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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. @Sharpie66, I am missing your score for last week, Week 23. If you did post it and I missed it, please repost. If you are away, that's okay. Just catch up when you get back online. Your spot in the contest is being held, don't worry Thanks!
  2. LOL! Thanks for that link, @M. DARCY. So many people can't roll with the punches. Like we're all suppose to still drive a horse and buggy to work. Get with the program, people! I agree with this: @SvanteMyrick advised other fans to look at the big picture: "Jeopardy is holding an All-star tournament. If you're not excited about this, then I don't even want to know ya." Boldface is mine. I totes agree.
  3. According to what I've seen posted on Reddit by players who got the info directly from Jeopardy PAs while they were taping their episodes, Chu did not respond when contacted by the show about appearing on All Stars. No word from Chu as to why, just speculation on the part of, well, everyone who likes to speculate.
  4. This happened on Bachelor Pad, the winner kept it all and did not share with his show partner. Result: The show was cancelled, and Bachelor in Paradise was invented. That was NOT a good exchange. Here's something for all the posters here who are hating on and throwing shade on some of the All Star players. It's not just your Twitter account they are reading. *Waving "Hi" to all contestants!*
  5. Here are answers to what some here have been posting about: Here's an interview with Buzzy and Austin. No spoilers, it's just about their prep for the tournament. However, Austin qualifies himself for a stint on The Bachelorette with his misuse of pronouns: "Me and Buzzy walked out of ..." Here is an E!Online interview with Brad. It's a video so I did not get to watch it due to my pokey DSL connection.
  6. Go back in this thread and look at the posted picture of how each game will be played. It's a toddler-level graphic, folks, everyone should be able to understand it! Plus the "too much talk" complaint is for the first intro of each team. There are regular people who watch this show for entertainment and have never heard of Brad or Colby or, heaven forbid, Ken Jennings. I appreciated how fast the players called categories yesterday. Alex was all about getting the clue ASAP. He's one of my favorite players ever. As for the captains s/b the FJ player, you want the people rated the fastest for buzz ins to play the board, and if that person is the captain, that person needs to play the board. Players are also rated on how many FJs they've gotten correct in previous play. THOSE are the team members chosen to play FJ and not the board. It's called strategy, guys. BTW, Alex Jacobs has been rated the highest-ranked player not a team captain. All of these stats are online if one cares enough to read them and not complain because they haven't read them.
  7. If there is only one FJ per week, then there's only 1/1 for that week. Doesn't matter how many FJs in any given week, we take what the show gives us. Five per week is not written in stone. It doesn't matter who is playing, we don't care. We only care if there is a FJ that day. If there is, we count it. If there isn't, we wait until the next day when there (hopefully) is. We won't skip any FJs for any reason. Play on, gamesters!
  8. I hope you got most of your bills paid off. Well, make that ALL of your bills. I drove Route 66 when I was in Arizona. It was fun and nostalgic. I don't pay much attention to it here in Illinois though.
  9. Yeah, eight FJs. That's what I said. *cough* I guess they have to split next Monday's show so the teams all play exactly the same way, same breaks between segments. (Makes sense to me!)
  10. Here's something to make it clear. I love pictures.
  11. I just found out only this first round will be over two days, so all the interview stuff could fit in. All other games will be all in one day like what we're used to. I found this on Ken Jennings' Twitter and it made me LOL: And Ken posted this:
  12. To answer how the three-member teams work, one person does Jeopardy round, one does Double Jeopardy round and the third does Final Jeopardy. DJ and FJ will be tomorrow. After today, here are the rankings (unofficial): Brad Rutter -13 Alex Jacob - 9 Colby Burnett - 6 The intro reminded me how much I dislike Austin. As posted above, it's not all about you. If only you were half as successful in your life as Ken Jennings is in his -- but you're not. You throwing shade on him makes you look more petty than you are, if that's possible. Trebek showed a graphic at the beginning that illustrated how the teams will move forward. There will be two games with three teams each (using the six teams in total); the winning teams from those two games advance to the final. The third team going to final will be the highest scoring losing team, that's the wild card team. So, three teams will compete for the Big Pay Off. Alex Jacobs rocks, Brad was just lucky to find that DD. As for the board jumping, everyone was looking for the DD, that's why the jumping around. The laugh was, DD was a $400 clue, a place none of them expected it to be. I'm not sure how I would feel if I were the person chosen for FJ. But I guess that should be the person slowest on the buzzer. Alex ruled in the buzz-in-first category. If anyone studied the stats when selecting their dream team, percentages of first-buzz-ins were given for every player. So was about every other stat you could think of to grade these players. Colby's interview brought tears to my eyes, then when Alex told his story, I had to get some fresh Kleenex. But I'm sappy that way. I hated Austin's intro. I wish lightning would strike him. He must have been ignored as a kid and has this need to be the center of attention. Or else he WAS the center of attention growing up and now expects it. I hope the other players kick him to the curb. @opus, I think you are correct about the four FJs. But don't quote me.
  13. Well, then the Lear poem would have to be rewritten so: They dined on mince, and pieces of pork, Which they ate with a cheap plastic spork; Not not quite the same panache if you know what I mean.
  14. Yes to this. I keep score by weeks so it really doesn't matter how many FJs are in any given week. Hey, if I get 2/2 this week, I'll rock! (As if, based on my past performance.)
  15. Because All Stars starts today, there is no FJ today, Wednesday, Feb. 20. There will be tomorrow. We will still play the contest Monday through Friday, even if there are only three FJs (more or less) per week. Good luck to anyone who entered a fantasy team!
  16. Now there is. (Points and laughs ...)
  17. I was 0/5 two weeks ago when other posters declared the week to be Toddler Level. I'm 2/2 this week but typically tank after Tuesday when the weekend wears off.
  18. Suppose it's gonna be something like College Quiz Bowl? That would be fun. I hope you got your Fantasy Team picked so you can get another Lindblad cruise ... a free one! when you win. It will be interesting to see if we think the difficulty level goes up.
  19. @teebax, I hope you are studying up on The Life Story of Alex Trebek as that will surely be a category during your reign on the show.
  20. Trebek opens the show by telling us he's been accused of making the last two FJs so difficult so as to save payout money for the Tournament. LMAO since I've gotten the last two FJs and I'm below Toddler Level. What was with Trebek detouring the contestant telling us about her trip to Victoria Falls to ask if she saw any crocodiles. WTH was that about any way? It was a real "DUH" moment for me. So Festivus is a real holiday now? Who knew. Congratulations Frank Costanza. LOL that the Alex category was the last one chosen. Got the TS of Lhasa (thank you sacred dog of the Himalayas) and the DD/TS of McCoys. I think the player who missed that DD had brain freeze and is hating herself for it now. I saw the FJ category and thought, "Well, I'm screwed." Then it turned out to be Toddler Level. I know because my toddler brain got it easily. Wonders ... never cease!
  21. Each AKC breed has a written standard that describes the perfect dog for that breed. The catch is, no dog is perfect. Some are nearly so; most need help. Dogs with a lot of coat are groomed to put a perfect outline on a dog that isn't so perfect. Skilled groomers can make a dog look like it has wonderful shoulders, a long neck, correctly turned stifles, a level topline when in reality the dog is straight shouldered, short necked, straight in the rear and has a dip in the topline. That's why judges put their hands on the dogs and feel every part of them, to find out what is under that fabulous coat. Sometimes it's a fabulous dog. Many times it's not. The long-haired, flat-coated dogs like Lhasas and Havanese are bathed and blow dried before a show to straighten their coat and get it to lie flat. Otherwise, those dogs can look like a hair explosion if they were just taken from their crate directly to the ring. In fact, most if not all dogs are bathed and blow dried before they are shown. It's a courtesy to the judge to show him/her a clean dog, neatly groomed, all hair in place. Coated breed standards describe in detail how the hair/coat should appear, and hard-coated terriers, like the Wire Fox that won Westminster Best in Show, have exact descriptions of coat patterns that must be followed: where does the beard start, where do the eyebrows start/stop, where do leg furnishings start and so forth. Every terrier is groomed/stripped in a pattern that differs by breed. Terrier people obsess over every single stray hair that MIGHT be out of place. The only dogs that you can't do much to change are single-coated short-haired breeds like Dobermans, Dalmatians, Miniature Pinschers. You just need to have a really good dog to win in those breeds since there is no chance to "fool" a judge with manipulating a fancy hairdo. We call those wash-and-wear dogs. (The key to winning is to get a not-perfect dog to show like it owns the ring, and to set it up for the judge so the faults don't show.) You will still see handlers fussing with those short-haired dog, with brushes or shine rags or a comb or something. Chalk that up to nervous energy and the handler needing something to do to make him/her look busy and "like they know what they are doing." Seeing a handler doing something can start a trend with other people doing the same thing; the thinking is it must be important if So And So Handler just did it! Apologies for the long answer. But I did condense it down from all I could say! I'm loaded with stories. Thanks for asking.
  22. It's only a memory for me, too, but "Whirlybirds" jogged at my brain so I looked it up. It was on from 1957 to 1960. It was a real show!
  23. From www.merriam-webster.com: runcible spoon. noun. run·ci·ble spoon | \ ˈrən(t)-sə-bəl- \ Definition of runcible spoon: a sharp-edged fork with three broad curved prongs. First known use of runcible spoon: 1926, in the meaning defined above. History and etymology for runcible spoon: coined with an obscure meaning by Edward Lear. This photo is very close to the runcible spoon my mother had and showed me so I would know what one was. She is the one who taught me The Owl and the Pussycat. So I'm chosing her opinion over anyone else's. It's big, like a serving spoon, with three tines that are broad and sort of fancy.
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