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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. CH: "Will Colton find love? And what about his virginity?" Me: "I don't give a care about either one. Right now, I hope he dies alone." (Like the kid in the commercial just said! LOL!)
  2. I know there's legal stuff involved, but if it were just me, I'd got back to my room and let Colton figure out WTH he's doing and where's he's going in a foreign country at midnight. And good luck with that. See ya. Bye. Only now he's quitting the whole show. "Get the contract someone! Check out the lawsuit clause."
  3. So this is OFFICIALLY The Most Dramatic Episode Ever. I mean the Fence Jump episode. History has been made, peoples! CH has been promoting The Most Dramatic Episode Ever for years, and now it's here!
  4. I'll bet her parking space is gone too. I had this show on but turns out I don't remember anything from it so I guess I either didn't watch it or it didn't register. Either case, what used to be one of my fav shows is now a yawn through. *sigh*
  5. And no one in this thread would make fun of you for doing so. Now I just need to know what "in the pike" means. And yes, I've seen that movie many times!
  6. WEEK 26 — ONE asterisk 124. Ancient Writings. Its principles still used today, this treatise has chapters called “Weak Points & Strong” & “Tactical Dispositions.” 125. Constitutional Amendment Math. Total of the numbers of the amendments banning state-sponsored official religion, ending slavery & repealing Prohibition. * 126. Word Origins. This 8-letter word for a reaction against a trend comes from an engineering term for a jolt caused by a gap in machine parts. * 127. Art. This famous work of art was damaged in 1652 when a door was cut into a wall, removing Jesus’ feet. 128. 20th Century Newsmakers. In 1982 a probate judge in his home state of Michigan declared him legally dead.
  7. I was gobsmacked that only one person got FJ since I got it in less than a heartbeat. I figure if I know it, so does the universe. Maybe it was Before Their Time, but it seems like not that long ago there was some digging somewhere that Hoffa's body was supposedly buried, and it was on the news. Of course, I remember the whole hubbub when he first disappeared, plus there have been jokes through the years about his disappearance and where he could be (or still is). I personally think the best bet is under several feet of concrete in some Michigan parking lot. That turned out to be an urban legend, but it's a good one, and I rule you correct with your (partial) guess! I figured Conor must be from Illinois since he was all over that odd category of Illinois Politicians. But no, he's a grad student from Jersey. Go figure. It was an obscure category, that's for sure. Of course, Illinois is known for its (*cough*) politicians, both in and out of prison. ETA: I did find Josh's FJ answer of Jack Kevorkian to be pretty funny though.
  8. Especially since washing feet was a big deal back then, and portrayed too many times in paintings. Jesus also didn't wear shoes like we know them, just sandals so his feet showed always.
  9. I found this interesting view of The Last Supper, for those of us who haven't seen it in person.
  10. Thursday's episode featured Dana Wayne, Hope Shinn and Kristin Philips with the FJ category of Art. Maybe email your local station to see what the deal was with you not getting the correct episode. You can see it on YouTube though, type in the month, day and year plus "Jeopardy episode." Just so you can stay current! Same here, which is why I had no clue about the answer. If that one player had bet bolder when she got the DD toward the end of the game, she would have won. It's almost like DDs are wasted when players don't take advantage of them. That, plus have confidence in their knowledge base. Thanks everyone for the shout outs! Yes, I was happy to see that category; not so pleased to see it was anagrams. I had to answer based on the clues, not the scrambled letters. ETA: Thanks to @MrAtoz and @j5cochran for helping to keep sanity in this thread. You guys rock!
  11. Oh, duh, you are correct. I even read it more than once and still didn't catch that part. Thanks @Toothbrush.
  12. LOL! I just played F6 and this is one of the clues:
  13. I knew FJ right away too, and I think you are correct it was too easy since all three players also knew it. I was disappointed it did not stump at least one since it was the first FJ I had been able to answer since before All Stars. It made me feel like more of a dumbass, only able to answer easy-peasy clues. *sigh*
  14. "And now you know, " to quote Paul Harvey. (!) I KNOW! I thought of you and was afraid she was going to ace you on the penguin personal antidote but, whew, hers did fall short. Yours will make a kickass interview when you get on the show.
  15. Thanks @j5cochran for posting that. I will def do that challenge, although I will have to toss in some extra cash to make up for my lack of brain cells lately, unless they make the board extra easy that day. Donating based on what I get correct would be embarrassing! I don't want to see this show hosted by anyone other than Trebek. End of story.
  16. Here to help, my hotel-living friend. It's a term that originated from radio signals -- the signal quality is reported on two scales, strength and clarity, and are ranked from one to five. One is the worst, five the best. The numbers are separated by "by." (Heh) So five by five (5x5) means the signal has excellent strength and perfect clarity, the best signal there is. It has since come to mean "I understand you perfectly" in other situations, the way "loud and clear" entered slang after WWII. It also is sometimes used to mean "everything is good." As @ABay said, Faith on "Buffy" used it that way.
  17. Here is a very interesting Vulture interview with Ken Jennings with insightful comments about Alex (and the All Stars). Recommended reading.
  18. Yes! The Weeknd and Chance the Rapper both fit that category. I might have to start a "hot date playlist." LOL!
  19. All the radio shows I listen to talked about Alex yesterday and so far today, as have all the newscasts I've seen so far today. This is indicative of how well liked he is. Famous and popular, a rare combination. All day yesterday and so far today Alex has been on my tv every few minutes hawking Colonial Penn Life Insurance. It's a major sponsor on the oldies tv-show channels I "watch" while I work. ("It's the Three Ps!")
  20. There is absolutely nothing "silly" about any part of your post. I agree wholeheartedly with what you wrote. While I find him irritating in many ways, I've never wanted him to leave this show or ever be replaced, much less for him to be "forced" to leave. That's so true, and that's the problem ... this cancer cannot be detected until it has spread to other organs. Hopefully, surgery and/or chemo (or whatever would be used) can put him into remission. It HAS happened. The key is to stay positive, the patient and those around him or her. If you remember the category (paraphrasing) "Alex's Medical Conditions" from a while back, his brain surgery was for a subdural hematoma, which is described as: "a collection of blood outside the brain usually caused by severe head injuries. The bleeding and increased pressure on the brain from a subdural hematoma can be life-threatening." It had nothing to do with cancer. They even showed a picture as part of the clue.
  21. I was laughing because I imagined all three players wanting to answer, "Who is The Weeknd?" Only they would have spelled it "The Weekend." Side note: The Weeknd is one of my favorites, love his "stuff." So that was an easy one for me. (Hey, easy is rare for me, so cut me some slack.) At least tornado is a "t" word. My thought was "tidal wave" because my brain couldn't dredge up tsunami, even thought I knew that was the correct answer.
  22. Maybe because it's pronounced foke-sul?
  23. Welcome back to clues left on the board, Good For You interviews, four-digit final $ totals and any DD wager more than $2,000 is daring and oh-so bold. Hope everyone who hated the All Stars is happy. Interesting the engineer contestant didn't know the "engineering term for a jolt caused by a gap in machine parts." First regular game this week, first asterisk this week.
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