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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Actually, you are above average. Take that! Hope you had a good time in Detroit. (Somehow, that's so odd to type, a "good time in Detroit.") I looked for you in the audience as I watched the skating on tv. Did you see me waving to you?
  2. We are astral twins! I also got Double Indemnity (I love old bw film noir) and of course I got Hillenbrand ... horses of courses. And I was quite confident saying "Caldecott" out loud to my tv. "D-oh!" TM Homer Simpson Laurel wreath was a Jeopardy answer not that long ago. I remember because back before I started showing dogs and was studying pedigrees there was a famous dog shown in England named "Laurel Wreath." Being a doppelganger for Mr. Trudeau is not necessarily a bad thing. Yes, credit. Because no way do we want to see what's actually in your head @opus. I used to work with a CSR who called the Mac command key "the squiggly key." Meanwhile, I broke my FJ Goose Egg Week by coming up with the correct answer. I know, it shocked me too. In my defense, however, last week was a suck-age week from hell and I didn't give a care about much of anything. This week, slightly better. Well, so far anyway. Oh, thanks. That's why I said Caldecott, I worked as a children's book illustrator.
  3. While I don't remember ever seeing or hearing either one before. I was like, "Oh, there's a Kirpa?" during the RC. I guess they don't have a mom in prison or a beauty-pageant past so they can hate on the other women. How boring. /snark/ I believe they vet the bachelors now ... for ones who are racist, sexist and have a criminal past. Those guys all get on the show. Most def. I'll bet my life savings that Demi's on BIP for sure. She's a lock. Maybe Corrine can come back too, they can have a villain duel-off. No way would TPTB ever let her NOT make all the other women jealous with her shopping overload, even if she wanted to just put the bags quietly in her room. That is not how this franchise works. Warning: I loved your entire post, 100 percent. I don't know, I think our society could benefit from a few public canings. Too bad some of the contestants on this show were probably protected from it. YMMV of course!
  4. This season is barely holding my attention. Now THAT would have held my attention and made me wanting to tune in next week.
  5. Oh! Time for the Rose Ceremony! Any takers on my bet that both Demi and Courtney will get roses? Wait: Demi already has one for her prison mom. Courtney will be the last rose.
  6. One of the b-ettes is complaining to Colton about another b-ette, even though it's "killing her" to talk about it. I just wish Colton would tell the tattler to just stow it and stop it or even better, get out. "Can I walk you out?" would be the perfect response. WTH is with all these women dumping on Colton. Don't they know anything about men? Or this franchise? Man, I'd send them all home, bunch of whingers.
  7. Because he's easily distracted by shiny things?
  8. Yes, but I was thinking it. No kidding. What possesses these people to reveal their deepest darkest on national television? Is it the SM thing, I have to tell everyone about everything about me (whether they want to know it or not)?
  9. Didn't Colton date Aly Raisman who was molested by Larry Nassar? ETA: Oh, now he's talking about it but w/o a name.
  10. Oh, great, another "big reveal, hard to talk about" conversation. I'd love it if just once the Bach would say, "Let me walk you out" when a b-ette reveals she's divorced/has a jail-bird mom/etc.
  11. All I could think of was what a filthy mess those pink feathers dragging on the ground would be after just walking to the car. Okay, walking to the limo. But you know what I mean. What's the cleaning bill on pink feathers?
  12. I'd rather bungee jump and eat an eyeball than "shop." Kind of creepy that Colton is "into" shopping. Or is it?
  13. Demi: "Courtney puts the ass in class." Like you saying that plus flipping the bird doesn't make YOU an ass? More like a class-less ass. Demi = rose. Colton is so easily manipulated. Ya'll need a mom in the fed pen if you want a rose I guess.
  14. Gah, Courtney obviously has never watched this franchise. WTH. Confronting Demi accomplishes nothing ... although it does get her more air time and a possible invite to BIP. So there's that.
  15. If someone I was "dating" told me her mom was in federal prison, I'd at least ask why. (And if it's hereditary. Ha ha.) Do we know why?
  16. No kidding. If some dude wanted to stick leeches on me and make me eat an eyeball to prove I'm "adventurous" and therefore might qualify to be his wife ... dude, I ain't interested in being your wife. Watching Colton in Singapore makes me feel like I'm watching a bunch of high schoolers on an after-prom date. I think I'm way too old for this season. Meaning, I'm over 18.
  17. Yeay! For Divorce! Good to know Colton's all for it. Not that it's a red flag or anything.
  18. Demi riding piggyback = Colton's babysitting his little sister. There's a Heather? Who knew?
  19. The understatement of the year. Oh! Preview shows a Bachelor Handshake! Oh! Preview shows Colton calls a b-ette "the cancer of the house." That's harsh, man. She did not mention why she got the divorce though, did she? That's something I'd like to hear ... from both sides.
  20. Colton is such a dimwit. He doesn't know if he's afraid of heights. He's never been anywhere that's "tall" before. Now he's freaking out! But first, he and Tayshia FREAKED OUT! because they got their finger tips wet when the tide came in! OMG! Like they didn't know water was wet, and the ocean contains ... OMG! WATER! Gah. This show needs to contain a warning that it could cause stoopidity if viewers watch/listen too closely. Oh: Nice crotch close up of Tayshia, camera person. *drink*
  21. Random B-ette: "Me and Colton." Great start to the show. Colton: "Singapore is amazing. It has lights and buildings."
  22. Well, I didn't say I answered that question correctly ...
  23. This is question 5 in Ken Jennings' Kennections puzzle for this week: 5) What kind of animal was Opus in Berkeley Breathed's newspaper strips Bloom County and Outland? To quote Craig Ferguson: "Remind you of anyone?"
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