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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. It's that time again gang. We've been at this for one-half year. Yikes! WEEK 27 — NO asterisk 129. Playwrights. Before his death in 2018 at age 91, he received 4 Tony awards, a Pulitzer prize & was nominated for 4 Oscars. 130. 20th Century History. Constructed in the 1930s, it extended from La Ferte to the Rhine River, though it also had sections along the Italian frontier. 131. Novel Quotes. A boy at the end of this 1952 novel says to the main character, “Say it ain’t true, Roy.” 132. State Capitals East of the Mississippi. The last 2 letters of this city’s name are the U.S. postal abbreviation for the state that it’s the capital of. 133. 19th Century Names. In 1854 he became official musical instrument maker to Emperor Napoleon III; an instrument he invented is named for him.
  2. Jeopardy buzzers are now made out of Shake Weights. You guys didn't know that? Make that twenty eleventy billion things I'd rather do than watch golf. I strongly dislike golf, my polite way of saying I hate it. However, I did find the videos of Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus to be rather ... well, let's say if I knew them, everyone did. I caught Trebek's upset "Ooooh" when Bianca only wagered $2,000 on that DD when she was so far behind with only a few clues left. Learn how to wager, players. Conservative play doesn't win. Which it didn't. That FJ category was sure misleading. "19th Century Names." Not Names in French History or Music History? I hate when that happens, the category has pretty much nothing to do with the clue. My thought process was Stradivari ... no, that's Italian. Then Harp ... was that a guy's name? Then FRENCH HORN! No, that's not a name either. What about piccolo? Bassoon? Then thank goodness time was up and I was spared further angst and embarrassment. As for irritating players, remember: There but for the grace of god go you. BUT! If I make $20,000, $50,000, a million dollars as champ on this show, you guys can rank and shade me all you want while I laugh all the way to my bank. Go Lindsey!
  3. Even though I knew it was going to happen, Alex's message to open the show made me go through a few Kleenex. On a shallow note, Kevin was all kinds of cute, a ginger with glasses. *hot* Okay, sorry about that. (Or not!) I got Guinness on Tap. I don't drink but St. Paddy's day is coming up. I also got Richard Pryor. I remember when he caught himself on fire cooking drugs. I would have needed a lot more time, like maybe another hour, for me to come up with FJ. The clue was really close to the FJ that kicked Austin Rogers out of the 2017 TofC (Montpellier). Barton made a brave wager, betting it all at the end, and could have pulled out another win if not for the power that was Lindsey. She played great and I'm hoping she has a long run. Meanwhile, congrats to Barton for some games well played. And I'm guessing Chelsea Clinton enjoyed talking about her shoes instead of her parents. That was a good interview story. (I still want some Jeopardy haikus though.)
  4. Four of the five Wet Tortugas clues were left on the board. All together, $7,600 worth of clues went unrevealed. I would think stucco would be common in the southwest. But my neighbor's stucco house is in northern Illinois.
  5. The movie subject could be nothing or anything, or just Redford on screen for two hours and I'd pay to see it. *shallow* A little OT, but ABC news tonight said Alex was back on set filming episodes today, after one week off.
  6. Just to prove my point, John Grisham's Gray Mountain is about Big Coal and lawyers defending miners stricken with the disease. I listened to the audio book during one of my road trips last year.
  7. Thanks again, Timeless, for teaching me about Madam Curie and those x-ray machines. That show needs to be picked up by some network, it actually taught things besides how to jump a fence and use a key to a Fantasy Suite. The TS of stucco was easy for me since the house next to where I grew up was stucco. It bothered some people to stand close and look at the texture, it would creep them out. I also got black lung. Ha ha. Go ahead and make a joke out of that. I wanted the woman player to give us at least one of her haikus. So, question: Is the pronunciation "pull-itzer" as Trebek said, or "pee-you-litzer" as Barton said? Oh, Sam, shame on you. The person who has a yearly Oscar Fantasy Team missed FJ. It's one of my fav movies (Robert Redford!) so I knew the answer immediately, even though I didn't have a clue it was a book. And that line is not in the movie. Hey, some days things just work for me. It's also the subject of many tv shows and novels, or mentioned/discussed in them, if you happen to fall into watching and reading the right things.
  8. Man, I hated everyone in this episode except Miguel and Zoey and the nurses who didn't tell the Pearson clan to STFU. God bless them. I hated Toby's burn on Miguel, not even funny. I guess when they got married, Toby became Toby Pearson since Kate is still Kate Pearson and I'm guessing baby Jack will be Jack Pearson II. Lightning might strike me, but I was wishing for Kate to just freaking die. Good on Miguel and Rebecca for moving to California. Yeah, gram and gramps are always there to babysit, right Randall? NOT! At least Rebecca redeemed herself slightly at the end by HER telling everyone to STFU. And LOL that the bird movie was back on the tv at the end, this after Kevin pulled the plug on it earlier.
  9. I had to get ready for a dinner meeting and then leave during yesterday's episode so only watched the beginning to see @Stavia's hair, and was tickled to see it matched the background colors during the intro, so good on you! I like when Trebek's colors match the set background too. I also noticed we are in (almost) the same profession, which might account for why I'm cool with the hair color. Different strokes. Earlier in the day, I looked up the FJ clue on TheJeopardyFan so I could get it added to the contest. Maginot Line was the only thing I could think of, but I was positive it was wrong. I thought everyone would laugh at me (here!) if I'd been on the show and wrote that down. Imagine my shock when it turned out to be correct. A "same here" and yes to all of the above!
  10. Welcome, @Stavia / Elaine! Congrats on a fabulous win and becoming a Jeopardy Champion, you now belong to an exclusive club. Frankly, I didn't notice your hair during the show (crummy tv I guess, plus I never watch closely) but I did see it on TheJeopardyFan site ... and I'm a fan. I totally support colored hair, tattoos, strange clothes, whatever anyone wants to do. I mean, why not? IMO, it says more about a person who doesn't like how others look than about the person with a different look. I gravitate toward those who hear a different drummer. You rocked that FJ, even though you kept it from being an asterisk in our contest, and I loved how happy you were at winning. I'll be rooting for you again today. Good luck!
  11. So much this. This should have been a word clue only, no picture needed. But then I just watched the Jeopardy rerun where FJ was the picture of the map of Oregon and Idaho with a dot and arrow on the border, asking for the name of the company located there. At least Dean and Jerry was just a money clue, even if its value should have been one zero less. Although Rita doesn't look the same as she did in her West Side Story days. It took me a minute. I had to stop watching the old One Day At A Time reruns because of the creepy stalker Schneider. I trust there is none of that in the new show. No Valerie Bertinelli either, right @opus? Twitter hates you, obviously. Stay here, do not follow. BTT is no excuse on this show. I hate when Alex says that. I can, but then if I couldn't I would have wasted five years of art history classes.
  12. I didn't know my Hoarders episode is going to be on tomorrow! But yes, you are correct in your priorities. Good for you!
  13. Colton thinks it's fine too. He also thinks he's so fine.
  14. There you go, Blake's the one that let it slip that Cassie and Colton were together during the interview with CH. There was a big pause, then Higgins jumped in to say "Did we talk about Colton's hair?" to change the subject and kill the pregnant pause. ETA: @Sterling beat me to it, and with more detail since I wasn't watching all that closely. Thank you!
  15. I wouldn't bother. Just read here, it's more fun than the boring dreck we all sat through for two hours we'll never get back.
  16. An even worse part is, I have a business dinner tomorrow night and was trying to figure how to be home in time for This Is Us. I'll have to count on you guys to fill me in here on what happens when Cassie and Colton get engaged. Oops, did I let that slip out? My bad! (I'm not spoiled, but I can read Fleiss' mind.)
  17. And the answer is: I don't care. But Fleiss does. I can't believe this thread is at six pages already! Are we all hate watchers?
  18. I hope that doesn't mean he'll be a victim of The Jeopardy Curse. Made me nervous to see him have a whole category. When I saw the FJ category, my first thought was all the posters here will be all superior with such a Toddle Level category. So, Good For You guys. *drink* Well, the ones who got it correct anyway. I could draw a detailed picture of the deviled ham container, the can has a white paper covering with a red devil and lettering on it. I'd just have to leave the space where "Underwood" goes blank. I might even have a can of that in the far back of one of my cupboards, purchased years ago. I'm starting to say answers out loud instead of writing them down. It's more satisfying to beat the players, given I don't have to buzz in. Oh, I did, and that would have been my first choice category. But where was the llama? Maybe it's on J6. I haven't played that yet.
  19. Wasn't she engaged to Aaron Rogers' brother? Or do I have my b-ettes mixed up? Maybe it was JoJo engaged to the brother ...
  20. Told you guys so. It's been my posted prediction (unspoiled) every week.
  21. Oh, yes he can! You'll see it happen tomorrow night. Too funny that we were shown Cassie packing and leaving her room with two suitcases, yet she answers the door when Colton knocks. Yeah, alrighty then.
  22. Cassie: "I can't wait to be with family and friends back home and, you know, move on with my life." And season three of my reality show.
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