spoon, this because she heard me shouting through the airwaves. You're welcome.
  6. When the camera showed a close up of the trophy Shin won, I started laughing and laughing and couldn't stop, it was the funniest thing I've seen since Billy Bones won DWTS. I couldn't stop laughing out loud then, either. Took me clear into commercial break. Meanwhile, congrats Shin Lim. You really ARE magic. In so many ways! (And I love Darci Lynn, too. You'll be just fine girl!)
  7. Oh man, more with the "what did you hear" and "I only want what's best for you" and gossip hearsay make it all up. Bye guys. Heading back to AGT. I've been out of high school WAY too long to even listen to this crap. Colt-ton is as big a gossip and tattle tale as all these little girls the show fixed him up with. GAH. I'm out.
  8. Oh god, now we've got another one who says someone "isn't ready." WTH. And "blindsided" has now been added back into the vocabulary. Even the PAs must be bored with this season because I sure am.
  9. I missed the Colt-ton family visit since I jumped the privacy fence into AGT territory to get away from the high-school theatrics and non-stop petty fighting and arguing going on with this group of kids. I love me some Colorado scenic porn, but this bunch of knuckleheaded children is pushing me out of my limits of tolerance.
  10. I easily got runcible spoon based on my favorite poem, The Owl and the Pussycat: "They dined on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon;" I love that poem. In college I created a 3D boat (pea green, of course) holding an owl and cat, and the poem was on the sail. (Art college guys) Anyway. There were tons of TSs today. I got neonatal, humane, speedy (trial), rotor, Maine (remember?), then drifted off so didn't write down the others. Rachel did get TWO GFYs though, so *drink/drink* You posters who are wizards about how to bet FJ had a great day today, hey? Oh yeah: Monday must be my best brain day since H.G. Wells came to me immediately and would not leave. I did not think he was born that long ago, but I read later that he died in 1946 so he did live ALMOST to "our time."
  11. Oh, man, I just realized I've fallen for the Fleiss manufactured DRAH-mah. Time to switch over to AGT, calm down and get over it. LOL!
  12. How is it that everyone else knows when someone is "ready" or "not ready"? Maybe that's something that the person herself needs to communicate, not some person who has known her for a few weeks. All this "she's not ready, she's not here for the right reason" BS is just so much ... BS. At least this chick is correct, she's the only one who knows if she's ready. Tayisha doesn't, and neither does anyone else. As for Colt-ton not knowing why Tayisha would say that, what a dumb ass. Because Tayisha is rigging the show so she is F1.
  13. I've never been this far along in any season and still unable to recognize any of the b-ettes. One had a TH a bit ago and I was all, like, who's that? Man, I'd be all about a snowboard/skiing date with some dude from Denver. That's my world, kids!
  14. Hey, where's that dog? That food is right at dog-mouth level on that little coffee table. *slurp!* Gone! Oh, wait ... I guess the dog was just a prop. There is no "real" dog.
  15. WHAT? He's asking Tayisha for GOSSIP? WTH dude. Just stop it. Tayisha just threw everyone else under the bus, leaving HER as the only one there For The Right Reason! That's wizard on her part. Stupid for Colt-ton to even ask her much less believe her.
  16. That's all I've been waiting for all season. And been disappointed every week!
  17. Thanks @Trey, I did see those Westminster photos. They are good ones. Non-dog people take more interesting photos that "dog" people. My takeaway: Photo 6 - Heather Helmer (yes, I know her) has really masculine hands and needs a manicure. What's up with that? Photo 8 - love this one, a view a regular dog-show person would never think of. Photo 12 - Almost missed getting the dog in. Too bad Bourbon's beautiful neck wasn't included. Don't like this one. Photo 13 - WTH Cheslie, get an outfit with pockets. Your bait is nasty. Photo 18 - Love this one. Photo 22 - This is my favorite photo of all of them. Love it! Photo 28 - I was bitten in the face by a Cane Corso. This photo creeps me out.
  18. And speaking of, Happy Presidents Day ya'll. I wonder if today's Jeopardy will have a Presidents category.
  19. Good question. (*drink*) Maybe there are legal contracts like on The Bachelor? I don't remember signing anything when I was a Jeopardy audience member, but that was ... Before Your Time.
  20. How will you keep all those people from not spilling the beans after they watch you be crowned Tournament Champion? So sorry to hear about your split with your partner, but maybe it's a good thing in retrospect. Most break ups are. Plus you getting "the Jeopardy call" at that time seems like divine intervention, out of the ashes the Phoenix rises! I like to think that if you were still together, Jeopardy would have passed you by. Karma and all. Plus now you will be part of the Jeopardy Family. Yeay!
  21. It was fun to see Glen again, and his scene with Dembe was perhaps the best of this series so far. Glen in the jury seat however, was a little too OTT and I was disappointed Glen didn't just STFU and get on the jury. Meanwhile, every part of this show that wasn't Red/Dembe/in the court room was SO BORING I couldn't have cared less about any of it. The bugs didn't creep or gross me out. I mean, just get a can of Raid you guys and spray for pete's sake. Or freaking just step on them and get it over with. But I guess the show was going for major creep-show freak out, which seems to have worked for some, reading above. Whatever. I would have missed nothing of interest if I had skipped all of the Blacklister Of The Week scenes. *yawn* Boring. The scene with Cooper and Red smoking cigars was so Boston Legal. They need to call William Shatner (Denny Crane!) in for an episode or two. That would be golden.
  22. Then the new guy shows up and says HE'S Del Toro and Madeline is all okay with that. What would she have done if a third Del Toro came on the scene? And a fourth? And how many speeding vehicles with flashing lights were needed to locate and bring back Weller and Jane? Really? Seems like one would have been enough. Interesting that Jane chose to keep her made-up single's name of Doe after marrying Weller. So they are Agent Weller and Agent Doe. I guess hyphenating would have been a little much. Not that this show is ever "a little much."
  23. You are maybe in the Dunce Cap Corner this week, but you have a long way to (not) go to beat my low score. Unlike golf, being the leader in the low score is not a good look in this contest. However, I DO LOVE ME SOME DOUGHNUTS and I never get them. So yours are a special treat @zoey1996. Thank you so much for thinking of me. (I'm not a sprinkles fan so all is good.) YUM!
  24. @Abstract, I don't have any previous scores for you but I will start you with Week 23 so you can play along with everyone else. If you have the energy to go back and report Weeks 1-22, I'll record those and you'll be up to date and prize eligible -- I'm fine with that. Meanwhile, welcome to The Game!
  25. I hereby pass along the Crown to the Smartypants of Week 23! I suspect @biakbiak is not on the writers' wavelengths, he/she IS one of the writers. *cough*
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