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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yeah, but you got the premature champagne cork pop, to quote @Mabinogia. So all is good in the film-editor's room. Which reminds me, last week on the first hometown C and the woman went on a carriage ride. And when she said something, the camera shifted to the rear end of the horse pulling the carriage. Looking back, this was the editor's way of telling us she was toast and going home. And she did.
  2. Like I really needed him telling us how many different sex acts he's done. This season is such a big ugh. Although I guess it's cool if you're 12 (or younger).
  3. Did Taysha just flash a nip at Colt-ton? That could be a new JT tune. Good one!
  4. You missed learning that Colt-ton is a virgin. That's important, so make a note of that. He talked to CH again tonight but maybe it was the same talk that they ran again. C. just said he now knows what the FJ is for (grinning) and he's ready to lose his virginity. Because he's a virgin. Did you know that?
  5. This whole season has been about C. being a virgin *drink* and now all the talk is about him TALKING about losing his virginity *drink*. Now the WTA promo: "Are you still a virgin?" *drink* I'm really not sure how much more of this I can take. Bring on the travel porn and forget about C's dick problems. It's so junior high, and I haven't been 12 for a long time.
  6. If a guy says he's falling in love with me, I don't want him laughing when he says it. (Colt-ton to Taysha)
  7. I beg to differ. You should be glad I'm not allowed to play or I'd own that Low Score Trophy. I've never heard of FJ so everyone feel free to point and laugh at Saber sitting in the corner wearing the FJ dunce cap.
  8. First mention of "virgin": Three minutes in. I've always wanted to go to Portugal. I'd even spend a night in the FJ with Colt-ton if I could go on that trip. LOL, they showed where the Algarve is on a map. Ha ha ha! Guessing Colt-ton and the three b-ettes needed to see that map more than viewers. "Por-two-girl ... what's that?" So now he's all "ready" and excited about losing his virginity (*drink*) in the FJ. Please. Yeah, that fence jump better be major.
  9. I watched the entire show but don't know the name of a single group or person. I did like some of them. Others ... boring same old same ole. Same moves, different costumes. I did laugh at the contemporary 15-year-old boy doing so many HMVs.
  10. I think "momentum" is the wrong word. These players are FLYING through the board with no clues left behind. I call that playing with tons of momentum. I can barely keep up and I'm just watching.
  11. It's interesting to read here how many remember their moms ironing. My mom taught me how to iron. Do present-day moms teach their children that skill now?
  12. It's so irritating that the big deal this season is they "upped the game" so everyone has to score an 85 instead of an 80 to move forward. That just means that any group/person the judges want to advance get scored at least an 86 instead of at least an 81 like last year. The scoring is so bogus if one thinks about it. If they don't like you, you go home. It's as easy as that. Most of these big mob dance crews look the same to me. I find myself thinking most of them are boring. Plus I could be in one of those groups. (Just not one of the people doing the flips, ha.) I mean, to me that's not so much dancing as just doing junior high sock hop moves all together. (Do they even have sock hops anymore? LOL!)
  13. When Beth started dancing in that studio and the teacher came out and told her there were beginner classes but Beth should go right into the advanced class ... And Beth tells her, THE TEACHER, she's not there for classes, she's there to BE THE TEACHER, I only had one thought: I hoped the teacher said, "Like hell you're taking my job. Bye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out." End of episode.
  14. I've liked him since he "air wrote" equations and answers during his regular season play. (Even though that was a tournament too.) I do the same thing, not that I have anywhere near his brain capacity. But I can visualize things if I write them with my finger in the air. I also like the glasses thing. "This girl will make passes at boys who wear glasses." I wouldn't feel bad that he is "stuck" on Team Colby. He's going to the Million Dollar Finals. I don't consider that stuck at all!
  15. My browser doesn't show the emojis, I just get this: While I love ice cream (and B+J is the best), and I know it (eventually) comes from cow udders, I'm kinda glad I can't see the emoji now. Good luck with your team, @Driad. My fantasy hopes ended when Alex went home. Maybe I can win two-thirds of a Lindblad cruise?
  16. My question was, "Who is Woody?"
  17. My mom had an "I Like Ike" button, and while she voted for Nixon, thank goodness she didn't have any Nixon buttons. That I saw, anyway. Whew!
  18. I forgot to post that Trebek got to say "genre" twice in Friday's game. *drink/drink* He also took it upon himself to repeat an answer that was a Frenchman's name. The player said the name "normally;" Trebek repeated it so it had about 10 syllables in it.
  19. I am going to be VEEEEERY suspicious if Monday's FJ subject is PMs of the Netherlands.
  20. For some reason, I completely forgot about the FJ contest this week. :-( Team Goose Egg for the win! I declare myself captain. Here are the clues: WEEK 25 — TWO asterisks 120. European Artists. His seldom-used last name reflects his birth near the mouth of a river that flows from the Alps to the North Sea. 121. 20th Century History. Interpreting for Vaclav Havel, future ambassador Rita Klimova gave us this phrase for a smooth change of government. *122. British Literature. A chapter of “The Jungle Book” has this double-talk title, echoing the opening line of a Brit’s poem some 100 years prior. * *123. Presidential Election Years. Prior to 2016 it was the last election year in which the winning candidate had never held public elected office. *
  21. Who? Ken and Matt are on my Fantasy Team, but I think it would be hee-larious if Colby's team won. And yeah, I'd be okay with that. Go Colby!
  22. LOL. The key to this entire game is "remember a few things." If only, right?
  23. This made me laugh because it implies you knew who was president when you were 3 years old. I was way into an advanced double-digit age before the name of our POTUS was even a piece of knowledge in my life. I don't remember anything from when I was 3 years old. I've seen Pulp Fiction multiple times but I pay no attention to music or soundtracks so I didn't know the answer either. I can visualize Travolta doing the "two-finger-across-the-eyes" dance with Uma Thurman, I've seen that clip dozens of times on dozens of shows, but even if you put a thousand bucks on the table I couldn't tell you what music they were dancing to. I'd bet that same thousand bucks that Alex has seen the movie, it just escaped his already-crammed-full memory bank. I have no idea why I knew "wet hen." I grew up in the city, didn't get chickens (80 of them!) until after college, never saw any of them wet or mad. It's just something I picked up somewhere along the Road of Life. Not everyone follows the same road, I've discovered. I would have loved a Ken/Brad/Alex final round, but it's not to be. ("Not to be" rhymes with "Colby." I like Colby just fine, BTW.)
  24. With two players guessing an 1800s date for FJ, do you suppose they were thinking Grant? Or ... ? I found it interesting that five of the All Stars are/were from the Chicago area. *ahem*
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