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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I took it as little Kevin was always getting shoved aside as the "third-wheel" kid while Randall was the special one with Mom and Kate was the (somewhat creepy) special one with Dad. So FINALLY Kevin gets a day about baseball with DAD! and then gets shoved off to Mom, who knows nothing about the importance of that baseball card. (As proven by she can't live one-half hour without eating lunch for pete's sake.) In fact, Rebecca didn't even need to be there since, basically, she wasn't. She was chowing down at the food court leaving Kevin all alone. All alone like he still is in that family. JMHO of course.
  2. Only if you can steer a ship build in 1600 through a hurricane. Maybe you can but I sure cannot. They were lucky they hit Bermuda or they would have ended up in the Bahamas. Or in the drink, as the pirates (Captain Blood!) say.
  3. Am I the only one who has never heard of "Captain Blood"? Alrighty then. I save myself a lot of angst by not looking much at the teevee when this show is on.
  4. Thank you! Finally someone else noted what I did, that replacing a ceiling tile doesn't fix a roof leak. That tile will be stained just like the other one unless Kevin got on the roof of that old trailer and put down a couple of tarps. Or, even better, put up a new metal roof over the entire thing. This scene was obviously written by people who live where it doesn't rain every two days. Or snow, even in winter. I hated the going-to-see-our-old-house-that-isn't-there-anymore scenes. But I dislike Kate so much, she can't do or say anything to change that with me. Enough said about her, just read my mind if you want to know more about how much I hate her. Do we know why Kevin was alone in Nicky's trailer? When he made the phone call to Zoe, then found the bottle? Where was Nicky? What was in the metal box? An old AA trick is to refill the bottle with water after you've taken a few slugs out of it. Because Nicky would notice for sure that bottle was less full after Kevin chugged on it. People who live alone notice every detail, especially when it's something important, like a bottle of whisky. I was disappointed in Rebecca and her attitude toward Nicky. Hey, it's not HIS fault his brother was a jackass. Plus they all barge in on him, then all take off again. Well, everyone except Kevin, who is my favorite character now. Kevin and Nicky. Now that would be an interesting show. Meanwhile, does that trailer have heat? Sewer? Water? It's just sitting out in the woods somewhere. But I guess heat doesn't matter since it never snows in Pennsylvania or gets cold, either.
  5. Forget about the middle name of "The." By Jeopardy rules, "Martian" should have been sufficient as an answer since "Kennedy" has been accepted w/o acknowledging if they mean Jack, Bobby, Jackie, Ted, et.al. So I'm good with the contestant giving both the first and last name of Mr. Martian, middle name be damned.
  6. I've been enjoying seeing old favorite acts and the new ones from overseas. You know, the foreign acts that haven't been on AGT during the regular season! If I were the teevee god, I'd get rid of the golden buzzer. These acts were all invited, they ALL deserve to be there. I'd have America vote and get rid of that phony 50-states-mega-fan thing. Just have a live vote or live tweet vote or something, and use the last 10 minutes for the totals. Keep Terry Crews forever. Nick Cannon is on The Masked Singer and he is ... uh, well, he's no Terry Crews, sir. Crews RULES. Disable judges X buzzers. WTH. Buzzing an act is just an attention-drawing device for you judges. To call attention to the fact that you are a jerk. Have the judges stop with the "You might be hot stuff in Denmark but you suck in America" critiques. All acts were invited by TPTB so show them some respect and make them proud they appeared on this show, not ashamed and embarrassed. And finally, stop with the "only two can go through" business. Let the voting public decide top two. This show is so manipulative anyway. Meanwhile: Shin Lim can do no wrong in my eyes. He's pure gold without the aid of a buzzer.
  7. Be sure to dye it blond when you get accepted as a contestant next season!
  8. I hate the universal hair style on this show. As Lids noted, it's all the same. So when a contestant with shorter hair or *shocker!* bangs is on, she stands out. Which means I can tell her apart from the flock of look-alike sheep. And IMO that's a good thing.
  9. WTH was that anyway? Demi packed that junk to go to LA, then drug it along to Thailand and Vietnam just to do a show and tell from her Prison Mom to Col-ton? I repeat: WTH. "Here, Col-ton, here's a dream catcher my mom in prison sent for you. It was made by her friend, another mom there who killed her husband AND daughter! Enjoy your sweet dreams!"
  10. "RIght reasons" here mean snark and more snark. And maybe an "Awwww" every once in a while. I'm waiting for Kirpa's lips to slide right off his greasy sweaty face. She could fall on her chin again! Now THAT would have been golden. And DRAH-ma-tic!
  11. Kirpa gives Col-ton a One-Half Bachelor Handshake. What does that mean? Is her bandaid gone? Does she have jaw stitches? My teevee is so poor I cannot tell. She had a smaller one on earlier in the episode. "Kirpa and my's relationship ..." *sigh*
  12. Obviously, Sydney has never seen this show. WTH, like she thinks she's actually going to marry some guy? Bwaha ha ha ha! SO MUCH THIS!
  13. Someone needs to report Colton to the Shiny Face Police. That dude could benefit from a five-minute matte powder break. I'm gonna hafta put on sunglasses to cut the glare from his sweat face. It's not a look that's conducive to making out IMO.
  14. Even better: "My date with Colton ..." Something you will NEVER hear on this show.
  15. I swear I heard Biff answer "hydrophonics" (with an eff sound) instead of "hydroponics" but I guess not. Sorry to see Bif go. The new champ sure got a gloaty look on his face when he saw Bif's wager, even though he had bet enough to beat him by one dollar if Bif had bet it all. Bye Bif, you were another victim of the three-day-champ exhaustion. I have been doing great on Monday/Tuesday FJs, and today was another IG for me. I thought a bit about the network, then what show had been on that long. I was kinda surprised GA has been on 15 years although I knew it had been on one long time. I watched it religiously for the first several years, it was my favorite show ever. Then after ... well, things started changing ... I stopped and haven't been back. All of us bought a copy of Gray's Anatomy for our freshman anatomy classes so I always appreciated the snark with the show's title. The GA illustrations are the best! LOL! Just this morning I was thinking about me living under a rock! Seriously! So, "Howdy neighbor."
  16. I'll be over at AGT until the Nicole/Other Person bully fight is over. I had that blocked and this episode starting with it reminded me I don't want to see or hear it. *jumps six-foot privacy fence into AGT thread*
  17. The gifs don't cover any part of the posts in my browser but I find it irritating that once I activate the gif, I can't turn it off. On other websites, clicking the gif again will stop the action. Maybe some of you wizards can help with that? The gifs will stop once I leave the page, meaning I close that page/tab, then reopen it. Solution: I don't activate the gif, I just admire the graphics.
  18. I beg to differ. Yes, the AKC recognizes/registers the Doberman breed, one en. But consider the Vita Nova Dobermann Club based in Darlington, Pa.; the Working Dobermanns of the Carolinas club based in White Plains, Va.; and the Golden West Dobermann Club centered in Las Vegas. The Vita Nova Dobermann Club is hosting the United Doberman Club's 2019 National Specialty in Atwater, Ohio on May 15-19. If anyone is interested in attending, just PM me. There will be lots of working Doberman/ns there.
  19. I recognized Carol Mosley Braun but got stuck on her name so started thinking of the name of a friend of mine who showed her dog, then what kind of dog it was ... then ... TIME'S UP! *sigh*
  20. @Toothbrush, I gave you an asterisk since you got all five answers this week. We now have The Battle of Three Brainiacs for high score in Week 22. Congrats. Long may your brain cells live. I am the honorary captain of The Dunce Cap Crowd. I'm not sure you qualify as a full-time member but we'll let you sit in our meetings. If you bring pastries.
  21. You are the Smartie Pants of Week 22! Congrats!
  22. Yes, if you want to alcohol poison all of your brain cells. (Not a bad idea now that I think about it.)
  23. So much THIS. And this is why I'm rooting for Bif to continue his winning streak, because Trebek has made it obvious that he hates Bif. I even said "STFU Trebek" yesterday to my teevee when AT starting ranking on Bif. AGAIN. As for the one eff, consider Jif Peanut Butter. Also consider the Dobermann with two ens.
  24. WEEK 22 — ONE asterisk 106. The U.S. Senate. An 1890 resolution by Senator Aldrich was killed by this, the very technique it sought to limit; a 1917 rule set some boundaries on it. *107. The 19th Century. In his autobiography, Buffalo Bill Cody remembered this venture as “a relay race against time.” * 108. International Borders. Germany has land borders with 9 countries & only maritime borders with 2 countries, the U.K. & this one across the Baltic. 109. Presidents & The Movies. 3 Presidential films, all directed by Oliver Stone, have a total of only 9 letters in their titles–“Nixon” & these 2. 110. Shakespeare Comedies. At the end of this play: “Why are our bodies soft & weak …but that our …hearts should well agree with our external parts?”
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