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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Otto, All the impossible things happening in this episode and you are arguing about the length of a string? But it worked to tie a cellphone/bottle of wine/secret messages to a wild rat wearing that string? LOL you guys. I thought Ressler was going to spill the Lizzie beans to Cooper at the end there, but then wisely did not. Because it's obvious Cooper has a creepy "thing" for "We know each other well enough, call me Harold" Elizabeth Keen. So Red gets to pick his hospital, all the way in southwestern Missouri from New York City, for a psych eval but he can't be put in a white-collar prison or in solitary and has to be tossed into gen pop in some prison that can't even pass a humanitarian inspection? Okay then. Red has murdered multiple people yet the doctor tells him he isn't who he says he is because he's afraid of who he really is? WTH does that even mean. I do like Spader in the courtroom scenes though.
  2. Nothing to add to the good comments above, all of which I agree with. Just wishing that Jane would hurry up and die, for Weller go off to some monastery somewhere, and for Patterson and Rich.com to get their spinoff show so I'd have something interesting to watch instead of this mess.
  3. I am missing Week 21 scores for @GenerationX and @Fex. Don't quit now you guys, we're halfway done! Will post Week 22 clues shortly.
  4. Thank you Your Majesty. I knew I should have looked it up but didn't have the strength. So the Checkers Speech is where the Republican Cloth Coat term came from, hey? I remember my mom talking about that. She was a straight-ticket Republican and proudly wore a cloth coat. (Thanks also for the BYT comment. Me likee!) Count me in with those who aren't all crazy about the changes here. Too many ads taking up space and contain, no doubt, scripts that will lock up my browser. But then I guess someone has to pay for our fun. Any other comments I had for the games of the last two days aren't relevant enough for me to remember. Although I did write down the TSs of blue bird and Delores (del Rio), and noted Amanda got a GFY. I'm also a Bif fan. Getting a kick out of his reign.
  5. Answer: Check out Back to the Future, dudes! And for fans of The Bachelor, who can forget "One Eff Jef?" He was famous! See, there is a reason for everything. Including Bif, who is a Jeopardy Champion. So go ahead and laugh, losers!
  6. I looked at the map to see how far wrong I was with my not-Sweden FJ guess and saw Svalbard for the first time ever. And I thought, WTH is Svalbard? You have to go so you can tell me about it @Browncoat.
  7. LOL because in my mind, you are referring to the photo directly above your comment. That's funny as hell! (Plus it is a casual summery look to be sure.)
  8. Trebek, it's really not polite to laugh at a contestant's name. It's also not that odd to commute via bike in a city. I did it for years when I worked for the feds. It was exhilarating to fly by all that stopped traffic on my bike, and I got home faster than if I drove my car. So, STFU about that, too, Trebek. Bryan got a GFY. *drink* Thanks, I needed that. I got mock apple pie and am fully familiar with the Checkers speech. Because, you know, we weren't going to have Dick Nixon to kick around any more after that. I'm back to The Real World for FJ. I knew it was one of those Scandinavian countries and was pondering between Norway and Denmark. Go figure it would be the land my father came from. I'm an embarrassment to my Swedish heritage. Sorry to see Will go. I liked everything about him, including his brain. Especially his brain! Yeah, I did not get that "pipes" and "diamonds" thing either. Mr. Berry is from my home town and went to school with my sister, who had a big crush on him. She took me to get his autograph and photo at a Sears store when he came back to town during his stint on F Troop. RIP Ken Berry.
  9. Let's just say I'd have enough crazy stories to fill a whole year of Jeopardy interviews. Harley Biker Chick is just one of them. I've done (almost) everything, from crewing hot-air-balloons to spelunking to hang gliding when that was a thing. Although I have to say I didn't fit well with the Harley guys when we would ride to the biker bar to hang out on biker night. Everyone would get a beer, I would order ice tea.
  10. Frogs were also the plague answer in yesterday's J6 game.
  11. I grew up in on the prairies of the Midwest but I got Evangeline. Maybe teaching it in school, where I learned it, was stopped Before Their Time. Vonnegut! My favorite author! Kilgore Trout! Venus On The Half Shell! Cody claimed he rode for the Pony Express when he was 14, although that's been debunked as ... bunk. Sidebar: Bill Cody's homestead is not far from where I live. A bunch of us rode past it last summer when I was a plus-one biker chick riding with a bunch of Harley guys. But that's another story altogether. My thought exactly. I LOVE that show. Jade + football = she couldn't get off this show quickly enough for me. Let me clarify that I did get the TS of lice, just not the actual lice. Back when I was in grade and middle school, it was courtesy to let others borrow your comb, a practice that was frowned upon, and now I know why: those little arthropods! I'm back living in Bizarro World since FJ was an IG for me, yet an asterisk for the three brainiacs competing on this show. Bizarro World indeed. I hate it when any player says, "I've always wanted to say this, Alex, make it a True Daily Double." I much prefer the Alex Jacob style: "Bet it all." That worked pretty well for him.
  12. I hadn't looked at the contestants until Bytor posted this link. There are 15 there that I swear I never saw on this show. This has to be one of the most lack-luster group of b-ettes (and TB himself) ever. No wonder TPTB are making up drama with the pageant contestants and ... well, with anyone they can think of.
  13. That would never happen. Yes, it makes sense but does not make drama, which is what TPTB manufacture each episode. I thought it was stupid of Colton to go sit by those two bickering women yet not say or do anything. He was told to go there of course, he just didn't know what he was suppose to do after he got there. Gah. Funny that the arguing stopped when he got up and left though. The ex is another pronoun slaughterer. It must be a prerequisite to not ever had a passing grade in English to be on reality tv.
  14. Yes! That's exactly what I meant! I've got the spinning, spitting and cursing down pat to ward off the wrath of the whatever, while I'm eyeballing it atop the thing. (It's also 25 degrees here, too!) 100 extra "likes" to your post and link, @Driad!
  15. Au contraire, I thought his answer could have been correct since "equestrienne" is a female rider or performer on horseback. As a female rider and performer on horseback myself, I knew that word began/ended with "e" and so fit the category. Of course, that also means I didn't know the definition of "temblor" either. I thought Will dominated the game with his mad buzzer skillz and eclectic knowledge. I'd say I hope he continues to do well, but I don't wanna jinx him. *throws salt over left shoulder and spins around three times*
  16. There's a Katie? Who knew? Agree with other posters who think TPTB missed a golden opportunity for drah-matic ambulance previews combined with everyone's stricken faces as ambulance drives away, lights flashing in the gloom. I'm sure he calms himself down by thinking about the $100,000 to $500,000 (or more) Fleiss is depositing in his bank account. Then they are perfect for each other if each thinks they are the most handsome/beautiful person in the world. Marrying yourself is a step up from marrying someone who looks like or reminds you of your mom or dad. Now THAT'S creepy.
  17. Best post of the series so far. Well done, @Mu Shu!
  18. Even better, one of those rickshaw/velotaxis. This is Thailand after all.
  19. The Good Earth is the only TS/DD I wrote down. (Were there others?) Because the 30s and China means Pearl S. Buck. I got FJ (Good For Me!) because that was the only word I could come up with and it happened to be right. Plus if I remember correctly, a filibuster was going on IRL not too long ago. At least this week won't be another Goose Egg Week for me in the FJ Contest. So, Good For Me x 2. I think there should be some sort of convoluted judgement/point system for this sort of thinking. I know I appreciate it. It's like the string theory of trivia.
  20. LOL. No kidding. We wouldn't make it past the introductions, no one would make it into the mansion, contestants would be told to turn around and get back in the limo or on their horse they rode in on. Yes, so they can start packing for their next appearance, BIP.
  21. Oh no, she wants "to do a cheers." Ugh. Gross. Send her home, whoever that was at the end. Previews promise lots of snot snuffling next week. Ugh. Gross.
  22. A big HELL YES to this. I thought for a minute this is when Colton jumps the privacy fence.
  23. When will these idiots ever know that the viewers do not give two shits about your girl drama. LOL, Colton hearing all the girl drama, all slack jawed. I hope he sends them both home now. They are both such dumbasses I can barely stand it and I'm not even there.
  24. The multiple eye rolls are not a good look when someone is talking to you, Onyeka.
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