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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Later he amended that in a VO: "I FEEL LIKE I'm falling in love with them." Yet another difference! But it made me wonder, since love is a feeling, if you are feeling you are falling in love, wouldn't that translate to you feel like you have a feeling? *drink*
  2. For @eimSD and @CVC and anyone else in the San Diego market:
  3. I hope some of you guys stick around for the regular season. It's nice hearing from some new faces. Or rather, new avatars. That tweet made me laugh, mainly because I couldn't tell the difference between the two photos. The comments on that tweet are just as funny, which is why I enjoy following Mr. Jennings.
  4. Oh man, I didn't even think about the insurance aspect of that "date." Although I'm guessing the skydiving-company owner has massive insurance to cover everything. But that could have been The Most Drah Matic Episode EVAH if Colton had broken his leg (or something). Opportunity missed!
  5. You can find the All Stars tournament on YouTube. I missed part of one day and found it posted before it was even broadcast on the east coast. (It airs here at 4:30 p.m.) Just search Jeopardy, day, month, year. As soon as whoever it was gave the right answer of "duck," Ken's face showed he obviously goofed the thinking on the clue. I got a laugh at his answer though since it reminded me of my favorite "fish without a bicycle" line. While I'm highly disappointed in it and wonder what makes people so nasty about, basically, nothing important, I just have to remember that old standby: "Haters gonna hate." Nothing we can do to change those people. I wish that energy could be directed at something important like saving the environment instead complaining about one-half hour of television that CAN'T be changed. My observation in this thread is that this tournament has brought multiple posters here who never comment on regular games. I find that interesting, and attribute it to much interest in the All Stars, regardless of how bitchy some are about the format. As did I. I was just glad Ken had enough time (I'm sure he knows answering time down to the split second) to answer correctly. I don't call seven tweets a "tweet storm." YMMV, obviously. I've followed Ken for years, and Alex Jacob. Both have posted very funny tweets during the tournament, including ones from Buzzy after the Harold Lloyd comment. Through Twitter I'm able to enjoy their enjoyment of this tourney, and their camaraderie.
  6. A little Page Six side note: Brad Rutter and Pam Mueller attended the Oscars.
  7. Don't believe everything you see in previews. Too many times we never see that scene in the show, it's just in previews to get us to come back next week. Nick Vial caught all kinds of online hell for asking (was it Andi? JoJo?) why she had sex with him in the FS if he was going to be sent home the next day. I doubt anyone wants that hate to happen to them. I personally don't care what anyone does behind closed doors, but if I were one of the three b-ettes, there would be no sex happening in my FS. If I got sent home afterward, at least I would be going home with a clear(er) conscience.
  8. Yeah, I caught that then immediately blocked it from my memory. Thanks for reminding me. Not! Heh.
  9. Especially when we know none of the contestants on this show are insincere. *cough*
  10. CH promised us it would be NEXT WEEK! He said it's "what we've all been waiting for!" Then there's some BIG REVEAL! We've been promised that, too. My money is on: COLTON IS NOT A VIRGIN!
  11. Well, Cassie was saved for the drah-matic last rose. I've already forgotten what Caelynn's HT date was like. Two hours is a long time for this show to stay in my memory bank. I thought Cassie was wearing a wide orange belt but I guess that was a midriff top. WTH! Okay people, we're getting ready to pick the next B-ette. Pay attention from here forward. Nice last words to Caelynn, Colt-ton you jackass. He didn't even say anything, including "See ya, don't wanna be ya."
  12. Oh, now Colt-ton says he FEELS LIKE he's falling in love with these women. WTH does that even mean?
  13. I know, that surprised me. I don't think much about ages on this show, but isn't Colt-ton only 25/26? I think Cassie is F1 and this dad business and not saying "I love you" is to throw us off the track. I'm not spoiled, this is JMHO only. Who will he send home ... I'd send off Hannah and her umbrella. I'd keep Cassie based on she has the best-looking family and hottest mom. BTW, I googled "how to eat bread" and that etiquette chick was correct about one small piece at a time. I guess we all (well, some of us) learned something. Except I'd be laughed away from the table if I did that in public!
  14. Cassie has the best-looking family/siblings of any b-ette. But dad has a black devil-eye stare glare. Ouch.
  15. And it did. Ken lost the buzz in on the very next clue after winning the buzz in on every clue before that. I think Trebek did it on purpose, but I suspect Trebek of being a jackass anyway. I have Ken, Alex and Matt. I wish I had realized Larissa is such a machine. I missed that, even though I studied the stats. You have a good team, @j5cochran. I'll wave at you from the dock when you go on your dream Lindblad cruise.
  16. Easy, he just looks at the six-figure paycheck he cashed from being The Bach. TPTB got to Tayisha's dad and he caved. Crapola. (Or he stuck to the script they gave him, more likely. Drah-mah and all you know.) Dad respect: Easy come, easy go. Bye Tayisha's dad. We hardly knew ye.
  17. Colt-ton asks Tayisha's dad for permission to marry his daughter. Tayisha's dad: "I just met you." So, basically, that's a big no. Tayisha's dad for the win! Although Colt-ton could have made the talk go smoother by telling him he's not picking her anyway so no big deal. (Not a spoiler, I'm just sayin'.)
  18. Nice job closing the door Colt-ton you goof. At least the brother knows how to do that.
  19. Oh, yeah, that was a tip off to me about what it would be like to be married to that dude. Red Flag City. At least his eyes weren't laughing while he was talking to Tayisha. He could barely keep himself from bursting into laughter when he told Hannah he "loved her." Yeah, right. NOT.
  20. That's the new thing now, to create drah-mah that the Bach is in love with all these women, how can he choose, what if he chooses the wrong one, what if the one he chooses says no, yada yada. This is all in a VO while he does a drah-ma filled Mesnick off the balcony before he hooks up with Neil Lane.
  21. My reaction to taking the blindfold off while standing in front of a sky-diving plane: "Oh, FUCK no."
  22. Maybe because women (read: girls) are still thought of as possessions by Fleiss, who runs this franchise and, therefore, all bachs are required to ask dad for permission. What if the b-ette doesn't have a dad? Then the engagement won't happen? Heaven forbid the guy should ask mom since moms are only there to make dinner and clean the house. It's possible that wasn't their home but a rented house. Just a thought!
  23. "Listen to your gut." My gut says it wants pizza. Yours?
  24. Drinking game: "I don't want you to get hurt." *drink* Later in the show drinking game: "Virgin." *drink*
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